ttc after a d&c

Jess we posted at same time xx

Thank god Nat is ok hon. Xx
Fx for her eye app. Xx
Boo to dh. They can be so dumb sometimes. Xx
Oh and Simon has been teething on and off for weeks. No teeth though
He has 2 fine white lumps where his bottom front teeth will be
same with Sophie. She loves to have me massage and put pressure on her gums. She chews my finger like crazy. But other times its to painful for anything to touch her gums. She always has her hands in her mouth as well. Quick question. Does Simon hiccup a lot, along with his reflux? Sophie has horribly painful hiccups, and usually spits up either right before or during hiccups. :(
Yeah he ddoes hon.
All part of stupid reflux ;-)
I'm taking Simon to sacral cranial osteopath tomoro.
They recommended it at appointment yest.
Hoping it helps him loads ;-)
Il let ye know. Xx

Jen r u ok. Yr missing ages xx
Leslie, Ive just been telling people as i see them as its very obvious these days. I havent put it on FB or anything yet. I told my nan last night and she was so excited. She is very old and has terrible short term memory and she kept forgetting everything we talk about that day but she remembered that i was pregnant the whole time.
Thats great that your DH will be more available for Bding this time... hopefully this will be it!!! :dust:

Jess, i think im more anxious than i was before... i think before its unchartered territory now and i dont know what to expect or what could be bad signs. Also ive been reading to many random thread on here and hearing horror stories. Ive banned myself from threads that im not already subscribed to.
Im glad it was nothing serious with natalie!

Amy, Would you be super excited if you ended up with twins??
We will find out what it is... everyone keeps telling me its a girl so we will see!! We can only agree on a girls name so that would make life easy! haha

Bethany. I dont think i will buy a doppler... might make i worse.
I think your allowed to spoil your baby... its going to be an experience like nothing else and why not enjoy it to the max!! haha. I just found out the pram i want is more expensive than i thought and my OH isnt to pleased about that. Its going to be a little harder to convince him now! haha. im sure ill get it though! If i lived in america i could get it cheap!!! :growlmad:
Cant wait to see your little girl and hear your birth story.
Can we have a bump pic update yet?!? i love bump pics!

Laura, Good luck with the appointment!

AFM, my lower back is getting really sore. Its causing me to have crappy nights sleep. I was sleeping really goo until now. I am prone to lower back pain.. i get it really bad during AF so i kinda anticipate this pain is here to stay! Im not feeling sick at all but i still have no energy! its annoying!

A friend of a friend just used my girl baby name!!! so mad!! i didnt know anyone with this name until now!!! GRRRRR
My girl name is ELENA (pronounced El-lane-a) apparently she is pronouncing it El-ee-na. GRRRRR now im confused about the spelling.
I just had to open a new tab for baby and bump. My other page wasn't loading. If I had to respond from my wouldn't happen :(
Also, I highly regret "updating" my iPad. I am opposed to all change.

Jessica, glad that was the source of the blood! And the asthma treatment probably helped her feel much better too. Early October is right around the corner. Can't wait for an update <3
Sorry your husband has been a jerk lately. They can be such asses sometimes.

Laura, hope the appointment tomorrow helps Simon out! What are you doing for his teething? Does it pain him? Seems about half and half in my family, with half the babies hurting and the other half going on as normal.

Lisa, haha define cheap ;) my husband complained about our travel system and it hardly broke the bank. Men!
Will post a bump pic on Friday when I am 34 weeks. I have my husband take nicer pictures on the even weeks lol.
With your back hurting already you may want to invest in a pregnancy body pillow. I must warn you though that your OH may try to hog it when you are in bed lol. I swear, in his sleep my husband tries to steal my snoogle from me.
Eventually your energy should pick up again but it will be gone again by the third tri ;)
Also, I know some Elenas and they all pronounce it like you had planned, El-lane-a. I have never heard it said el-ee-na.
Do you think you will use the name anyways if it is a girl?
Bethany, well not really cheap... i found it on amazon for like $999 but they dont ship to australia. The RRP in Australia is $1559. The cheapest i can find it online here is about $1215. He will let me buy it it will just take him a bit of time to get used to the idea. Also he's never seen it so hes taking my word its good!
Yay for bump pic... i cant wait!
I might have to get a pillow... i made my OH change sides of the bed coz i know your supposed to sleep on your left as much as possible and i had being breathed on while I'm sleep (weird i know!).
Thats good to hear about the name... hopefully most people will know how to pronounce it without being told. Its not very common in australia.
Ill still use the name coz we both love it and she just a girl i know from school that i dont talk to at all. We just have mutual friends so hopefully they wont think im copying.
Lisa, I'd say that you could take him to the store to show it to him but I don't think men are all that picky about that sort of thing lol. My husband thinks it is all the same.
I doubt that they will think that you are copying. It may catch on!

