ttc after a d&c

Bethany... Love you and totally understand! Eeekkk cant wait for your princess to come!!!

Lots of love and hugs to everyone!!!! :hugs:
Hi and hugs to all. Xx
I'm caught up and will do proper post soon I hope ;-) xx
Just wanted to say hello! Will catch up soon. Starting to get crampy tonight :/ AF possibly due next Wednesday depending on what my body wants to do. The signs of cramping about a week before tends to give me doubts.

Hope everyone is having a good week!
cramping if mild this early could be bfp, i really hope so xxxx
i had mild cramping early with simon fx for u xxx
Jessica, thanks. You are a doll! <3

Amy, I commented on your journal but want you to know that I have a good feeling for you this cycle!

Leslie, I am hoping those cramps are just early symptoms. I was so bloated and crampy miserable before my BFP. Wishing you luck!

Laura, hey there honey. :)

TTC ladies, good luck these cycles! I think about you girls a lot. <3
11 weeks and almost feeling like a can breath and get excited!! I cant wait for my scan next week to confirm everything is still ok.

Leslie, fingers crossed for those being good cramps.

Laura, hows simon going now with the meds?

Bethany, are you still exhausted?? Have your prepared everything for bubs? Hopefully you get a burst of energy soon so you can get it all finished.

:hugs: ladies!!
Lisa, yay youre almost at you r2nd tri!! :)

Hope everyone is doing well!! :hugs: :kiss:
Hi guys xx
Lisa that went fast !! Hurray nearly 2md tri. Xx
Im looking forward to ur scan pic ;-) x
Simon is a lot better ;-) he now has carobel in his milk and it had made a huge difference.
Only thing is his poo has gone bright yellow and runny.
But he is a million times happier.
He is only on it a day so hoping it settles down for him. If not il start tiny bit of food for him.
Looking forward to food for him but if his tummy is ok I won't start it awhile.

How ie everyone xxx

Simon is now being seen by enable Ireland. They specialise in helping people with disabilities and are great and lovely ;-) we r lucky to be taken on there.
We were given a name for his muscle weakness after all thus time ;-)
He has mild cerebral palsey. But he is doing great thank god.
I could eat him up the little sausage so much . Hee hee
I'm down 30 pounds now. Had to tell ye cos I'm proud .
Um too busy to eat a lot of the time :)
I'm most likely allowed 2 yrs leave from wwork too to look after Simon. So things are coming together for us.
My bro and sis in law just had a little girl yest and I'm.gonna be god mom. She is adorable .
Loads of black hair and teensy ;-)

Hope everyone is doing well
Love ye lots. Xx

Bethany ur nearly at cuddle time ;-)

Hugs to all.

Leslie hoping bfp for u x
Amy u too soon my love xxx

Angel hope pierce has let up cluster feeds for u.xx

Jen and Jess hope lo s are still thriving and ye r well x

Hope I haven'tmissed anyone . My brain is a bit mushy
Laura, so glad everything is going great for Simon. I have known of people who had mild cerebral palsey (which for them was mild clumsiness) and I would have never known. They had physical therapy from a very young age, strengthened the muscle weakness and grew up to be perfectly healthy adults. So glad you are getting the care that Simon needs and that you will be able to stay at home with him for the first 2 years! yay!! Can't wait to see more pics of your handsome little man. :hugs:

Lisa!! Almost 12 weeks! That is fantastic hon. I can't wait until your scan. I am sure your little one is doing wonderfully. How are you feeling lately? Have any intuitions on whether you are having a girl or boy? Take care hon. :hugs:

Bethany, try to take it easy and be very very careful going up and down staircases. The body can get a bit clumsy in the 3rd trimester. I almost feel once or twice. How are you feeling these days? Getting any energy back? I can't believe how close you are getting, so excited for you hon! :hugs:

Jen? Where are you hon? Is everything ok? Haven't heard from you in so long. How is little Zoey doing? I hope she has gained some weight and that she is doing better with her reflux. We are all thinking of you sweety. :hugs:

Amy, I see this will be a busy month for you. I just went to your thread and saw the medicines you are taking and plan for this month. I hope everything works out great and that will be your bfp month!! :hugs:

Angel. I am pretty sure you are extremely busy. How is Simon doing? He turned 1 month on the 4th, correct? Time goes by fast when they are newborns, doesn't it? Are you still co-sleeping? When do you plan on starting to put him in his crib? I know right now the co-sleeping makes more sense because of how often you breastfeed him, correct? Take care! :hugs:

AFM: Things are getting worse over here. Now my daughter Alyssa is telling us some scary things. So now we need to get her to be seen as soon as possible. She tells us of extreme anxiety she is getting. But the very worrisome part is she now tells us she has been getting hallucinations or visions as she calls them. She really won't go into to details. My husband thinks she is lying (he thinks she is doing it for attention). But as her mother, I take anything she says seriously and will have her checked out for everything and I hope she will be ok. I have to go, she is coming in the door right now. Take cafe ladies!!! :hugs:
Ughh...I had a thing written out for each of you and my iPad deleted it! :grr:

Quickly let me say:
Jess ~ Sorry about Alyssa. Good decision to have her seen...better safe than sorry!

Laura ~ Sweet Prince Milky. I'm glad you'll get to be home with him the first two years. Was Simon presenting with any specific symptoms, is that what caused the Dr to evaluate him? And yay for the weight loss. I bet you look and feel great!

Amy, Jen, Bethany, Leslie & Lisa :friends:

I'll post properly soon. I'm just super sleepy today. Pierce was 10lbs 9oz...guess his constant eating is paying off.
Hi girls,
Yay for Friday tomorrow!

Lisa- counting down the days with you for your next scan! So happy for is DH doing with everything?

Angel-yay for pierce's weight! How are you sleeping and feeling?

Bethany- completely understand about being tired and not on the Internet much. You are down to the wire! Can't believe how fast time is going and I'm sorry you can't either. Thanks, I hope I get BFP sooner rather than later also. I am hoping the coconut oil and last crazy AF was the change for me!

Laura- glad that Simon is doing well. What can you expect with mild cerebral palsy? Good for you 30 pds down! I need that right now and it isn't baby weight ;)

Amy- so sorry about AF. Hope you are feeling ok. I know they are starting some new things for you so hopefully that is what is needed.

Jess- so sorry Bout Alyssa. Did you have your initial appt? Usually hallucinations/ visions is anxiety when children are younger. Completely understand either way getting it checked out and making sure all is well. It's the right thing to do.

Anyone hear from Jen?

AFM CD 23. On and off mild cramping, emotional over nothing and everything , eating everything in site, and breaking out. Unfortunately breaking out seems to be usual for me after going off BC though. These symptoms are not really different though. Trying to figure out when I should test if AF does not arrive. Could come anywhere from 18th ( Lisa's scan date!) until the 22. Maybe shouldn't test until late because I only have one FRER left. Plus have family event and will be away fri night until Sunday. Any thoughts?
Random mother bought something for a family friend who is having a baby soon. She said her final scan was at 5 months. Is this the norm? I can't imagine waiting so long in between.
Lisa, when will you announce? :)

Amy, excited for your IUI this cycle. Going to out your name on the prayer roll for extra luck!

Laura, glad that Simon is doing better and getting help from Enable Ireland <3 and yay for a new niece! And woohoo for losing weight! :happydance:

Jessica, gosh even when I make it back up the stairs my legs feel so heavy like I rode a bike for the first time in years. It is nuts :-/
Be sure and keep us updated on Alyssa. Will keep you guys in my thoughts and prayers. I think that men don't take mental health as seriously as us women do. Good thing that as her mama you are getting her seen :hugs: you rock.

Angel, sounds like Pierce is growing like a week. Go you mama!

Leslie, CD 23! When are you thinking that AF is due? I'd test then. :flower:
Excited for your family event?
As for the final scan, hers was the anatomy one? I think that is pretty common for a low risk pregnancy. All OBs are different but my understanding (from threads on babycenter) is that insurance often doesn't cover a lot of ultrasounds.
I think that when you get your rainbow you need to splurge on a 3D/4D ultrasound for me to look at your pics :kiss:

I have been taking it easy the last few days. I just can't do as much as I used to be able to. Not without back pain or swelling.
DH almost got assigned to an international project next month and I had to throw a fit because I will not be having my baby alone. His butt had better be here for the birth.
Leslie ~ Your symptoms sound very promising! I broke out like a teenager when I got my BFP! :dust: I'd test on the 22nd (since its your last FRER). I still admire your staying power, I was a POAS addict! :haha: As for scans, like Bethany said, most insurance companies only cover 12 week scan and 20 week anatomy scan :/ No fair to have to wait so long, but its the norm.

