ttc after a d&c

Anytime :thumbup:

This is a great group of girls and we have a wide variety of situations here but we have one thing in common and that is we have all had atleast 1 loss and a D&C. If you need support or have any questions, you came to the right place :flower:
Thank you so much, this site rocks. You have no idea how much the love and support means to me. xoxoxoxo
I never wrote in forums before and came across this thread and the girls here are just so sweet. Most of those that I started with are pregnant now with the exception of 3 of us so that should give you some encouragement :) I know its what keeps me going at times and they are the best at being supportive and giving great advice. :)
ray ray welcome hon, it makes me glad and sad when new people join,
sad cos no one should suffer how we all suffered with loss but glad that u found support , xxx
this site and espeacially these girls have kept me sane xxxx
u should know that u have no extra risk for having had one loss, i was paranoid that cos i had mmc that something was wrong with me and i wouldnt be able to have sticky bean.
when i did ttc after my loss ( i waited 3 long months for health reasons) , i got my bfp after 14 days and im now over 25 weeks along. it will happen for u too hon xxx
like mommylov said if u have any qs dont hesitate to ask cos we have all been in ur shoes quite recently and are only too happy to help if we can xxxxxxxxxx
take it easy on urself hon for next while, its a tough sad time and u need tlc and care xxxxx hugs xxxxxxxxxxxx
Thank you, both of you thank you so much. I really can't tell you how much I appreciate this. I am definitely tearing up over the support I feel now. My husband tries really hard, but ya know... there's certain aspects of this men just don't understand. Do you think I did a bad thing by trying after one cycle? My doctor said it was okay after one full period. The period I had in January was normal but now I am second guessing myself. There is NOTHING I want more than a healthy pregnancy and baby. lilesMom.. I am so happy for you and your story gives me hope that one day I will have what I want. I am just hoping to be growing a baby by the due date.. june 12th.
the health reasons i mean for me were liver issues, nothing to do with d and c, i would have tried much sooner otherwise hon. no u were fine to try when u did hon. u only are meant to wait 2 weeks after for Bd cos of infection danger and they only say wait one af for dating purposes, no danger at all in trying after one af hon xxxxxx
no danger even in tryin after 2 weeks but it makes for worrysome wait cos with no af , its hard to know when u Ov.
fx for u to get ur bfp soon hon xxxxx
i know that as great and all as hubby and other people can be, if u havent gone through it u dont actually know how people feel. i always thought i was good at putting myself in other peoples shoes before this but i wasnt half as good as i thought, :)
its very real heartache and pain but it does get better i promise u xxx
i never thought i would feel so better about losing lile as i do now.
not that i would wish to ever have it happen but i accept now that it must have been for some reason. to protect her and me. for a long time that sounded like bulls**t to me. but i accept it now and like to think of her looking our for me and rainbow bub, i still talk to her nearly every day and think of her a lot :) but with love not with hurt and regret . it took me a long time to get there but i did and u will too xxxxxxxxx
im sure we will all meet our little angels again some day but for now they are up there protecting us and helping us to have our sticky Lo :) xxxxxxxxxxxx
rayray, having recently passed my EDD I can tell you that it was worse leading up to it than the actual day. Some of the girls told me this before it came and I thought I wasnt going to be able to be as strong as them and surprisingly I was just fine. I hope that you get your bfp well before that but in the event that you dont, just remember that you are not alone and that your LO will just be that more special when they do come. Also no harm in trying if your dr gave you the ok so long as you are emotionally ready :)

Youre right about DH not being able to relate sometimes. I have the BEST hubby in the world but he too falls short sometimes and thats where the girls here come in. They didnt physically experience what we did so they dont know how to heal that wound. I remember the day that we had our US and found out. They walked us into the Dr's office to discuss options and when the "pill" was brought up I looked at my husband with mascara down my face sobing and told him "I dont want to carry around my dead child and wait for a pill to do its thing". He looked at me with the most shocked face I have ever seen. Later, he told me that that day he knew there were just some things that he knew he couldnt "heal" and was glad that I found these girls. We never forget but we do heal :hugs:
My beautiful ladies !!!! Again I'm sorry for my absence !!! Been a crazy week , been signed off work for this week because they are being such ass hats excuse my French ...

How are we all ?? Have I missed anything ? I can't catch up because by the time I've read things on my phone an I come to reply I forget everything , I forget to turn taps off and this morning I forgot to put bloody pants on !!!

