welcome back tella xx
hurray for visits done

angel. xxx
u r the best

i think kids are better close in age too really, harder in a way but easier in other ways plus they should hopefully be close to each other.
i must get cracking on losing weight and be super healthy now for a few months

with a good goal in mind its easier

u def sure u wont go again?
yeah i was high risk with simon so would be again.
i have a high risk of cholestasis again.
i must talk to liver consultant and possibly my last preg consultant ,
she said i could come back to talk if i need to cos of what happened with simon
if i waited till 3 or so which i was gonna do im pretty sure i would be too settled to want to go back to nt feeds and stuff again.
i always said i would prefer to have my kids before 35 too.
but looking at my sil having 3 after 38 , thats not as pressing as before

il make no decisions yet, for some strange reason felt like i had to decide last nt.
must hve been hormonal

how is pierce doin hon?
he looks a bit like simon in the pic in ur ticker

simon had a suit like that before too

to all xxx