ttc after a d&c

Needing some advice ladies... last night i fell asleep on the couch while my OH walked the dogs. Usually i am a really light sleeper so i would wake up as soon as i heard the door open. My OH managed to get in the house and do a few things and then came over to me... i woke up startled and confused. I couldnt work out where i was or where he's been or what happened. Directly after that i started feeling very sick. Nearly threw up, mouth watering, crying, breathing heavy. Eventually i just went to bed feeling really sick. I had dreams about miscarriage and now i have pains in my stomach. Feeling really scared!!

Would getting a fright like that cause all of this? My MS went away about a week ago and now im freaking out.

Laura, glad Simon has improved a bit... hopefully he keeps improving with no side effects.

Angel, Sounds hard!! I think you're doing fantastic! Maybe try fit a realxing bath or something in there.

Leslie, can i ask if you know why you get pain? There might be something treatable that is causing the pain. I love the TV show embarrassing bodies and they often have women that experience pain during sex and they seem to treat them all.
You definitely have a chance for this month. Dont count yourself out yet!

Bethany, I was just thinking retail or something but i dont know if it even worth it for the terrible pay vs the hours i would have to work!
Bethany I love matzah ball soup and my mother did make some so we enjoyed it :)

Thanks angel, I know there is a chance just hard to think about it when not BDing at least every other day. What can I do because life happens and we have to keep going. Sorry about your anxiety with feedings and what not. I am totally planned out so can understand feeling out of sorts the way it is happening. You are doing a great job and I know it is worth it :)

Thanks Laura. Glad to hear Simon is somewhat better. Hopefully will keep getting better and better! How are you feeling?

Lisa I WISH I could give you some kind of clue as to what is going on. I don't think a scare like that could cause anything to happen. Maybe your anxiety in general about mc is making you feel sick and have dreams etc. really hoping it is nothing but worry. When I was pregnant I would always call doctor if I had a worry and they are great and you going in to get checked out if you are having much anxiety. I just say this because I am the type of person that also needs answers so just waiting things out never seems to work for me. Possible idea, again crossing my fingers and thinking of you.
My pain comes from pelvic floor tension myalgia and volvydinia. I have had so much treatment over the past few years including physical therapy, trigger point injections, Valium suppositories, certain meds, dialators. It's exhausting. Some have worked and some do not. It is a hell of a lot better from previous. Right now I am doing lidocaine two times a day which is supposed to help with nerve pain and of course lube when DTD as it is a must. Sometimes I feel fine and others not so much. I think ttc had obviously made it worse psychologically and physically. Thank god for DH though as he is wonderful with it. I had boyfriends that just didnt want to understand it.
Leslie, Im actually feeling a bit better now. My tummy isnt hurting as much. Just a bad night i think. Im got my OH paranoid though. I feel bad for worrying him. My last pregnancy i called the hospital to tell them i had stomach pains and they said... if anything is wrong there is nothing we can do about. Just wait and see!! I was quite upset by that response but i didnt even know what a MMC was so i assumed everything was fine because i didnt have any bleeding. Then weeks later when i got spotting i called them again and they told me to come in then and thats when they discovered the worst!

Im so sorry you have to suffer with that pain! Im sure it adds a lot of stress onto the TTC time. Its great your DH is so supportive. Theres nothing worse than a guy that doesnt care if you're uncomfortable or in pain during sex. My ex was like that... it was all about him!
I hope this month is your month!! and Amy's! :hugs:
Angel, I love that you are already dreaming of baby #2! Pierce will love having a sibling <3 give him some kisses from us!

Laura, no room in my freezer for meals lol. We are setting aside money for eating out after baby is here.
Well, a little improvement for Simon is better than none right honey? Did he manage to poo? Hug him for me!

Lisa, your morning sickness can resurface at any time. Is there any way you can get a doppler for when you are worried? I'd think you are having growing pains as well to cause the cramping since you are so small.
I'd say try not to worry but worry is so natural :hugs:

Leslie, glad she made what you wanted :D how was your holiday with your family?

I made the soups but cake didn't happen. I couldn't find my dang vanilla extract anywhere! I threw such a fit about it that I had to go nap lol.
Also had an ultrasound today. My little looks great, she has hair :) they sent me home with a CD of images
Bethany, I think morning sickness is back. Feeling crappy today much like my previous morning sickness and my tummy isn't as sore. I talked about a doppler with my OH and he doesnt want me to get one coz he thinks ill freak out more. Do you have to get the expensive ones for them to be reliable?
I am quite narrow and slim so i did expect to show early... bump update!! haha


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Thank you for your support ladies :friends:

Lisa ~ Sorry for your scare...glad things are back to normal (ie morning sickness). I can certainly empathize with your fears. Your bean is snug...what a cute bump!! :cloud9:

Bethany ~ I hate when I'm missing that one key ingredient. Good thing you caught it before you started! Oh and I'm fairly certain Pierce will be an only child, sorry for any confusion there. I just meant I admire women with more than one child I want to learn how they balance it all...that is what I look forward to, multitasking again. Ha! (b/c I had a precipitous delivery, if I had another baby it could very well be born at home. :eek: Soooo not willing to risk that!). Have they set your date yet? Glad you got to see your sweet w/ hair!

