ttc after a d&c

hi guys xxxx

jen thats great for changing table ;) i think people when they r done with um are glad to have somewhere to give um, i can imagine not wanting to throw away bubs stuff when done with it but being satisfied to give away if i know someone else will get use out of it :)
class was fine, no magic secrets :) but nice and all nice people at it too
i went to buy my sleep nursing bras , i was gonna buy um online the other day but said i would go to shop so i could see um, they were half price , wayhey :) was so happy ;)
no news really, im wrecked now ;) i spoke too soon yest, had bad nt with my back and up early today :) so im gonna head to bed soon even though its only 9.30 :)
i will change my job when i can hon, these months off have set my plans back financially so will hve to go back till my do up my house loan is gone, im hoping redundancy at end of yr, please god :)

amy, maybe its the 2 eggs , one first day and num 2 next day :)
hurray for good eggs :) xxxxxxxxxx

angel we were the same in our cars, my mom and dad had 12 kids , we would have had mom and dad and 10 kids in a car sometimes :) (my oldest bro and sis would have moved out by then ) . i used to 'drive' the car too, sittin on dads lap :)
hope u get her a nice pressie, :)
hurray for being able to rest xxx

hi and hugs to all xxxxxxxx

tash we miss u xxxxxxxx
Completely understand why youll be going back to hosp after maternity leave Laura. Job security is huge!! Thats why I am so upset I am not employed anymore. Its so hard knowing I have no income up til my edd like I counted on, I have no job security, and no job to go back to after having baby. I mean I didnt even plan to really take a maternity leave but manditory healing time and then back to work id go. All well I really need to let it go....

Yay for baby class! I hope you learned some stuff! Also great deal on nursing bras at half off :)

Seeing my friend yest was nice! She treated me to dinner and I was sooo full and ate sooo healthy! It was such a treat! I feel terrible that I cant afford to eat veggies and fruits as much as I should. I mean I get whats on sale but its still only baby carrots, tomatoe, lettuce, onion usually since very cheap... Id love a cantaloupe and some grapes! Summer is almost hear and farmers markets will open and im hoping their prices are reasonable! Id like zucchini, eggplant, etc...

Angel thank you for the tip on the fire company! I plan to call them on monday :) So they use a foam to protect your vehicles seat from getting chopped up from carseat?? Did I read that right?I must agree all these new standards are crazy. I mean seriously we are all alive and fine. I just think there are too many rules these days. Anyways I really am sad about the brica mirror. I really wanted to use that in my car to see her when Im drivin but if im in a accident and the plexy stuff gets smashed in her face ill never be able to live with myself. Im sure i wouldnt get in accident but its like why risk it?

Amy and RayRay :dust: I am super excited for the outcome of this cycle for you Amy!!!

Bethany Enjoy your vaca!! We will be sooo excited for your return to hear all about your trip and to see how your doing! I hope your feeling okay and your not to sick. Just remember your little one is growing :)
hi guys, xx

jen its hard to let it go when ur worried about something , hoping something pops up for u soon to lighten ur load xxxxxxxxxx
i applied for tax back in jan, they only answered me now, i figured id be owed at least 450e , possibly more, im usually good at figuring it out and have gotten it right every yr(bar last yr before ). it was gonna buy me cot, matress and bf pump i need on my local places baby nt. the tax people reckon they only owe me 9e, gutted. so peed off. when we werent in recession i always got the amount of refund right to within a few euro, last 2 yrs they reckon they owe me money but i owe them too, so it cancels out, so mad, i honestly think htey r cheatin me but ive no money to hire accountant to check it. ive gotta let it go too jen but its hard :) i only just found out, il let it go soon bu ti needed a rant first.
thinkin maybe of applying for credit card but i donno if il get it in time for baby nt.
and that s the only reason i want the credit card, i got rid of mine about 2 yrs ago cos i hate loans and cards. i could just live on nothing for next 2 weeks and i might have enough. but id have to scrimp on everythin even food and i dont really wanna scrimp on good food. arrrggghhh, things were goin well.... money sucks big time !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i think il have to look to Oh for help, so sick of thinkin boutmoney, hoping i win work draw today, im also goin for dinner tonight with my friends, if i had known about tax back i wouldnt have agreed to go, cant afford it now, but i always cancel or say i cant do things and i think they r gettin sick of me ;) plus my friend is home from scotland and i ahvent seen her in months and she wil be goin back on mon.
come on lotto i need u now ;) :)
ok sorry rant over, i feel a little better sorry for big spillage but if i dont get it out, it festers in :) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

hope everyone is well xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hugs to all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
my new mantra is , money isnt everything, it can feck off, my baby and my health and my familys happiness is way more important :)
no credit card, it will all get sorted, il just be nice and quiet and zen til baby nt and see what happens ;) Ohs parent offered to buy the cot so maybe i can remind him of that :) xxxxxxxxxx
hugs to all from a more peacefull laura ;) :) xxxxxxxxx
Hi Ladies! Happy Friday! :dance:

Jen & Laura, Im sorry that you ladies are having to worry about finances. :( Thats the last thing you should have to worry about at a time like this. Im really hoping that it works out and Im sure it will. I have faith for you girls! Come on Lotto and UE and/or job opportunity!!

