ttc after a d&c

Angel its sooo hot outside! 95 today. Yay for being 100% ready!! :)

Bethany stairs sound horrible. Well once ur near due date 37-40weeks they can help her into position and to help u efface if shes head down and engaged.

Laura hope u had some rest. I let zoey sleep on me while i rested from 5am til 11am. I was too exhausted to keep getting up so i sat up all Night. I cant believes shes four weeks old. Its going fast.
I also need to start eating healthier. Lost 20 pounds last year for my wedding and gained all back very soon after ( seems to be my pattern). Since mc I have been eating a lot also and I don't have self control.
Jess- yeah I have heard different things about artificial sweeteners. Even the Splenda website says safe for pregnant or breast feeding women. I decided to cut out all together when pregnant because if I don't I may go overboard. The diet soda is what gets me. I don't drink so I am ok with that just the caffeine which is only 1 cup a day. The doc told me 1-2 cups a day has been said to be ok but I don't want to mess with it.

Angel- it is sooooooo hot! i agree! where do you live? yes I guess it is TWW..looked at my phone app this morning that said 14 days until projected AF! I guess possibly won't be on time if it does come because of this being second after d and c. According to the app today is ovulation!

AFM-used preseed last night with applicator. Didnt love but planning on trying tonight externally ( since that is what I am used to) and see if that makes a difference.

What did everyone else avoid while pregnant?
Angel, you sound ready for baby! It is so close! Is your bump getting bigger every day? :D

Jen, I hope all the dang stairs will serve a purpose. Maybe after 38 weeks I will use the heck out of them to try and start labor before induction :)
It is hot! Stay inside and enjoy your cool. Thank goodness for AC right? :)

Leslie, if even the caffeine worries you then you may go with caffeine free diet coke. :flower:
Oh you may try the preseed externally and then not using it internally until after the deed :blush: it doesn't say to do that but I did. Doing it before BD was too sluishy.
:dust: for you!
Avoiding while pregnant...well I make sure all my steaks are well done, my husband doesn't allow me lunch meat or hot dogs... I can't think of too much right now. I also didn't drink before so no alcohol isn't a change of mine. I also don't like seafood so avoiding certain fish also wasn't a change.
I'm thinking my Making Babies book may have mentioned things to avoid or things to eat. I will look through it again for you!
My abs are so sore. I wonder if this is pregnancy related?
Oh and 99% sure that I can feel Lorelei sometimes. Depending on the area :)
Laura, you may look into wearing Simon when you go shopping. Maybe a ring sling :)

Jen, poor Zoey. No idea why she turned red. :(

Hugs and kisses from me to babies!

Am afraid that I have to deal with stairs. It has become a misery to go anywhere while pregnant with all those stairs and and the heat and the humidity.

i cant till 6 weeks cos of his broken shoulder hon, but I do have baby carier which I can start to use soon xx thanks
hi guys xxx

Bethany oh no for all those stairs that is tough, will be hard with buggy and all crap u need to carry around bub :) xxx
I reckon abs defo preg related hon, they separate to let ur bump grow xx
aw I miss kicks :) but simon is better here :)

angel glad ur al ready for ur lovely little son :)
doesn't it feel nic eto say my son :)
I keep saying it to simon, :)
just cos I can :)

jen it does really fly doesn't it :)
simon wil be 6 weeks on tues now :)
it goes really fast. :)

leslie I avoided the usual like alcohol, too much caffeine,
dodgy takeaways :) dodgy delis . whipped ice cream.
soft cheeses. raw eggs , home made mayo. etc
also I didn't take any pain killers or anything.
I took antibs once cos I had uti but that's it .

I went shopping , yey, I left the house and got outside and simon was great :)
he had mini melt down when car stopped at home cos I wasn't getting bottle fast enough but least we were home for it ;) ha ha
im better today, had bits of sleep. got house tidied and a stew made. :)
simon had 2 yest and 1 today, poos that went up to his head , all the way up his back , fun times ;) ha ha
he is a little dote though, its funny how u don't mind poo when its ur own bub at all :)

hi and hugs to all. hope ye r well xxxxxx
I really better pump now befor ehe wakes up again :)
Laura, forgot about his shoulder! Not too much longer though until you can use a carrier :)
Yes I have cleaned crap from a baby's hair and neck many a time! My nephews were notorious for it :D I don't remember it happening to my nieces though. It probably did lol
Leslie i avoided seafood alcohol caffine and made sure meats where well done. Now nursing i avoid alcohol caffine dairy and gluten. Sacrafices we make are so worth it. Preseed internal is messy external is good. I would put preseed in softcup and sleep with it in for few hours with bum up on pillow after bd. I got pregnant the month i used fresh preseed tube that way. :dust: to you and lisa!!

