ttc after a d&c

So my daughters grades are just slipping more and more and more. My dh had a meeting with her teachers last week, who basically told us that they know she is performing way below her abilities (was a straight A student along with being highly advanced in all subjects when she does her yearly testing). And yesterday we found out what is going on. Apparently, the bullying never stopped. And some psychopath girl that use to be her best friend has managed to turn almost all of her friends against her, except for 1 friend. We found out these girls are starting to corner her, surround her and yell mean things to her. So now that we know this, we are going to meet with her principal and vice principal who happens to have a degree in psychology also. This has to stop, and I know this school has zero tolerance for bullying. What happened between her and this girl is a long story, but to put it short, I think this kid is crazy!! She is a stalker, she has followed my daughter around, stares at her a lot, and still attempts to say hi to my daughter one day and then the next day spreads more hate and rumors about her. Part of it has to do with the girl becoming too clingy with my daughter and it made her uncomfortable, and the other is because my daughter was friends with a boy that this girl liked, and apparently she demanded my daughter to not talk to the boy anymore. Gosh, girls this age are so much drama!!
Amy, sorry if I sound ignorant, but couldn't a high progesterone level like that indicate that you are possibly pregnant? I am not sure how that works. But my progesterone never got that high, I believe at 6 weeks, it was only at 11.5. And you don't even have a +hpt yet and your progesterone is so high!! That is so awesome. It sounds like your body is really at work right now. I am going to have fx until you take that hpt!! Hoping you get good news this cycle!!

You know its funny that you said that because the thought crossed my mind too and I got all excited. I googled it and turns out that they say anything above 15 for a medicated cycle and 10 for unmedicated at 7dpo is ideal. Now, my dr didnt say that at all. She was happy with the 12.something that I got last month (medicated but only 50mg Clomid) and 10.something unmedicated. I took 100mg of Clomid this cycle and my folli scan and everything was just the same as last cycle but it mustve grown like crazy the couple of days after that or my folli is producing a great amount of progesterone this time. With my last pregnancy, it was at 8.something at about 4wks and I went on to mc naturally the following week. I told dh that with my levels being at 26.88, that gives us a great chance of sustaining a pregnancy so Im praying that Im pregnant. I dont know if you remember but I was complaining about how my ovulation pains last week were pretty strong. Googled that too and I read where a lady had the same thing and everything she felt those strong pains, she got pregnant.
Abby, I have to agree with the other ladies. A doctor will be the only person that can run tests and tell you what is going on with your body. It is frustrating :hugs:

Laura, I try to stay positive but it is SO hard. Especially when women on the boards go on about their strong symptoms and none of mine feel that way. I am not super tired, my breasts don't ache to the point of tears, my cramps are probably bloat, and I have no MS. I actually woke up with the thought that I don't feel pregnant today.
Kind of sucks that my appointment is so far off because if something is wrong I won't know all this time. After my MMC I feel like my body doesn't know it's business. :(
Glad the baby responded to chocolate :D

Amy, thanks for the song. I need it today :(
Still happy over your levels? :) is Jessica right and it can indicate pregnancy? :)

Jessica, I am trying to get over being a sad sack today. How are you?

Well guys it is time for watching tv in the nude again. Maybe that will cheer me up lol
Oye... so sad to hear about the bullying Jess. :( I had a feeling it had to do with some sort of jealousy. Im sure she is beautiful and girls at that age have such a hard time dealing with others getting attention and what not. It breaks my heart that she has to deal with this. This is suppose to be the best time of her life and its a nightmare. I hope that the principal really does something about it and they get it under control. Also hope that your daughter doesnt let this eat at her. Its hard to convince girls at this age that there is nothing wrong with them and that this is all due to the others girls being jealous. I hope she is ok :(
So my daughters grades are just slipping more and more and more. My dh had a meeting with her teachers last week, who basically told us that they know she is performing way below her abilities (was a straight A student along with being highly advanced in all subjects when she does her yearly testing). And yesterday we found out what is going on. Apparently, the bullying never stopped. And some psychopath girl that use to be her best friend has managed to turn almost all of her friends against her, except for 1 friend. We found out these girls are starting to corner her, surround her and yell mean things to her. So now that we know this, we are going to meet with her principal and vice principal who happens to have a degree in psychology also. This has to stop, and I know this school has zero tolerance for bullying. What happened between her and this girl is a long story, but to put it short, I think this kid is crazy!! She is a stalker, she has followed my daughter around, stares at her a lot, and still attempts to say hi to my daughter one day and then the next day spreads more hate and rumors about her. Part of it has to do with the girl becoming too clingy with my daughter and it made her uncomfortable, and the other is because my daughter was friends with a boy that this girl liked, and apparently she demanded my daughter to not talk to the boy anymore. Gosh, girls this age are so much drama!!

