ttc after a d&c

Bethany- Sunday is here so that means your mom will be here soon. Two more days!! How crazy does it feel? Best of luck. I know you will do great. Can't wait to see pictures and hear how it went. As for relaxing doc said she wouldn't recommend acupuncture yet, plus I can't afford it. I am terrible at other relaxation. I just have to keep working on my thoughts as being positive and see how DH and I can more "get in the mood" so it isn't so routine. Can we have one more bump pic before the bump is gone ?:)

Laura I'm so sorry that you've been in the hospital and how everything is going with Simon :( anymore news from the hospital? Are you home yet? Thinking of you and your family.

Jen thanks for the thoughts. I'm sorry zoeys not feeling well and hope that it gets figured out soon. How is everything else? Any luck on jobs?

Jess I'm so sorry about the situation with your husband. Do you/ will you work ( I realized I never asked)? I hope things straighten up soon. I understand why you are so upset.

Angel, a monkey costume....did you get? That would be adorable! Sorry your DH doesn't like pierce being in your room but I am sure he will get used to it ;) I can imagine the night feedings are tough. How are you feeling?

Lisa how did the yoga go? Don't feel guilty about getting pregnant so quick, you deserve this just as much. I can't believe how the weeks are flying by. Remind me of your next scan.

Amy I'm thinking of you! Hope your trip is going well and you are enjoying with DH. Were you able to get your IUI or are you doing natural for this cycle? I understand how you are feeling but I know it will happen for you!

AFM hanging in there. I've noticed that DH and I rarely DTD unless it is for baby making time. I think that is one thing that needs to change. I guess the emotions attached to it makes it difficult. 2 months to try before Gyno appt to discuss more options so I am hoping we won't need it. Wednesday starts new BDing schedule as per doctor. Let's cross our fingers! She also looked at the ingredients in my lube and didn't think there was an issue so that is good news.

Have a good rest of weekend!
Hi Ladies!!!!!

Bethany....Im so glad that I made it in time for you and your miracle!!!!! I cant wait to hear how it goes honey!!!!!! :hugs: LOVE YOU!!!!!!

Leslie, Im so sorry that BDing has kind of turned into just baby making. I totally understand though hun. Its almost like all the fun and spontaneity of it all has been taken away from us because of what we have been and are going through. I hope that you are able to put more fun back into hun and enjoy it more because your rainbow is coming!!!! :)

Angel, How are you doing??? Hope Pierce is sleeping better and you are getting some rest as well. :) And yay for yoyhaving the ta-tas otherwise Pierce would have to go to another room. :( Your hubby probably wants the tatas back for himself lol although Im sure he doesnt mind sharing with his baby heheh

Jess, Hope things are ok with you. Ive been thinking about you and your girls and really praying that things calm down for you all. Massive hugs to you!! :hugs:

Laura, Hope you and your prince are doing well hun! Grrr to those that told you that Simon was fine when he was having seizures!!!!! Ugh I coul djust slap them!!!! What the next step now for him?

Jen, How are you and Zoey doing? So sorry that she is havign a hard time with the reflux... poor thing :(

Lisa, hows the yoga going?? Hope youre doing well and that the yoga helps your aching back! I feel bad about updating too much on here so I try and do a brief here and detail on my journal. :(

If I missed anyone, Im so sorry!!!! Lots of hugs to EVERYONE!!!

AFM~ Just made it to my RE's office on thursday before our flight. Scan went well and still had 2 follies in the running. I got my trigger and got crosshairs this morning. Im hoping that we caught the eggy(ies)!!!!!! Since I wasnt ready at tuesday's scan, we couldnt do an IUI this month so just the trigger and TI this month.
Still in hospital but thing s are starting tovgovwell.

Il pos t properly at hone xxx
Love to all
Hi ladies! Thanks all of you for thinking of me and my family. Thank God my husband got a new job the same week he quit the old one and with an almost $20,000 raise. Wooohoo! Pretty risky what he did, but he said he knew what he was doing. I am thinking he had this new job lined up. DH doesn't communicate enough with me.

Leslie, I don't work, and even if I got a job, it wouldn't be worth it at all. Daycare for 2 children would cost more than I would even make. My 7 year old is special needs and I trust nobody else with her. I barely even trust my husband sad to say, he can be spacey at times and not attentive enough. Plus I am so protective with Sophie. I can only trust my mom with her and she works. FX this month that bding goes well and is relaxing. Does a glass of wine help to set the mood?

