ttc after a d&c

hi guys :)
how ye all? good weekend i hope :) xxx

angel, how cute, hiccups meaning baby growing, i like ;)
i know what u mean on the booby front , mine got huge, i dont want um any bigger :)
they grew lots in first tri, but then stopped for ages, i had to buy new bras twice and thought id be broke from gettin new ones :) mine were a C and r now DD to E depending on which bra i wear, they r measuring at E but ive 2 different size boobs :) reckon my left is a D but right is E :) i got the sleep nursing bras the other nt they r so comfy im tempted to live in u now :)
aw hurray for cutesy bump :) i love having my bump, r u spending time just rubbing it ;) one of my hobbies :)
and hurray for hubby home soon :) it is hard to have long spells apart xxx hugs xxx

amy leave google alone till after testin and go get urself some pampering like massage or facial :) (always my answer to the blues :) but does work ) , go somewhere with a nice pool. go for a swim and relax and let ur body get nice and baby ready :) xxxxxxxxxxxxx hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
i know how hard it is to have to wait but good things come to those who do , :) xxxx
ive never heard of anyone doing ring test on dad, i think it is supposed to be on mom :)

aw jen feck it on ur friend bailing, sometimes it does feel like everyone has a life but me at the mo but then i get a good kick or i rub my belly to cheer myself up :) xxxxx
i have 11 older bros and sis, 5 of them sisters and all my sils, i have 38 nieces and nephews and have heard all their birth stories at least once :) sometimes u r better off not having too many stories , hee hee xxx:)
my mom and 2 of my sis who r nice and calm are who i trust on it ;)
i just said to my sis the other day, its not the birth or the looking after my bub is scaring me , its the stay in hosp :) silly but im not looking forward to being in strange place while vulnerable.
my mom said child birth is hard but isnt as hard as people like to have u believe ;)
sje said the thing she likes least are the after pains, i only heard of this recently, we wil get pains for days after, but its good, its uterus contractin to clear out. she said they annoy her cos she has her bub and feels like she should have the work outta the way then ;) u can also bleed for weeks after, but its like af , except good and long to make up for 10 months we didnt have it :) hee hee :)
my ss tore on her first bub, she said she was dreadin it before but she said when it happened and when she was being stitched she wasnt really aware of it cos she was in labour and then focued on bub. she also said they werent half as sore as she thought they would be. she ahd her 2 kids with no epidural cos first time they didnt call him and he didnt ocme on time to give it and second time she went too fast, she stayed at home for ages, which is what i wanna do too :)
my mom says it takes 6 weeks to feel normal after, she said that there are a hard 6 weeks cos u need to heal and adjust to lack of sleep, but that it gets much easier after that :) im sp hoping hoping things go nice and smoothly for us all, but no reason why it cant :) i keep saying in my head, im gonna be zen, im gonna be zen :)

i had a lovely day yest, my sis and me minded my other 2 fave smallies :)
their mom and dad dont ask for sitters often cos they stay with them all the time themselves, was nice to spend time with um. they r 2 girls , aged 1.5 and 9 months, they r a pair of cuties :)
bub is turned with his back out i think, so ive been feeling more nudges and rolls than kicks, its good that he is turned how he is meant to be but i miss the kicks sometimes and think is he ok? but last nt he turned for awhile cos i got my belly moving kicks again, i love looking at it and trying to guess body parts :) hee hee

hi and hugs to all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hope everyone is havin a good weekend xxxx
i just packed my hosp bag, have a few bits to go in it but not many
looks weird in corner of my sittin room it took me ages to do it
its hard to take enough without too much, its seeming more real by the day :)
had some real belly moving kicks last nt :)
Thanks ladies. I know, I'm trying so hard not to feel down and out but it's so hard. I think it'll be really hard if I don't get pregnant this cycle esp since I had two good sized follies.

Jen, I'm so sorry your friend bailed :( hopefully you guys can have a makeup session :)

Laura, I'm so excited for you. Bags packed and ready for bubs! :)

Hope everyone is having a great weekend :)
Amy :hugs: Completely understand what your saying and must feel. But I still pray for you daily that this is it and you are on your way to healthy baby(s).

This friend always bails on me but usually the night before never at the time she is suppose to come. I found out that she didnt come bc better plans came up. As my friend saw her out with her daughter. They went to imagination zone. Its okay though I wont say anything to her about it but I am disappointed bc she could of at least told me so I didnt go crazy cleaning. But all well. Im learning there is family, close friends you can count on your hand if your lucky to have them, and then there are aqaintences that just are there for their convience. Its okay. Perhaps it good I havent been able to run to my friends bc now I know who to associate my daughter with and who to actually make time for in the future! Trying to be positive!

