Angel, thanks for your kind words. I did remind him and then we didn't really talk about it much and then on the day we didn't talk about it at all. He felt the baby kick with his hand for the first time though so he was happy. Focus on the positives is best for us!!
We have gone the other way for daylight savings!! Soon it won't be getting dark till 9pm... i love it!!
Pierce is a feeding machine!! How are the tatas?? do they get really sore?
Something I've wondered but not sure if its inappropriate to ask... are the tatas just completely off limits to DH after the baby and do you think they will ever be enjoyable in the bedroom again after the baby?
Tella, thats great the your keeping your exercise up and the diet. Im sure that will all help. Exercise is really the best thing for your body and to relax. Im sure it will happen soon for you hon!!
Leslie, Sending your calm relaxing thoughts! Im sorry things haven't gone the way you hoped. Maybe getting in some exercise would help you relax. Even just a walk or something will give you some more energy and is supposed to help your libido.
Amy, Fingers crossed for you!! Come on BFP!!
Laura, do you think you can get carers leave from work?
Bethany, Hope your enjoying Lorelei!!

jen & jess
AFM - 19 weeks today! Going soooo fast! Bubs is moving non stop. Its kinda making me feel a bit ill sometimes.
Starting to feel cloudy in my head... I'm not really feeling very confident driving atm... is that normal?
Aslo just found out the government baby incentives and not only decreased but they have change the income threshold to be able to get it and my OH earns like $5k to much so we get NOTHING now!! and it changes as of March... we are due in April!! Grrr!! We weren't relying on the money or anything but still annoying to just miss out on it!