ttc after a d&c

Aww Jess...sorry you're not comfortable enough yet to buy things for the baby :hugs: I've just learned to relax. I've made a conscious effort to put it in God's hands and let his will be done. :flower: Regarding recalls, the Bugaboo Bee's recall was from 2 years ago. The Cameleon3 is from this year. Practically everything out there has had a recall on it (from Graco to G2), so please don't let that deter you from buying the stroller or anything you want :)

G'morning ladies...hope you all are doing well.

Amy :dust:

Thanks hon, and you are right I should also put everything into God's hands. Its more my husband who is the stroller "snob", nothing out there is good enough for him. lol. I think he has gotten a little paranoid himself. He looked into the Bugaboo but wasn't interested and then some other stroller caught his eye. I forgot the brand name, I'm gonna ask him. Do you have any names picked out yet? We can't even decide on a name over here. lol.
whoops i do have some news, i was too tired yest to post,
i took my mom to her appointment for skin cancer, he said its really small growth and is not likely to move or grow for yrs and she is now on list to get it out in few months , hurray,. so very good news :)
im a bit sicky today, my tummy is giving em a bit of trouble and my vision is gone a teensy bit funny again, nothing major, just a bit off . im thinkin il sleep lots and be fine tomor :) :)

Great news about your mother. Thank God the growth is very small and can be removed pretty soon!! yay!! Watch out for the vision hon. How is your blood pressure, has it gone up at all? Or is it good? Mine shot up yesterday. I got very paranoid so I went to lay down and put my feet up and then it shot back down. But in my case I have to be very careful for preeclampsia because I got it with my first pregnancy.
my blood pressure is always fine thanks jess, i just got it checked yest at docs again, its grand :) 2 of my sis had pre -e so i know to look out for it, :) all good on that front so far thank god .
hope urs stays normal for u now too xx
thanks for nice words about my mom, def a load off my mind :)
its normal for vision to get weaker while preg but it goes back to norm after, i get floaters and feel funny when a bit run down anyway and i think thats all it is, im just a bit drained today :) took some iron and hoping that sorts me out :)
i got blood tests again yest too anyway so no fear of me ;)
i think i just had hormonal day, i spent most of the eve crying cos i felt crappy and now i feel a bit better ;)
im over my back , its doin my nut a bit now, im gettin sick of always being sore :)
not much longer left and hoping it gets better fast when i have bub :)

hi and hugs to all xxxxxxxxxxx
I'm sure you are fine hon. When I got preeclampsia with the first pregnancy, it didn't just come all of the sudden, my blood pressure was high throughout the whole pregnancy. But thank God the preeclampsia showed up 10 days away from my due date. So the docs induced my right away. I was only 19 year old (feels so long ago!) while expecting and they say that under 20 women's chances are higher to get preeclampsia. And they also say over 30 the chances go up. So I am paranoid again, but that is only because i have a history of this. But hopefully I won't get it, this time around. You are so close to due date hon. Do you feel ready?
one of my sis spent her last few months in hosp on bed rest , swollen like a balloon with pre e , poor thing. its not nice :) hoping it stays away from u this time xx
yeah im ready i think now, until today i wasnt :) but im over being preg today :)
il be happier again tomro :) just having crappy day .
looking forward to meetin bub now and seein what he/she looks like :)
ur gettin there too now chick, it has gone so fast over all
I know! I just wanted to make it to 28 weeks at least, just to feel more comfortable and reassured because I am so scared of premature labor, and at least at 28 weeks the baby has a very good chance. Hopefully I can carry full term. This pregnancy came with so many fears, and its been so hard to keep them under control. At 28 weeks I was sure I would be ready to start shopping for baby, but now I don't know. I know everybody else started getting ready fairly early. I literally have nothing for the baby, not even one outfit.. nothing. I am now starting to research car seats and crib etc, to see which are very good models.