Laura yay for hospital bag being ready!! I still have to shop to even start mine. What all did you pack? Im sure seeing it there is bringing you such a real feeling that its FINALLY going to happen. Im kinda feeling that but im not quite there. What kind of laundry detergent are you washing your babys clothes/bedding with? I am using Dreft and it smells so lovely! Thank you for sharing your sis story with me. Kinda makes me have an understanding of what to expect for myself. As you all know I dont have any family to really help me and my husband doesnt do anything around house nor does he cook do laundry dishes or go for groceries. So i know if ill want a clean towel or food ill have to tend to it myself. Plus the babys needs and dogs. So this is my fears for healing. My family wont be around at all (which in a way a good thing since they arent any help) and his mom she doesnt really want to step on toes but i already said id love for her to come over to cook and help me clean up a little do a little laundry anything to help. But she kinda said you will be fine and can do it all but ill come see the baby. Then she made the comment but you even made that hard bc you want to breastfeed. I wanted to say something but I didnt bc I know its what she wanted. WOW!! You have a large family Laura!!! Im so glad your feeling the baby move so much!! :) Mine has slowed down last two days as im not feeling anything really. I go to doctors tomorrow and to baby class. So going to let ob know baby isnt moving so much. I think they sleep 90% of the day at this stage anyways so maybe thats why? Im getting and feeling huge! Im going to hate getting on the scale tomorrow. Laura how is your bump?? I know your doing amazing with swimming and treadmill :)

Angel Jess Horsey Tash How are you??

Bethany I hope your having a lovely trip<3 You will have an amazing story to tell your baby one day :)
Good Morning ladies! Hope everyone is having a good monday so far.

Jen, Im sorry about your friend. Thats really awful and rude of her to always flake on you like that. Esp just because she had something better come up. I dont understand what is wrong with people grrr. Oh well, time to focus on preparing for your princess. Hopefully you are able to get the shopping done that you need to do so that you can pack your hospital bag. :dance:

Laura, thanks for sharing birth stories! The more I think about it, the more scared of that I get and Im not even pregnant! I know that women do it all the time and over and over again so Im sure we will all be ok. :)

Angel & Jess, hope you and bumps and are doign well!

Tash, hope youre still around... thinking of you :)

Horsey, how did IUI#2 go?

Bethany, hope you are having a great time!

Wanted to tell you guys that I talked to Rayray and she told me that she is pregnant! So happy for her so congrats to her!

I have my progesterone test this wed morning. I dont think I will get the results that day but you never know. Keepingmy fingers crossed!!

Hope everyone has a good day!
Hi everyone! Sorry for the long delay in updates... I wanted to share that I got my BFP this weekend. I took two First Responses... and they were faint but positive. This morning I took a digital and got a "pregnant" reading! Yahoo! Thank you everyone for the support, THANK YOU MOMMYLOV you are such a sweet woman and I am so happy this website brought me to you. I am sending you and everyone else so much :babydust: I hope we will be bump buddies. I will go to the doctor sometime this week but judging by my last period... this baby will be due about December 6th. My Christmas miracle. I have a wonderful feeling about it, but of course I am somewhat worried. Trying so hard to be positive and put it out of my mind.

xoxoxo love to all, have a great day
YAY CONGRATS RAYRAY!!!!!! So happy for you! Hoping to join you too and have a xmas baby :)
Congratulations rayray! :) this will be ur best christmas gift ever!!

Amy ur next! Fxd for ur bfp :dust: <3
hi guys, xxx

amy hugs honey , i lit a candle for ye all again today cos i was at my docs and grotto is near it :) xxxxxxxxx prayin this is ur month xxxxx keep in mind over 60% of couples get bub in 3 months of proper ttc so u have the best chance xxx
amy we wil all be fine when time comes for birth, bub has to come out and we wil just go with the flow :)
just remember if u have something u want to do while preg exercise wise , start now, cos ur not allowed start for first 12 weeks, i missed zumba for same reason. :)
and then my doc said cos of mmc that she recokned i shouldnt take it up at all till after.
thats fab about ray ray :)

bub is doin good and head down, clever bub, stay that way please :) hee hee
blood pressure and everything still fine so im happy. :)
ive gained another 2 pounds but still only at 13gain and im startin to be bit fluidy so in reality i dont think any of it is my weight :)
i went for a swim after and it really helped my back, it was bad last nt. thank god pool helps a lot :) i had swollen ankles goin in and were much better coming out :)
they said in antenatal class as well that its best u can do for birth cos it helps elongate and flatten uterus muscles , so its win win :)

jen silly friend, id kick her butt :) like u said least u got ur place nice and clean but dissappointing at the same time xxxx
jen i cant use laundry detergent even for bub, if i hold my nieces and nephews i get rashy and bleedy sinuses (i still do cos i love cuddles :) ) , from the powder. so il have to not use any or il be sick all the time
i put lots in my bags but i have a list so if u wanna know it i can type it for u :)
we r told to have one small ish bag for labour ward and one bigger bag for hosp stay.
my bubs movements have totally changed jen too, he sleeps lots, its cos they r bigger and growing all the time i think . i said it to doc today and she said its totally normal :)
ur MIl would drive me bananas :) but ur so right to just let it wash over u, cos u dont need the stress xxxxxxxxxx

