ttc after a d&c

Yes yay for hump day Amy!! Seems like time is really flying and you are so close to ovulation! Ahhhh pretty soon it will be your turn! Then mine too hopefully!! Tell me about your fertile friendly food and exercise plan now? Guess I need to get into gear.

Bethany I love how you eat haha. I am not pregnant and tend to eat the same- whoops. Not sure if I have heard about that brand gelato but you sure are raving about it! I don't want to do OPKs if I can avoid it because I am already so obsessive as it is and if I see positive and can't BD I don't want to be all distraught. We will see how it goes. Have to Bd more I think.

Laura yeah I am hating AF and the fact that it was late...although it helped me not have to be more fertile when DH was having a terribly busy week this coming week. Guess it was meant to be. The month before I got my BFP I was also exactly 4 days late also so maybe it is a good sign. And where did Oh go with Simon? I would go crazy and call constantly so I can see why you are worried!

Well AF is still off I think...wonder how long until my body will regulate after d and c. It is very light right now. Last month lasted just about 2 days so maybe it will pick up this month. If your cycles are off does that affect fertility at the time? I miss the way BC made my cycles like clock work but hey it is what it is.
DH and I are talking a bit about how spice up BD so our brains aren't so stressed in the matter. Here's hoping. If it works this next cycle I would be due the date of my parents anniversary haha. Ugh yes I calculate due dates on my app..

How is everyone else?
Laura, update! Did he get back with Simon? He better watch it or we will have a load of angry Americans on y'alls doorstep!
I will probably get an epidural. I found my miscarriage to be incredibly painful so figure birth will be much much worse.

Amy, are you nervous about a regular doctor stopping your lovenox? Do you think that you will push to continue it?

Leslie, OPKs may be beneficial though until your body regulates. Just a thought :flower:
Mine never regulated. It was all over the place. I'm not sure if that is why it took me nine months to get a BFP or if it was the fact that I had a superbug UTI from my D&C that took forever to be diagnosed and properly treated.
But even then, I don't ovulate when my P Tracker said so because otherwise I wouldn't have gotten pregnant. It is all so confusing!
The Talenti gelato was just fancy stuff. I found it at Target. I got the raspberry chocolate and it was incredible. If you ever want to try some, that is amazing. And now I hear good things about the sea salt caramel flavor too. But today I just bought the Safeway generic of that.
Take it easy and enjoy yourself as best as you can <3
Food porn for you Leslie :)
Im struggling ladies!! So sick and so tired all the time! Talk about unhealthy. Ive barely eaten anything that is even a little healthy. Im eating pizza pockets right now and i had coco pops for breakfast. Crabs and salt is all i eat. Meanwhile my OH is doing a juice diet!! Poor thing! :haha:

Leslie, Sorry AF showed and that your feeling so down. :hugs: Fxd for next month!

Bethany, Mentioning food on this forum is dangerous. I ended up with pizza pockets because of you and now i want gelato! haha :blush:

Laura, How much did you kill your OH when he got home?!?!

Amy, Its nearly time for you!! lots and lots of :dust::dust::dust::dust:
Always wanted to use this one! hahahhahahaha :sex:
I think it was you who asked about the next scan... I dont think ill have another one until the screening tests at 11 weeks i think it is. Unless something makes me worried between now and then. Im also still waiting to hear from the hospital about when my first appointment with them will be. Should be arriving in the mail any day now.

Angel, Jen and Jess :hi: and :hugs: to you and your LOs
Lisa, food porn is amazing. Amazing!
I wouldn't worry about the food. Just take your prenatals and eat what doesn't make you sick! I remember worrying about food when I was in Thailand during the first tri. All I ate was meat, rice and potatoes (potatoes from Western restaurants lol).
Hey you are 8 weeks. When did that happen? ;) is time dragging for you or speeding up?
I would freak out if i was in Thailand now! i was worried enough eating there when i wasnt pregnant.
I know... 8 weeks!! Its going kinda fast but then incredibly slow at the same time. I cant wait to tell people so i can stop being a hermit! I think most people i have seen are starting to guess. I think ive put on a fair amount of weight and people are used to me being the skinny one!
Good morning :) quick question...anyone hear about evening primrose oil to assist with CM and any thoughts?
OMG!!!!!!! Where did he take him?????

