ttc after a d&c

LOL.. I would totally be all about a nooner except his job is too far away.. it would take us a min of 30 mins just to meet in the middle. I wish we had done it last night like I wanted to but noooooooooooooo... dr said wait. :brat:
Oh well, if its meant to be, it will be I guess! Just hope he has some fast swimmers tonight to get up there quickly. And yes, not like I cant get the preseed in without him knowing. So I used the cheapy O strips this time and I musvt misread or surged before I started testing because I am ovulation today but I dont think any of those strips were pos. Im use to the FR Digi one that says yes or no so if this month isnt it, Im going to go get another digi test for next month. I guess I can test again today...

How are you feeling?
Glad your back is better Laura :flower:

Waiting with bated breath to hear about your scan today Amy! Fingers and toes crossed! xoxo

AFM ~ Genetic Counseling on Monday...I don't know why appointments make me a bit anxious. I'm just glad my DH is home for this's a biggie! I'm keeping my prayers up and Ursula shouts out in the Universe...keeeeep growing!

TGIF ladies! :dust:

KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP growing little one!!! Sending you extra sticky :dust: and praying he/she is a healthy little bean! I can totally understand being nervous as I would be too. Everything is progressing great so far for you so I think this will be another sucessfull appt! :flower:
I'd keep using the cheapies Amy. I had so many I'd use fmu and a 4ish sample. Honest poas became foreplay! :haha: Nothing was getting by me! Did the Dr draw bloods to test your LH level?

I am currently getting zapped by nausea. My DH is having a "reaction" to his laser eye surgery, so we're having his eyeball looked at. In the meantime, is it crazy that I think my regular jeans are a bit snug...I'm feeling chubby. I try not to indulge in sweets, but wouldn't it figure I throw up my healthy salad, but the Snickers bar stays down!
I have been poas about 3-4 times a day beause I didnt want to miss surge so Ill continue but its just strange that I didnt think I had a + but the follicle looked like it was bursting. Hmmm,... but then again the tests were so close that it couldve been a + and I just missed it. She even said its hard with those test so Ill just take it as this morning's test was +.

:rofl: The baby didnt like the salad but loved that snickers! I hope dh gets better :( You are almost at your 2nd tri so I would think its totally normal that your pants are getting a little sung. Yay for growing bean! :)
I should've know you were POAS often! You're a woman on a mission! BDing tonight will do the trick! According to the Shettles Method it's perfect timing for a boy :)

DH is done now...gotta run! xoxo
ohhh yay! I hope so... would love to have a boy first but Im just hoping we catch this egg and its a healthy bean that sticks no matter what!

Enjoy your day with dh and hope you both feel better soon! :hugs:
So ofcourse... what do I do now? I start googling things and freak myself out. During my scan this morning, the dr said that the follicle looked abnormal but she said that it couldve just errupted or was in the process. I thought that it didnt take that long for an egg to burst from the follicle so I dont know that I was there just at the moment it was happening. I read that it could be a cyst or something else. Ive never had cycle issues so now Im scared that the clomid did it and I wont get pregnant this cycle and that she will up my dose next cycle and it will make it worse. Oh why did I have to start googling things?!?!
So ofcourse... what do I do now? I start googling things and freak myself out. During my scan this morning, the dr said that the follicle looked abnormal but she said that it couldve just errupted or was in the process. I thought that it didnt take that long for an egg to burst from the follicle so I dont know that I was there just at the moment it was happening. I read that it could be a cyst or something else. Ive never had cycle issues so now Im scared that the clomid did it and I wont get pregnant this cycle and that she will up my dose next cycle and it will make it worse. Oh why did I have to start googling things?!?!

