ttc after a d&c

Amy I dunno I think IB is just wishful thinking. Could one drop actually be that anyway? I'm so sorry for everything you are going through. I also understand your thoughts/ feelings of sadness with pregnancy and baby talk. Hopefully I am close, like you said, but who knows. I am right there with ya though! Let's have more ttc convos! I am also completely lost with some of the other talk. I know you are so close to your BFP! Annoying the lack of control with ttc and having no clue when the egg could catch or stick ugh. Thinking of you.

Bethany yay for you being back for a bit :) sorry for the blues... I am sure that is completely normal especially with DH going on a trip. I would be so upset! I kid with DH that he will have to work when I am in labor and I will have to kill him. How often does he travel? I hope he at least understands where you are coming from. So will you just stop breast feeding or give it another shot? I am sure you are the best momma ever! Again so sorry about DH. I don't know what it feels like travel wise but DH works an awful lot and it is tough.
I dunno about IB . Like I said probably wishful thinking and in my head. Doing ok..usual around this time of hopeful but not hopeful.

Lisa the whole banana thing is really random and weird. I wonder how they come up with the fruit! Sorry about being emotional but I guess it is part of the journey...darn hormones! I actually cry over everything normally so not sure how bad it could get haha. Yay for looking at baby stuff! Sorry for all the pain. So no sex? Ugh

Angel I cry over commercials now whoops ;) how are you and pierce doing?

Laura waiting a year sounds like a great plan. Sorry that you are doing much of the work. DH needs a little smack ;)

AFM CD 28 now. Having usual symtoms and AF cramping so your guess is as good as mine. My mother texted me saying " not to jump to any conclusions but you should have PMS symptoms about now and don't" haha she can even tell I am pmsing by my texts. I told her they are still there though. A big UGH for this process!
I want to get in on the tv show discussion!! I love tv it is sad. How i met your mother, Big Bang theory, game of thrones,new girl , walking dead , revenge, catfish to name a few. I am big on reality tv but not much on right now. DH and I actually did our vows somewhat game of thrones like...I loved when the couple used to say to each other " you are my moon" or " you are my sun ans stars". We used to say that to each other so threw it in there without knowing the other was doing it. When game of thrones started this last time right around when I became pregnant so I often think of the two together.
Question...anyone know what acid reflux medication you can take that is safe while ttc? I take tums but they aren't cutting it and my reflux is getting pretty bad. When I see my doctor next I will talk to her about maybe going on medication for it. I don't want it to continue to get worse.
Thanks in advance :)
Bethany :hugs: You've got the baby blues...I had them too! I was nearly convinced I had ppd, but my Dr advised me otherwise. What I was feeling was caused by sleep deprivation and the sudden drop in hormones. I was super weepy, sensitive and felt like it was my fault (whatever IT was I don't know, crazy right ?). And my DH left when P was 8 weeks old (I was still in my funk) which broke my heart. I totally feel for you. I can say it gets better day by day. I finally pulled totally out of it by week 9), no more random crying, no more for formula, you know my sister is close w/ the Peds and one told her "I have 3 kids, all are at NC State...2 were a Similac Babies and 1 BF. I couldn't tell you which was healthier or smarter. Formula is just fine." Hope that helps ease your mind. I was told if you start one formula brand to stick w/ it, not to switch between companies---guess it's tough on baby belly. :hugs: and love to you!

I'll post more in a sec!
Amy ~ Big big :jugs: I look forward to your temp and your journal everyday! I cannot wait for the day we get to swap stories and look back on your ttc journey. I don't understand why there are people who don't want children yet can't seem to stop having them, then there are those who want and deserve babies, but struggle to get there! :brat: it's unfair!! Lots of love to you xoxo

Leslie ~ My Dr said I could take Tums and Zantac while preggers, wonder if that means its safe while ttc :shrug:

Edit: :jugs: :haha: I meant :hugs:
Feeling kind of sad. So wish I can talk pregnancy and babies but it's all foreign to me. I've only gotten to 8 weeks so I know nothing about what is mentioned here anymore :( Sorry to be such a Debbie downer but it's kind of why I don't come in here as much anymore. I just have no advice or anything because you ladies are so smart first off and second are so ahead. I'm so beyond happy for each and every one of you and Leslie I know you are so close to your bfp!!! I didn't want you guys to think I don't come in here as much because I don't care. I really do and read your posts daily. I also don't want to sound bitter or anything. Just very sad. </3

Amy we love u heaps .
Ur company and advice is always welcome. Xx
U will be the best mom
With the most cherished lo and we r all praying for
That to happen sooner rather than later xxx

But if u wanna just read we understand
But ur soooo not a downer xx
Ur alwaye welcome here in any mood xxx
Leslie I read about ib before.
It can literally be a drop.
Hope it is fir u xxx

Bethany weepy is normal.
I was too. It's hormonal upheaval combined with tiredness
And ur whole life has changed xxx