Which wasn't cool because I went for an early scan today ( was fantastic baby was kicking its little feet about everywhere !!) and Chris thought it would be hilarious to tell the nurse I had no pants on , she was very calm faced , no humour obviously inside her lol

Turns out I'm 9+2 not 10+5 which is odd , because she worked out I conceived new years eve , but I got a positive on 5th January ,,, which would be 5dpo , so I don't know if she hasn't measured right or if I genuinely got bfp at 5dpo :S

Anyway enough about me how are my wonderful girls ??

I see we have a new girl hey ray ray !! All I can say is welcome I'm sorry for your loss and you are in the best place for support , I wouldn't be how I am today without them , each of the girls is different but perfect in every way and I truly consider them friends :))) they'll look after u chick :)

Sorry it's short and sweet ill try to catch up tomorrow I love u all xxxxxxxx
And hey !!! No morning sickness at all so far !!! Just the genuine feeling that somebody runs me over with a double decker bus every night while I'm sleeping !!! Yay lol !! Xxxx
I just can't thank you enough mommylov & liliesmom. I am so glad I discovered this site. I will try to stay positive and just hope I will either get AF or a BFP soon. I try to believe everything happens for a reason but man it just feels..idk I don't wanna say hopeless but that is how it feels sometimes. Thank you for your positive vibes and great stories, I am trying to fill my heart with hope! Congrats TTCsecrets, I am thrilled for you and hope to be in your position one day. :)
Hi Tash!!!! We missed you! Glad bub is doing well and ms has stayed away. How is everything going??? Love you!! :hugs:

Ray, anytime doll. You'll get through this. We are all living proof :) chin up hun :)
Welcome RayRay and so sorry for your loss :hugs: this is a GREAT group of ladies. I consider them all real friends and not just online friends.

Guys, I do believe I will go use the apartment computers tomorrow to catch up on this thread! My computer doesn't work anymore and DH's makes me mad lol. But I want to say I love you to each of you. We have so many good things waiting for all of us <3
Hey Ames :) yeah I'm okay !!! But miffed at the doctor putting me ten days back , would mean I got a bfp at 5dpo which is near on impossible !! But apparently I thy measure even three millimetres out it can put u back or forwar two weeks so hoping my next scan is more accurate !!! How u doing ?? Waiting for o ? Af ? Tww ??? Xxxx
hi guys :) xxxxxx

tash too funny :) i suppose the nurses are trained not to react to funny stuff like that, if it was me i would peeing myself laughing :) heehee
ive been pretty forgetfull too but not pants just yet :) wont say never though hee hee :)
glad u dont have ms, ur one of the lucky ones :) at my early scan they put me 5 days behind too hon but by next scan htey were only one day off my date and by 12 week scan they agreed my dates were spot on :) between 10 and 14 weeks are only weeks they consider dating to be accurate, before htat bub is so small that it is easy to be off and after that they grow at different rates and move lots so hard to measure xxx
im sure by next scan they will readjust it again for u xxxxxx
welcome back anyway, we missed u xxx

ray ray, i know that things seem bleak right now, i can well remember that feeling, but things will turn around for u, just take one day at a time, allow urself ur bad days, i had loads :) still do on very odd occasion but very seldom now , and remember it takes time to heal but u will heal xxxxxxxxxx
just focus as much as u can on allowing urself to be sad when u need to be , dont bury it. but try and look forward at same time xxxxxxxx i had days where i couldnt stop crying and days where i couldnt cry at all. its all normal. ive had to pull over my car cos i cant see the road properly from a song or something i remembered. ur not crazy if this happens , just sad :) xxxxxxxxx it will pass , hugs xxxxxxxxxx
we have all been there, and are all on here most days if u need a whinge , a chat or have any qs xxx
amy hows clomid goin for u? hope no yucky side effects xxxxxxx
bfp , fbp , bfp :) its my new daily chant for amy xxxxxxxxxxxx
and of course all my girls :) xxxxxxxxxxxx

bethany love u lots, looking forward to ur catch up and post xxxx
hope alls well with u xxxxxxx

tash dont worry about dates for now, its really not accurate, u know the way they click on either side of bub to measure the size with a line on the screen, if she is off on both sides by like half milimetre it can put u off by that much. i know it made me a bit freaked even though i knew it wasnt accurate at that stage , xxxxxx
next scan be great for u