rayray im answering as im reading :) thats fab news congrats sweetie xxxxxxx
it is hard not to worry but just cos we had bad news once doesnt mean it cant be good this time :) i was 32 weeks yest and never thought in start id get that far :)
looking foward to all ur preg updates xxxxxxxxxx happy and healthy preg to u xxxxxxx congrats again :) hurray :)

hope everyone is well, hi and hugs to all xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
jen i meant to ask u are u gettin bf pump? im wonderin if i should wait a bit and see if me and bub take to bf first or should i go ahead and buy it cos i know i wanna persevere if i can with bf?
also do u get cranky if things or people go near ur bump, im so over protective of it,
in pool today kids were splashin and kickin near me and i was so paranoid :)
daisy our dog just jumped up with her paws nearly on bub and it freaks me out!!
congrats rayray!! That is wonderful news. Here's to a happy healthy next 9 months! :hugs:
Jen, to answer your question about after birth and tearing I have been through it all. With my first baby, I tore and as doctor was stitching me up I barely felt anything, i am thinking that whole area was all together numb because of all the pain and trauma I had just been through, not sure. But I will be honest with you, the recovery of the tear was pretty painful for me. They gave me a squirt bottle to bring home with me to spray that area every time I had to pee, and it literally felt like acid on my skin. I am thinking maybe the doc did a sloppy job on the stitches or I just tore pretty badly. But on top of that I got Hemorrhoids (sorry tmi) for the very first time in my life, it happened because all of the pushing from labor, I didn't even push for long though. The hemorrhoid hurt like hell. But, I can tell you with honesty, once you have gone through the labor and birth, you will be able to handle anything, trust me. Your pain tolerance will go up big time. I have a naturally high pain tolerance. So people react to pain differently.
Hi ladies, hope all of you had a great weekend. Remember that trip I went on? Well, it didn't go well at all. The night before the trip my 7 year old started acting up and getting manic (from the bipolar). It was too late to cancel so we went on the trip. Most of the weekend was a disaster, she was acting clearly manic, and it was scary actually. She was acting rude, wouldn't listen to anything we told her, at time she was acting euphoric and it was actually getting scary. We went to some fine restaurants and did everything to try and get her to behave, she was acting up but not enough for anyone to really notice. It is scary when she gets like this, because once the mania wears off she gets all down and depressed. The saddest part is when we took her to the beach after she was done playing and was sitting in the car she says this, "This makes me sad to say this, but I really don't like my life." Can you imagine a 7 year old saying this? It was heartbreaking. To make matters worse my husband seems to have no empathy with her mental issues and he just thinks its behavioral, even though its obvious she has mental illness and not to mention she has been diagnosed. So to top it off my husband was actually the one to ruin the weekend. We were in a beautiful city, Carmel. And he started acting like an ass. So we left early. Now we are looking to get her in as soon as possible, because we need to get her stabilized for her one well being, for all of our sanity, and before the baby comes.
Aww jess, Im sorry to hear that your trip didnt go well :( I was really hoping that it was going to be nice and relaxing and a great time for you and your family. Im glad that you are going to be getting your daughter in to be seen... poor little thing. I cant imagine how you feel having to go through that and hear her say that she hates her life. How heartbreaking. Im sure she really doesnt but with the illness, things seem worse than they are in her head? I dont know too much about it so I wish I had better advice or something more comforting to say :hugs: I really hope that everything gets better for you soon.
Hello all,
How is everyone doing? me im trying to hold on to hope but I just can not help to think it's always one bad thing after another:cry:
Im trying so hard to keep it together but I know my family needs me.
I'll be so happy when my WiFi gets hooked up on my tablet so I can start getting on here more I've just been trying not to think about pregnancy right now because even tho I want another baby so badly I just can't put myself threw poas and only seeing that one line on there:crying: it really sucks so bad that I had a mc in December I'd be 6months right now a little more then half there and me and dh would be meeting our first child in July :-( my sisters baby is due any day its not fair she can pop out kids no problem but I have trouble and to top if off me dh just haven't been to good lately he works so much that im down to sex once a week ha how em I gonna get pregnant like that ughh Im so scared ill never get Prego again I just wish my baby and mom were both alive still but at least they got each other in heaven I know my mom isn't in pain anymore and I know I probably sound so selfish because I wish she was here even more with me. I have come so far in life then where I was and its like krama is really getting me now!!!

sorry ladies I just know u all understand more then anyone and hopefully my tablet will be on asap thanks again ladies hope all is well

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