Ok ladies will try to catch up now...having a tough time around fertile time as per usual..will update below..
Natasha that's a great story about what the child said. Glad you were able to get earlier scans. When is your first? Hope you are feeling well.
Second Jen ( sorry we have to do that

). My name is Leslie. I had a mmc when I should have been 9 weeks in may. Unfortunately I had a scan few days before when I had been spotting and I was able to hear the heartbeat so it was a few days of relief then no heart beat. I am still ttc and am in my 6th cycle after d and c. I waited one AF to start trying again. For me the ttc journal has been very emotional. I can't shut off my brain and during fertile days I often get upset and cry and I also know DH is affected by the pressure. Why can't it be easier. Jealous that it has come so easy for others but just have to keep going and believe it will happen when it is meant to

often not always that positive though. I don't use OPKs or temp because we feel so much pressure as it is I am worried it would be worse. I truly hope you get your BFP very soon ( and Amy, and dee dee and I!) very sorry to also hear about your mother. I also loved catching fire! Too long to wait another year to see what has happened
Amy always thinking of you! So sorry that you are sick and hope you feel better soon. After the illness goes away maybe a BFP will be there for you! Here's hoping.
Lisa sorry you are not feeling well. Of course for a good cause

I like Internet shopping better no matter what I am feeling! I am sure you could do much baby shopping on Internet too- what do I know though I haven't done it. This is a random question but I forgot to ask..you and OH are engaged, right? Do you have plans to get married or are waiting? Please excuse me if it's too personal I am just curious.
Love your baby bump also.
Jen and Angel thanks for the wishes! Hope all is well with the little ones! Jen I would love to see pictures of Zoey in her holiday outfits

she would fit in quite well with pierce!
Laura so glad that Simon is feeling better and sleeping on his own. The pictures you post on fb are adorable. I have started taking Zantac as well and think it works wonders haha
Jess I am very glad DH decided on counseling and fighting for his family. I know only time will tell but it's a good step. I often do couples and family counseling ( professionally) . I wonder if this would be helpful. Gets everyone to put it all out there. I really hope that things improve. Your strength in this is amazing!
Hi Dee Dee. My story is above under second Jen

so sorry for your loss. It really isn't fair. Is this your first month ttc again? Do you do OPKs and all that? Hoping for a BFP for you soon!
Purplite I'm sorry to say I also don't have much advice but to me it seems it could be AF. My first three cycles after d and c were much different than my last three. We can't win with our bodies! I hope it is a bearable AF for you and you will be back on track ttc.
Bethany completely understandable! We love you too and look forward to you coming back when you can, your pictures of you and Lorelei on Facebook are so cute!
I really hope I didn't miss anyone.
AFM terrible sleep last couple of nights throwing me off. Yesterday, dec 7 , was would have been due date. I am having dreams of babies and my mother wanting to buy me pregnancy tests so obviously that it is coming from. I did not cry once yesterday weirdly enough. I am kind of teary writing this. Last week I was upset thinking about it. DH is sensitive to it but I can tell he doesn't completely understand. BDing has been a mixed bag. We did fun bd CD 8and 10 then cd 12 trouble with DH, bd 14 and 15 ...17 trouble with DH. CD 18 is today. DH is having performance issues related to the pressure of ttc. He is beating himself up about it and I am trying to help him get out of it. I know there is nothing else we could really do different and we just have to keep going it is just extremely hard. Hopefully we will get a couple more BD days in.
I am not sure if I am quite into TWW. AF could be anywhere from 19th to 34th...my pattern has been later though more like CD 32-34. My thought is if I don't see AF I may test on Christmas which would be CD 35.