Laura ~ FX the Zantac does its magic. Can't babies go a day w/o a poo? I hope his tummy is alright.


:dust: Leslie & Amy!

:hugs: Jen & Jess
(Anyone know how Jen is?? Zoey ok?)
Hi ladies. Coming on quick to say hi to all of you.

Jen, are you and Zoey ok? I am assuming that you are very busy with your little girl or possibly working now? I hope you and precious Zoey are doing ok.

Bethany, I'm amazed you still have the energy to cook from scratch. I barely have any time at all to even eat right anymore. I miss making home cooked meals. Most of the dinners lately have been quick preparations.

Lisa, I have had almost every weird thing possible happen while pregnant. The deep sleep you are speaking of has happened to me too. I am also normally a very light sleeper, but pregnancy exhaustion can change that at times. So when you woke up all of the sudden from your deep sleep, you felt very confused, disoriented and all together not well. It has happened to me while pregnant also. It has also happened to me since Sophie was born, due to a lack of sleep and then waking up not knowing what the heck is going on.

Leslie, so sorry about your health issues. It is great that your husband is so understanding. I have had pain during sex before, but I can't imagine what you go through. I pray that you are blessed with your beautiful lo very soon.

Amy, I hope you are having fun with your friend. You need a break hon. I have my fx that you receive good news this cycle. :hugs:

Laura, hope you and Simon are doing good. How is the Zantac helping little Simon these days? Do you see a slow improvement at least?

Angel, glad that Pierce is starting to space out his feedings. Don't worry, things really do get better. That anxiety and exhaustion you are feeling is very normal for these first few weeks. And about how do women with more than one child do it? I will get to that below....

AFM, things have been very though here. Not because of taking care of Sophia. She does have reflux and has thrown up bad enough that it goes through her nose and that scares the sh*t out of me when that happens. It hasn't happened a lot, but enough. So I have to have the nasal aspirator on hand in case this happens. During the early part of the day she is very calm and happy. Come late afternoon to evening hours she switches to extremely irritable and hard to calm. And I know this is all due to her reflux. First she will get a little irritable, start these very hard and painful hiccups that go on for what seems to be forever and then she gets extremely irritable with the pain of the hiccups and reflux. I went through all of this with Natalie and was hoping it wouldn't happen to Sophie as well. Other than that she is doing great. She is getting very big, has a huge double chin, cheeks and thunder thighs, she has like 5 rolls on each thigh. lol. She is already in size 2 diapers and they still leave marks on her thighs. She is finally getting a little butt too. lol. As for juggling more than 1 kid. I almost can't do it Angel. This is mostly because of Natalie's behavioral problems that are still not under control. She is not well enough to go to a regular school. I can't afford the special needs schools they have here. That have special needs schools for children with Autism, Bipolar and ADHD. They cost a fortune. Like $50,000 a year I believe. And the financial AID still makes it impossible to pay. She refuses to cooperate while I home school her and this is all while Sophia is awake, since she is awake for most of the day now. She has started doing very worrisome things. For example, we have caught her 3 times now peeing in the garbage basket, instead of the bathroom. Yes, I know it is shocking. Especially for a little girl who will be turning 8 soon. And the weird thing is, she never did this before. She has started wetting herself at times and saying she needs to go back to wearing diapers as well as now asking me to buy her bottles to feed her. This is from a child who can have a highly intellectual conversation, who understands and has wisdom far beyond her age, who can look at a piece of art and describe it in detail. Her actions don't go with her intellectual level. She has an urgent appointment tomorrow to see what path we can take for her mental health. And I am fully aware that having a new baby in the house is sparking this weird attention getting behavior. And I have my 13 year old to worry about. We had to send her back to the same school, because there is no way we can afford private school right now, and there is no way I can home school her too. I have to worry about the perverts at her school. Apparently boys are hitting puberty early as well as girls. So in her grade many boys already have mustaches, are over 6 feet tall and are starting to ask my daughter to the movies and what not. This is freaking me out, because I am scared that she will start bugging me to start dating. And no way in heck she is ready for dating. There are a few boys that she is friends with that flunked 2 grades and are turning 16!!! Almost old enough to drive. I want her to stay away from these boys/young men!! So things are very hard with 3 kids. Especially when one of them has special needs. But none the less, I am still so grateful for my Sophia and of course for Natalie and Alyssa! :hugs: to all!
Wow Jess! You just became my new hero managing all of that! Im sorry things are so tough at the moment. While i cant offer any advice i will hope and pray that things improve for you and your family soon!
I hope Natalie's appointment provides some information you can use to help her.

