ttc after a d&c

Natasha, you could try progesterone-only BC. You have to take it every day but I think it has a lower chance of clotting maybe?

Amy, don’t worry I understand needing to be pregnant :hugs: glad today is a happier one. YAY FRIDAY! Tell Laura that you need the luck of the Irish hehe
Do your kitties love to snuggle each other? I still want another kitty for mine to cuddle with the brief moments I am away. What would we do without our furry babies? They are so full of love <3

Jessica, I understand that you are scared. You and Jen lost so much later than me. It must be extra hard to find a place where you feel safe, if you ever will :hugs: if I could give you peace, I would. It really does help to reflect on how little control we have over some of it. It is easier to think that we do, we want to be in control. But some things are out of our hands. I love you.
As far as your DH being a dork and upsetting you, that is on him! I used to cry loads in my first pregnancy but now when my DH is a butt I ignore him. Last night when we went to bed he actually said &#8220;I&#8217;m mad at you.&#8221; And I told him &#8220;I am determined to be stress-free so frankly, my dear, I don&#8217;t give a damn.&#8221;
Can you try meditation maybe?

Laura, hurray for no UTI or meds! Rest now and take it easy&#8230;though not so easy to rest when you have to pee all the time huh? :)
So jealous of your cute bump. I really hope that I get one.

Angel, thanks for the Friday Ursula shout <3 I need it.
So glad that you get to see your mom and go you on avoiding the Zofran! :happydance:

Horsey, I adore the hell out of you and hope that this is your cycle. Where the hell is my cheerleading emoticon? For reals.

AFM: still so happy for every day. I feel reassured about everything. Last night I just laid there and visualized my baby growing. Hope it helps. Grow, grow, grow.
I also asked DH to go buy me some hamburger pickles and he refused because we already have 5 jars in the fridge. I had to explain to him that spears, jalapeno pickles, garlic pickles, baby kosher, and sour dills are NOT hamburger. He isn't the pickle connoisseur that I am. Making him buy me a big jar tonight on our date. I WILL WIN!
oh yucky pickles !!!! :)
watchin always sunny in phileadelphia , <3 it :)
thanks bethany u wil so have ur lovely bump xxxx
im a dumbass, i was checking last page to see who was natasha :)
i always call u tash now natasha, i blame baby brain :)
laughing at myself now ;)

amy im so sending u irish good luck :) xx

hi ray ray :) how u doin hon?
Laura, I have loved pickles since I was old enough to gum on them :D my day care gave me my very first. They liked to take pictures of the sour faces. They were dazed when my mom came to get me because I didn't make a face just opened my mouth for MORE. My mom told them that her kids are pickle eaters and ice eaters :)
Though I don't like any sort of sweet pickle. Gag.
Hurray for comedy :)
LOL I think I rarely call Natasha Tasha but I do use it on occasion hehe
ha ha , OH is a pickle lover too, i really dont like um :)
but i like the smell more since im preg, usually the smell of um makes me gag :)
that was me being a dumbass with the tasha thing ;)
i have been forgetful last week r so :) :)
Laura beautiful bump! :)
Amy fixed for a st pattys day bfp. Need some luck from the irish its all urs! Lauras from ireland and im irish also :) come on we need this.
Horsey how are u?
Bethany hope u had a good day and got lots of nice new outfits! (per fb convo) also rub ur belly and tell ur lil one to grow grow grow!!
Jess i agree with amy ur sweet princess will be beautiful and healthy dont u worry.
Angel glad ur doing ok your a trooper no zofran! Glad ur getting some space from ur mom. I hope ur dh comes home soon.
Tash wow alot of plans as for bc natural or the small bc pill would prob be short term best bet. Bc i dont like but it did work for me amd im preg for secomd time after being off it. Ur ideas are great :)
Who did i miss? This is terrible. Sorry i havent been on. Im very very depressed. Officially got call from my dentist saying "im not needed anymore on weds" idk if i.was fired or laid off with no intent of being hired there again. :( he did say i wasnt productive (slow). No dentist will hire me like that he said. Im not happy. I talked to adara (old office manager) & she said he been wanting to fire me since i told him i was pregnant bc i couldnt take my own xrays and he dreaded weds it wasnt time productive since i needed him or his staff. Now this he didnt say but adara did. Ugh im so so depressed :( dh jobs are so hard to find. I was there for almost 10monthes too. If he had issues why didnt he ever tell me?? Its bc he was just tired of dealing with it amd realized i wasnt gonna leave i honestly think that.
Oh no Jen that is terrible! I really wish you didn't have to deal with this kind of stuff. Like you don't have enough on your plate but then the stresses of job and money. :(
That seems really discrimatory to get rid of you because you want to protect your baby. Karma is going to get that jackass someday.
I will pray that a good opportunity is headed your way. I think I will write your name down in prayer roll too so that you have extra prayers <3
Oh Jen :hugs: I'm so sorry! What a jerk of a dentist! Maybe he'll hire you back after the baby is born in 10 short weeks (can't believe you're 30 weeks now)! In the meantime, wishing another opportunity comes your way and your spirits are lifted.

G'mornin ladies!

