ttc after a d&c

Hello all,
How is everyone doing? me im trying to hold on to hope but I just can not help to think it's always one bad thing after another:cry:
Im trying so hard to keep it together but I know my family needs me.
I'll be so happy when my WiFi gets hooked up on my tablet so I can start getting on here more I've just been trying not to think about pregnancy right now because even tho I want another baby so badly I just can't put myself threw poas and only seeing that one line on there:crying: it really sucks so bad that I had a mc in December I'd be 6months right now a little more then half there and me and dh would be meeting our first child in July :-( my sisters baby is due any day its not fair she can pop out kids no problem but I have trouble and to top if off me dh just haven't been to good lately he works so much that im down to sex once a week ha how em I gonna get pregnant like that ughh Im so scared ill never get Prego again I just wish my baby and mom were both alive still but at least they got each other in heaven I know my mom isn't in pain anymore and I know I probably sound so selfish because I wish she was here even more with me. I have come so far in life then where I was and its like krama is really getting me now!!!

sorry ladies I just know u all understand more then anyone and hopefully my tablet will be on asap thanks again ladies hope all is well

:hugs: Im sorry you are having a rough time hun. Are you doing anything to help get pregnant? I.e OPK's, preseed, etc? With your hubby working alot I wasnt sure but they say it just takes one. If you can time it right, that one time may just do it! :flower: I know that nothing can replace your baby or your mom but I hope that peace finds you and we are here for you if you ever need to talk. I too have been feeling the same as you... My EDD for my 1st was in Feb and I cant help but think "Im suppose to have a 2 month old" and here Im not even pregnant yet. Seeing all the girls here pregnant and doign well gives me hope since we all have been in the same boat at one point. You will have your rainbow baby... :hugs:
Angel, 3 showers!!! You are one lucky girl! :) Glad to hear the MS has subsided and you are feeling better :)
Thank you Amy. I really wish there was some technology out there that we could see what was going on with your zygotes (PMA). For now we are at the mercy of lab techs and hormones.
ilovehim, hugs honey xxxxxxx
hope ur up and running internet wise soon too cos this site and these ladies really do help xxxxx hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
u dont sound selfish, its not selfish to want the ones we love with us xxxxxxx
hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
first time i got preg we only had sex twice on cd12 cos i was goin away so it can only take one day chick, just a lucky Bd at right ish time can do the trick xxxxxxxx

angel thanks hon xxxx
il stil have weight to lose after but hopefully not too much extra from preg :)
3 showers , thats cool :) i think il be gettin 2 but no one has mentioned um in months so not sure if il get um now still or not ;) its usually not done here but since they said they would , i think it would be fun :) :)
so glad u can eat again , nausea free, its def a good feeling when nausea lifts :) xxxx

amy fx for u sweetie, hurry up tww :) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

hi and hugs to all xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Amy Fxd for you!! really hoping for progesterone to be high for you!! Hurry tww to a bfp and a sticky bean!!<3

ilovehim im so sorry your having such a rough time. :hugs: as amy asked are you trying anything? The girls are so right it only takes one. The issue is timing. I hope you start to feel better soon and can find some peace. We are here for you when you can get online.<3

Angel yay!! 3 showers!! and co-ed how amazing!! You are sooo loved and they will be such fun!! You really deserve them!! :) So glad your morning sickness is gone and you can enjoy foods again!!! :) Yay!!!

Laura 13lbs AMAZING!! I feel like a pig as I gained 29lbs!!! It was 80 today and I tried on a maturnity tank and shorts. Can def say gained weight in arms legs butt and then my bump. I will def be needing to lose weight! lol I really hope you get to celebrate with the two baby showers they talked about. Perhaps they will be a surprise :)

Bethany hope your enjoying your vaca and your feeling well!!!<3

Jess I hope your daughters are doing okay im so sorry about your weekend. I think I already wrote a message to you regarding your post the other day. I am lossing it. But im cause I didnt I am sorry. I hope you and your lil one are doing well also!!<3

Horsey how are you??

RayRay I hope your doing well :)

Tash not sure if your still around but Hi if you are!! Miss you!