Why are kids such jackasses? Seriously. Do you remember kids being such jackasses at her age? Wow :(
Amy, so if you are pregnant, the due date would be in late November or early December? That would be a wonderful time to have a baby!
Bethany, I just saw that you got diagnosed with Heterozygous FVL? When did you find that out? I read a little about it and it sounds similar to what I have with the MTHFR... needing extra folic acid and in some cases Lovenox. Instead of Folgard, Im on NeevoDHA. Everything is going to be ok hun. Since you know about it early on, they are able to supplement. :hug:
Amy, so if you are pregnant, the due date would be in late November or early December? That would be a wonderful time to have a baby!

I would be due Nov 26th :) I use to say that I didnt want a baby right around a holiday but I really dont care now. I just want a healthy LO ANYTIME! :baby:
Amy, sorry if I sound ignorant, but couldn't a high progesterone level like that indicate that you are possibly pregnant? I am not sure how that works. But my progesterone never got that high, I believe at 6 weeks, it was only at 11.5. And you don't even have a +hpt yet and your progesterone is so high!! That is so awesome. It sounds like your body is really at work right now. I am going to have fx until you take that hpt!! Hoping you get good news this cycle!!

You know its funny that you said that because the thought crossed my mind too and I got all excited. I googled it and turns out that they say anything above 15 for a medicated cycle and 10 for unmedicated at 7dpo is ideal. Now, my dr didnt say that at all. She was happy with the 12.something that I got last month (medicated but only 50mg Clomid) and 10.something unmedicated. I took 100mg of Clomid this cycle and my folli scan and everything was just the same as last cycle but it mustve grown like crazy the couple of days after that or my folli is producing a great amount of progesterone this time. With my last pregnancy, it was at 8.something at about 4wks and I went on to mc naturally the following week. I told dh that with my levels being at 26.88, that gives us a great chance of sustaining a pregnancy so Im praying that Im pregnant. I dont know if you remember but I was complaining about how my ovulation pains last week were pretty strong. Googled that too and I read where a lady had the same thing and everything she felt those strong pains, she got pregnant.

This is great :)
Bethany, I just saw that you got diagnosed with Heterozygous FVL? When did you find that out? I read a little about it and it sounds similar to what I have with the MTHFR... needing extra folic acid and in some cases Lovenox. Instead of Folgard, Im on NeevoDHA. Everything is going to be ok hun. Since you know about it early on, they are able to supplement. :hug:

I don't need extra folic acid :flower: I was diagnosed years ago- it runs in my family. A lot of people have it but it isn't usually a cause for concern. However, my two sisters that have it have almost died. Pregnancy increases risk of clots and just having FVL mutation is also an increased risk. It is why docs put me on blood thinners...bad family history.
Oye... so sad to hear about the bullying Jess. :( I had a feeling it had to do with some sort of jealousy. Im sure she is beautiful and girls at that age have such a hard time dealing with others getting attention and what not. It breaks my heart that she has to deal with this. This is suppose to be the best time of her life and its a nightmare. I hope that the principal really does something about it and they get it under control. Also hope that your daughter doesnt let this eat at her. Its hard to convince girls at this age that there is nothing wrong with them and that this is all due to the others girls being jealous. I hope she is ok :(

Thank you so much hon. Its been hard because it puts a knot in my chest when I think about what she is going through at school. She really doesn't want us to go to the principal and is scared everything will escalate, but I think we have gotten to a point where it can get violent because now they are surrounding her and calling her names. I think this girl is jealous and she has tried in so many ways to bring my daughter down. Even when they were friends. But I thought her other friends knew better than this. I have even met some of their parents and my daughter was really good friends with these girls. I just don't get why kids can be so mean. The teachers have pointed out that my daughter is not very assertive and is extremely timid, but that still does not give these girls an excuse to treat my daughter like this.
Oye... so sad to hear about the bullying Jess. :( I had a feeling it had to do with some sort of jealousy. Im sure she is beautiful and girls at that age have such a hard time dealing with others getting attention and what not. It breaks my heart that she has to deal with this. This is suppose to be the best time of her life and its a nightmare. I hope that the principal really does something about it and they get it under control. Also hope that your daughter doesnt let this eat at her. Its hard to convince girls at this age that there is nothing wrong with them and that this is all due to the others girls being jealous. I hope she is ok :(

Thank you so much hon. Its been hard because it puts a knot in my chest when I think about what she is going through at school. She really doesn't want us to go to the principal and is scared everything will escalate, but I think we have gotten to a point where it can get violent because now they are surrounding her and calling her names. I think this girl is jealous and she has tried in so many ways to bring my daughter down. Even when they were friends. But I thought her other friends knew better than this. I have even met some of their parents and my daughter was really good friends with these girls. I just don't get why kids can be so mean. The teachers have pointed out that my daughter is not very assertive and is extremely timid, but that still does not give these girls an excuse to treat my daughter like this.