:hugs: hun!!!
Was browsing while Pierce feeds...

Jess ~ Hats off to are my hero too! :friends:
I agree xx hugs
Definite improvement im Simon. He is asleep . Wait for it. Drum roll please ;-) in hid buggy. First time he skept anywhere but on me in weeks. He is all snuggly and making contented noises.

Hi and hugs to all xx
Thanks girls. But I don't feel like I am doing a good job at all managing all of this. I was the only one who had a lot of patience with Natalie, now I find myself losing that patience. I don't know how I am going to keep doing all of this. I feel like the trouble she makes during the day takes my full attention away from Sophia. Oh, and another thing, I can't trust Natalie alone with Sophia. I had to use the bathroom yesterday and went tried to go quickly. While I was in the bathroom, Natalie purposely woke Sophia up from her nap and started tickling her (what a rude awakening). And then I caught her covering Sophia with blankets and doing things I told her she should never do. :( So now, I am going to stay away from liquids during the day, so I have no reason to go bathroom. :( She has her appointment in an hour so hopefully we can get some help.

Laura, great news about Simon!!

Take care ladies! Have a great weekend! :hugs:
Jess I know it's nit ideal but I take Simon to bathroom with me either im.bouncer or buggy cos he can reflux or choke anytime xx
U r doing a great job hon. U just don't feel it cos u hve lots to do xx
Ur a great mom who does her best like we all try to do xx hugs
Jess, You will have really rough times but you will find the strength to keep going on... its in our nature to prevail no matter what. Keep your head high and do your best... thats all anyone can expect and hope for.

Laura, Glad Simon is feeling better and hooray to him falling asleep somewhere other than your arms!
Lisa I'm glad you are feeling better. I can't believe you are over 10 weeks already! When is your next scan? Your bump is so cute!

Jess I'm so sorry to hear about some of your troubles. It sounds like you are doing amazing and I agree with the girls that you are also my hero! I hope that Natalie starts adjusting to having her little sister around and things get better. I'm a mental health counselor so I see so many kids coming into the office. You sound like a wonderful mother and that is a key ingredient to things getting better. How did the appointment go?

Laura so glad to hear that Simon is doing better!!

Hi Angel! Hope pierce is doing well and you are getting some rest.

How are you feeling Bethany? Two more months ( or whenever they induce of course)!

How are you doing Amy? I know we are close in cycle so you are probably CD 21? How,are things going for you this month?

Hope everything is well with you and Zoey, Jen.
Leslie, I know its going really fast!! My next scan is on the 18th Sept! Cant wait. Thats the 12 week mark and then i can feel safer to tell people.
Hows it going for you? I hope this is the month for you! :hugs:
Yay 10 more days! Exciting!
Ah as I said before not thinking we BDed enough. Wonder if DH could get another job until we manage to get pregnant so we have more time lol. I need to just keep telling myself when it is meant to happen it will no matter how much we BD.
Dadgum AF Amy :grr: I wish I had read your temps wrong. I hope your visit w/ your friend went well :friends:

Leslie ~ Hang in aren't out until the witch gets ya! That'd be funny if your DH agreed to swap jobs while ttc! Haha.

Jess ~ Poor Natalie regressing...let us know how that appointment went.

Happy Monday ladies. My DH left for a few days and I'm a wreck...thankfully my Mom is coming to stay with me. Sometimes a gal just needs her Momma.
Hi girls... just wanted to stop by and say hi.

<~~ Down in the dumps today and Im CD3 now so just not very chatty at the moment. Lots of love to each and everyone one of you! <3
Sorry for just kind of jumping in.

Lisa, closer and closer to 12 weeks :)

Jessica, big :hugs: you are amazing and I want you to know it.

Angel, yay for your mom coming!

Laura, loved that picture of Simon on FB!

Jen, miss you honey.

Leslie, you are right that when it is meant to happen it will happen regardless of BD. but I hope that it happens soon because it sucks the longer you try :hugs: honey

Amy, going to go comment some more on your journal! Don't blame you for feeling down in the dumps love.

Sorry girls for not being around. I am just plumb online less. All I do is sleep, cook and eat. Love you all.

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