ttc after a d&c

BnB looks all swanky certainly taking a moment to adjust to...I'm still trying to handle the new way to navigate through the pages on a thread. I miss the "last" button :(

Bethany!!! Tuesday??!?! Squeeeee!! I am thrilled for you! Cannot wait for your birthing story!

Amy ~ FX'd and :dust: and prayers that you catch that eggy sans IUI this month. Nothing like a mini vacay to bring on a sticky bean! (I was in NYC 5 weeks preggers!)

Jen ~ Yikes to UE running out...I hope something opens up for you! They say reflux/fussy babies make a change for the better by 6 months. Won't be long, meanwhile hugs to you both!

Laura ~ Yay for Simon sitting up, but boo for the appointment making him cry . It goes against nature for us to watch them be in any discomfort (even stranger anxiety). Glad that appointment went well and I pray the good news keeps coming! And good job on working with him to get his legs going. You're a good Mommy! Lucky baby boy!

Jess ~ Are your other girls just in love with their live baby doll, Sophia? I know my niece was 14 when her little brother was born and she became a little mommy!

Leslie ~ Hang in harm in taking a step back from the forums. I'm glad your Dr is proactive and isn't making you wait before she will step in to assist.

Lisa ~ Yay for baby kicking! Soooo reassuring!

Gotta run...someone is trying to be awake at 4:30am :dohh:
Hi ladies. I hope all of you are doing great. :hugs:

Amy, I have been thinking about you a lot. And I feel in my heart that you will be blessed very soon sweety. I am not just saying this to make you feel better, I don't see any reason why you won't get your rainbow baby sooner than later. Sometimes I think about all that you have been through and I admire you so much. I know you hear this a lot, but you are still very young. I am an anomaly in my family. Every one in my family started having children well into their 30s. I was pregnant with my first when I was 19. And believe when I say I have been through hell and back ( I think I have mentioned my story on here). You have such a stable life ( from what I have seen) and when your LO comes, he/she is going to be born into a very loving and stable environment. It WILL happen hon. Maybe this month will be your lucky month. :hugs:
I am up really late tonight. Did I mention my husband quit his job today? He got a huge pay cut and just quit on the spot. I don't know what the f*ck we are going to do. I homeschool Natalie and we are about to take my other daughter Alyssa out of her school because she is failing the 8th grade and we recently found out that she has had boyfriends and has used her time at school to focus only on boys ( which she has already kissed, I don't know how many!!) and she is wasting her time here!! WTF!! Everything is falling apart over here! :(
I'm afraid to look at BnB on the computer. I hate change lol!

Laura, my DH should be able to make it back. I will throw a royal mad fit if he can't but I get the final details regarding my induction tomorrow morning which would leave him with no excuse not to be back in time.
Haha I don't blame you for being baby hungry. There are definite things to miss about being pregnant. Like little baby belly kicks and hiccups :)

Lisa, any luck on staying hydrated? Haha I sleep so much these days that I can go a stretch of time sleeping instead of drinking. But I chug when conscious!
Not really nervous about birth. Just nervous for my baby. With my blood clotting disorder I get more worried the longer she is in there since my clotting disorder raises one's chances of a stillbirth. The fear never ends :(
Hope your SO can feel the baby move! Soon he will be able to see it from the outside. It is rad :D

Jen, wish that I was nearby! I'd happily help you with laundry and some of your other chores <3

Leslie, you come on when you need to lady :hugs:
Oh I am so happy that you have such an amazing gyno that won't make you wait a year. Anything to help is a good thing. You will be blessed soon.
To try and relax, is there anything you can try like acupuncture or yoga or meditation? :)
Sorry about the waiting room full of pregnant women. That was the difficult part of my old gyno, seemed like she only saw the pregnant ones on days that she saw me.

Angel, did you out someone in a milk drunk sleep at 4:30? ;)

Jessica, oh NO! Gah. Why would he add that stress on you? Are you mad that he quit before finding something better? I hope he finds employment soon. And I am sorry that your daughter is giving you a rough time too on top of it all. Big :hugs:

Amy, love you lady!
I am up really late tonight. Did I mention my husband quit his job today? He got a huge pay cut and just quit on the spot. I don't know what the f*ck we are going to do. I homeschool Natalie and we are about to take my other daughter Alyssa out of her school because she is failing the 8th grade and we recently found out that she has had boyfriends and has used her time at school to focus only on boys ( which she has already kissed, I don't know how many!!) and she is wasting her time here!! WTF!! Everything is falling apart over here! :(