So when they found out your sis had preeclampsia they hospitalized her? She had to stay on hospital bed rest? That must have been very hard. They induced me the second they found trace amounts of protein in my urine. I am thinking since I was almost 39 weeks, they didn't want to wait since my baby was already full term.
BTW, did time go buy faster or slower for you once you hit the 3rd trimester. The 2nd trimester feels fast but at the same time slow, since it lasts for 16 weeks.
yeah they hospitalised my sis, this was 23 yrs ago with her first, she had been sick with a good while but thought it was normal pregnancy thing, when she went to doc she had swollen everywhere and couldnt see properly from swelling, so he sent her to hosp , they kept her on bed rest cos she was still early, i only half remember it cos i was only 11 ish :) her bub and her were fine after thank god, :)
yeah first half of preg i was nervous a lot too, its hard not to be i think :)
yup 3rd tri is flying, nearly too fast . ha ha :) only messing but it is def going by fast .
i thought second tri went fast too though.
i bought good few bits early on, i should have kept goin while i had dosh, cos ive had to stall now ;) it doesnt matter anyway cos if bub came early, id be startin mat early too so would have money to buy cot and stuff then :)
im lookin on bright side again , im out of my funk :)
Thanks hon, and you are right I should also put everything into God's hands. Its more my husband who is the stroller "snob", nothing out there is good enough for him. lol. I think he has gotten a little paranoid himself. He looked into the Bugaboo but wasn't interested and then some other stroller caught his eye. I forgot the brand name, I'm gonna ask him. Do you have any names picked out yet? We can't even decide on a name over here. lol.

We picked Bugaboo to accommodate DH's 6'3" he'd have to stoop over to push the other strollers. You should have your DH look at Baby Orbit G2 or Stokke strollers...those were also on our list of contenders :) As for names...we are not locked in, but are strongly leaning toward Pierce. It's not Scandinavian like DH wanted, but after scouring the books (and online) something about it "fits" if that makes sense. It's tough naming a LO, are your other daughters suggesting names? My friend let her DS1 and DS2 name DS3!

Laura ~ What a relief about your Mother! Glad things are going well for her. :flower: Is the back brace not helping you anymore? You are in the home stretch now...won't be long and your back will be back to normal. Well, I'm hoping its instantly made better after baby arrives!

G'morning ladies!
angel, pierce is a lovely name :) we still havent decided either, i have hosp app on mon so hoping may get to know girl or boy for sure ish :) kind of giving up hope of them being able to see :) if they can tell us we prob get more concrete ish on names ;)
the back brace was never the magic cure i thought it would be , :)
im only supposed to wear it when walking, she said if im goin from sittin to standing not to wear it so i dont wear it that often just for my tmil walks, i thought before i got it i coulld wear it all the time. i still wear 1 layer tubi grip all the time which helps a bit but is less effective as bump gets bigger .
its a bit better today kind of ;) it never gets fully better, just bit better or worse, it gets wearing after so long of it. but ur right not too much longer left and once pressure is off bump wise, it should get better fast :)
hope ur enjoying ur Dh being home ;)

hi and hugs to all xxxxxxxx

jen any news on UE appeal yet, hope not, isnt no news good news. xxxx

bethany hope thailand is fab xxxxxxxx
Thanks for the tips on the stollers Angel. Wow your dh is tall. I don't have to worry about the stroller size with my dh, he is a tiny 5'9''. lol. I am a tid bit under 5'8'' so I tower over him in heals. lol. You should see me next to my 5'0'' mom, I look like a giant. hehe.

My blood pressure is starting to go up, no matter what I do to control it, so I am thinking I really should start getting ready for this baby, because she will probably come early. I have the test strips for preeclampsia (high risk doc gives them to at risk patients), to see if there is any protein in my urine .I have no signs of protein at all.. yet, so this buys me some time. But I am definitely going to start getting ready for baby. I am now going into my 3rd trimester, so I think there is no more reason to wait. :)

How are all of you ladies doing today?

Jen? I hope everything is good with you. Haven't heard from you in a while.

Bethany!! I hope you are having a blast in Thailand!!
Hey ladies!!

Laura great news for your mom :) prayers where anwsered so glad its getting removed!
Amy im confused are u on a new cycle or just no bfp yet? Im glad ur so optomistic and i know ur bfp will come hsg sound like it needs to be repeated. Hubbys swimmers are just fine right?? :hugs: we will get u there.
Angel agree about recalls etc everything seems to have them. But once out on market for while and things get corrected it makes em safer! I went with graco stroller and carseat. They will mail or email me if any recalls. Glad ur on top of ur new stroller recall amd itll be fixed.

Jess i understand ur concern but i hope u feel better and safe to start spending on your daughter :) itll be fun. As for third trimester id still say time is going slow.

