ttc after a d&c

OMG jess!! I just read your posts! WOW school really is that bad :( sadness me very much that this is what its becoming. I really hope your dd concentrates on school. Its to bad you cant home school them both. but your so busy and behind with one already and soon youll have an infant. I really hope your dd straightens out and realizes that fb is not for teens. it was orginally meant for college students. so she should not be on it, guns are dangerous and NOT cool. School is for an education not a fashion statement to be made. Dress codes need to be inforced i think for schools. This is getting out of hand. I hope you can correct this situation and it makes it easier for you. does she understand she will be left back and have to repeat the grade leaving any friends she has??? Id try that approach if you havent already.<3
Laura sounds like you are ready for your Lil Man :) i am sooo excited!! Darn if we where closer they could be best of friends and grow up together being the same age! Pretty much having birthday parties back to back! I wish all of us where close because all of our babies would have AWESOME playdates and be the best of friends! And us moms can enjoy eachothers company as they play. oh how nice it is to dream... Im so glad your enjoying your bump!<3 Also how exciting they are expecting a boy as well! You have a gift!

Horsey so sorry for the 1/2 bad news today. Praying its what happened to amy though and its just blocked. I believe angel had to have a tube unblocked as well. You will conceive even with one though. it has to happen<3 I hope these cycles get back on track for you and you concieve right away. :dust:
OMG jess!! I just read your posts! WOW school really is that bad :( sadness me very much that this is what its becoming. I really hope your dd concentrates on school. Its to bad you cant home school them both. but your so busy and behind with one already and soon youll have an infant. I really hope your dd straightens out and realizes that fb is not for teens. it was orginally meant for college students. so she should not be on it, guns are dangerous and NOT cool. School is for an education not a fashion statement to be made. Dress codes need to be inforced i think for schools. This is getting out of hand. I hope you can correct this situation and it makes it easier for you. does she understand she will be left back and have to repeat the grade leaving any friends she has??? Id try that approach if you havent already.<3

Sorry I wasn't more clear about the Facebook thing. My husband logged in for us because he is the only one with an account, so then she went showing us her friends at school. I am surprised she wanted us to see them. lol. She doesn't have an account. She is the ONLY one out of all of her friends who is not on facebook, twitter or anything like that. She is not old enough to handle facebook. Laura is right about over protecting, I know I can't do that. But I will put her in a Christian school next year. There is one that she went to in the 1st grade and it was amazing school, very small classrooms, very nice school, great teachers, and the children came from very good families. And not too expensive, so I will be putting both of my daughters their by the next school year hopefully.
Sounds like a lovely plan. I understand now. Thank goodness she doesnt have an account. it really isnt for children.
I am sooo sooo excited! I found a AMAZING AMAZING deal on a Zayley dresser mirror set and nightstand for the babys room!! She will have what i always dreamed of as a child! I am so excited to be able to get it next weekend. Well I cant. Im hoping my husband can and he can find someone to help us bring it in the house. I am super super excited as I thought I wouldnt be able to get this til long after she was born. Now if I can find a glider rocker with ottman for a steal ill be set with furniture! I will have to keep checking craigslist and the yard sale websites on fb and such it i find one. Since im not working this is how im occupying myself. I wish I would be a professional shopper and get paid to do it! Guess we all would love that though.

All this time on my hands its only Feb 1st..... Its going sooo slow. I am hoping my husband takes the twin bed out of the purple bedroom for me and moves the crib so i can wash the floors the way i want to. ill have to take it easy when i do it but i have all day so figure ill get a chair and do it little at a time. its a wood floor so i want to use murphys oil soap on it and make it shiny! Sorry im ranting about all my ideas i dont get to talk to anyone all day really except dh so im kinda trying to mentally stay positive and keep my mind active. I still need to locate my hot glue gun and fix my butterflys for the nursery also. see again my mind just wonders. kinda why i havent posted much about me or in general lately.