Lisa ditto on the above ;-)
I had few crying patches while preg too x

<3 ti all
Took Simon to his OT and physio today.
Met his key worker and told m food is making his reflux worse.
She is gonna chat to doc and get him referred on or
Gwt some help.
Its really coming un the way of his physio nit being able ti lie doen.
Least hecwill hve help now.
Plus I gor letter alto say I got my carers leave .
Feeling kind of sad. So wish I can talk pregnancy and babies but it's all foreign to me. I've only gotten to 8 weeks so I know nothing about what is mentioned here anymore :( Sorry to be such a Debbie downer but it's kind of why I don't come in here as much anymore. I just have no advice or anything because you ladies are so smart first off and second are so ahead. I'm so beyond happy for each and every one of you and Leslie I know you are so close to your bfp!!! I didn't want you guys to think I don't come in here as much because I don't care. I really do and read your posts daily. I also don't want to sound bitter or anything. Just very sad. </3

Amy we love u heaps .
Ur company and advice is always welcome. Xx
U will be the best mom
With the most cherished lo and we r all praying for
That to happen sooner rather than later xxx

But if u wanna just read we understand
But ur soooo not a downer xx
Ur alwaye welcome here in any mood xxx
My phone went bananas again. Lots of typos and double post. Sorry xxx
But I xant hve comp cos milky Man is asleep on me xx
Lisa, I didn't list it because I forgot but I think that Bates Motel is a must see! My husband and I really enjoyed watching it and can't wait for a new season :) I have never even seen Psycho either so the Norman Bates thing wasn't known to me lol.
Lost Girl is a Canadian show about a succubus. I enjoy it. Almost reminds me of Buffy. Doesn't take itself too seriously.
Bomb Girls is Canadian too. It is a drama about women working in a bomb factory during WWII.
Call the Midwife is a British period drama that I really love! Same for Downton Abbey.
Witches of East End is new but I started streaming it on Amazon and I really like it. But I like most anything with witches lol. Plus it has Julia Ormond in it and I adore her.
The Tudors was sexy and dramatic but I really only liked the first two seasons. And I was always butthurt that it didn't start out with The War of the Roses (I mean c'mon, that was an exciting and dramatic time!) and end with Elizabeth. Oh well. Henry Cavill and Jonathon Rhys Meyers were my eye candy.
Haven is based off of something by Stephen King. It has a paranormal mystery element.
Vikings is a historical drama. I enjoy the fight scenes!
Bones is about a forensic anthropologist. Like CSI kind of.
Chuck is comedic spy show. I don't love it though.
Dracula is new, starring Jonathon Rhys Meyers and I am still deciding if I like it or not.
Phew! Gave the rundown lol.

Leslie, so sorry that your husband works all the time. That has to be stressful :-/ hate my husband being away. He has to travel quite a bit but normally he is in state or out of state. International assignments take him away for longer :(
Done with breastfeeding. Happily going to embrace formula!
I hope that it IS implantation bleeding because that would be amazing! And no PMSing is a great sign. The annoying thing with impending AF symptoms is that they can be the exact same as early pregnancy. Cramping could just be implantation too <3
Will recommend Zantac for when TTC just because I took it when pregnant. And it helped.
Haha I LOVE How I Met Your Mother! I haven't seen much of Big Bang but everyone I know loves it. What reality shows do you like? I'm not sure if they count as reality but I always enjoyed Man vs Wild, No Reservations, and Bizarre Foods. :)

Angel, week 9 sounds more realistic. Thanks for sharing <3 my family told me that it is easier by two weeks and I am past that and it doesn't feel easier yet. The whole leaving the country thing actually set me back as far as the blues.
Thank you so much sharing about the formula. That makes me feel better. My mom acts like formula is stricknine. Oh and thanks for the tip about switching around. I had a can of powdered Enfamil that makes her so sick and now I know that it is because that isn't her usual!
Haha, your gripes about Vampire Diaries crack me up! My husband loves it more than me. I hate Elena honestly. And her friends. Ok, so the only characters that I liked were Klaus, Elijah, and Damon ;)
Also loved Grey's Anatomy! Quit in a huff though after George died. I had been upset before that because Isiah Washington left the show and I liked Burke.
I love The Mentalist! Have the first couple seasons <3

Laura, never knew how much life would change until it happened. Definitely makes one cry, along with only sleeping a couple hours at a time.
Glad that his key worker is going to make sure that he gets some help. And that you got your letter :)

Husband had blood drawn today and blacked out and broke his nose. Today sucked. Going to the store in a bit for an iron supplement that will hopefully help me out, may pick up a dessert or something to cheer me up.
Angel I love that your accidental typo to Amy was big big jugs. It made me giggle. Thanks for the Zantac suggestion. I see Bethany also recommended this. I totally meant when pregnant but said when ttc. I want to be able to take something now and continue to take it once pregnant. At times I also watch real housewives because of my love for reality shows but I am not hooked.

