ttc after a d&c

Jen, DH and I are just getting a shamrock shake today. Despite being from Dublin I have never really celebrated St Paddy's day :D
Easter though we will eat something nice :) I'm thinking brisket with mashed potatoes!
Glad your MIL means well :hugs:

Amy, don't give up. My due date had long gone past and I still got my BFP. Have faith in your babies :hugs:

Jessica, my morning sickness is actually in the morning too! :D
So glad your girls felt the baby kick. How sweet <3

Natasha, glad the job hunt has you excited! A break can work wonders :kiss:

Angel, it is true I am happy about every symptom :)
Why are you thinking allergies, sugar?
It is nice to have time to yourself when that is what you are used to :flower:

Laura, so glad you got out of the hospital. Oh my that is so scary! Boo to them not knowing why your vision went wonky though. How scary :(
it was scary at the time cos i was on my own, i was n phone to hosp and tryint o text my sis at same time in case i conked out ;) im grand again now, happy to be home ;)

what is brisket? mash is always good, irish people and potatoes is not a cliche , its true ;) hee hee :) well it is a cliche but a true one ;)
oh and ps bethany , ms thats sticks to mornings, wow :) i am impressed :)
i thought that was a myth :) xx
Amy, still got my fx for your bfp!! I refuse to think otherwise until af shows!

Laura, thank God you are baby are ok! Probably just a false alarm. Good think you took action and went to get checked out. Try and rest today!

Bethany, is the morning sickness bad or just mild?

Tasha, good choice on the birth control. :flower:

Jen, I hope you are having a great day today. Hope you are feeling better these days. Baby is on her way very soon! :hugs:

AFM, went to Golden Gate Park with the family yesterday, then went shopping and something scary happened. We went to get our car in the parking garage and as I entered the elevator it closed on me and I was sideways. The elevator literally started closing on me and you know how they usually have sensors when you try and hold the elevator door open? This elevator was evil lol, some man had to really hold open to stop it from really hurting me. Thank God my stomach was enough in, so it didn't hit my stomach, but it really hurt my left lower back. :( and I was hurting last night. Hopefully this is not going to trigger sciatica on me, I have suffered from it in the past. I have never encountered such a situation in an elevator until yesterday, and when I am pregnant? It could have really really hurt me.
jess thanks our lifts in work do that to sometimes, one of the girls in work was in physio with her shoulder for months before after it. i saw it hit an elderly man one day, poor guy took a fair whack, must be faulty sensor or something, hope ur alright chick, xx

angel, i was dizzy on and off at ur stage too hon, its caused by increased flow of blood and demand of blood for bub so u lose out :)
but do check it out to be on the safe side xxx
thanks babe , i havent done much todya excpet smile since i got home ;)
im being very nice to me today ;)
paddys day in other countries is so much more fun than here, for me anyway :) xx
Laura, brisket is a cut of meat from the chest of a cow. It can be tough but if you cook it just right it is full flavor and very tender :) in Texas our BBQ all tends to be brisket meat. I never realized that some parts of US use pork or chicken for BBQ. I have always known delicious beef BBQ. Mmmm!
You all love potatoes but you don't all have red hair? Bummer hehe ;)
Aw where is your ticker? :(
Did you manage to text your sister? She ended up taking you in right? :hugs:

Jessica, it is mostly mild! It has a moment of my skin getting clammy and me ready to dry heave and calms and I can think about food again!
OUCH on the elevator! What the heck? So glad though that it didn't hurt your tummy. But I hope you don't start having back issues :-/

Angel, what Laura said, you could be getting dizzy due to increased demand for blood. Doesn't that sound sexy? Is there a vampire emoticon? :D

Last night I was all "my nipples are itchy!" and my husband snorted and told me that was hot lol.*
sorry bethany i sure u or amy told me that before but i forgots :) :)
bbq marinated chicken skewers are the nicest :) thailand made me a fan :) im not a major beef fan, although i like it more than i did cos i started eating it for iron
hopefully ticker be back tomro and just glitch in site :)
i have brown hair but do have reddish tinge, ie warm brown , does that count? :)
yeah i sent her a text and she rang me and they came got me :)
i had to look around the blurry patches, i could still see but it was like u know on telly when they blur out patches they dont want u to see :) like that with flashy bits in it, was quite strange , glad it fecked off :)
im gonna try my best not to be a moan again :) some of the women in hosp have to be there months for bub, il try and keep that in my brain if im tempted to complain :)
Bethany ~ I'll now be dreaming of Lestat. Though that Ian guy (Damon?) on Vampire Diaries is equally as yummy!
Laura ~ Around here they LOVE an excuse to drink! Can't really get by with it on Easter, but they'll be holding their breath for Cinco de Mayo!

Jess ~ Attack elevator- yikes! Hope you are ok now.