Jess i know with your children you stay busy and try to rest also and laura with your family but do you ever feel like this is happening to you lately??? I know you both stay home so i figured i ask. if it does how do you control it? It would be so nice to have a friend to share my thoughts and ideas with and to have come visit me. but not even my family comes to see me nor do my friends :/ so it makes it boring for me. they all invite me to see them even though i ask them to come over to see me all the time. 17 weeks +/- and ill be tired and keeping myself busy and then they might want to come around but i wont want them to at that point because they didnt want to know me this pregnancy. im horrible to think that way. thank you girls for being there! i would be lost without you!
hey ladies,
So sorry haven't been on here lately but my mom passed away on January 17th they said it was from a heart attack but we all think it's was from something else as my mom did have some other medical issues but this was totally unexpected 100% :cry: I miss her so much yes we had our differences but who doesn't we still were close and she love me very much and my son was the apple of her eye:cry: he 5 he been doing pretty good with things tho but he does tell me how he misses her!!!! Sorry about typing im on my phone as computer broke hope all is well with everyone oh and as some of u know I m.c in December well January I never got a period just some spotting so I think I might test but it could just be stress
Hey girls sorry not been on , laptop has definitely broke , not a chance if fixing it . I hate using my phone for this site it's so difficult lol !! Amy do glad for the scan and catching that eggy !! Are you still charting how is it looking ?? Did you manage to bd ?! How are you all ?!?


I'm tired ! Currently 8w1d and boy time is dragging , booked my first midwife appointment for 20th feb , she also said she is going to book my 12 week scan then n there on the phone instead of sending out letters , she is hoping ti get it for between 4-8 march so would be perfect for my plan of telling my mum on mothers day !! So looking good from here .. Si far ! Xxxxx
Ilovehim :hugs: im so sorry for ur loss. I hope ur coping ok losing someone so dear to u is never easy i wish i had the right words to say. Just think ur mom has met her grandchild ur angel so she isnt alone. Fixed ur spottin becomesa bfp.<3

Tash hi! Cellphones are annoying but i find it to be my only way to use b&b so im thankful we can use em to access site. Do u use mobile mode?? It helps a little. Fixed for ur scan great news. Ur lo should be growing away!!
Bethany hey! How are you? Have u gotten rid of ur infectiin? I really hope u did so u can focus on getting ready for thialand.<3
Ilovehim, I am so so so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this terrible time. :hugs:

Tash, bummer about the laptop :( hope time flies by and you can get to your 12 wk scan fast!

Jen glad you were able to get furniture for your daughter and awesome that you got a great deal!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
hey girls, hope everyone is well xx

jen that would be so cool if we lived closer and Lo's could play together :)
jen that sounds lovely for the bubs room :) :) i love a bargain :)
ive been looking on gumtree and stuff too and always on shops to spy out bargains :)
we have both got time on our hands, i think its a great way to spend it .
well done on keeping urself busy babe :) it is hard when ur in the house a lot, but the rest will fly ,we should be well over halfway now :) xxxx
jen i find the exact same , everyone wants me to come to them, no one comes to me :)
they r very happy to see me and invite me but no one calls here.
i think they figure we have time on our hands to get to them, where as they r working, i think they have a very different idea of what staying at home is :)
i thought i would have more time on my hands before i did stay at home.
i find myself with all sorts fo things to do around home and with lots of doc appointments too. i go to my regular doc once a week at least , the physio then about once a month, the liver doc as will and extra bub appointments as well. there always seems to be something to do :)
im thinking that for few weeks after bub is born, everyone can f -off while i readjust :)
same as u , it makes me want to suit myself more cos i feel people dont mind about me as much as i thought they did :) a little anyway and not in a bad way.
but im gonna wrap myself up in my little family and close family and friends who have been there for me., the ones on the edge can f off till im ready for um :)

jess its so hard to mind um asthey grow, well done on ur calm approach :) xxxx

ilovehim, so sorry hon, i was hoping it was a good reason rather than bad reason was why u were missing xxxxxx
so sorry for ur loss babe, hope ur holding up ok xxxxxx hugs xxxxxxxxxxxx
if u need to chat or give out , we r here xxxxxxxxxxxxx

