ttc after a d&c

Laura im as ready as i can be. I need nursing top still and pads for in bra and have to throw stuff in hosp bag yet. Baby doesnt have a newborn outfit either. U think a 0-3month outfit would fit a 6-8lb baby?? No idea if she will be bigger or not.

Laura having contractions plug loss or anything?? Im getting so anxious now.

Hows everyones weekend go? Amy how are u? Heres to a new cycle and a ny baby!! :dust:

Yest i saw my hubbys fam then indulged in junk food :( seriously its really bad how much i ate.... Then today went for pedi and they got my ingrown toe nails out!! So much releif i have with em out. Def qorth 20!! My doctor charges 150 to do that and i dont even get a pedi included. I over ate again today and feel guilty. Can u tell UE kicked in and i got food in house now?? Its sad that i over over eat when i have food. Gotta learn there is always tomorrow.

Thinking of everyone!<3
Laura hope kitty is better and ur such a good mommy doing reiki on her<3
Hi ladies! Hope that everyone had a wonderful weekend :)

Bethany, that did go by fast! I too hop eyou had a great time and cant wait for you to come back on here!

Laura, Im so sorry to hear about your kitty. I hope he' sdoing better.. poor meow :(

Jen, your lo sure is getting lots of yummy stuff huh? lol Im glad that you are able to induldge a little now. Also glad you got to get a pedi. nothing worse than an ingrown... OUCH!

Angel & Jess, hope you and bumps are doing well!

:wave: to everyone!

AFM~ nothing much... 5th day on Clomid and hotflashes.. oh boy lucky me! hahah :haha:
Aw amy and its only monday! Well u have us to get u through this week :) hotflashes dont seem fun. How is weather by u? Im anxious for the 70's.
I only have 2 more days left of Clomid so trying to keep my eye on the prize lol. HSG is scheduled for this thursday. I decided to take the day off 1. because I have time I need to burn and 2. I dont want to come into work after having been violated lol. Folliscan is scheduled for next monday the 29th at 8am. Hopefully by that day we'll have an idea of when to expect to go in for our IUI.

Weather has been up and down here. One day we get a decent amout of snow. The next day its all melted and near the 60's. Snow doesnt stay on the ground here for very long at all. I think when people think of CO they think we are just covered in snow all the time which is so not the case. Suppose tomaybe rain today and tomorrow a little. Maybe a wintery mix of rain and snow but not too much in the forcast. Then suppose to warm up the rest of the week and get into the 70's as well!
On a side note... dont know if you girls remember Cheryl? She was on here for a bit when I got here but then got pregnant and dissapeared lol. Well she is on another thread I go into sometimes and just wanted to tell you she had her little boy on the 16th :)
Hey girls!!!

Firstly, huge apologies i've not been on here for a while, i've had a really tough time handling things and i started my birth control and i just needed a break, not from you girls i don't mean that to sound like that, but a break from anything TTC, to try and get me back to normal!
Theres so much to catch up on but don't think i'll find time :( Any updates on you all? How are all the pregnant people? TTCers? I've missed you all alot!!
Hope you are all okay?!

Well, ive completed my first month of BC, been spotting almost every day with a few days of really heavy blood, but i don't really mind, i just feel relieved to not be worrying about AF coming every month! I feel a bit better in myself now..

Ive taken lots of online courses including nursing studies, mental health in patients, lots of different things to help me when i am applying for jobs at the hospital. Ive applied for several hospital jobs i would like so i am hoping to hear from at least one of them soon for an interview..

I had a bit of a breakdown a few weeks ago, died my hair pink and got extensions , i look a right mess i really do, i became a different person a few weeks ago, i was mean and angry and aggressive and just down n out bad company, so i've had to go back on suppressants for my mental disorder to try and level myself out for a year or so. I have decided to ttc again in a few years when me and chris have sorted our careers out and a new house..