Off to nap! xoxo

same around here on excuse to drink :) doesnt take much :)
i think i wont bother with it after preg too. well i may have occasional few but will be occasional. its pretty much poison really when u have too much.
.pity it can be fun :) it took me a few yrs to figure this out ;)
Bethany ~ I'll now be dreaming of Lestat. Though that Ian guy (Damon?) on Vampire Diaries is equally as yummy!

i saw a thing on telly the other day with kim kardashian and her vampire facials, did ye see them ,yuck and ouch , why people , why :)
think im gonna take myself off to bed, its still only nearly 9 but i feel like snuggling up :)
Hey ladies,
Long time no talk!! I've just been do depressed with everything that's been going on with me losing the baby then my mom and im still not pregnant my dh is working all the time I still haven't even got a normal period I just spot each month pregnancy test are all big fat no so I've just been wanting to be my myself!
Laura, omg!!! Are you ok? I'm so sorry you has such a scare but I'm relieved that you and bub are ok. Are you going in for a followup? Or are they just going to double check everything at your next appt?

Jess, you too..omg! An elevator shut on you?!?! Are you going to get checked as well? I hope you are ok!

Angel, yes temp spike was nice to see :) I just really hope it isn't a fluke. Terrified its going to go down tomorrow :( Been having some gnarly dull cramping today. Doesn't feel like af but I'm not sure anymore. How are you feeling?

Bethany, yay for ms!!! Cue Ursula *just keep sticking!* :)

Horsey, hope wedding plans are coming along ok!

Jen, sorry you're feeling down hun. We are here for you! Love you hun!

Tash, how are you?!? Did you say you started box? Small pill? Hope you're doing well!

Ilovehim, :wave: I'm sorry that you have had a rough time. I'm in the same boat at the moment :( hugs and hope peace finds you soon! :)

Thank you all did your prayers and kind words. This tww has been the hardest of them yet. I really thought this was going to be my month. I had a gut feeling about it being a good month. I did have the best progesterone results ever this month so maybe that's what my gut feeling was about. I'm usually never wrong with guy feelings. Oh well. 12dpo according to ff today and bfn. Had a huge temp spike and I don't really know what to make of that. I know that clomid and crinone can mimic pregnancy symptons (which I don't really have other than some cramping) but I don't how much or little it affects temps. I'm so sport I've been such a downer. I love you all and can't thank you enough for being so sweet <3
Laura, beef is amazing ;)
Looks like the ticker is working again!
You weren't being a moan, you called out of concern and they told you to go in :hugs:
I'm scared, what are vampire facials? :O

Angel, Damon and Klaus are the cutest parts of that show ;) though I do love me some Lestat! Oh or Lost Boys...

Ilovehim, big :hugs: hopefully soon you will get a normal AF

Amy, BOO I don't support you giving up! A temp spike is good isn't it? Maybe you aren't going to get that BFP early but instead right on time at 14 DPO :hugs: now you haven't been a downer! We are all here to cheer each other on and it is never an easy journey. We understand that. Love you honey
Ilovehim, we are all here for you. I am so so sorry you are feeling so down. I hope you cheer up soon. And I hope you get that bfp soon and have your rainbow baby! :hugs:

Amy hon, my goodness. I didn't realize you were just 12 dpo, I thought you were farther than that!! You are still early hon. No wonder you haven't gotten that bfp yet. And I kept talking about a St. Patrick's Day bfp thinking that you would be like 15 dpo or something like that. Sorry about that hon. :( You still have time, and that temperature spike looks very promising. :hugs: Oh, and the elevator didn't hit my tummy, but really got my back, so if it starts bothering I will definitely go see the doc.

To all the other ladies, I hope all of you had a nice weekend!!

AFM, I have a cold.. again. Sinus pain, ear pressure, it just hit me yesterday. I felt like crap last night after the elevator incident and with the cold. Its just a 24 hr flu hopefully. I got it from my daughter and she only had it for 24 hrs. Poor thing got really messed up though. She has suffered with asthma and eczema since she was a baby, and she had painful eczema on her eye lids and under her eyes, it was very painful for her. :(
Thanks girls :) According to ff I'm 12dpo but according to my opk I'm 14dpo. I had my progesterone drawn 7dp my + opk so ff would've considered that 5dpo and it was at 26.88 which I thought was a great sign. The cramping I'm having worries me. One second it feels like its centered the next it feels like its on one side. Also sorry tmi but I haven't had a bowel today which I thought again could be pregnancy related. I just don't know :(
Hey ladies,
Long time no talk!! I've just been do depressed with everything that's been going on with me losing the baby then my mom and im still not pregnant my dh is working all the time I still haven't even got a normal period I just spot each month pregnancy test are all big fat no so I've just been wanting to be my myself!

aw hugs chick xxxxxxxx
it def takes time for our bodies to come back to normal chick xxxx
my first 2 afs were completly batty :) my third was more normal but not totally normal.
im sorry if i asked u before but r u using opks or anything? xxx
big hugs hon, it takes a long time to get over a loss, i thought i was over it recently and then mothers day hit me across the side of the head :) :)
the bad days dont dissappear completly but they get less and less and sometimes are just a sad hour rather than a day, xxx hugs
dont be hard on urself and expect to be over it like magic, ur allowed be sad.
glad ur back, xxxxxxx this thread helped me a lot, its nice to know we arent alone in the way we feel xxxxxxxx

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