Stay away from google Amy! Although I don't practice what I preach, I am always on their obsessing over my pregnancy. But instead of ending up reassured, most of the time I am more worried after looking on google. Try not to worry because stress can affect ovulation. Just let nature take its course. :) The one thing that I have always wondered is why they have on on clomid if you have no ovulation problems. Is it so you make good strong eggs? Does the clomid affect the outcome of a pregnancy meaning it makes bigger and stronger eggs? ......... Ok, I just read it also helps improve egg quality right? So they are giving you clomid to help you to get pregnant quicker right? In that case, that's great! I hope this round does the trick. fx :hugs:
Angel, I can't believe you are already to the end of the first trimester!! yay!! I can't wait for your scan. FX everything is great with your lo! Thank God your husband is going to be there. I find it helps a lot when my husband comes to my scans also. Sorry about MS, but it is very reassuring. I didn't get it with this pregnancy. But then again when I was pregnant with Natalie (my 7 year old) I barely got it with her either. My mom tells me she barely remembers getting any morning sickness either. So I guess everybody is different and of course every pregnancy is different. Take care hon! :hugs:
Laura, hope your back is getting better. So are you preparing for your little boy yet? Over half way through! The time is getting closer and closer to have your healthy lo in your arms. :hugs:
Jen, how are ya hon? I hope you are starting to feel better. How is baby doing? Kicking away I bet. You are just about 23 weeks now right? You are Laura are very close in due dates, right? That would be awesome if you have your los on the same day!! I am sure you are busy preparing for baby! :hugs:
Hi ladies, been thinking about all of you and try to come on here and check up when I have time. Things have been very busy, I had to catch up on 1.5 months of school work with Natalie, and it was extremely stressful. I actually succeeded on almost catching up on everything. But I have to continue so I don't let it pile up anymore. But the stress of teaching her really does put a strain on me because of her adhd and emotional issues. And it really does raise my blood pressure, which I know is bad for my pregnancy. But I feel so bad when my husband has to teach her because he works full time, I just can't let him do that. Hopefully things get better with her and her behavior gets better.

As for my older daughter. She is really starting to get defiant. We banned her from wearing any makeup. She wore very light makeup, lip gloss maybe a little light eye shadow, but I realized I gave in to her by letting her wear any makeup and I shouldn't have, plus her grades were not good at all. So I decided to take her makeup away because I feel it is one of the factors getting in the way of school. She treats school like a fashion show. lol. I know, she is being a typical teen. I don't like the way kids her age are acting these days. She showed me some of her friends facebook pages (big mistake for her lol), some of these girls dress so, how shall I say.. slutty. With faces full of makeup, talking about sex on facebook and a whole bunch of shocking things. And this is a good school she goes to. And then some of the boys showing themselves posing with guns!! Well now I am seriously thinking about sending her to a Christian school next year, that has smaller classrooms, so she gets more attention from her teachers. So sorry about the rant. This is why I am gone from you guys a lot now, its hard to find time for myself, very hard. Love you all!
So ofcourse... what do I do now? I start googling things and freak myself out. During my scan this morning, the dr said that the follicle looked abnormal but she said that it couldve just errupted or was in the process. I thought that it didnt take that long for an egg to burst from the follicle so I dont know that I was there just at the moment it was happening. I read that it could be a cyst or something else. Ive never had cycle issues so now Im scared that the clomid did it and I wont get pregnant this cycle and that she will up my dose next cycle and it will make it worse. Oh why did I have to start googling things?!?!

Stay away from google Amy! Although I don't practice what I preach, I am always on their obsessing over my pregnancy. But instead of ending up reassured, most of the time I am more worried after looking on google. Try not to worry because stress can affect ovulation. Just let nature take its course. :) The one thing that I have always wondered is why they have on on clomid if you have no ovulation problems. Is it so you make good strong eggs? Does the clomid affect the outcome of a pregnancy meaning it makes bigger and stronger eggs? ......... Ok, I just read it also helps improve egg quality right? So they are giving you clomid to help you to get pregnant quicker right? In that case, that's great! I hope this round does the trick. fx :hugs:

Hi Jess!! How are you doing hun? How is your DD doing with the bully situation?? I hope all is well. :)

I jut text the dr and asked her if it could be a cyst and if I should worry. She said that my progesterone blood test next friday will tell me if I ovulated or not so there is still no telling whether or not I did release an egg. I think Clomid can help with Progesterone issues in the LP and I know she is also trying to speed up the getting kocked up process so it may be a combo of things. She wants me to start taking Crinone (progesterone) 3dpo this time so I will do that and then I have blood work on fri. I asked if the Crinone affects the bloodtest and she said no because its a supposetory and not the pill therefore doesnt get in my blood. Last month my progesterone level was at 10 point something which is borderline showing that I ovulated. Dr said I did for sure but I read the the range to show ovulation is 10-24 so who knows. Ugh.. I would feel much better if things werent always borderline with me. :( Sorry, rant over.
OMG!!! Guns!?!?!! SEX?!?!?!? Why are kids in such a hurry to grow up! I know that we went through similar things when we were younger with trying to act older and what not but the world is just so scary. I hope that taking the makeup away from her will give her the boost she needs for school. Funny how something silly like that can mean the world to a child and give them motivation! Also, dont feel bad about having hubby help out. I know that you feel bad with him working and all but you are working too.. you are raising kids AND pregnant. :hugs:
Hsg was at least half bad. Dye showed no right tube.

