Lisa, congrats on team pink! Girls are so much fun

looking at clothes already?
I never had a shower but if I had I would have wanted it earlier rather than later. Definitely set aside the last weeks to just enjoy time with you and your OH. Pamper yourself.
As for America, do you mean tv-wise or news-wise? Haha!
Amy, thinking of you love. Will be sure to go read your journal.
Leslie, I hope that it is implantation bleeding! Always so envious of people who have that

sticky dust being sent! Missed you as well

How are you doing?
Laura, you know I love you too

Did you ever go back to the book shop? I got some books in the mail today though not the one that I was really looking forward to. Bummer.
I hear car seats are wicked expensive in Ireland! Sorry honey. But yay for Cmas shopping being done!
Jessica, sorry honey. That would have me crying too. I hear ya about being a mess. Just want to say that I think that you rock. At the moment I can't imagine caring for LO with other kids at home. You manage that and you are amazing. Hang in there.
Tella, hi and welcome
Jen, how are you and Zoey doing?
Sorry I haven't been on much girls. I do read but don't always have the time to reply as I want so I just wait.
I have been fighting the baby blues, something that I never thought that I would have, and had been doing pretty well since I stopped making myself feel bad about nursing and happily embracing formula. Unfortunately my husband is being sent in an assignment to Venezuela next month and I am right back to crying. Thought about driving the 6+ hours to my hometown to be near family but I have my PP appointment and her 1 month appointment while he is gone so I can't just leave. Feeling sad and resentful all at once. I want to go to South America. And I want him to help me care for the newborn.