ttc after a d&c

Thanks Jen and yes I would be here for you girls in a heart beat. I just dont like being the one that needs support. Id much rather give it. This has just made me feel so weak with all the whining and crying. I hate feeling my heart ache over and over again. I just want something to look forward to. Im sure if I were to ever get pregnant, that I would worry and have the same fears you ladies have but Im hoping that I woul dhave some comfort in knowing that Im one step closer. :(

I would feel the same about DH being away too. Esp when you are home alone all day. I havent commented much on everyone's status so Im so sorry :( Maybe you can tell him that you dont mind him spending time with his brother but that you would like it if he can still set asside time for you. :hugs:

Im finding it hard to say the right things now a days and I dont want to say the wrong thing so I just stay quiet :oops: I truely love you all :hugs: and wish nothing but the best. Ill try and get better about saying the right things.. just need some time to heal I think right now :(
Hi Amy!!! Soon enough you will be pregnant and we will all still be supporting you , and through the whole pregnancy.. morning sickness, back pains.. everything!! You should never feel bad or feel you are being negative. We have all been there and understand. I know the days and weeks feel so long for you right now, but when you get pregnant they are gonna fly! And like Jen said, one day when you have your children around you, you will look back at all of this and wonder where the time went! :hugs:
That is so sweet when you said you are trying to say the right things nowadays. It tells me you are a very considerate and sensitive person. I am the same way. I don't want to hurt people, so I try to be careful with my words. What is very interesting is that I am not this open in real life. I don't like to tell people about my problems or talk about them, there are only a couple I really trust and I am still not so open with them. I don't even think I pour my heart out to my husband like I do to all of you ladies! :hugs:
Youre very sweet. Im a talkative person irl but I do like to think about things before I say it. Thats why I really like this site. I feel I can get my deepest thougths and feelings out and not be judged. Just a great way to make sure you dont bottle things.
My husbadn is VERY quiet and reserved aorund others. To the point where I tell people some of the thingshe says and does at home and they dont believe me. So most of the time, Im the goofy one bouncing off the walls. Lately, I have moments of that but he told me that I havent been myself and that Im up and down a lot. I just told him that if we dont get pregnant this cycle, that we should try IUI next cycle and if still nothing thwn I want to be done. He didnt comment on the being done part but he did say that we can seriously talk about an IUI for next cycle should we need it.
My husband is just like yours. He is very quiet and reserved around people, but when he is home with me, he can be a goof ball!! lol. My dad was the same way. He was a very very reserved person, but a very very good man! My husband spends all of his time with us. Since we have been married, he has never gone out after work, gone out with friends.. nothing. Only a couple of times he has gone to baseball games with my brothers. But everything we do, we do together as a family. He prefers it like this. He is somewhat of a loner, but that has always been him. I get to have him all for myself. lol.
Hon, I don't think you should give up, even if you don't get pregnant after this cycle. How about stepping aside and keep on taking the meds that you really need, like clomid and the folic acid and just taking things more casually. I would hate to see you give up. You have gotten pregnant twice Amy, and easily. And you have a different team of docs now that want to do everything they can to help you through your next pregnancy. Please don't give up.
They do sound similar! My husband will occassionally play basketball with some guys and he plays in a softball league with some guys from work once a week but other than that, he doesnt really like to hang out in big groups or anything. He prefers to go places with me which is wonderful. :)

My BFF was talking to be earlier today and all these things came up about the mc's and all. I think thats why I am even more emotional today. She asked a lot of questions and said " is this the majority of what occupies your mind's time?" to which I said "Not as much as it use to but with all the meds and monitoring and everything that I am doing, its hard to keep my mind off of it. I have to constantly be aware of what CD/DPO it is. I have to make sure to take and stop and start meds on certain days. get blood work done, follicle scans, etc. When you do all this and you still end up not pregnant, its a very hard thing to come to terms with". She told me that she is going to be coming out in the begining of Sep for a few days which totally made me feel great. I dont care for her husband at all (He is the one that I told you guys about a long time ago that was weird and I had a criminal record) but she will be coming solo! :) I felt bad and told her that I didnt want her to be bored out here since Im HOPING to be pregnant by then so there will be no drinking or anything like that. She said that she didnt care about any of that and she just wanted to see me and that she is never bored with me. Made me feel so great :)
Hon, I don't think you should give up, even if you don't get pregnant after this cycle. How about stepping aside and keep on taking the meds that you really need, like clomid and the folic acid and just taking things more casually. I would hate to see you give up. You have gotten pregnant twice Amy, and easily. And you have a different team of docs now that want to do everything they can to help you through your next pregnancy. Please don't give up.