Bethany ~ You're in the home stretch! Third trimester really goes quickly. You'll be meeting your DD in no time! I bet those stairs are a beast. Take it easy and hurray for putting your foot down on DH's international assignment. He really doesn't need or want to miss her birth :cloud9:

Jen? Helloooooo out there...has she posted anything new on FB?

xoxo ladies
Bethany it depends on my cycle this month. I usually get AF on CD 29 which would be the 18th but last month was CD 33 which would be the 22nd.
Ugh for last scan being 20 weeks that is terribly annoying and nerve wracking. You would have to pay extra for 3D I am guessing?
Good for you speaking up about DH being around. He needs to be there and you need him there! Hopefully he understands that.

Thanks Angel. 22nd not a bad idea but couldn't test with FMU if I do because will be at a hotel with my brother and future sister in law in the room also. So would have to do evening urine or wait for a better day. Last BPF I did it in the evening but it was I've a week after due date.
hi guys xxx

jess thanks and hugs xxx
she could just be attention seeking with new bub but def better to get her checked out just in case, hiugs honey xxx

angel hurray pierce is thrivin gxx
hope u are being allowed some rest byhim :) xxx
it was the stroke caused the cerebral palsy, they referred him cos stroke was so large it would def causer something they felt.
his left hand espeacially his fingers are a bit behind his other one. as is his right foot a little. but he is using more already. im constantly working on um and reminding him he has um so :)
im not sur eif u meant for this or for reflux?
for reflux instart it was mild , i knewsome thing was up but nnot sure what.
he was very windy and used to have cranky agitated patches before bed for about 2 hrs. recently u would have to be a complete dumbass to not know he had silent reflux :)
i could see him throwing up in his mouth and swallowing down . poor poppet.
carobel has made a huge difference for him.
he just fell asleep in his play pen talking to his toys again ;)
he sis till conked now :) hurray for carobel :)

leslie i have another 30 or more to go but im gettin there :) ( she says as she waits for her ben and jerrys to soften :) hee hee )
its kinda hard to tell how simon will be later. he will always have a bit of muscle weakness on his right side but we are hopefull with physio and OT he should be very good. he will just have to find ways around thing s he cant do and im gonna help all the time :) xx
im keeping my fx for u hon, hope its bfp xxx
i always test super early and dissappoint myself so ..... im not the best person to ask :)

bethany u are so close now honey, it is normal to feel yucky and tired now. xx
wont be long till bbay cuddles, i cant wait to hear ur birth story and see ur pics. :)
she will be gorgeous if like her mommy ;) xxxx

i forgot to tell ye jen contacted me on fb, she got locked out of b and b but i thought she would be back by now, i must get onto her on fb and ask again. xx
well she sadi she was having trouble loggin on so i think they must have locked her out by accident

hope everyone is well xxxxxxxxx
all good here today :) xx
Laura mmmm Ben and Jerry's :) good for you on the weight loss either way! You are doing amazing
Glad Jen is ok and just having some B and B issues. Hopefully will get straightened out.

Randomly I saw online that you shouldn't have herbal teas while pregnant. So I thought about how I need to find a safe peppermint tea because it calms my stomach. In doing research I came across ingredients that are not good while pregnant and decided to look up my box of peppermint tea that I used to drink when my stomach was upset while pregnant before. Of course a couple of ingredients look like they may lead to miscarriage. So of course I am freaking out thinking I may have done something to cause this. Obviously moving forward not drinking it. Going t grocery store today so will purchase something after looking at ingredients.
Leslie. Thanks xx
Id say u would hve to drink tea by an. Enormous bucket load to do any damage hon. Hugs xx
my little man had his first food today , he loved it.
he also picked up his ball without my help fir first time hurray
great day, im ridic proud


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How cute is Simon, Laura!! That is wonderful he is already picking up toys. He is hitting his milestones early! And his smile is so cute. He has beautiful eyes as well. :hugs:

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