Amy, so excited for you this month. How was your trip? Babyks crying will continue with this post later.....
So its been a bad day... i have a head cold and a UTI!!! did any of you take antibiotics while pregnant? The doctor and the chemist said they were safe but its still worrying. They gave me Amoxil.

Bethany, Soooo close!!!!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance:
Good luck my darling and i can't wait to hear all about it and see beautiful Lorelei!

Laura, Sorry you're still in hospital with Simon. I hope its going ok and you can bring him home soon.

Angel, You and Pierce get final stay in my eyes! You keep him in the room as long as you like.

Leslie, yoga is going good. Im starting to crave it now. i wish they had more classes at appropriate times for me. My 20 week scan is two weeks from today! i can't wait!
Im sorry you're having such a hard time. Im sure its very difficult to really enjoy things when only concentrating on BDing. Could you try maybe some costumes or role play or making the room look all romantic one night just for something different.
Hope all goes well this month and if not the extra doctor assistance is not far away.

Amy, don't feel bad... i like hearing updates from everyone!! Hope you catch the eggies this month!

Jess, wow that worked out well! A little scary but $20k extra is awesome!!

:hi: everyone else!!
Ok, I'm back. Holding sophie on my lap with left arm while typing with right hand. Lol, this is hard. I just gave sophie her first feeding of rice cereal. She seemed to enjoy the flavor.

Amy, I hope that this is the month for you. I am a little confused as to what a trigger is. So u and dh didn't do iuii this month. Did you bd? Thx for thinking about me and the girls. So sweet of you. :hugs:

Laura, praying that all turns out well for Simon and that he makes a full recovery. I also pray for u during these tough times hon. :hugs:

Bethany, I am here anticipating the arrival of precious Lorelei. It feels like only yesterday you found out you were pregnant. I am so excited for you hon. I hope you have a smooth labor and recovery. :hugs:

Lisa, you are almost half way there! When are u gonna have the gender scan? Any ideas what you are having?

Jen, thinking about you and Zoey. How is her weight doing. I remember us discussing how our los are similar. Sophie no longer fits 6 months. She fits 9 months and I am thinking pobably 12 months. She is only about 16 lbs though. Sending Zoey hugs and kisses.

Angel. Oh my goodness Pierce is so big. But his daddy is well over 6 ft so I am sure you expected a big baby. Who do they say Pierce looks like? Sophie looks a lot like me, she took a lot after my fathers genetics, funny though because she has some of my husbands facial expressions, like when she is annoyed or looks mad, she looks like dh. Lol. :hugs: to u and Pierce.

Take care ladies!!
Angel, I fully intend to take my baby out. I want candy too! And to show her off- we want to show me off right? :)
I hope that your DH hasn't given you too hard a time about Pierce being in y'all's room! He can suck it up hehe.

Leslie, any ideas for romance? Maybe some good ol' makeout sessions :) do you guys touch a lot? You could try showing more physical affection. Racy messages! It will be a joy to focus on each other.
Glad your lube meets the gyno's approval honey! I hope that I don't put too much pressure on you when I cheer you on? I had moments when TTC where I almost didn't want the well wishes I just wanted to talk and be heard. Always listening. Always here to support you and Amy. Love you guys!

Amy, I get so excited when I hear that you have two follies. I always hope for a double rainbow. That would be amazing <3 I know that you really wanted the IUI but I am hoping that you caught those eggies au natural this month! :dust:
How are you? How is work? Doing anything fun for Halloween, you and your DH?

Laura, so sorry that you are still in the hospital but glad that things are looking up. Praying for you guys! Give some love to Simon for me?

Lisa, sorry about your cold and UTI! I had a superbug UTI when TTC. As soon as I kicked it I got my BFP and haven't had one since. I'd take the medicine love. I understand that you are nervous but you don't want the UTI to get worse. That would be dangerous honey. Taking it is the safest thing :hugs:

Jessica, damn I would smack my husband for scaring me like that! So glad he has a new job AND more money to boot though! Woohoo!
Gosh, eating rice cereal already. These kids are growing too fast :)

It is late here. My mom is asleep. I can't sleep. I finally started to get nervous today. So spooked by labor. The anxiety makes me want to clean everything. Trying to chill out!
Thanks Amy...hopefully we can get that magic back for BD ;) so glad at least the trigger was done for you and crossing my fingers for this month ( for both of us!)! Did you do anything exciting in ny?

Jess sounds great and what happened in the end with DH and his job! Understand about not working. I envy you girls on here for being able not to work because we couldn't afford it. No wine for me as it would play with my blood sugar and in the end I may not remember anything haha. Thanks for the thought.