Interesting... mine didnt either but then when I went to meet with the FS he said that they often have "false" results when it comes to that. Did the dye go anywhere near that area? He told me that if you see the dye go to the edge of the uterus in that direction, then yes there is no tube but if the dye doesnt even go anywhere near there, then chances are you have a tube and that either its blocked or the dye didnt want to go that way. If you do only have one tube, you were able to conceive with just one tube and many people do so you still can! :hugs:
Hsg was at least half bad. Dye showed no right tube.

I have no ovary or tube (both had to be removed due to a large ovarian cyst they discovered during one of my pregnancies), but according the the doctors, the remaining ovary takes over for both. But like Amy says, the results could be false. True what she said about being able to conceive with only 1 tube, I did! I was very scared there would be problems, but they reassured me the other ovary would take over. I hope the docs can give you some answers.
angel appointments make me nervous too, i never sleep well nt before and wake up way too early for um :) im always a teensy bit afraid of bad news, even now, :) but it does get less as time goes on for me . but still a little jitters :) xx
why genetic counselling hon? does it mean scan same day? xxxxx
angel i had a bump super early, i bloated up right away and it gradually turned into less bloat and more real bump :) i had bigger clothes at ur stage but had only put on 3 pounds, go figure :) it just changed my shape :)
well worth it though :) i love my bump :)

amy i am soo glad things look great, hurray for amys super egg that u r gonna catch :) xxxxxxxxxxxxx
u can then tell ur kid u saw him/her as an egg, hee hee
it is amazing what they can do now isnt between follie scans and baby scans, i think its brilliant :)
hurray for bd :) id Bd tonight, in morn and tomor nt :) then skip day and go again., :)
surely enough swimmers then :) xxxxxxxxxxx best o luck :)
im all excited for u , i have a good feeling for u this time hon xxxxxxxx
amy keep peeing :) it is great to confirm stuff for us about whats goin on inside our bodies.
i know im a bit gushy this eve but im so happy for u and angel and all the girls here who r doin so well. thinking back to months back when we started here , we have all come so far together. i mean mentally and in our lives too.
thanks for being here for me everyone xxxxxxxx
its not a cyst amy, its ur lovely egg xxxxxxxxxxxxx

jess hi honey hope alls well with u?
how r things with ur DD and the bully situation? improved i hope xxx
im good babe, my back has eased up soo much , im delighted :)
i was really teary last few days (just hormony and sore) , but its passed again, thank god and im so grateful to feel normal again :)
i havea good few bits and pieces alright, we bought ( in jan sales) monitor, changing unit adn few bits clothes and wipes and stuff. :) also my sis gave me bags of clothes for bub up to age 2 :) so ive lots o stuff now :)
how u doin? u preparing? its hard to know when to start isnt it :)

i think my bub is def boy :)
my bro did the ring on string. it came out as boy :)
he puts wedding band on a string and hold over my wrist, it went totally back and forth . the funny thing is i could feel a pull on my wrist before it started moving and bub started kickin. the pully feeling and the kicking stopped when he took away the ring :)
i told ye i dreamed of blue for a week before scan didnt i?
well the last 2 nts of that week i dreamed of a boy i was feeding and i heard a voice say , its not ur boy, its someone elses. the next nt there was a boy crawling on my parents bed and again i heard a voice saying its not ur boy.
turns out my bro and sil r preg adn they reckon its a boy too :) they hadnt told anyone yet :) they only told me when i told um i had a feeeling they needed their doppler back, im liking all my new messages :)
im still reading , im just gonna post this and read last page in case it gets lost :)
jess i know how u mean , kids r growing up way too fast , i dont know if we can stop um though, since all their friends are too,. i am friends with my nieces and nephews on facebook (they range in age from 4 months to 30 , not all on fb obvs :) ) . but it is shocking to see the clothes some of their friends go out in, little bras with hotpants and the like . barely any clothes at all and plastered with make up, i like make up but not like a clown :)
we can only do our best to teach our kids that we dont have to follow the herd.
if we protect um too much they will be lost and unable to interact with peers, its tough to find that middle ground. im dreading teenage yrs . must be so hard xxxxxx
how r u feeling now urself hon?

horsey fx its same as amy that the dye didnt go there, and if not like girls say ur other ovary takes over, thank god u know one is working, hugs honey xxxxxxx
not what u wanted to see today but if its half bad then its half good too xxxxx
hugs honey xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Angel so sorry about DH's reaction. I hope he heals and can see perfectly after all this! HAHA your little one sounds so much like mine. Healthy food I threw up, chocolate milk though was incredible and still is! I swear something in chocolate these babys love! :) Keeping growing little one!<3

Amy I agree stop looking at google. That egg has a journey ahead of it! I think everything is planned perfectly. Fxd this is your cycle and that all this good news will bring you to relax over your tww.<3 :dust:

Jess how are you? When is your next appt?

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