Thats whats so hard about all this. Before the Clomid and preseed and meds, I got pregnant twice and easily. But if I were to go back to that, then I have a very high chance of mc again. Its more so me thinking that I may need to really accept the idea that Im not going to ever be a mother. DH is supportive and has said in the past that we can do whatever I want, bless him, but I know that the thought of coming to the end of the road hurts him and makes me feel even worse. For right now I think I need to stick with clomid this cycle and if it fails then IUI next cycle and if that fails then just move on. For all I know, I may have something that will give me hope and make me keep going but for now I just dont know if I have it in me anymore. :cry:
Time is on your side Amy, and just remember every month there is a chance for you to get pregnant and those sound like pretty good odds to me!! I have to bring it up again, but if I was able to get pregnant twice with one ovary and one fallopian tube, you probably have more of a chance than me. :) The first cycle I tried to get pregnant, I put so much stress on it and on my husband. I made him bd with me like 5 out of 7 days and the poor thing was exhausted and stressed. When I ended up getting sick with that whole tooth ordeal, it ended up happening ( got my bfp) and I think we only bded 2 times around ov time. And remember Bethany got pregnant the month she wasn't even trying. So I feel that if you really try your hardest to not put so much pressure on yourself, your odds of becoming pregnant will skyrocket!! I know this is so hard to do hon, but it has to happen one of these cycles, maybe this one!!
So, your bff ended up marrying the guy huh. Hopefully he has straightened out his act for her and especially her daughters sake. You did all you could. I think it is great that she is thinking about coming and visiting you!! I wish we all lived closer together, so we could actually all support each other in person!
Me too :( there have been so many times where I just wanted to say "Hey lets go to dinner" or "movie night at my place!" just to get our minds off of everything. Just so hard. :(

Thanks for the vote of confidence :hugs:. Im really trying not to get so wrapped up in all this but Im just constantly reminded every time I take a pill or POAS... its everyday all month. :(

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and a very Happy Easter! <3
Laura all natural for you also :) Id love love love a water birth but I dont have the money for a midwife or doula and my ins doesnt cover any of that. Are they making you deliver early since he is bigger?? like are they considering inducing?? I am totally against forcing labor early unless there is serious problem. Also is he breeched still or head down?? Mine is still breeched and im so worried that she will stay that way and not get into position correctly I hope she faces my spine like she is suppose too... I hope yours does same!


id love a water birth too but im considered too far from my hosp to qualify for home birth and they have stopped water birth in our hosp cos of an 'incident ' in a different irish hosp a while back . im not sure what happened but this is what i heard,
would be nice in an ideal world, home water birth with 1 or 2 qualified pros be ideal :) oh to be rich :)
they didnt mention early but il resist ;) i dont mind if bub is big, i can do this :) im glad bub is nice and healthy, il be fine ;)
i dont want induction, they can let me go way over if i have to , unless any doubt on bubs safety, thats the only way il let um :)
i want to be left to my own devices in labour as far as poss,
thats the plan now anyway, im gonna stay home as long as i feel safe.
last scan. last monday bub was head down , but he has since turned a bit again, he is gone more diagonal but half down :)
they have lots of time to turn yet, they dont start to worry till 37 weeks she told me in hosp :) so dont fret.. my back is way better since bub went back to not straight down.
im gonna read on now, but i would forget if i didnt answer now ;)
Yup, just hope it works. It's really hard not to be pregnant. I kind of feel bad come into this thread anymore because you girls are doing so well and are excited about your pregnancies and I feel like such a Debbie downer. :( I'm do happy for you all and really don't want to be the fly in the ointment :(

amy i hope this was just a low moment cos u know we love u and would miss u terribly if u left us xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Yup, just hope it works. It's really hard not to be pregnant. I kind of feel bad come into this thread anymore because you girls are doing so well and are excited about your pregnancies and I feel like such a Debbie downer. :( I'm do happy for you all and really don't want to be the fly in the ointment :(

amy i hope this was just a low moment cos u know we love u and would miss u terribly if u left us xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

:hugs::hugs::hugs: love you girls too

I hope you girls will still be here once your lo's are born. I do want to hear about how everything is going but I would love to still talk to you girls should I fall pregnant after you girls give birth :)
hi soz was catching up :)
hope ur feelin better amy xxx
i have been quiet here last few days cos i havent been home much, i was gettin a bit of cabin fever so i thought i better keep myself more occupied :)
amy i second the girls, i really truly cant wait for ur bfp with stick bean xxxxxxxxx hugs xxxxxxxxxxx ur Lo is gonna be so loved and cherished, thats what i make myself think when i get sad over lile. its gonna make me a better mom cos i value it all so much more if u know what i mean. i wouldnt wish this on anyone ever, but we have to have some silver lining to it xxxxx
hope ur feelin a bit better, is it BD time, im always upbeat for that part ot ttc, cos i know everytime could be THE time bub is made :) xxxxxxxxxx fx xxxxxxxxxx
oh and il def stil be here after prob tearing my hair out at 3 in morn :) xxxxxxxx
Yup, bd time. Dh favorite time. Btw, he said that he loved the yes baby vs the preseed so hope that means something! Also, hope you aren't here tearing your hair out lol but ill be so happy if you guys are here :)
will def be here hon, ye r my friends , i would miss ye all way too much to leave xxxx
besides im far too nosy, i have to stay to find out how ur happy and healthy pregnancy u r just about to get goes :) xxxxxxxx i lit a candle for ye all again today xxxx
dont think ahead to other cycles as much as u can manage, xxx focus on now, do ur cds, take ur meds and enjoy ur BD a smuch as u can. i dont know if u do or not , but making u O after DH does is something i swear by,. DIY or wiht help doesnt matter, i reckon it helps swimmer s;)

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