Oh no! Sending positive vibes your way. Seems your DH should've talked w/ you about this first! Men!!
Bethany ~ I'm sure your DH will be back...he just has to be! How exciting to get the details tomorrow morning. And to think this time next week you'll be holding your rainbow!
I put Pierce's crib in my room. The bassinet in the pack and play has a weight limit of 15lbs (which he is), so I had to do something. I figure I'll transition him to his crib, then move him to his room. I'm not ready for that move yet because he still wakes up through the night. As he matures they say he will sleep longer hours and seeing as I'm only nursing him I vote to move him when he wakes less! DH thinks he should be moved ASAP...good thing DH wasn't here today as I moved his crib in our room! It'll be a nice surprise for Daddy to see! :haha:

:hugs: ladies!
Thank you all so much for your kind words. That really means so much to me.

Bethany, I can't wait to hear your birth story!!!!! Your hubby will be there! Love you loads and so happy for you love bug!!!

Jess, massive hugs to you hun. I'm so sorry you are going through a stressful time. It really makes me wish we all lived closer :(

Laura, are you talking about baby number two?!?!!! :D

Lisa, hope you are able to get hydrated!

Leslie, how are you doing?

Angel, I hope you and your little guy are doing well!!

Jen, hi!!

On my phone so my apologies for a short post. Love to you all and hope this finds you well!!
Hi guys xxx

Amy woohoi xxx.
Happy bd xxx

Bethany exciting !! U will do so great xxx

Jess hugs. Silly dh. Xx
U will work it out.

How is everyone?

Unfortunately our new home is baby ward in hosp
I got a phone call yest to admit him cos eeg was bad.
His heart is fine though. Thank god xx
So we r here till they get meds right and get him sorted.
They r great here though.

Love to all
Jess I'm so sorry dh should have spoke withbyou. Men seriously mines not good with providing really so I hate to see you go through the hardship with three girls. I hope he finds a job asap. Its so hard to find a job now a day's. So shocked he did this without having a job lined up hugs to u.&#9825;

Bethany dh best be there. I'm sure he wouldn't miss it for the world!&#9825; so excited for u.

Amy positive vibes your way :dust: have fun bding and stay relaxed&#9825;

Laura oh no idea:( poor Simon and mommy. Pray he's just fine and it's all a precaution. &#9825; hope u both go home soon but I'm glad they are good to u there&#9825;

Lisa hi!

Leslie thinking of you&#9825;

My zoey isn't feeling well :( Idk if it's her Reflux. She screams n crys with her bottle yet nurses okay most the time. how to comfort her. My boba is a blessing that I have it though. She will nap nurse in it most the time. She's such a hard baby but I love her to pieces and hate seeing her in tears all the time.
So it decided to delete my first post but post second post twice. Its so crazy my cellphone. Sorry girls

Angel u had no laughing about the crib in ur room! Zoey sleeps so well in napper I'm scared yo put her in crib. She rolls all over the place and vomits too. I know we have to put her in there soon. Lmk how pierce does! How often does he wake to nurse? Is ur mastitis gone? Hope so. Oh just something's I learned. After pumping always rinse ur nipple to prevent a milk blister. And sleeping with a heating pad on breast keeps milk giving freely when it's time for baby to nurse and pump. I've been having great success at the pump since I starting using heating pad though. So I thought I'd pass it along bc it's terrible having plugged ducts. Whats pierce being for Halloween?
Thank you for the tips Jen! I do use the heating pad once a body is still trying to regulate how much to make for him. The other night we had a five hour stretch, hasn't happened since then. It was quite the tease! On average he feeds every 3 hours :/ I have a time getting him to go to bed...I still have a couple of months before I can start sleep training, but I am trying to start good habits now <~~wishful thinking! :) My mastitis cleared up...I only give him 1 bottle a day (ebm). I'm afraid to pump too often b/c I don't want to get sick again! Is Zoey doing well at night? Gaining regularly? What happens when your UE runs out?

Laura ~ Poor little Simon (and Mommy). I hope he bounces back quickly...get your rest Mommy!

Edit: I saw a monkey suit at Pottery Barn...I might get it for him for halloween!
Hi guys.

Angel a 5 hr stretch is a good sign of things to come.
If he can do it once he will prob start doing it more frequently for u.
Sleep routine is goid even if he can't follow it fully yet.
Sets up good habits for later when he is able to stretch out feeds xxhopefully soin.