they were gone to visit his parents ie simons other grandparents but he stayed ages and then went to his friends house too, all fine except he had no meds for him.. i asked him before he left if he would be home on time and he said yeah, he then forgot about it. just as well he doesnt have him everyday :)
simon is fine thank god, i just gave him a slightly lesser does and normal dose this morn.
hi guys xx

leslie, hugs hon.
nope doesnt affect fertility hon, not for me anyway, i had 2 af both different to normal after d and c, i got bfp on third . before i got back to normal af wise :)
i think its just cos ur lining has been 'cleaned ' out, takes a few cycles to come back as thick as before, but if u do get preg, hormones will bulk it up fast for LO , so dont worry xx
its why they say u r more fertile after d and c. things r fresh and new for LO, for want of a better phrase and if u have any build up of lining problem its all sorted by d and c.
they do d and c for people who have this as gynae problem too to help um so it makes sense. this isnt from any doc just stuff i believe and have read so dont take as definetly true, but i do believe it is :) xx ,

bethany epidural is amazing :)
but having said that if i go again, im gonna see how far i get withoutit again,
if i need it then il take it, if not , i wont ;)

simon is waking xx
hi guys xx

leslie, hugs hon.
nope doesnt affect fertility hon, not for me anyway, i had 2 af both different to normal after d and c, i got bfp on third . before i got back to normal af wise :)
i think its just cos ur lining has been 'cleaned ' out, takes a few cycles to come back as thick as before, but if u do get preg, hormones will bulk it up fast for LO , so dont worry xx
its why they say u r more fertile after d and c. things r fresh and new for LO, for want of a better phrase and if u have any build up of lining problem its all sorted by d and c.
they do d and c for people who have this as gynae problem too to help um so it makes sense. this isnt from any doc just stuff i believe and have read so dont take as definetly true, but i do believe it is :) xx ,

bethany epidural is amazing :)
but having said that if i go again, im gonna see how far i get withoutit again,
if i need it then il take it, if not , i wont ;)

simon is waking xx
Laura, I would have been so mad at your SO! Did he apologize at least lol?
I bet epidurals are amazing. Anything that helps with that kind of pain is alright in my book :thumbup:

Leslie, I am not sure about the EPO. I have heard that Robitussin is supposed to help with CM though. :flower:

Lisa, getting closer to the second tri all the time. :)
As for Thailand food, I really miss it. Some things more than others though. Like cheap soft serve ice cream at McDonald's on a hot day at the BTS station. And the smell of their deliciously crispy fried chicken in the street! Ahhhhh. Heaven.

Eating pizza for breakfast today. My kitty was being naughty and clawing the bed so he is in his room right now until he stops being a turd.
Hi girls!!!

they were gone to visit his parents ie simons other grandparents but he stayed ages and then went to his friends house too, all fine except he had no meds for him.. i asked him before he left if he would be home on time and he said yeah, he then forgot about it. just as well he doesnt have him everyday :)
simon is fine thank god, i just gave him a slightly lesser does and normal dose this morn.

Laura, gasp!!!!! Im sure he just got caught up with the visiting with his family and friend with Simon but from now on, he is not allowed to leave the house without his meds!!!!! lol Glad that he is ok! :thumbup:

Yes yay for hump day Amy!! Seems like time is really flying and you are so close to ovulation! Ahhhh pretty soon it will be your turn! Then mine too hopefully!! Tell me about your fertile friendly food and exercise plan now? Guess I need to get into gear.

I hope so!! Im so tired of being toyed with. I just want to have a child already. No more losses/heartbreak! :cry:

I havent heard of that oil so I would be of no help. Do you think you have an issue with CM?

Amy, are you nervous about a regular doctor stopping your lovenox? Do you think that you will push to continue it?

I am kinda.. I mean I know she is well aware of our situation and so I dont *think* she'll take me off. I have only dealt with the PA though so Im thinking when I get sent back there, Ill be in my 2tri which means I graduate to an OB. I know that she will still be working with me but only a little so who knows what the new dr will do. :shrug:

Jess & Jen, ... think of you girls daily and hope you are doing well with your LO's! :baby:

Angel, I hope that you are getting lots of rest now and catching up on some Zzzzz.... :sleep:

Lisa, Im sorry you arent feeling well. Bethany's food porn looks yummy though :haha: and I hope thats something that might help you!!!!! :thumbup:

:wave: to everyone!!! :flower:
hey girls xx

bethany OH was very sheepish, he knew he was really wrong, i didnt give out too much after cos he was so sheepish. milky is ok which is the main thing. xx
yummy pizza, bold kitty :)

amy his meds are in a glass bottle and cost 100e a pop so i dont like it leaving the hpuse. if it broke at nt he would miss 2 doses cos we dont hve 24 hr pharmacy.
so i prefer to come home for it, he is so small he should be home to get ready for bed by 8 anyway.
im keeping my fx for u amy for bfp xxxx come on sticky bean xxxx

im gonna catch up on what i missed now, hugs to all
lisa hope glad ur sick, its a great sign xx
to be serious hope ur not too bad hon .
ur allowed eat what u like and will stay down while preg :)

hope every1 is well xxx
Amy, maybe the doctor putting you on lovenox can recommend to the regular that you continue to take it. Can't hurt! Besides, lovenox doesn't cross the placenta so is totally safe to take. So why not continue to be cautious right? We want that rainbow for you!
Did you get a smiley today? :)

