ttc after a d&c

Amy, I hate to see you feeling like this. I hope you didn't take offence when I told you my opinion. But it just sounds like the doc is pushing this stuff on you. If you get pregnant hon, I am thinking it will happen whether or not you take clomid. I know that higher dosages of clomid can do more damage than good, at least that is what I am reading. So please hon, if you do decide to take the 150 mg please never let her put you up to 200 mg. That would be just way too high.
Multiples would be amazing but they don't run in my or DH's family :D
If you get twins you could always tell them that there was double the love :baby: :baby: :cloud9:
So what did she say it was like to have a twin? hehe!

She said it was crazy and fun and lovely! She loves her twin brother (who happens to be friends with my DP and that's how we got close!) so much that they go almost everywhere together, even now that they're already old! :hugs:

I forgot to mention that I already have a daughter. I adopted her when I was 16 years old (6 years ago), because her mother (who was our house helper then) couldn't feed her anymore. She's now 6 years old and she's asking for a baby sister/brother! So when I told her we're losing our baby, she cried before my operation and asked if our baby was already an angel and I said yes! She's been praying eversince that I get pregnant again! Lol. So naive and cute!!!! :kiss::hugs:

Oh but what sweet prayers- the Lord must be on your side when you have such a sweet daughter praying so faithfully <3 who can resist? :hugs:

I'll ask her to include you in her prayers and that everything goes well with you because you have such a big heart and you deserve it :hugs: thank you so much for keeping me same tonight! :kiss::hugs:

Always <3 this is a great group of wonderful and supportive ladies! We will all get those rainbows and cheer each other on along the way! :hugs:
Hi Bethany, Laura, Jen, Angel, Natasha. I hope all of you are having a lovely day!
Amy, hopefully af doesn't show up in the next couple of days. But I will give you my personal opinion here. If you don't get pregnant this cycle, If I were you, I would NOT keep with the clomid or just stay at the same dosage (but that is just me). You never had fertility issues before this. I have been reading that when you get up to 150 mg of clomid, that is pretty high, and some docs don't want to go above 100 mg or 150 mg. If you don't get pregnant this month, sure you might end up getting pregnant next month with the 150mg dosage, but you very well could end up getting pregnant with the 50mg or 100mg. If you never had problems with fertility before, I still don't get why she even prescribed you the clomid in the first place. So you can get pregnant faster? But you have never had problems getting pregnant, right? Anyways this is just my opinion. You need to follow your gut instinct. :hugs:

Thanks Jess, I wonder too why she wants to up it. Im going to ask her when she calls here soon. I think that they gave it to me for my progesterone. My level was at 26.88 which is the best I have ever heard it be so the clomid did help there. I really think that my progesterone had something to do with the fact that I lost the first baby. I questioned why Im having a hard time getting pregnant now and why I was able to so easy before and whether this is the right decision. After talking to DH, he brought up a good point. He said "well, we got pregnant fast but never carried full term. Its up to you on what you want to do but I say we keep trying". I told myself that if I wasnt pregnant this month, then I was going to stop the Clomid but after getting those progesterone results, Im now thinking I should stick with it... dont you think? I dont know about upping the dose so again, I will ask about that but what do you girls thinks? I also think that maybe the reason why Im having a hard time is because Clomid has dried me out and I dont know that the preseed is enough for dh's swimmers. Im going to ask her about Mucinex and/or Robitussin so see what she thinks.

You will get pregnant soon! We both will! I'll include you in my prayers tonight. :) :hugs::kiss:

Thank you so much for your kind words and prayers :flower: I hope we both get our bfp's soon too!

Bethany, yay for more symptoms and scan coming up!!
Amy, I think I would be more likely to blame the MTHFR for your losses than progesterone but I can understand wanting to cover your bases. But I still don't think a higher dose will do you any good- you had great progesterone with your current dose.
How much preseed did you use? You may just need to use more.
Amy, I hate to see you feeling like this. I hope you didn't take offence when I told you my opinion. But it just sounds like the doc is pushing this stuff on you. If you get pregnant hon, I am thinking it will happen whether or not you take clomid. I know that higher dosages of clomid can do more damage than good, at least that is what I am reading. So please hon, if you do decide to take the 150 mg please never let her put you up to 200 mg. That would be just way too high.