Its late. Hubby just put the pack and play together tonight. Its in our living room!! Our house is full of baby stuff now and idk where to even put her swing! Its crazy how small our living room really is. All well I rather have tons of stuff for her and a crammed house with our lovely daughter and puppy. I am having severe cramps wondering if she is turning. Goodness I really hope she goes head down soon. I must head to bed. I am going to doctors and getting my head checked bc the headaches are severe and I have sore/painful spots on my scalp that when I lay on my pillow cause serious pain with the pressure to the point I could cry. It leads to painful tense shoulders neck and head. Its not a headache though. So idk what is going on. I can also say my nausea has come back with this. Any one on here have this?? Gotta say Goodnight!!!

I hope everyone is well

Amy :dust:

Thank youuu! Jen I am so glad you are doing well. Setting up the house for a baby.. that sounds like a dream to me. I can't wait to do it.

ilovehim I am so sorry. It's nearing my June due date for my loss and it's really hard to imagine it. It stings really badly. Even with a new pregnancy, the innocence and pure joy of a new pregnancy is forever gone. All we can do is look to the future, have hope, and remain as positive as possible. You will get pregnant. I know you will. I also know your little angel baby is in your mother's arms and they are watching over you.

Three baby showers for Angel! YAY! You will be set with all sorts of fabulous things! I am so excited for you.

Jess I also hope your daughters and you are okay. You are in my thoughts, sending you love.

I am sorry about your headaches Jen...I am thinking your pains are due to the fact you are getting very near full-term and delivery... I have never been that pregnant so I don't know for sure but I am thinking there's a whole new surge of hormones that comes with getting ready to give birth. Let me know what the doctor says.

Amy- Always thinking of you and sending you dust and love.

AFM-- I am just trying to stay as positive as possible. I have my first doctor's appointment on April 18th, which isn't soon enough for me but there wouldn't be too much to see right now I'm guessing. I am fairly sure I ovulated around March 24th, and judging by the first BFN I got then when I got my BFP I think that's about right so that puts me at about 4 1/2 weeks pregnant with a due date around December 15th. I have slight cramping, pinching..almost like I wanna stretch out the spots in my uterus that i feel it... of course that really makes me nervous and I am trying to stay positive. There's no blood that goes with it and it's fairly mild. My nausea and boob soreness comes and goes in waves. I am very tired... so I am glad about that. I just try to tell myself "the baby inside you is the baby you are meant to have in your life. You will meet this baby." man oh man I want to meet this baby.

Sending everyone love. xoxo
Morning Ladies!

Rayray, hope that Apr 18th comes soon! Just 8 days away... let the countdown begin! This will be your earth baby for sure. The pulling and tugging is just your uterus making room for your little bean to grow :cloud9:

Angel, I wish that too! Wouldnt that just be great? It would def make the TWW more bareable thats for sure!

Jen, sorry that you are having such horrible headaches :( Im glad that your hubby got the pack and play put together. Your living room must look like a major baby zone... just perfect :) I hope you feel better soon hun :hugs:

Laura, how are you doing hun?

Jess, hope things are better with your DD. Were you able to have her be seen?

Tash, Bethany, & horsey.... <3

AFM~ got my blood taken this morning for progesterone test. I just text my dr and she said that she should have the results by tomorrow morning. I had a level of 26.88 last month so a good level wont mean much unless Im pregnant. With TWO mature follies this month, Im really hoping to be pregnant!
Jen ~ Hope the Dr found a reason for the headaches and it's nothing too serious. You're in the home stretch now...May 17 is close! Yay for a house full of baby things! :crib:

Amy ~ Come on progesterone! And start sticking little one's!

Ray ~ They say the TWW is difficult...they forgot to warn us the wait for the first Dr appointment is just as nerve racking! I hope this week passes quickly for you doll!

Laura ~ I do hope your friends remember to throw you a shower. If for no other reason than to celebrate the miracle of life with you. Remember how I said my friends like an excuse to have a few drinks (back during St Paddy's Day)? Well, these co-Ed showers are one of those excuses! :drunk: When the guys get a few beers in them, they are so much fun to watch play the games! Bobbing for bottle nipples, change the baby diaper relay :haha: Meanwhile, I hope your back is holding up well!

:wave: Hope the rest of you are keeping went from winter :cold: to full on summer :coolio: over night here!
Rayray april 18 is just around the corner. Your symptoms are all very good signs.this is ur baby. miracle baby just has to be! Ill be praying for ur second trimester to come quickly with ur healthy baby!

amy anxious for ur progestrone results :) perhaps they will be higher. I have alot of faith for this cycle for u and i really pray this is it!