So by saying that she isn't assertive are they blaming her, the victim? Sometimes even when you stand up for yourself you still get bullied.
Bethany, welcome to the world of pregnancy mood swings. I am sure you feel down also due to hormonal levels. As for the symptoms. I didn't get morning sickness, only 1 day I got it. But I did get food aversions where nothing appealed to me and food just looked unappealing to me. I never really got sore boobs, my boobs started getting sore at about 12 weeks and then it almost completely subsided by 20 weeks. Then again I have barely ever suffered the sore boobs in any of my pregnancies. All pregnancies are different hon. And if you don't want to wait that long, you don't have to. I didn't, but then again I had good reason. I started spotting and went right to emergency. It was so scary for me to have some bleeding with pregnancy also after I had already suffered a mc. You can always go in earlier and have your lo checked. :hugs:
Bethany, I see. Ya, only read a little about it so I wasnt sure but saw people posting they had some form of MTHFR with it. Im sorry to hear about what your sisters went through and pray the same wont happen to you. As for the lack of symptoms, I know it doesnt help you but there seriously a ton of women that dont have symptoms this early if at all. I wish I knew what to say to make you feel better. There is no way they can get you in earlier? What if you told them all of this and Im sure they know your history so maybe that would make them get you in?

Jess, I cant even imagine. I was bullied as a child and its a horrible feeling. I was bullied in middle school because I went to a mostly white school and Im Indian so they would always laugh and point and tell me that I smell (Which I knew I didnt). Im PE, they would come right up to me as I was standing in front of my locker and slam is shut in my face. I would just go and cry but as time went on and I got into high school things got better. I hope the same happens for your daughter. This is the age where you make friends and some last and some dont but you really figure out who is true.
Amy, my doctor won't see me before 8 weeks. There really isn't anything they can do for me anyways.
How terrible that you were bullied Amy. Big hugs :hugs:

Jessica, I really hope that I just have a healthy but easy pregnancy. Afraid I can't go in earlier and DH would be a jerk if I went to ER just hoping for a scan :(
I just hate the thought of thinking that everything is fine and not knowing that my baby is dead inside of me again. On the one hand it is like, my body doesn't want to let go and that is a seeming strength. On the other hand, I would rather know that it is over instead of reading "your baby is now the size of an olive!" and whatnot.
Oh and Amy, I bet all will be well for me in regards to clots. My sisters were diagnosed a little late. With some prevention, like what I have with my shots, who knows? They may have been fine :flower:
Bethany, I see. Ya, only read a little about it so I wasnt sure but saw people posting they had some form of MTHFR with it. Im sorry to hear about what your sisters went through and pray the same wont happen to you. As for the lack of symptoms, I know it doesnt help you but there seriously a ton of women that dont have symptoms this early if at all. I wish I knew what to say to make you feel better. There is no way they can get you in earlier? What if you told them all of this and Im sure they know your history so maybe that would make them get you in?

Jess, I cant even imagine. I was bullied as a child and its a horrible feeling. I was bullied in middle school because I went to a mostly white school and Im Indian so they would always laugh and point and tell me that I smell (Which I knew I didnt). Im PE, they would come right up to me as I was standing in front of my locker and slam is shut in my face. I would just go and cry but as time went on and I got into high school things got better. I hope the same happens for your daughter. This is the age where you make friends and some last and some dont but you really figure out who is true.

omg, I am so sorry you had to endure all of that. How would you react towards them? My daughter doesn't like to be mean, so she doesn't really defend herself like she should. I was pretty much a pushover when I was bullied. Talk about intolerance that they made fun of you just because of the color of your skin. Kids would make fun of me because I told then I was half hispanic (which I am) lol. And they didn't believe me because I am white. Kind of the opposite of what happened to you. They would make fun of me because of how white I was. Stupid I know. Kids always seem to look for a reason to make trouble. And then they would call me Jiraff because of my height ( I am not even that tall... 5'7''). Funny thing is, my daughter is just about 5'7'' and this psycho girl calls her a shrimp. Like I said, she always looks for a reason to put my daughter down. I hope they don't start to tease my daughter because of the color of her skin. She is brown and she has never been teased about that, but then again I live in the Bay Area, where it is very ethnically diverse.
jess ur poor daughter, with teenage girls , its always about a boy and jealousy,
hope ye can get the little brat to stop hassling ur DD xxxxx

amy hoping strong ov pains and high progesterone = bfp xxxxxxxx

bethany my only syptoms at ur stage was burping and some sleepiness . also had the cramping. u have the cramping , ur better off without the gas hee hee and i wasnt extremely tired at that stage only sleepy :)
most people dont have symptoms for a long time and some get none til like third tri.
hoping ur the lucky ones who sail through preg xxxxxx hugs xxxxxxxxxxxx
enjoy naked telly xxxxxxxxxxxx

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