ttc after a d&c

Lisa, totally understand finding a good hot sauce and sticking to it! I'm not very fond of some because I think they taste too sour? So there are some better than others for sure :) is your DF a fan of Frank's too?
I have a HS friend that lives in Oz and she found some Dr Pepper that was from my hometown there. It was pretty exciting!
Totally agree, I don't believe in diets, just eating better. And clean eating is tasty!
I bet your friends and family love to visit for all the good food! It will be nice to have him cooking for you when you are pregnant too!
Your belly will be growing before you know it :flower: best sight in the world!
Bethany, I love sour things so you probably wont like this franks red hot one. Yeah DF loves the hot sauce and everything HOT!!
Where abouts in Oz does your HS live? Ive never tried Dr Pepper. Its very hard to find here! I love peanut butter m&m's that you guys have. I can only find them in a few places here that stock usa foods. Yummy!! I want some now!
MY DF is the best... he really looks after me and gets me everything i want!
She lives in Melbourne! Sadly though, that particular Dr Pepper wouldn't be available anymore. My hometown was famous for it but got sued by the main company for selling outside their contract. Oops :) it was made with pure cane sugar though and very yummy!
My mom loves the peanut butter M&Ms! Now I want to go and see what brands of stuff you guys have for me to crave! If I ever visit Oz I will bring some of those M&Ms for you <3
I wonder if your Sprite is really sweet like it is in Thailand.
Btw, I have the book In a Sunburned Country and enjoyed it. Australia is a very interesting place and I bet it is a joy living there. Even though it seems expensive :)
When you are pregnant with your rainbow you will love his cooking even more! Especially if he fixes whatever you crave. He sounds like a keeper :D do you both enjoy spicy food?
Oh really!! i live in Melbourne also! Its a small world! Thats sad they dont make that Dr Pepper anymore. We have Tim Tams... everyone that doesnt live here seems to love them and miss them when they leave. They are a chocolate biscuit if you havent heard of them. Yes bring me mountains of peanut butter m&m's.. mmmmmm!!!!
I found in Thailand the drinks where really old so maybe it was sweeter back in the day. When i was there in Dec 2012 i got a coke from like 2002! lol
I havent heard of that book but it is a great place! I havent been anywhere else other than Thailand but i feel blessed to live here. I think we have some of the most deadly animals in the world here but thats ok most of them are not really in the populated areas! haha
Things are very expensive here... I was talking to a guy from the US the other day and he was telling me about his car, a 2010 camaro and i was saying wow you must be rich. Then i looked it up... a 2010 camaro there is like $25k and here its like $85k! Also your petrol is ALOT cheaper than here! :( Time to move to America i think!
I cant really eat spicy food!!! Im very weak!
Lisa, she married a guy from Melbourne! :D no clue where the has found the soda though. It was some good stuff. People who still have cans can still sell them for a ton of money on Ebay. They were much better than regular Dr Pepper!
Oh, have heard of Tim Tams but haven't tried. I wonder if I could find some here in Houston...
Yes, we have big bags of those M&Ms here. And a lot of other M&M flavors too!
Hadn't considered the soda possibly being old! It was just so much sweeter than at home that it made me feel sick. I tried to stick with Pepsi since it tasted the same.
So how did you enjoy Thailand? People there automatically asked my husband if we were Australian :D he would tell them that we were Canadian even though we aren't lol. He was afraid to say that we were Americans. We aren't the most popular of people ;)

If you come here there is a lot of hot sauce to try. And it is cheaper! But no money for having a baby :( and no koalas or kangaroos! You may have deadly animals and insects and fish but hey, koalas and kangaroos! I'm thinking you may get a better deal on attending university in Oz too but I can't remember much of what I have read on that ATM.

...I want a koala. They are cute! Big mouse cousins :D
Bethany, Maybe i can send you Tim Tams and you can send me the m&ms haha!! We have a few flavours... regular, peanut & crispy. Is other ones there?
I just drank coke in Thailand... all the other drinks were really sweet including the cocktails. I love it there but its very full on. Sometimes i wish i could have just walked around without be bothered and it smells! haha Its very cheap for us to get there so they would get a lot of aussie tourists. Its pretty hard to hide a texas accent isnt it?! Its a very strong american accent right? Very different to Australian accent.
Haha!! Yes americans have a little bit of an arrogant reputation but im sure the majority are very nice. You wont have to lie about where your from in Oz! haha we like you!
I didnt go to uni!! Im not a fan of studying!
My MIL is actually a wild life carer and she looks after baby kangaroos. She has 3 at the moment. She takes them everywhere with her in these special bags. Very cute! Kangaroos are almost considered a pest at the moment... there are so many of them that many starve because there isnt enough food for them. We eat them now too!!! Tastes like beef. lol
Koalas just sleep all day... they would make a very boring pet!!
Lisa, I don't think that they can hear accents. Especially if they don't know much English. And honestly, my DH is fluent in Thai so he mostly spoke Thai. And what little I said was in Thai too :) though I have been asked if I was Danish before by another Texan. So I don't know what my accent is like. I'd think it sounds like a Texan one hehe
I will have to go see what new flavors of M&Ms we have now! I saw some pretzel ones the other day :D I just know that there is a lot. Oh cold M&Ms sound good right now. Mmm.
I think the American image is tainted by what people read about us in the news. Though no doubt there are some Americans who show their butt abroad too. But the majority of our population doesn't even have their passport so not too representative of us :D
I don't like studying either. College just made me anxious. Plan to go back someday but dread it!
Oh, I WANT A KOALA AND A KANGAROO! I'd happily wear a kangaroo around! Do you get to play with the ones that she looks after? Read in National Geographic that koalas get run over sometimes. Poor things lol. They just look so sweet and docile. They can sleep all they want if they let me snuggle them :D
Thats a weird language to be fluent in!! is he Thai or something? Would be much easier to get around and get good deals if you speak Thai.