My job are being right a55h0les at the moment, but i am going to get them.. Basically you know my operation? Well it was scheduled for the end of may, so i was going to work until then, and go off paid sick until i found another job and then resigned, but now the hospital rang me today and said they really want to get me in ASAP and asked if i could come in next monday for my operation i said yes, so i will work this week, and then get signed off indfinitely from the doctors until i find a new job.. Whats also great about my operation is they have said that while they are in there they are going to do some exploratory surgery to see if there is any reason i miscarry when i get so far into my pregnancy, so i am actually really looking forward to it, if they dont find anything ill know it just isnt the right time for babies, and if they do find something, it means i can relax for a few years and get the help i need when i DO ttc again :)

So ive been quite busy repairing myself the past few weeks / months and i really am sorry for just disappearing, but it was the best thing i did. I chucked out everything in related to TTC, my charts have gone, thermometer in the bin, all my ovulation tests and hpts and folic acid. All of it gone. Im on birth control and vitamins to help my hair grow out. I started excercising again and feel alot better...

Sorry for the long post but i just have so much to tell u all!!

I love u all xxxxx
And me and chris have become alot closer dont get me wrong, a few weeks ago the stress almost split us up, but we have got back on the right path, in fact tonight we are driving 80 miles to lincoln to get a bette view of the sky, i dont know if u know but theres meant to be a meteor shower tonight and i would like to go and see it , would be an amazing and inspriing thing to happen right now, give me some hope of the great things that are out there.. Im also a bit sad, my sister has decided she wants to abroad and see if she can find work for the rest of this year, and she is like my right arm, i will miss her so much.. Me and her were in a huge car accident last weekend, her whole car had to be scrapped because it was compeltely wrote off, a car flew into the side of us into my passenger door and my whole body hurts. kind glad i wasnt pregnant can u imagine how bad that would have been! we were literally pushed for a good few metres the car hit us that hard! I dont know, drama drama drama ay lol! xxx
Hi tash glad u ans chris are okay :hugs: sound like alot has been happening. I hope your surgery gets all straightened out and goes well. Sorry about work but hopefully with ur classes ull.get new job soon! So glad tp hear from u. Sorry u felt u meeded a break but we all cope different and im very glad that ur okay<3

Amy such a busy week for u! Glad ur able to have thursday off. Really want all this stuff to go well and u to be able to save a load of time off with ur baby<3 iui im not familiar to much with but really need this for u<3 ill be praying extra this month. Here is for good nees thurs good foliscan and doctor picking proper day for iui. :dust: for the weather yea CO id think snow but not every day. I know it can be nice there. 60s would be lovely and 70s amazing!! I hope u get it. U must be tired of snow. Im tired of windy days im the 50s. I look forward to summer :)

Aww congrats to cheryl!! :) that is wonderful news! This journey is so long and hard emotionally that im so thankful when others find their joy from it in the end. So thank you for sharing. Amy i cant wait for ur bfp ur ultrasound ur symptom journey and all that comes with pregnancy for u. I just want to see u holding ur beautiful baby/babies! I know its coming for u!!<3
Hey Tash! Wow you have been a busy girl! So glad that you and Chris are doign well and that you are ok after your accident. Not that it was good for it to happen to you at all but def a good thing that you werent preggers. Update for me, nothing much. not pregnant, still on clomid, ovulate and have great levels of everything everymonth so we are goign for a IUI this cycle (Next week sometime).

Jen, Thanks hun that really means alot. I too get excited when I hear women succeeding after going on this journey. Just gets me hopeful again. :hugs: I too hope this all works. The IUI sounds like an easy enough process but kind of tricky. Need to go to a clinic that is down the street from my dr so that dh can supply them with his men. They then wash it and analyze it to make sure there is a good amount and what not. I think they also remove the weak sperm or ones with chromosonal issues. Then we drive it to my dr's office, they inseminate and I lay there for 15-30 mins then off to work! lol
Ames its brilliant that you are ovulating and everything! I will definitely be keeping my fingers crossed for u !! I actually feel quite relaxed now :) busy planning the wedding!! xxx
Oh yay wedding planning!!!! When are you guys getting married again? Yo umay have mentioned :oops:
hi guys xxx

jen im not sure bout clothes size either, i was thinkin 0-3 months since they said my bub was big, u too i reckon. but my Sil sadi to maybe have small few new baby just in case. she gave me 4 baby gros and i had vests anyway of that size in case bub comes early or is smaller than they think. but it wouldnt be end of world if bub clothes were bigger, it be worse if too small i think :)
ive been gettin mucus on and off all the time.
i have had some tightenings alright but nothing major.
im happy not to have any for a while, we have a way to go yet :)
but bub be fine if they came now anyway ;)
how bout u?
meow is a lot better, not right but much better, eating away now again and moving more so its a relief. :)
ive been eating more the past week, ive just been hungry some days, thinkin bubs must be growing mad, dont beat urself up :)