NST went exactly how I thought it would. Despite eating breakfast before, Lorelei was wandering at first, then they had me change positions and then she kept falling asleep. Eventually they had me drink some juice to wake her and apparently that did the trick (I seriously feel nothing after drinking juice). So yeah, I spent a good chunk of my morning at the doc's office.
I am so thankful to be seeing my OB twice a week. It is reassuring. And honestly, I am so anxious to meet my girl. More than ever. I have had two friends suffer late losses recently. It breaks my heart for them. And now I am more of a worry wart than ever.
Bethany, so glad the juice did the trick and Lorelei started kicking away. I had to go through the non stress tests with Natalie and with Sophia. Natalie literally failed all of the non stress tests. She was asleep during the tests and not even the juice woke her up. The would also do those mini shocks over my stomach, not sure they have done that with you, but they would give me small shocks to see if it startled her (mean, I know :( ) .They eventually induced me because they didn't like her lack of movement. But I already knew her sleep pattern. She was always sound asleep during the NST and she wouldn't wake up for anything. She was never a big kicker, she would kick during the night and early morning hours. But honestly she was never very active in the womb. But look at Natalie now, she is anything but inactive now, she actually has adhd!! Now with Sophia it is a different story. She went for her first NST when I was 36 + 4 days, and she passed the test with flying colors. The very next day, 36 + 5 days I started bleeding. Got induced on 36 + 6 days and gave birth to her at 37 weeks exactly. If I wouldn't have rushed to the hospital I could have lost Sophia, I was having the beginning of a placental abruption. I knew to never ignore bleeding towards the end of my pregnancy, I had just been reading about placental abruption minutes before I started bleeding. Knew that I had to rush to the hospital as soon as it happened. Thank God I didn't lose her. Bethany, that is so sad that your friends had late pregnancy losses. How far along were they? My thoughts and prayers go out to them. So sad and heartbreaking. :nope: . :hugs: to you sweetie, Lorelei will be here so soon. Love you! :kiss:
Jessica, one of the girls in my rainbow group said they needed to "buzz" her baby to wake him up. They had an ultrasound afterwards and he was such a frowny little baby, clearly still in a bad mood from being woken up! It was so cute.
My girl tends to be more active at night it seems, when I eat dinner. My stomach will lurch this way and that.
Glad that you got seen to in time for Sophia! That must have been so scary.
My friends were 32 weeks and 25 weeks :(
Having a moment where life is just depressing and you realize that nothing is guaranteed. I don't think that I will ever feel safe in pregnancy. The second tri, 24 weeks, 37 weeks...all those milestones still don't guarantee anything :(
Sorry you are feeling down hon. I know exactly what you mean about nothing being guaranteed. I had my loss at 19 weeks and it created such fear in me. And to tell you the truth, I am still terrified of losing Sophia. Something I didn't tell any of you ladies, But because Sophie was in NICU for 1 week with breathing problems (longest week of my life). It made me even more paranoid. For the first 2 months Sophia NEVER EVER slept without somebody watching her and her breathing. Me and dh took turns staying up all night with her. We would take turns, kind of like shifts. We couldn't do it after she turned 2 months. It took a toll on both of our health. We were so sleep deprived and agreed that it wasn't good for Sophia. I was scared one of us would fall asleep while holding her or feeding her. There were a few times where I would find myself dozing off while feeding. There were times where I would be awake 3 days straight. All of this because of the trauma we endured with the loss and what happened with Sophia when she was born. But i can truly tell you, nobody should live with this much fear. It is counterproductive, and our health starting going down the drains. Now I am enjoying Sophia more and more, but I'm not gonna lie, the fear is still there and sometimes I panic because of it. Everybody heals on there own time when suffering a tragedy like miscarriage or still birth. Only time can help heal.
Hey guys xx

I have heard Elena pronounced both ways hon.
Use it anyway who cares if someone elsevhas itvtoo.
It's still lovely xx
There is lots u can do foe ur back hon
I hve low back pain all the time. Much worse in preg.
Hot bath and warm hot water bottle for pain. Neither too hot.
Don't boil the 2 of ye ;-)
Bump bra or I wore tubi grip. It distributes weight of bump better.
Good bras save upper back.
Physio. Walking. Swimming.
Always sleep. Get our of car and bed with legs together.
Sleep with pillow under bump ans between ur knees
Up and down stairs put both feet on each step. Slow but easier on hips.
Bend at knees not waist if u must bend at all ;-)
Um.... Think.thats it.
Some nice gentle exercises u can do but it's safer to goto a physio for them
As they vary which ones u do according to the cause and type of pain.
Hugs hope this helps xx
Bethany I've given him calpol twice for pain but I'm not sure if his pain was teeth or wind in tummy .
Looking toward to new bump pic xx
Hugs honeuvxx
U r so close to Lorelei hugs ;-) xx
Jess hugs honey xx
Simon still sleeps in bed with me cos I'm afraid he will choke.
In my defense he does choke and they e checking him fir swallow issues
But if I put him in his cot then I don't sleep ay all.
Hugs. I do know how u feel. Xx
coJess Omg!! I'm so sorry for all those scares! So glad she's ok andci hope her eyes are also. I had no idea about that. I hope your all okay and doing better now.&#9825;