Bethany i hope stairs work :) but ur dd will come when ready unless inducted first i hope natural for u! Crappy to have stairs with baby though. Make sure dh takes stuff to car on days u have doctors and he cant go with. I know hes a doll and anything for u! I cant wait for ur baby to arrive! But first we need angels sweet baby boy to arrive :)

Well my sweety has her fists under her chin waiting to eat. Goodness i love her!<3 i hope i get some sleep tonight thou!
Laura cant believe 6weeks already :( soak up every moment i def am. I dont want to go work yet but know once i find job i must. Ill enjoy my last four weeks of leave though before i start searching again. Did u hear if u got picked for lotto at job for paid time off? I hope u get it! Carrier is nice"! Im getting one weds to bf in private while im out. Very excited. I think im getting boba carrier 3g. Which one do u have? Poo in hair yikes hsvent had it go that far up yet. How long is simon? Zoey was 21" but seems much taller. Has he hit any milestones yet? Rolling lifting up his head or anything? I hope zoey doesnt roll yet bc i like lnowing shes safe. I know ill be on edge for a while once she does! Happy sleeping!! :) TY for pumping tips also hoping i have some luck fast with it
Jen, you may see if there are any baby wearing groups in your area! If there are you can attend a meeting and try on some different carriers to see what suits you best :flower:
Hope you get some shut eye tonight mama!
Lorelei will have to come before 39 weeks for me to skip induction. Stinky thing is that if she does come early there won't be an epidural option for me with lovenox still in my system. Maybe I will talk t my OB about doing heparin last month, just in case. Because it can be reversed if I do want some pain relief :)
Hi Ladies!!!
Just caught up but im sooooo tired today and also feeling a little nauseous. I know its not really possible to feel anything yet but fingers crossed its a good sign!!!!
Its only like 7pm here and i can barely keep my eyes open!

Ill reply properly tomorrow... just wanted to check in.

Laura cant believe 6weeks already :( soak up every moment i def am. I dont want to go work yet but know once i find job i must. Ill enjoy my last four weeks of leave though before i start searching again. Did u hear if u got picked for lotto at job for paid time off? I hope u get it! Carrier is nice"! Im getting one weds to bf in private while im out. Very excited. I think im getting boba carrier 3g. Which one do u have? Poo in hair yikes hsvent had it go that far up yet. How long is simon? Zoey was 21" but seems much taller. Has he hit any milestones yet? Rolling lifting up his head or anything? I hope zoey doesnt roll yet bc i like lnowing shes safe. I know ill be on edge for a while once she does! Happy sleeping!! :) TY for pumping tips also hoping i have some luck fast with it

I didn't get the paid leave I applied for but because of simons stroke I should be able to get carers leave, ive applied and will know in 2 months if I get it or not. fingers crossed for me :) xx
I didn't even know it existed till I was told ;) but I so hope I get it, he will have so many appointments and because we have to watch for seizures I don't want anyone bar OH and me looking after him .
I got some sleep last nt :) OH did a feed and I got some straight hours sleep. bliss :) :)
yeah simon can lift his head really well. he can roll onto his side alright hon, only a recent enough thing for him:) he is really strong :)
he is getting really big too :) no wonder the amount of milk he is packing away ha ha :)
no probs on pumping tips, hope it helps. let me know how u get onxxx
im not even sure what carier I have, its from my sis again :)
I think its just from mothercare :) its like a harness type one , not a sling type one. I like the look of slings but id be paranoid id tie it wrong and he would fall out ;)
hope alls well and ur getting some sleep xxx
Jen, you may see if there are any baby wearing groups in your area! If there are you can attend a meeting and try on some different carriers to see what suits you best :flower:
Hope you get some shut eye tonight mama!
Lorelei will have to come before 39 weeks for me to skip induction. Stinky thing is that if she does come early there won't be an epidural option for me with lovenox still in my system. Maybe I will talk t my OB about doing heparin last month, just in case. Because it can be reversed if I do want some pain relief :)

might b a good idea, im a newly found advocate of epidural, ha ha xxx
Hi Ladies!!!
Just caught up but im sooooo tired today and also feeling a little nauseous. I know its not really possible to feel anything yet but fingers crossed its a good sign!!!!
Its only like 7pm here and i can barely keep my eyes open!