Laura cant wait to see pics of your lo! Cant wait to officially know boy or girl also :)

Sorry i was mia for lil while been very busy. Hubby and i have a to do list and finally feeling like things are getting achieved. Busy days ahead too. Okay so Ue sent me payment thank god so i think im okay there as long as no letters come. Going food shopping was amazing. I sold my car and got a suv which baby carseat actually fits in same monthly payment as my car too so no changes except the vehicle :) my doggy was groomed we got him cookies and a marrow soup bone for when i have to go to hospital to have the baby. We organized and redid the living room to make baby stuff fit better. Bedroom is almost done. My friend is bringing changing table friday i hope she doesnt bail. :/ i never trust ppl. After so many saying they will come. Anyways i will be positive. Um hubby is straightening up outside and im doing inside of house as muh as i can. Gotta finish hospital bag now that Ue kicked in (i hope he doesnt appeal late and i owe money back my fear) i cleaned out hubbys truck and gonna install carseat tomorrow :) so all in all busy here but all positive. Hubby talked to zoey today it was so sweet he told her to go head down lol :)
jess sorry to hear ur blood pressur eis goin up, u could still escape pre e though, hope so xxxxxx yeah its prob time to start gettin ready anyway hon, u can do it :)
it makes it all more real and exciting :) xxxxxxx

hi jen, thanks, it is great news bout my mom :)
jen im so glad u got ur Ue at last,happy planning and sorting :) xxxxx
so glad things have turned around in a good way for u xxxxxx

no news here, ridiculously tired and back pain, hoping not uti or something.
prob just bad patch . il be checked monday anyway, il go sooner to doc if i get worse.
Laura oh no feel better!! I hope no uti as for back pain thats rough i hope it eases up on u bubs will be here soon but dont want u in pain :hugs:

Jess agree with laura i hope no preclampsia this hbp needs to stay controlled. I hope ur being wTched. If bubs decides she wants to be a lil early otr ur put on full bedrest u may not get to shop as ud like. Im sure ur daughters would be thrilled to shop for lil sis too. U should fight ur fear and enjoy it! Welcome to 3rd tri anywYs :)

amy how are u? Your so amazing determined and i love you ambition! I cant wait for a positive outcome for all u done!!! Its coming!! Stay positive :hugs: <3
Angel how are u? Im so so happy about ur dh reaction to ur bump babys movement and ur great ultrasound :) i think i already commented on it but i thought id say again bc im so glad ur other half is home :)

Bethany hope ur having an amazing trip<3 i know ur kitty is just fine and ull see him soon enough<3
Hi Ladies, think Im getting it together now so thought I would pop in here and say hi to you girls.

Jen, thank you for your kind words. I dont feel very strong, I actually feel like this was my weakest cycle (emotionally) but trying to be stronger. Glad your UE check came in and you are able to get things done for DD.

Angel, I dont know anything about recalls of anything since Im not looking into anything as far as preperations for babies but I hope that everythign works out with your purchase.

Jess, sorry to hear aboout your blood pressure. Are you going to have to go in and be monitired more closely now for it? I hope you ge to feeling better soon.

Laura, how are you doing hun?

Tash, Bethany, Horsey.... thinking of you girls. <3

:wave: to anyone I have missed.

Thanks again ladies for being there for me during this LONG rough time. :hug:
Oh Jen, forgot to answer your question. Im 16dpo with temps slowing dipping so Im still waiting for af to start. I stopped taking progesterone a while ago so I thought af would be here by now but maybe she will come today. I talked to my dr about wanting to move forward with an IUI next month and we are doign a repeat HSG so we are just waiting to actually schedule everything since we cant until I know when CD1 is.
:hugs: Amy. This is one of those rare moments where I'm sure you just want AF to come on already! What a great Dr's office you have that they actually listened to your concerns. xoxo

Laura ~ Yikes about your back...I hope you can make it until your visit Monday.

Jen ~ Yay for UE! How long will you get it for?? Glad things are coming together for Zoey.

Jess ~ FX'd you're just having a spell of HBP and not the onset of preeclampsia! On the bright side you now have motivation to set up the nursery and buy things for DD3. I imagine your other 2 are going to be thrilled with shopping!

Bethany ~ Enjoy your travels...hoping your ms is at bay!

For sure, very glad that she was willing to hear me out and took everything I said into consideration. :) I know that they say that you have to give IUI a couple of months to work but really hoping that it will happen quick if not the first try. I think I would want to take a break from ttc before considering IVF. :(

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