Jess, how are you doing? Hope DD#3 is still kicking and moving away!

Angel, howare you and your little fella doing?

Tash & Horsey, :hugs:

Bethany, Dont know if youll see this but safe travels!!!!!! :plane:

Rayray, One more day until :test:

TGIF!! :wohoo:
:hugs: laura i dont feel so alone im glad u let it all out. This will work itself out it just has to. Right? I hope oh reminds his parents abot cot. Its hard when fam offer once then nvr offer again bc its hard to ask. But oh should ur in need of help. Very nice u see ur friends today! I can relate how everyone wants to go out n us to join. I order water w lemon and cheapest thing on menu last time. Maybe u can keep ur tab down¿ im not sure how it is in ireland.
Amy hi!! So glad its finally friday too :) not like for me it really changes things but its weekend for u! :) any plans?
Angel i hope ur finding a way to get some rest :hugs: how are u today? Hows ur lil one?

Jess hi!! How are u ur daughters and lo?

Rayray fxd for bfp! :dust:
So my friend n her daughter are coming over for very first time today. They wanna see house n babys room. I cleaned as much as i coud but then dh dirtied it again grr. I hope she doesnt judge or think im messy bc its hard keeping up with him. Guess ill clean now as much as i can :)
No plans this weekend... just going to try and find something to occupy my time and get my mind off of the fact that I am begining my TWW :ignore:

Thats nice that your friend is going to be coming over. Im sure she wont judge you. I dont think anyone would expect a pregnant woman to be cleaning 24/7 esp with how far along you are. Hope you have a great time visiting with her :)
Hi ladies!! TGIF!! I hope all of you have a lovely weekend!
Amy, yay and fx for your tww!! I hope this tww goes by very quickly for you and hubby!

Laura and Jen, I am so sorry about all of your financial issues. But the worrying and stress isn't good for you, I wish that you didn't have to go through any of these problems. :( . My dh had taken all of the burden of finances since we got married, he doesn't let me touch anything with the finances especially now that I am pregnant, not bills.. nothing. He takes care of everything... but.. as both of you know, I still have stress in another department, that is with my 2 daughters. One is mentally ill, and the other I am not even sure what is going on with her. So either way, the stress comes! :growlmad: I hope that things get better for both of you.

Bethany!! I believe you are about to leave for your big trip!! I am so excited for you and the same time worried. Please take care and be careful ok! I trust dh will take good care of you. Beware of what you eat hon. I am always scared of food outside this country. I got a horrible case of food poisoning in El Salvador. So be very careful hon!!

Hi Angel, so happy that your little man is kicking away! Isn't it such a wonderful feeling. Has your dh felt him kick yet!! If he hasn't, the reaction is beautiful and priceless. When my hubby first felt our little girl kick he had such a giddy smile on his face, it brought tears to my eyes. It also helps them to realize how real our little babies are and to appreciate everything more.

AFM, I am getting ready for a mini vacation, going to Monterey/Carmel to shop, dine, and relax with the family. Hopefully my little one Natalie is going to behave! Love you all. :hugs:
Jess, your mini vaca sounds so nice!!! I hope you have a great time and relax and spend some quality time with your family! :)
So have any of you ever heard of the ring test? Where you take a wedding ring either string or hair and it can tell you not only your babies gender but IF you will have kids and how many? I want to do it but I dont know how lol
hi guys xxx

im in much better form, dinner was lovely , really yummy and so nice to see my friends, i needed to get out and do something nice to stop my brain from melting :) hee hee
jen i did have water, had main and shared desert. :) we did just pay for our own cos all rest were drinking and one guy had 3 course, we had 1 and 1/2 or some people had 2 :) so better to pay our own :) bub has hiccups now from all the food ;)
i came home after few hours cos they moved to a pub and we had no seats, my ankles were sweling :) but i had a lovely nt , i really needed it :)
jen im skitting , we seem so similar sometimes, i have same problem with OH, i tidy and mr dirt monster whirls around and destroys it 2 secs later, very frustrating but he doesnt even realise he has done it cos he doesnt see how clean it stays when he isnt here :)
ur friend wont judge, she just wants to see u , not how ur house is :) xxxxx

amy hi hon, how u doin? silly Tww, but if we didnt have it, we couldnt get bfp at the end :) fx for u xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
thanks babe, il be fine , i just needed to let off steam, i feel better already for having got outta the house and met my friends :)

jess thanks honey, xxx its my own fault for lettin it get to me, i know i have help from OH and my parents if i need it , im just so used to being independant i find it hard to accept help. i get embarassed cos i need it, which is silly. :) thanks. xx
enjoy ur break, u deserve a great one xxxxxxxxxxxxx

angel hope u and Lo are doin well.