Lisa yay for 2 weeks! Glad yoga is helping .No role playing...I am shy when it comes to this stuff so I can't even imagine. I think that is one of my issues that I am shy and can't just let everything going. Making the room romantic is an idea. Another issue is that DH doesn't get home until after 10 some days and I am ready for bed by then so that is tough in forcing myself to bd.

Today is the day Bethany!! Best of luck...thinking of you and the family! Thanks for more suggestions. On the days where I am not half asleep waiting for DH we can work on it. We do touch though. I really appreciate your cheering me on, don't worry! I need it to keep going :)

Hi everyone else...hope everything is ok with you and Simon Laura.
Time to get ready to go to work!
I'm excited too!! Sending lots of love your way Bethany!! xoxo

I'll catch up soon. xoxo

Oh, DH realized after a cluster feeding night the importance of having Pierce close to me. I read the transition has to happen by 5 months before a habit forms, so I'm keeping that in the back if my mind.
Anxiously awaiting ur arrival Bethany!! &#9825; wishing u a fast and healthy delivery.

Angel i took zoey Trick or treating twice so far. Had to Show my lil One of Around mneighborhood. Hope u enjox monkey custume Sounds adorable!

Laura i hope Simon and u are going okay&#9825;

Amy Sounds So perfect!! I sure pray this is it&#9825;

Jess so glad dh did right for his Familie&#9825; no job yest :( husband warried about income to. Cant Afford car Student loan etc next month without this help either. See what Wappen.
Angel zoey is almost 5monthes and Not in her room or crib yest. Oh now will i have a Bad habt alreadty???

Jess Aww Sophie Sounds so cute! Zoeys 13lbs now in size 3-6 clothes. But still its 3 month sleept perfekten (fleece ones Not cotton)
Hi again. I'm sure Bethany is getting her cuddles in with sweet Lorelie! :cloud9:

Amy ~ :dust: I hope you were able to enjoy NY. I eagerly await your mornings so I can see what your temp registers in at!

Jen ~ From what I've read the baby should be transitioned into their own rooms around 4-6 months. They start to really recognize their surroundings and at night will be used to/comforted by the likes of your room...someone rolling over in bed, hum of a tv, ambient lights, someone snoring :haha: All in all, I guess it is what YOU are most comfortable with. I'm not sure how I'll manage when DH moves Pierce's crib. :shrug:

Jess ~ Hurray for your hubby's new job! Boo for him not communicating with you clearly about it :( I know it was stressful to think he was unemployed especially with the holidays coming up, but what a relief and bonus!! :happydance:

Laura ~ Glad you can peek in from the hospital. I trust you and Simon are in good hands and will be home in no time! :hugs:

Lisa ~ Ugh the dreaded UTI. I know how you feel about the antibiotic. I just had to take it for mastitis and freaked out because I was told to still nurse because baby would be fine. I did, but was quite torn. It's tough to trust the Dr, but rest assured they will not give you anything to harm your LO! :thumbup:

Leslie ~ I was quite guilty of taking the fun out of BDing. I was on a mission and tossed romance out the window. In hindsight I probably should have relaxed a bit more, but I couldn't with my biological clock ticking, no pounding away in my head! Best of luck finding a way to squeeze in some romance. Maybe take a nap :sleep: when you get home from work so you won't be as tired when DH gets in after 10p?

Hope I haven't missed anyone! I think Pierce is going through another growth spurt...last night he was up to eat more often than his new norm :dohh: I've goofed off too long to take a nap with him now, so I'll do some more laundry :laundry:

Happy Hump Day!
Bethany. I am here anxiously awaiting news on your sweathearts arrival. I pray you and little Lorelie are doing wonderful. :hugs:
Thanks Angel! We shall Start transition NOW. IM WORRIED FOR NO SLEEP. Sorry my cell typing is horrible.

Bethany thinking of you! Anxiously awaiting the News!! &#9825;

Laura saw on fb r home with Simon!&#9825; i hope ur both doing well.
ahhhhh.... we never get any trick or treaters but we have had heaps so far. we had to rush out and buy more candy. I bet no one else will knock now!! :dohh:
Happy Halloween ladies!
Thinking of you Bethany!

More candy for you Lisa? Haha ;)
hey guys happy halloween, we r home at last, hurray
congrats to bethsany, saw pic of lovely lorelei on fb xxxx
Bethany, thinking of you honey!!!!!!! Can't wait to hear from you and see pics of your precious daughter !!!

Still lying in bed lol but I'll be back on to properly post!

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