Yeah i suppose we really only see the bad things in the news but we see a lot of you on TV shows and movies and stuff. I cant even hear an american accent on tv shows unless there is an aussie on it. Just sounds normal!!

The kangaroos are too small to play with. They only stay in the bag (pouch). She looks after them until they can start getting out of the pouch and hopping around and then they go to another home on a bigger property and then get released into the wild.
Yes they do get run over a lot because they are slow. Kangaroos get hit all the time as well... thats how my MIL end up with them. The mum gets hit by a car and the baby in the pouch survives and need looking after. The koalas are getting endangered now. Not many of them left! I dont think ive seen one in the wild since i was little.
Lisa, he is good at haggling! He isn't Thai, actually the Thai will wonder out loud if he is Israeli before he will say something and they realize that hey...he heard that and understood it :D
He has lived in Thailand first for a two year mission and then he has chosen to live and work over there before. He really loves the culture and people.
Hey speaking of the tv shows and do you guys do our accent so well? I don't think I could sound like an Australian if I tried :D
Yeah what I read on koalas was that they have a hard time finding eucalyptus to eat too. Poor things. Hopefully they can be bred and saved! Oh I think they may have an STD too that is killing them :-/ can't recall which one though.
Does your MIL feel really attached to the babies? Does she miss them when they move on? I wonder if a kangaroo could even be tamed to be kept as a pet. If they would bond.
Confession: I like to watch videos of them boxing each other in the wild. They are cute! Can't think of any animals native here that are so adorable and interesting. Australia has all kinds of interesting and unique wildlife :)
Just went and got pretty for tonight!! Picking up my DF soon and then dinner and home for BDing!! hehe!

haha! that is so funny! it would be so awesome to hear what they are saying about you when they think you cant understand. The people there are amazing unless they are trying to sell you something. haha!

I guess it would be because we see so much american TV shows and movies that it just comes naturally. Which show are you thinking of that has an aussie in it? Its funny hearing americans try to speak with an aussie accent!! :p

Yeah the koalas get chlamydia. I hope they can get the numbers back up. We have had a lot of bad bush fires in the last few years which doesnt help.

She loves them but a lot of them die so she is a bit immune to it now. Some of them remember her when she goes to the farm to visit the older ones. When they get older they open up the gates in the back paddock for them to leave and some keep coming back every few weeks so i think some one them are somewhat tammed but they are still a wild animal that can be quick dangerous. She mostly has the small grey one. The big red ones you see are mostly in the outback and you dont really see them very often.

I really want a slow lorris that they have in thailand... they are the cutest!!! and a finger monkey and i love chameleons for some reason!!!! i really want one but we arent allowed here.

Ok off to dinner. Talk to you tomorrow! :hugs:

:bfp: here we come!!!
Lisa, :dust: for you!
Yes, the Thai annoy me when they are trying to sell stuff. Tax drivers used to sit outside our hotel to annoy me when we went out for breakfast.
Let me see, my husband likes True Blood and a character on their is Australian :) and the guy on The Mentalist is Australian too isn't he?
Can't think of any Americans that fake an Australian accent! But apparently Elijah Wood and Renee Zellwegger can sound British lol
How big do the gray ones get? Dang it they sound so adorable.
So many pets that you could have in Thailand. Best part was Jatujak and seeing all the pets there. <3
Lisa :dust: enjoy ur night!! :) its so awesome ur df cooks. Clean cooking is healthy and yummy! Id clean kitchen for a great home cooked meal too!

Bethany birex stroller/carseat combo i looked at getting but wasnt enough space for diaper bag and assesories where all extra. Which one did u like? I liked the black one it was sooo nice! Aww enjoy ur #1 maybe ull fall pregnant again right away then ull have #1 & #2 to care for :) babys are amazing 18 +/-weeks til ur daughters here!!<3 so excited!

Angel how are u and Pierce? Do u and dh feel ready now? Im so excited for u both!!!

Jessica how are you and Sophia? Are u enjoying her? I hope so<3

Laura how are u and Simon today?

Amy hope ur week was great and ur doing okay!<3

Leslie hi how are you?

Hi to anyone i missed!!