hi and hugs to all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

amy with the ring test, u need a wedding ring and a chain.
u put the wedding ring on a chain and tie the chain. hold the top of chain and dangle the ring over ur palm. wait and see how ring moves. if its back and forth its for a boy and round in circle is for a girl. when it stops and starts up again, u know its for next bub :)
my bro did it for me, he heard over ur wrist, it still moves over wrist or palm, it said boy for me :) i could feel a pull on my wrist even though it doesnt touch u :) and bub started kicking too :)
let us know how u get on :) xxx
Nifty ring trick ladies! 3dpo Amy! FX'd the next few days go by quickly and are stress-free!

Yay for company Jen! Hope the visit went well!

Laura ~ My friends forget that the pub/bar scene isn't too comfy for a pregnant gal :/ Glad you and your little one were quite full from a yummy meal though! Hiccups...too sweet! My Granny used to say, "babies get the hiccups because they are growing." :haha: Not sure if there is any truth to it, but it's a sweet thought.

Jess ~ One of my dear friends is moving to Monterey next year. I want to go with her to house hunt. My DH says I would love living there, but I'm a family gal and my fam is on the East Coast. Hope you and the girls have a fabulous time!

TGIF! My DH comes home in about a week! Boy what a difference he is going to see in me! Glad he missed the "chubby" stage. He was here for the "bloat" stage and is coming back to a real "bump!" :cloud9: Meanwhile I'm sure he will especially notice my ta-ta's. I am regularly a B cup, briefly went into a C cup and am now in a full D cup! Holy boobies! I don't want to buy any more regular bras, so I hope these puppies slow down! :mamafy:

:dust: and sweet baby dreams ladies! (Psst...Amy let me know how the ring trick turns out...double-trouble vibes headed your way!)
Hehe thanks ladies! I don't think I know what I'm doing lol I tried to do it oh dh and we both looked at the ring and he said what does that mean. I laughed abd said I have no idea. Lol

Yay for diner for Laura and dh coming home for you angel! Can't wait to hear about his reaction to your bump! :)

Don't know why but starting to feel down again about this cycle. I think this feeling came around the same time last cycle. Maybe it's for the clomid? Or pms :( I started reading stuff on google earlier and read about so many women having a ton of follicles and not getting pregnant :( Oh why does this feeling of down have to come.
Amy lol u n dh sounded like uhad fun trying! Tww come on go fast with that bfp!!!
Angel wow d cup! Ur dh must love that! :)
Laura we are sosimiliar thanks for laugh n glad u enjoyed ur dinner :)

My friend bailed go figure it always happens. At least i got my house kinda cleaned. Took kobe out for walk. Cooked dinner and over ate! Lol
Amy ~ No negativity this early in the game! :trouble: You need to visualize a positive outcome. Ok ok, you need to be able to vent...that being said, you can be negative because the girls and I will keep strong PMAs for you! Your doubts are perfectly natural and we've all had them! Right now I'm visualizing two little lights (baby A and baby B) making their journey down your tube as I type! :) Makes me think of that movie Innerspace with Martin Short, we need that technology to track your progress.

Jen ~ Bummer about your gf not showing up. Bet it's nice to have a clean house though.

:hugs: ladies!
Angel house is no longer clean. all well.

Amy agree we all have lots of PMA for you!!! :dust: :dust: :dust: I agree with angel I foresee a baby A and B in your near future :) I cant think negative things seem to positive for any. But understand if your having them :hugs: We will get through this with you and this shall be a thing of the past! Praying for you!! :dust:

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend~!! Its nice in pa but still cold and windy yuck. But our pup got out on friday and some time out today. Baby classes went well. Today kinda was scary because we learned alot of what to expect and different ways to handle situations that arise. We also learned to swaddle a baby bathe the baby and give baby a massage along with lots of other things. The 5 S's (Swaddle, Side/Stomach, Shushing, Swing, Sucking Should lead to sleep) Instructor recommended watching Happiest Baby on the Block by Harvey Karp. Also learned not to use baby powder on a baby til 3 monthes old but a great use for it is on the beach to get sand off arms and legs. I woulda never known! Anyways I guess thats about it that was interesting. My husband and I are starting to get nervous.

Jess maybe you can help me with my fear or maybe anyone else knows... Im not too scared of the actual labor (as long as all goes normal like i expect) but im very scared of the after part. The healing like if I tear or needed to be cut. I am worried that I will be in pain etc and not sure what to expect from it. Any advice or information on this part would be great as no one ever talks about the after birth mother experience. It kinda goes unsaid im sure its just bc its all about the baby and I know my family will not be any help to me. So im trying to get my mind mentally prepared for what to expect in this area.

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