Oh no, I didnt take offense at all! :hugs: I know you girls are only looking out for me and I so appreciate it and love all the advice! I too read the same thing. 150mg would me my absolute max and I dont even think she would do more than that. If that didnt work, then I think she would move on to something else or maybe suggest the IUI. We'll just have to see what happens I guess. I wish she would just call already. Tbh, Im kind of numb to it all atm. I have my moments of sadness here and there so far but all in all, I think Im starting to get use to the bad news. I hate being so down and hate feeling like that but I think its true. I still smile and go about my day but every time I come home, I look at all the empty rooms in the house upstairs and think "we had this house built for no reason". Just sucks.
Amy, I think I would be more likely to blame the MTHFR for your losses than progesterone but I can understand wanting to cover your bases. But I still don't think a higher dose will do you any good- you had great progesterone with your current dose.
How much preseed did you use? You may just need to use more.

I think I used quite a bit. We had to put a towel down every time we bd :oops: I filled it up to line 2 for the days leading up to my + opk. Then that day and the 2 days after I filled it to 3. Anymore and I think that dh would just keep sliding out! lol Thats why I wanted to ask about the mucinex. Id rather my body produce fertile cm even if only a little more than me completely relying on preseed. Im going to see why she wants to go with 150mg.
I totally agree Amy. I just get weary when docs keep upping dosages. If you feel it is the right thing to do, go for it. But please hon, please don't let her get you up to 200 mg because I have heard that is getting too high and can actually hurt your chances. Just listen to your body and what it tells you. We are only here to help when we can and give suggestions, but you do what you and of course what dh thinks is right. If you get bfp this month that will be fantastic. If you need to to go onto the next month and you feel its right to go up to 150 mg do what you need to do. :hugs:
Amy, I hate to see you feeling like this. I hope you didn't take offence when I told you my opinion. But it just sounds like the doc is pushing this stuff on you. If you get pregnant hon, I am thinking it will happen whether or not you take clomid. I know that higher dosages of clomid can do more damage than good, at least that is what I am reading. So please hon, if you do decide to take the 150 mg please never let her put you up to 200 mg. That would be just way too high.

Oh no, I didnt take offense at all! :hugs: I know you girls are only looking out for me and I so appreciate it and love all the advice! I too read the same thing. 150mg would me my absolute max and I dont even think she would do more than that. If that didnt work, then I think she would move on to something else or maybe suggest the IUI. We'll just have to see what happens I guess. I wish she would just call already. Tbh, Im kind of numb to it all atm. I have my moments of sadness here and there so far but all in all, I think Im starting to get use to the bad news. I hate being so down and hate feeling like that but I think its true. I still smile and go about my day but every time I come home, I look at all the empty rooms in the house upstairs and think "we had this house built for no reason". Just sucks.

I'm so sorry hon. All I can say is that when you do have your children, they will be a beautiful combination of you and hubby. I pray that you will be blessed with a house full of healthy children. Although I know that they will be very exotic and beautiful also!
Amy, I think I would be more likely to blame the MTHFR for your losses than progesterone but I can understand wanting to cover your bases. But I still don't think a higher dose will do you any good- you had great progesterone with your current dose.
How much preseed did you use? You may just need to use more.

I think I used quite a bit. We had to put a towel down every time we bd :oops: I filled it up to line 2 for the days leading up to my + opk. Then that day and the 2 days after I filled it to 3. Anymore and I think that dh would just keep sliding out! lol Thats why I wanted to ask about the mucinex. Id rather my body produce fertile cm even if only a little more than me completely relying on preseed. Im going to see why she wants to go with 150mg.

On a personal note, my hubby didn't enjoy using too much of the preseed, he said it distracted him, the constant sliding out. lol. :blush:
Thanks doll! And yes, I DEFINITELY will not go up to 200mg. 150mg is my absolute max. I still have to wait and see what she says her reasonings behind that are tomorrow and we'll go from there. I just wish af would show already. :(
Amy, I think I would be more likely to blame the MTHFR for your losses than progesterone but I can understand wanting to cover your bases. But I still don't think a higher dose will do you any good- you had great progesterone with your current dose.
How much preseed did you use? You may just need to use more.

I think I used quite a bit. We had to put a towel down every time we bd :oops: I filled it up to line 2 for the days leading up to my + opk. Then that day and the 2 days after I filled it to 3. Anymore and I think that dh would just keep sliding out! lol Thats why I wanted to ask about the mucinex. Id rather my body produce fertile cm even if only a little more than me completely relying on preseed. Im going to see why she wants to go with 150mg.