Zoey had a good day yesterday dh and family where actually able to see her not in tears. Maybe meds are helpping. I really hope so!
hi guys ive caught up but im too tired to type properly, simon has been eatin all nt and day !! betwenn simon and pumping ive had very little sleep. he is finally asleep so I should be too :)
but feel like ive no life so I said id catch up ;) xxx
hi and hugs to all xxxxxxx

happy BDing girls :) hope ye swimmers and egg meet up and get on :) xx
Laura which pump do u use? I have a double electric medela pump and style advanced and cant figure out how to use it to express milk. any tips?i hope you get some rest! Its so hard to do with a baby but worth it! Does simon go down by himself or do u have to put him to sleep?
Jen, I figured that I will get the red Britax travel system :) I don't I tend to use it often since it is so hot and the fact that it is lighter than the Chicco means a lot since my apartment is on the third floor :-/
Glad that Zoey had a good day yesterday! How was today? She still seem to be improving?

Haha Laura, enjoy some sleep! Simon appreciates you pumping for him :)
Great choice! Red one is so nice! :) I heard so many great things about britex! Yuck for thid floor is there an elevator?? Hope so!

Zoeys having a fit tonight she turned bright red so scary to me.cfamily is visiting tom so hopin for some sleep btw feedings. How are you?
Laura which pump do u use? I have a double electric medela pump and style advanced and cant figure out how to use it to express milk. any tips?i hope you get some rest! Its so hard to do with a baby but worth it! Does simon go down by himself or do u have to put him to sleep?

I had 2 single medela swings so I could use both at same time,
I had to give one back, both are borrowed so
now I rented hospital grade medela symphony which is really good, its double electric too.
can u not get any out at all?
if so its prob just cos u cant relax while doing it.
pump with zoey in front of u, look at her while u pump.
sounds dumb but it gets the hormones going that release the milk.
hold her and smell her before pumping too :)
they say set up a routine that u follow when u pump.
like say have a drink of cold water and put hot towel on ur boobs before hand.
whatever u like as a routine is good. it just sets ur brain up to thinking ok time to release milk. :)
make sure ur comfy and ur not straining ur back whatever way u r sitting to pump.
if ur only pumping after she eats then maybe she empties u??
try it once before her feed, or a bit after a feed and see if it happens then for u?
don't empty it obvs cos she be hungry :) but just to check if its just cos she empties u.
don't turn pump up too high., turn it up to where it starts to feel a little sore and then turn it back a notch or 2.
also there are 2 setting, simulation and expression, (tear drops and bars) , don't skip the tear drops, they get ur milk flowing and u will only hurt ur nipples if u skip um xx
hope this helps, if u have any specific qs fire away and il try answer if I can xxx
if it is cos ur empty , best way to get extra is to pump or nurse, don't over do it if empty though cos u will hurt urself, just a few minutes .

simon does go down himself sometimes but more often than not he falls asleep while im burping him on my shoulder. :)
if he goes down himself I usually will have to go put my hand on his head or chest a few times to reassure him,.
sometimes he also gets the soother if he is really tired and fussy. something I really wasn't gonna do :)
and sometimes nothing works and we gotta go in the car :)
not often anymore though, as ive got more used to him I don't have to do this much, did it a few times in start though :)

glad zoey is feeling better hon xxxx
its yucky to see um sick or in pain , :hugs:
jen simon turns bright red when hungry :) happens quite a bit, he is a milk monster :)

bethany thanks xxx
I got a few hours anyway :)
I got my buggy and pram off my sis, its a quinny and im very happy with it, it is heavy though to lift the base in and out of the car. if its stairs u have then avoid :)
but its a nice solid pram :) simon likes it too :)

hope everyone is well xxxxxxxxx
hi and hugs toall xxxxxx
no news here :) must go shopping cos no food in house but its such a chore with milky :)
he is too small to put into trolley baby seat so I have to push pram and basket at same time. I don't have enough hands :)
Laura, you may look into wearing Simon when you go shopping. Maybe a ring sling :)

Jen, poor Zoey. No idea why she turned red. :(

Hugs and kisses from me to babies!

Am afraid that I have to deal with stairs. It has become a misery to go anywhere while pregnant with all those stairs and and the heat and the humidity.
:wave: It's Hades hot outside...just trying to stay cool and avoid the tourist riddled streets! This is always a tough weekend with traffic around here. Summer woes aside, we are all set for our little guy's arrival. The last of our Bugaboo accessories and our white noise machine have arrived :)

Lisa ~ I loved Melbourne. My best friend from college went to the Uni there for her Master's. She lived there 6 years and has dual citizenship. I stayed with her for just over 3 weeks. We did and saw so much! We even went to Hamilton Island. The only rough part of the trip was the flight home...longest day of my life <~~~jet lag.

Amy ~ ...on the road again...hope you've enjoyed your drive!

Jen ~ Yay for gripe water, but sorry she is still not comfy. Hope you get caught up on sleep. Any plans yet for work or will you get to stay home?

Laura ~ Hugs to you and sweet Simon. Glad his appointment went well!

Jess ~ Hope you and the girls are adjusting better :flower:

Bethany ~ Baby item choices are overwhelming! I say get the red stroller and consign it once you have baby #2!

Leslie ~ Are you now in the TWW?? Eeek!

Hugs and :dust: Enjoy your weekend!

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