Laura Reflux and hiccups go hand and hand :( Reflux stinks hate all the meds no sleep cranky crying baby can't soothe them can't put them downcwithout a pulsating scream turning beat red and the sounds of wet burps coughing wheezing etc. It takes a toll on us mommy's and I feel fir u. Is Simon on meds? Zoeys on Prilosec and Zantac. Problem with her is she constantly wants to eat then arches wiggle and screams while trying. She spits up .or vomits only to eat again. Its hard to hold play go places enjoy them downcwithout it's unfair esp to Simon. Poor babies :( I keep sayingvthis will pass. I hope ur ok andci:hug:

Bethany Aww your so ready for her! I'm so excited for you!

Amy I agree twins and I can't put wait for your announcement and stories! It will happen your rainbow will come!&#9829;

Angel ouch so glad ur plug duct is out! They are horrible. I set em a lot just by missing a feed. Make sure u stay on ur schedule for feeds and pumpingvull be ok&#9829; how are u and pierce?

I know I have more to write but must get zoey settled plus she dogs eatting and oven is beeping. Fun fun
So for now hi Leslie and Lisa along with anyone I missed:-[ &#9825;
Laura, Thank for the tips. i slept with a pillow between my legs last night and i slept much better and my back isnt as sore today. Yay!! :) Thinking i might start swimming although im not a fan of water it seems like a good thing to do. I wanted to do aqua aerobics but that arent any very close to me.

Bethany, why juice?!?! why does that wake them up? Sorry you are still worried. Its sad that is never ends and that we cant enjoy the pregnancy the way we should.

Jess, you have had some very hard times lately i hope things start to improve :hugs:

:hi: jen!!! Hope you and Zoey are good!
Jessica, I think that may be me too. I will still feel better able to protect her when she is in my arms own mother was always super scared and would watch us to make sure that we were breathing. She said that after a loss you just always worry for your babies.
You are a great mama. Just want you to know <3

Laura, I bet sleeping with your baby is awesome. And he needs you close for sure. I know you are enjoying his sleepy snuggles :kiss:

Jen, it will pass. Doesn't make the moment of your baby suffering pain any less hard though :hugs: hang in there mamas!
Sounds like you had a delightfully busy evening with a happy baby, happy pup and oven bleeping = happy husband!
My husband told me that I was amazing to be so pregnant and still cook. I am flattered that he thinks that it is an accomplishment. It certainly feels like it 99% of the time!

Lisa, sugar can get babies moving. They are just on a sugar rush. I'm honestly surprised that the juice thing worked at the office but I can never tell a thing from sugar. Eating a craving, yes but sugar...meh.

34 weeks today. Just 3 more until 37 weeks, the next milestone.
Hi guys xxx
Welcome back Jen xx
Yeah Simon is on zantac hon.
It's helped a lot but no miracle ;-)
He is eating less since on it which is a good sign
Before he was craving cool burning
Hope zoey is better soon too hon xxx
Its soo hard to do Simons physio with him cos of it.
Laughing causes it too.
I feel bad sometimes cos me making him laugh causes it.
But he neeeds fun too. Xx

Lisa glad it helped xxx
My doc told me not to do aquafit.
She said if I had been doing it all along fine but nit to take itvup
Swimming is fine though.
For ur back dont do the frog leg part of breast stroke.
Other strokes ate fine as far as I know.
I miss the pool terribly now. I got to really love it.
Towards the end even walking wasnt comfy but pool always was xx

Bethany glad ur hubby appreciates u xxx
I think I packed 7 of essential things.
I ended u
p using none cos he wasn't allowed clothes in incubator ;-)
I also packed a going home clothes bag for me and bub and wrote on outside what it was
Makes sure ur not goin home in something crazy ;-)
My sis hubby bought her going home clothes and shoes and got all wrong sizes.
He meant well .hee hee
I brought in one tiny baby outfit.
Mostly new born and one 0-3 months.
I packed bags of extras at home in case needed too.
I didnt but its better to be prepared xxx

Hi and hugs to all
Oh and pack comfy clothes for u.
I lived in track pance and tops. I never wore my nighties ;-)
U won't be much smaller either for a few weeks so dont pack.too small.
Nothing tight on waist. Ur tummy may feel delicate xx
And loose shoes. I was swolen. U may not be but icouldn't wear anything bar my open back slippers.

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