On a personal note, my hubby didn't enjoy using too much of the preseed, he said it distracted him, the constant sliding out. lol. :blush:
LOl I think mine did only because I am SOOO dry. :oops: but anymore and I think it would turn into a slip and slide! :haha:
hi guys xx

mamaella welcome and sorry for ur loss , :hugs: xx
hope ur holding up ok, it is very hard to come to terms with,
ur DD sounds adorable :) we will all keep u in our prayers x
thats great clomid helped u get preg so fast hon, fx it does now too :) xxxx
hurry up af :) it took me 5.5 weeks to get my first af after d and c but some people get it much quicker, take care of urself while waiting for it, lots of tlc for u xxx hugs xx
i waited 3 months but only cos of liver issues , not cos of d and c.
i got preg on my first fortnight of ttc ;) so it can happen fast again when u try xx
and im 29 weeks now, i was so afraid i might have another mc, just keep in mind u dont have any extra chance of mc just cos u had one xxxxxxxxxx hugs xxxx

amy hugs honey, im unsure about the clomid , if it made ur progesterone so good at 100, maybe 100 is good for u. but doc is hte expert so maybe best to listen to her xxxx hoping its invalid convo due to bfp tomoro xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

bethany hurray for lots o symptoms xxx

hi jess hope ur day is goin well too xxxxx

hi and hugs to all xxxxx
So I read a little more and saw some women in my position and they said that thier drs did the same thing and prescribed more in hopes of more eggs releasing for better chances. Dont know how I feel about that since I dont know how many I have left.
u have loads left amy , ur young, we r born with millions of um :)
it makes multiples more likely then does it? xxx
u be glad or sad for multiple, not sad exactly i mean, but....... xxx
So I read a little more and saw some women in my position and they said that thier drs did the same thing and prescribed more in hopes of more eggs releasing for better chances. Dont know how I feel about that since I dont know how many I have left.

That just doesn't make sense for you though. I mean, have they diagnosed a problem with your eggs? I think yours are fine. I know people who have problems with egg quality and they just don't get pregnant at all :-/

Laura, hi :)
So I read a little more and saw some women in my position and they said that thier drs did the same thing and prescribed more in hopes of more eggs releasing for better chances. Dont know how I feel about that since I dont know how many I have left.

That just doesn't make sense for you though. I mean, have they diagnosed a problem with your eggs? I think yours are fine. I know people who have problems with egg quality and they just don't get pregnant at all :-/

Laura, hi :)

That's the same thing I was thinking. The thing is, sadly docs don't always know best. My father was very sick for many years and now my mom has health problems. Every time my mom gets a new prescription I research first if the medicine is safe, or if it has any interactions with her medicine she is already taking. Do you know how many times they have given her medicines that are not safe for her, while knowing about all of her medicines? You really can't put your trust in a doc 100%, you have to do your own research. After all, all humans are fallible. When I was pregnant with my daughter Natalie, the docs prescribed me a class C medicine for my blood pressure ( I found this out by researching). I easily found a class B medicine that was safer and known to be an excellent medicine for women during pregnancy. So she switched medicines for me. But I always wondered, if she had my best interests in mind, why didn't SHE know better and give me a safer medicine. This has happened to me many times with many different docs. The high risk doc prescribed me a laxative for constipation, I did my research and that particular laxative (forgot the name) is not safe for pregnancy and even causes contractions. Then I found the safe alternatives, and again I wondered, why would she do this?
Yup. The clomid is helping the progesterone but it thins the uterine lining and dries up your CM. I think a higher dose is a bad call. I don't think there are any egg issues here. You really need testing before they make such an asusmption. But MTHFR is more than likely the reason you miscarried, not your eggs having issues.

Jessica, wow. I had an issue the last time I went to the doctor for asthma- he wanted to give me a class C inhaler and I pushed for a class B. Doctors... :nope:
No, they never said anything about my eggs. She said that she wasnt worried but that was back in Jan that she told me that. My uterine lining has been fine both months. She does have me wear an estrogen patch from cd10 to when I get a + opk. And then I take BA which also can help with lining so Im not worried about that. But the CM is a biggie that I AM thinking about. She def thinks that the MTHFR needed to be addressed which is why I have been on NeevoDHA for the past 3 months along with an extra 3mg of folic acid and the BA. It just makes me think either I can stop the clomid and run the risk of low progesterone again or go for the 150mg and see how many follies I get.

Laura, to answer your question, I would really like to only have one for now. DH and I do want atleast 2 but not at the same time but we will take whatever we can get. If we are meant to have twins, then so be it. Im terrified of this being the way it will be for YEARS. Just keep ttc and nothing. Just makes my heart ache.

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