Laura, you are nice. Tell OH how lucky he is that you have a sweet and forgiving nature ;)
Still feeling crappy and my OH says if this continues to be an "issue" much long we might need to see someone!! So annoyed.... im pregnant... its going to be an "issue" for many weeks to come!!! I also havent really been cleaning much coz im fighting the urge to throw up every second and he says you need to get all this filing done (theres a big pile of paperwork on the kitchen bench). What does it matter if theres a pile of papers. I get the important things done. So annoyed!!! grrrrrr. I feel guilty because im not working and i do what i can but my whole day is a struggle at the moment, plus I'm super moody and emotional as you can see!! :cry:
End rant! :haha:

Leslie, i only know evening primrose to be good for moodiness. The doctor recommended it for me coz i get very moody.

Bethany, I cant wait for the second tri so this sickness can stop. Its nice to have a reminder that baby is fine and i would be freaking out if i wasnt sick but its so horrible at the same time. :dohh:

Thanks Amy. Have you got pregnant pretty quickly in the past? :flower:

Laura, Glad Simon is ok! i would have given your OH a serve when he got home. I should have taken a picture of my dinner last night.... it was all white!! haha I had home made chips, cauliflower and a hard boiled egg! :haha: random i know but thats what i wanted!!
hi guys xx

i was already to kill OH but he looked so bad , i knew he was already mad at himself.
i had said in a text i hope simon doesnt have seizure cos his meds r late so i think he knew how dumb it was xx

lisa sorry ur feeling sick, xx
guys dont get how crap u can actually feel from being preg , hugs xxx
yeah my meals got very bland while preg, all i could stomach for along while.
then second tri , it was all meat i wanted. not sur eif its cos simn is a boy or cos i was low on iron or both :)

bethnay any weird food for brekkie today :)

my mom had her heart stopped and restarted today, it didnt work.
they r talking about upping her meds and redoing it later. doh!!
we new it may have to be done again but were hoping it would work first time.

hi and hugs to all xxx
TGIF!!!!!! Happy Friday girls!!! :flower:

Amy, maybe the doctor putting you on lovenox can recommend to the regular that you continue to take it. Can't hurt! Besides, lovenox doesn't cross the placenta so is totally safe to take. So why not continue to be cautious right? We want that rainbow for you!
Did you get a smiley today? :)

Im thinking that they will since it is very low risk :thumbup: No smiley yet.. ind of thought I was having O pains yesterday and thought for sure I would get a smiley but nope. :nope: Keeping my fingers crossed today. If I got a smiley today, that would be perfect because we leave tomorrow morning! [-o&lt;

Thanks Amy. Have you got pregnant pretty quickly in the past? :flower:

Sorry your sickness isnt letting up but you are right.. its going to be this way for a while. The price we pay for a LO :baby: Hope you get some relief soon!

My first 2 pregnancies I got pregnant right away but this last one took a few months. I dont know if its because they had me on so many meds or what (The first two I wasnt on anything, just prenatal). I had an IUI with the last one and that worked the first time. My RE said that if I dont fall pregnant within the next 3 cycles, then they are going to put me back on Clomid and do another IUI. Strange that I got pregnant so fast the first 2 times but now strugle. Hoping that my body is back to where it was last year and we get pregnant on our own quick!

amy his meds are in a glass bottle and cost 100e a pop so i dont like it leaving the hpuse. if it broke at nt he would miss 2 doses cos we dont hve 24 hr pharmacy.
so i prefer to come home for it, he is so small he should be home to get ready for bed by 8 anyway.
im keeping my fx for u amy for bfp xxxx come on sticky bean xxxx

Ya I see why you would want him home for that. Hopefully OH learned his lesson there! lol

my mom had her heart stopped and restarted today, it didnt work.
they r talking about upping her meds and redoing it later. doh!!
we new it may have to be done again but were hoping it would work first time.

OMG! Im so sorry to hear about your mom. Is she in the hospital now? Or is she just needing to see a dr? I hope she gets better. :hugs:

Bethany, how are you enjoying your AC?

Jess, Jen, Angel, Leslie.... :kiss:

Hope I didnt miss anyone!!! :blush:

AFM~ just waiting for my smiley face on my OPK :coffee: . Not gonna lie, getting a little worried now. :shrug:

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