Ill reply properly tomorrow... just wanted to check in.


fingers crossed for u xxx
what cd are u now?
I felt stuff nearly straight away this time xxxx
hope its bfp xxxxxxxxxxx
Like Lisa I have to get caught up and don't have time to write but frustrated so wanted to write a quick note and can't really share with anyone else. Last night should have been the night of ovulation. DH had what I can only think is performance anxiety and BD did not happen. I could tell he felt terrible and he knew what the night was so Wonder if that made it worse for his brain. I will admit that I probably showed how frustrated I was and I feel bad. But, just because of yesterday does it really mean anything? I mean if I have been BDing CD 8 every other day and hopefully tonight for CD 16 could a BFP be possible. I hate the pressure this brings :(
leslie hugs hon, its way more important to bd before than after Ov day so don't worry, xxx
it takes a little while for swimmers to get up so if u Ov yest u would have had swimmers already waiting for ur egg :) so ur in with the best chance still. xx
I would have been cranky with OH if that happened too but don't be too hard on him, he prob wants this really bad too and knows how much u want it so he feels under pressure. hugs to ye both, don't worry about one day. ye still can get bfp xxxx
both times I got preg was from BD 2 days before Ov so don't worry xxx
ps leslie having said that keep up bd for a few days just in case u don't Ov when u think u do xx
does no harm and will let ye have less pressurised BD and get back to normal xx
and if ur like loads of women who Ov later than mid cycle it could get u ur bfp xx
not sure if ur doin opks or not hon, I never did but I def always get Ov signs so I was fairly sure of when I did Ov.
fingers crossed for u and don't stress over one missed day,
sperm live up to 5 days in the right conditions and im sure ur insides are just perfect condition for um :) xx
Yeah Bethany I would do diet caffeine free but worried about the artificial sweeteners.

How are you Angel and Bethany feeling in this weather? It is tough for me so I can't imagine while being pregnant.

Jen- did you leave your job before giving birth? I saw you said you were going to look again soon.

Lisa- good luck BDing and with symptoms! I didn't get any until a week after AF was late but I heard you can feel them earlier.

Laura- thank you so much for your comments. I don't know very much about all this as I am new and I needed someone who knew more than me and could put their own experience into it. I don't use OPKs and am hoping I won't have to. I get some kinda cramping around now so maybe that is my ovulation sign. Regardless of DH and what happened I think one issue is my sex drive . After d and c things got better with that but went back. Sorry if TMI. Hoping to BD again today and in a couple days and see how it goes. Thanks again for the words.
How are you and Simon?
sorry I had left myself logged in :) xx
leslie I didn't know much till I came on here either :)
u pick up great tips here xx
I got Ov pains after d and c too, I didn't used to get them before but used to have increased CM and higher sex drive for few days.
this is gonna sound weird but with preseed u don't techinically have to be in the mood for BD :) u could just think of the bub u will have in 10 months :) xxx
some of our babymaking BD was def with neither of us in the mood for it really :)
it will still get u bfp :) hee hee
I used opks for a little bit after d and c but they made me a bit too focused so I stopped :) when u get signs there is no need anyway hon x
I find my mood is the biggest thing for my sex drive,maybe its cos ur a bit down after ur loss, take it easy on urself and don't stress over it, it will come back xxx
we r good hon thanks, simon is stratin to smirk at me now and try to communicate, u know the way they make little faces when u talk to um. befor enow was all windy smiles, I think im startin to get real ones sometimes now :)

hi and hugs to all xxxx
Like Lisa I have to get caught up and don't have time to write but frustrated so wanted to write a quick note and can't really share with anyone else. Last night should have been the night of ovulation. DH had what I can only think is performance anxiety and BD did not happen. I could tell he felt terrible and he knew what the night was so Wonder if that made it worse for his brain. I will admit that I probably showed how frustrated I was and I feel bad. But, just because of yesterday does it really mean anything? I mean if I have been BDing CD 8 every other day and hopefully tonight for CD 16 could a BFP be possible. I hate the pressure this brings :(

Leslie, that exact same thing happened with me and dh. I think I might have put a little too much pressure on him. But it frustrated me that he couldn't "get it up" (sorry tmi) when I really needed him to. This happened the first month we tried right after mc. 2nd month I put less pressure on him, we only bded the 3 days around ov time, and that was the month I got my bfp. It was a big change from the 1st month, where we bded like 5 days straight. It was too much for my dh. I think missing last night will not change much. It sounds like you covered your bases pretty well for this month. :hugs:

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