I went with my Mom last night and watched The Great Oz in 3D. In fact, movies have been our theme this week! We've watched Playing for Keeps and the last 2 Breaking Dawns. Turns out its really great to have someone to watch these with. My DH, well lets just say he wouldn't watch "chick flicks" with me unless he was either in the dog house or it was my birthday. :haha: Today we plan to watch Dear John and start reading Beautiful Creatures. Happy Saturday! (Oh and for those who've DH doesn't get back until April.)
Amy I just looked at FF...never mind the dotted crosshairs. You see it's because the program is "conflicted" between what your temps read and the reported +ve OPK. If you took it out, I wonder if the crosshairs would be solid :shrug: Remember, you know your body best...
Jen I'm so sorry to hear about your dentist. I really wish you can catch a break. Seems to me he was a real big jerk. I hope you find something even better and have a boss with more compassion and understanding. Ridiculous that he has an issue with you being pregnant! :hugs:

Angel, sounds like you are having a nice relaxing time with your mom so far. I didn't realize your hubby was going to be gone for that long. When he gets back, your bump is going to grow so much! Lol I can't wait to hear about what he says about that! :)

Hope everyone is having a great weekend so far.

Afm, I made an entry in my journal.... Oye ff :(
Jen I'm so sorry to hear about your dentist. I really wish you can catch a break. Seems to me he was a real big jerk. I hope you find something even better and have a boss with more compassion and understanding. Ridiculous that he has an issue with you being pregnant! :hugs:

Angel, sounds like you are having a nice relaxing time with your mom so far. I didn't realize your hubby was going to be gone for that long. When he gets back, your bump is going to grow so much! Lol I can't wait to hear about what he says about that! :)

Hope everyone is having a great weekend so far.

Afm, I made an entry in my journal.... Oye ff :(
I just took it out to see and the crosshairs actually went away :( Im confused as to what day to consider myself. I want to make sure I get my progesterone test done on the right 7dpo day.
Can the meds have an impact on your temps? I used FF as a secondary source to confirm O and watch for AF. My FS and others all use OPKs as a measure for ovulation, so that was my primary. That being said, trust your instincts...they got you your BFP in the past :flow:

PS I'm sure your docs will say follow the OPKs too, so don't fret the dotted crosshairs.
I was told that crinone doesn't enter blood so I don't know how it can affect my temp. I'll still go tomorrow for bloods based off of opk.
hi guys xxxx

jen what an ass he is , he totally just fired u cos ur preg and its easier for him to have someone who can do xrays. he couldnt tell u the truth cos it makes him look awfull and i know would be totally illegal here, not sure about there, xxxxxxxxx
hugs honey. some people have no bloody conscience!!!!!! so mad at him for u xxx
u will find a nice place to work after Lo with nice people xxxxxxxxx
sorry he is a di*k!!!!!! xxxxxxxxxx
no wonder u r down, i cant get over how he get away with it.
is it legal there? but i suppose if it isnt suing him is so much hassle and no guarnatee of gettin anything off the slimy liar xxxxxxxxxxx

angel hurray for mom and film marathon :)
april wont be long flying in xxxx its yucky when they have to go away but makes um such a novelty when they come back , hee hee xxxxxxx
hope ur ms is easing sweetie xxxxxxx

bethany whats a prayer roll? do ur church pray for that person then?
thats lovely ;) xxxxxx

amy i must check out ur journal, im very lazy with things outside the thread :) xxxx
u got a pos opk didnt u? id so totally go with that day, or phone odc and tell um when u got it. temps arent totally relaible, i wouldnt go by um in this case.
they r a good indicator of a pattern but not concrete evidence of anything i dont think xxxx
when did u get ur pos opk again, sieve head lolly strikes again :)

no news here i slept so much last nt, i feel much better again, think bub has shifted again and now the washy powder clothes r outta my room i feel better ;) hurray :)
ps nearly 28 weeks, im so shocked how far along ive gotten, in a good way of course.
i am sooo thankfull :) thanks god :) and thanks girls for gettin me through all the rough patches, xxxxx love ye xxxxx
Laura, yup we pray for that person :)
Hurray for 28 weeks! You are much closer to holding your baby in your arms!

Angel, just got back from watching Oz with my DH :) have a wonderful movie time!

Amy, Angel is wise. Trust in the OPK! :hugs:

I went and bought maternity clothes. My bloat is super happy lol.
bethany hurray for mat clothes, i loved buying mine, made it so much more real to me ;)

is anyone else upset cos its mothers day? is it in america too?
i havent cried this much in one day in months and months.
argghh moms day should be banned :)
i went to my nephews 21 last nt, was lovely but one of my sis goes this is ur last moms day not being a mom, i was like i a mom, in my head im a mom of 2, its not my fault one is an angel. ive got an attack of the shoulds, as in she should be 3 months now.
i promised myself i wouldnt do that after her edd but i cant help it today .
stupid moms day .
i was hoping Oh would get me a card from lile and munchkin but he didnt, i kinda knew he wouldnt but would have liked one ;)
i have to go visit my mom but i cant stop bloody crying long enough. doh!!
maybe im not as healed as i thought after liles loss.
anyway enough of my ranting. :) ;)
hope evryone is well xxxxxxx
happy moms day to my fellow mommys to angels :) xxxxxxxxxxx
Hurray Laura!! Time is flying by!

I got my + opk last Sunday night so that makes today 7dpo according to that. I'm going to go get my blood drawn today and I will get my results tomorrow.

:wave: to everyone! :)
Sorry Laura, it isn't Mother's Day in US yet :hugs: it IS a hard day though! We are never as healed as we think/hope. Love you dear.

Good luck Amy :)

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