What a gorgeous day! Its 1230 just waking up. Going to get ready for doctors eat then take my pup for short walk. After doctors and hosiptal bag shopping. Trav got scared and excited bc i was having false labor contractions. Then he freaked bc we arent packed. So i have approval to buy stuff i need today and be packed lol men. Ray n amy thanks my ob said my head doesnt sound pregnancy related so guess ill see.

Ok good news butt not outta the waters yet. I was approved for unemployment stating in april. But my boss can appeal decision before april 19. :( very stressed over that. Ue said burden is on employer to prove what i was dismissed for. He stated i ran behind schedule. Where on earth did that come from?? If i did how come he never talked with me or said anything about it. All well im back to waiting to see what he does now. All i can do is wait. Knowing him he might appeal it just to see if they honor in his favor. Idk what proof he has to show but i was never written up with warning so idk if he could make stiff up and say stuff or not. I would never loss my job willingly as i love it and need to work.
Oh maaaan mommylov I want this to be your month sooooooo bad!!!!
Angel yay for warm weather :) ill take it! Hope ur doing well!
Rayray im 100% with you!! Amy and u should be dec baby bump buddys!! :)
hi guys , lots of people here :) i like :)

jen il stil have more to lose than u cos i was heavier startin off :) sure we will think of all that later :)
sounds like ur DD is growing and turning, i think my bub is in growth sprurt again, cos ive aches in base of tummy and mild head aches too, bub is quieter than norm and im tireder than norm, sll my usual bub is growing signs :)
hope ur head feels better soon jen xxxxxxx
hurray for house ful of bub stuff, i feel well behind, im missing lots of bits and no dosh at mo to get um :) oh well, it will be fine, everything always works itself out anyway :) xxxx
when bub turned i got more nausea nd heartburn cos ur tummy gets more squished xx

Amy fx for great result xxxxxx

rayray hi :) like amy said, pully crampy really is just uterus stretching for bub, i had loads this time starting really early , like about 6 dpo ish. take it as a good sign xxx

angel thanks, i hope so too , would love some fun stuff to do and to meet up with everyone :) xxx my work friends are the same , wil be piss up with baby games :) but good fun :) :)
hurray for summer :) xxxxxxxx

jen thats fab about Ue, hope that ass plays ball and doesnt appeal xxxxxxxx

im good, tired today and some cramping but im 99% sur eits just bub growing ;)
i just got tens machine, more relaxy cds and baby gros off my Sil, thanks Sil :) :)
thanks angels for sortin stuff ffor me :)
ive been odin lots of praying and lots of reiki and angel cards to release money worries and to get everything in line for me :) it does work :)
Ok good news butt not outta the water yet. I was approved for unemployment stating in april. But my boss can appeal decision before april 19. :( very stressed over that. Ue said burden is on employer to prove what i was dismissed for. He stated i ran behind schedule. Where on earth did that come from?? If i did how come he never talked with me or said anything about it. All well im back to waiting to see what he does now. All i can do is wait. Knowing him he might appeal it just to see if they honor in his favor. Idk what proof he has to show but i was never written up with warning so idk if he could make stiff up and say stuff or not. I would never loss my job willingly as i love it and need to work.

We're in April, so when do the checks start? I've never understood unemployment. What a jerk your former boss can be! Certainly sounds like he fabricated reason for dismissal! :grr:
rayray, all of the symptoms you are having I have gone through an worse!! This pregnancy after my d&c has been the hardest. All throughout this pregnancy I have had cramps in my uterus and lower back, they come and go every few weeks, and I think it happens every time baby is having a growth spurt and my uterus gets sore. I even had spotting and bleeding at the beginning of this pregnancy, but it went away at 7 weeks. You are right about pregnancies after miscarriage are much harder, both physically and especially emotionally. It very hard, but it does get better little by little, unless you are a very paranoid person like me. I am just about 27 weeks and I am still so scared, I haven't even bought a single thing for my baby girl yet. It makes me sad that I have let my fears take over so much of the joy that i should be feeling. Please try and be positive hon. I hope these next weeks go by swiftly for you and that your lo is nice and healthy!
ilovehim, I hope you are feeling better today. I am so sorry for the though time you are having. When ever you are feeling down, please stop by and chat with us. We are all here for you. :hugs:
Amy, you have 2 mature follies this month? Doesn't that mean you could end up pregnant with twins?? That sounds wonderful. I really really really really hope this is your month. FX for your Christmas baby hon. I so badly want you to be pregnant! :hugs:

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