amy hope the hot flashes arent too awfull and hipe they r one step closer to LO xxxxx
dead right to take day off for hsg, u need some pampering and tlc xxxxx
iui plan sounds good xxx fx

tash we missed u but totaly understand the need for a break xxxxxx
glad ur ok after the crash how awfull xxxxxxxx hugs xxxx
glad ur better with chris and lookin after urself too, fx on the job front for u xxxxxx
ooohh wedding planning goin on, exciting :)

had hosp app today , they sadi bub is growing away and has fluid so its good.
also she finally saw properly , bub is a boy :)
i asked her to check thinkin she wouldnt be able as per usual. s she was scannin away and then said baby is a boy, oh def a boy :)
i had protein in my urine, they sent away the sample to be checked and will ring me if infection, i think there is cos last week ive been feelin crappy, least now i know why.
my blood pressure was fine, but i had protein in my pee, have been gettin head aches and swelling. so im pretty sure i prob have infection. least they r checkin now.
glad bub is good :) and growin away.,
i asked if there was danger of needin c section if bub got too big and she said , oh no way :) so im happy ;)
whoops double post, my comp went bananas,
bethany hope u got home alright xxxx

angel hope u enjoyin Dh time xxxxxxx

jess hi , hope u and urs r all good xxx
Amy<3 your amazing and all this will workout. sounds like the birds are in line so now all we can do is be as patient as we can and wait :) im honestly excited I know something has to give!

Tash yay for wedding planning!! :)

Horsey your wedding is coming up isnt it? How is everything going for you? Miss you <3

Laura yes bubs measurements in ultrasound arent 100% accurate now but can be smaller or bigger. I know someone who gave birth to a 11lb 3oz baby naturally!!! So I know our babys will be just fine! How exciting to officially know BOY!!! :) yay!! now you can get your baby boy outfit ready for him! :) Finally to big to be so shy. I really want an ultrasound to see babys position/measurements just once more since its been since 24weeks. But I dont think they will let me have one. So glad they checked your urine and I pray for no infection but im glad you know what was causing yu to feel bad. I hope your okay and im really glad that little man is okay :) YAY!!

Angel and Jess how are you and bubs? Hope you both had a great weekend!!!

Bethany love all your pictures!! Did you get a monkey?? or was that just a random one? sooo soo cute!! Hubby eatting grasshoppers lol thats so silly! I hope you start to adjust back to normal time zone soon! If not I think its obvious you should move there :) How did you like it? How was the bathroom situation?? How are you? Hows the baby? Any symptoms or has baby been good to you?<3
Laura glad they confirmed bub is a boy! Im sorry to hear about the protein in your unrine. I hope that it isnt something to bad and that you get better soon!
jen its a bit silly but im hoping mild infection so they can fix it and i wont have 7.5 weeks of feeling crappy :) (aiming for max so i can be pleasantly surprised :) ) or else to just feel better would be ideal :)
yeah i hadnt thought of that i suppose im safe enough to put the boyish clothes in hosp bag now arent i? all neutral so far :)
has it been that long jen, god yucky, demand u/s :)
im lucky in a way they transferred me to other clinic cos i got more scans, have mini one every time i got to hosp app. is nice :)
whens ur next app?
i dont have to go back to hosp till 38 weeks :)
my own doc at 36 but glad no hosp for a while, the drive and the wait r gettin harder :)

amy i think it will just be mild uti :) thanks xxxxxxxxxxxx
how u doin?
lots of good news today too. :)
bub is good , fluid is good :) bub is growin away, no threat of c section yet :)
liver is behaving its self, thyroid is borderline, little low but not enough for more meds.
so all good ;)
Hi Ladies!

jen, thanks for the kind words hun :hugs:

Laura, Im so glad to hear that everything went well! Hope youre feeling better now!

Angel, are you doing? Im sure enjoying your hubby being home :)

Tash, Jess, Bethany... everyone.. :wave: :)

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