Laura thanks I hope IB too!! Sorry to hear about Simon, did they give you food suggestions?

Bethany how I met your mother is playing on my tv in the background! One of my favorite shows. I remember one in which lily and Marshall went to the doctor when they were trying to get pregnant and they say something like they don't know what to do and are going Nuts because because they had been trying for FIVE days to get pregnant and nothing has happened . Lol those days do feel like a lifetime! I love trashy reality shows to be honest ;) used to watch jersey show, celebrity rehab stuff like that. I enjoy watching catfish which had been on more recently.
Actually I have PMS symptoms but for some reason my mother hadn't noticed be honest ( I know it is still early) I feel kinda like I might be out due to cramping. If AF is coming I hope she does it sooner rather than later.
Sorry to hear about your husband:( dessert solves it all! Maybe gelato will be your savior :)
Bethany ~ Have you signed up on the Similac website for info ? They'll send you $5 off coupons. I can dig around and mail you the ones I have (provided I still have them) if you want :) Also send them an email w/ a question like "Does the Ready made Similac for fussy tummy come in the 2 oz size," and they'll send you more coupons! $$ Cha ching $$$. (The answer to the above 2 oz question is "no." I used to use 1 oz in a bottle at night <~~a failed attempt to get him to sleep longer.)


Hurray for Carer's Leave Laura !

FX'd for Turkey Day BFPs!
Angel, the exact reason I don't let my daughters watch those shows. It is so hard raising teens. My daughter is going on 14 and I feel like we live in Sodom and Gomorrah over here. It is so hard to protect children from what society has become. Especially where we live, the Bay Area. 13 year olds look and try to act like little women. When they are still children. And the boys here have this horrific style of sagging their pants and showing their underwear or boxers. I really hope the style goes away. Lol. I know I'm ranting and complaining, feeling hormonal today.
<3 to all.
I caught up but should asleep ;-)
5 am. :-D lil man has gone back.
I watch lots of those shows too ;-)
Bethany I think expressing and formula decisions
And hormones from milky boobies extend the blues
Def dud fir me.
Then any upset seems worse. Xxx
Hugs. Hope ur dh isn't away long.
Sorry he broke his nose but I hve to admit I smiled as to reason why.
Us girls r much tougher than that ;-) xxx
When my oh was younger he had to go gwt stitches in hus head.
His dad fainted cos of it
So they put little oh in a chair to get stitches
While his dad took his hosp bed.ha ha
Leslie, confession: I used to watch The Girls Next Door. Is that trashy enough? My guilty pleasure though is watching shows about serial killers or hermaphrodites or people that have other medical stuff seriously wrong with them (normally a show with a sensationalistic name, airing on TLC lol). Actually that is a family guilty pleasure as my parents and siblings watch that stuff too. I blame our parents for raising us on shows like Unsolved Mysteries. Nothing is spookier than Unsolved Mysteries :)
My favorite How I Met Your Mother episode is the one where Barney invited Lily to his "play" and kept spraying her with a water gun while saying the word moist. I hate that word. But I laughed so hard!
I had cramping with my BFP. It can be a good sign! Fingers crossed honey. I understand though wanting AF to show earlier if she is planning a visit :hugs:
It was a key lime pie kind of night ;)

Angel, thanks for the heads up! My friends who have formula fed actually told me to just go with the Walmart brand- they said it was cheaper and their kids took it just the same as name brand. So I found a few powder versions to give a whirl, they should be like my Similac. Will slowly switch her though when I get them.

Jessica, hi! I feel hormonal every day these days ;)

Laura, sounds like my FIL lol! My husband was pre-med once upon a time but realized that he gets just as queasy as his dad. We weren't sure that he would be able to be around when I pushed out our baby, or if he would get sick even cutting the cord! Damned if he didn't watch the whole birth after promising not to, happily cut the cord without getting sick either, and then expressed regret at home that he missed the afterbirth *insert stink face here*
Men. I can't predict their reactions.

I am stupid. The kidlet is asleep. I should be running to the bedroom. I'm tired as heck. Yet I keep playing sudoku.
Angel he is gorgeous.
I had big thing typed earlier and phone wiped it.
Oh watched too.
He was veryvquiet for it. Most unlike him.
He also said after that there was heapsvof blood.
I was happy out up my end .
Ha ha.
I think oh didnt know what to do with himself ;-)
In fairness I was half in labour fir 2 days
When pushing came it surprised us both ;-)
Jessica ~ I bet it is so hard to find a decent show for the girls to watch. I just wonder how scandalous/racey prime time tv will be when the babies are of viewing age. I'm afraid!

Laura ~ it's tough to go back to bed when you can cuddle w/ your LO!

Jen ~ Hope you are keeping warm! The weather here has been crazy!

Amy & Leslie :dust:

Lisa ~ How are you? Any more round ligament pains? Was going to say some shows were not aired b/c of the CMA awards (or something like that)...the networks were gearing up for sweeps week :)

Tella how's it going?

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