tash glad all is well with u xxxxxxxxxxxx we miss u xxxxxxxxxxx

amy hope bd is goin well. ur a day , nearly 2 into tww already :) xx

hope everyone is well, xxx

love and hugs xxxxxxxxxx
thanks girls , I took a pregnancy test today how bad is that lol !!! I never saw the two lines when I found out because I used a digital n now the screen is blank and I just wante to see the lines :) i don't know if that's bordering on obsessive lol !!! I'm hoping the next four weeks go quick , I will be 12 weeks on Coles due date , which seems strange !! Hope ur all okay though I miss u all terribly !!! Just don't want u guys to think I've disappeared !!! Not managed to catch up yet but bring on more bfp s !!!!! Xxxxxx
So when it rains it pours :( my husband brake lines went when he was leaving his moms house. he was going down a hill someone was on the main road two cars went by actually and he couldnt stop at the stop sign he turned his wheel to the side of the road in hopes that the stop sign he was approaching would keep him from hitting the cars. well thank god he made the turn after the cars flew by him. go figure it was snowing thank god the cars where speeding. well over 1,000 to fix his truck just for the brake lines :( on the bright side he is okay and missed the stop sign cars and woods. god was definately with him. perhaps Liam was looking out for him also. it was very scary. idk where we will get the money for this but i has to be fixed as its our main vehicle.

top it all off his mom is complaining that her pellet stove is broken and she needs to pay to have it fixed. she is looking for a secret handout from travis and calling it "rent" for working from her house. UGH i hate this :(

I already paid for the dresser mirror nightstand set thank god because he asked me if i really needed it and i told him YES i want it and its CHEAP! ugh im not going to find a deal for $120 for all that for such nice stuff that wasnt really used (ppl are moving and had to sell it fast. It retails for over 1400 as a bedroom set so nightstand alone probably costs 150!

I know we are really hurting but his family really gets to me. :( I cant help but be depressed over this
Horsey, crap :( but at least it is half good right?

Jen, when it rains it pours. So sorry babe.

Ilovehim, so sorry for your loss

Natasha, dang comp breaking :(

Jessica, sorry your daughter is giving you a rough time. Teens can be difficult to deal with and it is impossible to tell them anything.

Amy, hi!

Angel, hi!

Laura, hi!

Replying from phone real quick. At the Asian market. Just ate the nastiest pho either. Tripe and muscly joints. And way too citrusy and smoky.
My infection is clear and now I am taking diflucan an treating my asthma. Woohoo!
So glad ur infection is gone bethany!!! :) so sorry about the asthma thou. I hope its controlled<3
Sorry Jen about the truck :(

Hi Bethany.... Oh no bad pho?? :( mmmmm now I want pho lol

Gnight ladies, just bd and ready for bed. Hoe yesterday and tonight and tomorrow's bd does it. It's really strange but the cheapy o test strips came up pos yes and even more so today. Don't you surge and then o? Especially given what what seen at my folli scan? I'm so confused :( Oh well, have a great night girls!
Amy fxd sounds so promising!! Swim little swimmers and fertilize that egg! :) :dust: im so excited for u that u can see ur progress i sure hope this does the trick. Tons of :dust: amy!
Oh and the start of ur surge is what counts ppls surge can last 12-48hrs i believe. Only trust ur true positive but ur bases are covered with bd woohoo!!!
When I tested yesterday morning, I couldn't make out if it was pos or not but they say that fmu isn't the best for o tests. So I'm taking that when I went to the dr and she said that the follicle could've been in the process of releasing, she could've been right. Maybe that's why. I'm still detecting the surge? We are going to bd again tomorrow and then I start on crinone on Monday and just wait. Thanks Hun!

Thank god your hubby is ok, I really hope it all works out with the truck. And hopefully dh can tell his mom that he needs to get the truck fixed so she will knock if off about the "rent" that she wants to fix her stuff. Grrr wish she wouldn't be so petty. :(
Thank you all so much!! And that's right my mom now has one of her grandbabys you know that makes me feel a bit better about things because losing the baby was so hard and so was losing my mom but at least I know they both got each other god bless all of you wonderful ladies on here really you all are great!!!!!
Seem like everyone computers are breaking as mine did too good thing we have our smart phones

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