Leslie, Ive just been telling people as i see them as its very obvious these days. I havent put it on FB or anything yet. I told my nan last night and she was so excited. She is very old and has terrible short term memory and she kept forgetting everything we talk about that day but she remembered that i was pregnant the whole time.
Thats great that your DH will be more available for Bding this time... hopefully this will be it!!!
Jess, i think im more anxious than i was before... i think before its unchartered territory now and i dont know what to expect or what could be bad signs. Also ive been reading to many random thread on here and hearing horror stories. Ive banned myself from threads that im not already subscribed to.
Im glad it was nothing serious with natalie!
Amy, Would you be super excited if you ended up with twins??
We will find out what it is... everyone keeps telling me its a girl so we will see!! We can only agree on a girls name so that would make life easy! haha
Bethany. I dont think i will buy a doppler... might make i worse.
I think your allowed to spoil your baby... its going to be an experience like nothing else and why not enjoy it to the max!! haha. I just found out the pram i want is more expensive than i thought and my OH isnt to pleased about that. Its going to be a little harder to convince him now! haha. im sure ill get it though! If i lived in america i could get it cheap!!!

Cant wait to see your little girl and hear your birth story.
Can we have a bump pic update yet?!? i love bump pics!
Laura, Good luck with the appointment!
AFM, my lower back is getting really sore. Its causing me to have crappy nights sleep. I was sleeping really goo until now. I am prone to lower back pain.. i get it really bad during AF so i kinda anticipate this pain is here to stay! Im not feeling sick at all but i still have no energy! its annoying!
A friend of a friend just used my girl baby name!!! so mad!! i didnt know anyone with this name until now!!! GRRRRR
My girl name is ELENA (pronounced El-lane-a) apparently she is pronouncing it El-ee-na. GRRRRR now im confused about the spelling.