Tge nurses here keep saying how good and how in a routine Simon is.
Proud mommy ;-)
Turns out he has been having seizures all the time.
I had taken a video and took it to his doc and physio and that team.
They told me it was part of his reflux.
Asses. I hve been ignoring seizures for weeks cos of um.
But he is getting help now thank god. Started new meds
They r a bit more hard core so he needs carefully monitoring.
Once we see he is ok in um and hopefully they r working.
Then we can go home.

Jen the end is in sight. Xx
Milky reflux is getting better and thats before solids
Hoping to not relapse. But much bwtter at mo.

Hi and love to all xx

Leslie and Lisa ye r a bit quiet. All ok ? Xxx
Laura, I'm sorry to hear about Simon. Glad he is getting the proper treatment now though. Have the seizers been causing any damage? How long does he have to stay in hospital for?
Im ok... been a bit cranky so i don't feel like typing but I'm still reading along. Also i know i shouldn't but i feel a bit guilty that i came in and got pregnant straight away.

Angel, glad your mastitis had cleared up. Im trying to decide if ill even buy a pump or not. My friend that breast feeds barely used hers.
Monkey suit sounds cute... can't wait to see it!

Jen, I'm sorry Zoey isn't feeling well. You're doing a great job Mumma.

Bethany, I'm trying to drink more. I haven't done so well today but i think I'm doing better in general.
I can't wait for Tuesday... well it will be Wednesday for me. You get to me your LO in a few days... its so exciting!!!!!!! :happydance::happy dance:

Amy, I need to start stalking your journal i think. Im missing out on the info.

Jess, Sorry your DH quit without consulting you. Does he have a plan to find a new job?

:hugs: leslie!! we are here whenever you need us!

AFM - My back is killing me and feeling a bit off today. I can't wait for yoga tomorrow.
Plus side to feeling sick and being on the couch all day is i can feel the baby move lots! :cloud9:
Laura I don't understand why Dr's and the like don't listen to a Mom's intuition...sorry about the seizures, but glad they caught them. Wishing Simon a speedy recovery!

Lisa hurray for yoga! FX'd it fixes you up!

TGIF ladies!

Bethany what's the plan for Tuesday? Did it miss a post...sorry if I did! xoxo
Angel, how did your husband like you moving the crib into the bedroom? :D did you get the monkey costume?

Amy, I miss you on the weekends. I hope that yours is great :kiss: rainbow dust being sent and I made it extra sticky!

Leslie, sending out rainbow dust lovey.

Laura, so sorry that you guys are in the hospital but so glad that they are taking good care of your little man. Sending out prayers. How upsetting that they told you t was reflux instead of seizures :(

Jen, thank goodness for your baby carrier! Is she soothed by you holding her? You are her mama and comforting her.

Lisa, keep hydrated :D I think I have done ok today in the water department. I have been more thirsty than hungry for once!
Pelvic tilts should help that aching back :)

So ladies, how soon do you intend to take your LOs trick or treating? ASAP? Or when they are old enough to eat the candy? I never realized that people had opinions on this until recently lol. I am ok with dressing baby up and taking them out even when they are too small for candy because it is just a fun holiday but DH doesn't want us taking Lorelei trick or treating until she is at least two. Gah.

My mommy is coming on Sunday. DH will be flying home Tuesday afternoon. Tuesday night I get cervadil and I get to eat my last bit of food for a while :lol: baby on Wednesday!
I had a terrible dream that my body didn't react to induction. But I am more dilated and effaced than my sisters were with their inductions and they were successful and they had fast labors so fingers crossed.
I have also been feeling super weepy the closer I get. The thought of seeing my baby and hearing her first cries make me feel really emotional in a good way.
Argh typed and phone idisappeared it ;-)
Internet is bonkers here.
Hugs Lisa u deserve ur rainbow bub honey xx
Hope u feel better sion . Hurray for movements xxx
Angel hope ur gettin rest xxx
Pierce is thriving
Bethany u will be great. Xxx
Anything is worth it for Lorelei but I'm sure things will go well xx
How exciting Bethany! You are going to do great! As soon as you can update us in your well being and the details about Lorelie's arrival! :flower: As for Halloween, I'll probably take Pierce out next year. This year it's for pictures/memories, next its to load my belly with his candy :haha:

Laura I trust Simon is doing well on his new meds.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend.

My DH is home! I'm thrilled he is back, but bummed because he thinks Pierce should be in his own room :nope: Good thing I have the ta-ta's :holly: Until he is on a more regular schedule I am not trekking across the way to a different room for night feedings :sleep:

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