ray ray just to let u know, we use real names here on this thread, u obvs dont have to, its eniterly up to u , but just so ur not lost il write um out for u :)
mommylov = amy
storked = bethany
ttc secrets = tash
xox4angel= angel
jen435 = jen :)
aaronswoman = jess
lilesmom = laura = me :)
horseypants, i just usually call horsey :)
am i forgettin anyones name, hope not : )
it took me a while to learn um in start and can look confusing to read posts without knowing who is who :)

no news with me really today , just wanted to catch up and say hey xxxxxxxxxx
hi , hugs and :dust: to all xxxxxxxx
Hi Bethany!!!! Love you and miss you too! Bangkok is coming here soon... 6 weeks to go!

Tash, How frustrating about the measurments but hopefully as bub grows they will be more acurate :)

Hi Laura! How are you hun? Heheh thanks for the chant *Starts chanting with you* BFP BFP BFP! lol

Angel, Jess & Jen, hope you and bubs are doing well!

:wave: horsey... any updates? Ill pop over to your journal to see how you are coming along this cycle :)

Rayray, how are you holidng up hun?

:wave: to anyone Ive missed and daily :dust: to all!

AFM~ Im doing great so far. No real side effects with the extra clomid but wont find out what its doing/did until my folli scan on wed the 27th. Im on cd 5 today and day 3 of clomid. Really feeling optomistic about this cycle. Again, I have no idea why but last cycle I just felt like this cycle was going to be a good one. I have 2 more days of clomid and then start my estrogen patch on this sunday (cd8) then opk's start on tuesday (cd10) then folli scan CD11 then progesterone 3dpo... WHEW!!!
Amy so glad its of to a good start with extra clomid!!! :) :dust: im feeling this cycle ull have luck of the irish on ur side!! <3 pma all the way for u<3

Tash welcome back<3 missed u! So glad bubs is okay :) dont stress over measurements. They told me edd is june 1, then june 15, now may 17!!! Due to early measuring. I say baby will come when they ready but i dont want to rush bubs for my comfort or selfishness u know. Youll prob readjust :)

Laura hi!!! how are you today? Ive gained 4lbs in a week off junk foods feeling terrible about it and just wanna over indulge to enjoy taste. How do u have self control? I know im eatting for comfort.

Ray welcome. Im so sorry for you loss:hugs: i must agree with the girls i know its hard long road but there is light at end of the tunnel. I hope ur bfp comes or af starts so u can continue ttc knowing where u stand. Those tww that become longer are the worse but if it was for these amazing ladies it would of be somuch harder to get thru. Your in the right place.

Bethany aww i didntknow u had pc problems. I knew u where onthe phone but thought bc of internet. How are you? Are u packing for bankok yet?? I always pack way early so thought id ask.<3

Angel hi! How are u and lil man doing?? Also hows the hubby?

Horsey hi!! How are you?

Jess hi! How are u and dd?

Its 1pm i just woke up time to start this day as i have alot to do! Lowes for curtains n rod babies r us to buy baby something with my coupons that expire today. And doctors for check up. Then home to cook.i cleaned kitchen tues n its stillclean bc i been ocd with it. I need motivation to start nesting as my house needs a good cleaning. Im over doing it today but gonna take it slowly.
Thanks Jen, glad to see that you are getting ready for dd :) Hope youre feeling well!
amy with all the dates u have in the middle, u will be testing for bfp before u know it :)
pma all the way to bfp this cycle xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx its in my prayers for ur sticky bean all the time xxxxxx

jen, hi hon.
im finding it hard to not overeat this week, im hungry all the time :)
im reignin it in now cos i too have gained and really dont wanna gain too much.
its hard some days :)
glad u r doing good hon :) u must be looking forward to seeing ur bub today :) xxx
happy decorating :) xxxx

hi and hugs to all.
i have no news, baked cakes and took dinner and cakes up to my sis and her kids for the eve, was nice but im tired so easily this week, :) bub must be growing again or something :)
hey everyone, i'm ok - jut waiting for af. my chart looks really good but i believe if i was going to have a bfp, it would have happened before 10dpo. my last bfp was 7dpo!

storked, missed ya!

jen :hugs:

amy, thanks for reading my journal. everyone's invited obviously xo

hi everyone xoxoxoxo

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