Amy, thinking about you hon.
Laura, wonderful news about Simon's eeg! Great for you and prince milky! Give him a kiss for me.
Jen, you must be so busy with Zoey crawling all over the place plus the house needs to be super clean when baby is crawling around. Wish I could see a pic of your princess.
Angel, hope you and Pierce are well. Did you ever talk to his ped about how to help him to enjoy tummy timd more? Can you believe Sophie still doesn't really enjoy tummy time. She will stay on her tummy for a while and she can lift her chest up but she still gives up pretty quickly. On the upside she is sitting up early considering she is not even 5 months adjusted. Us mommies worry so much, don't we.
Lisa, I had some of those aches and pains you are having. I agree with Laura, if you don't already have one, a mattress topper will probably help. As for family drama, me and dh know all about it. My dh was disowned by his whole entire family about 6 years ago and my brothers wife has never liked the family, so she stays away. The lady is crazy, even her husband (my brother) acknowledges she has severe personality issues. The result of that is that we can't see my only nephew as much as we wish we could. Also, my older brother is an extremely toxic person, so we stay away from him also. He has gone as far as being rude to his own nieces (my children). He is mad at the world because he is 40 and not married and no children but that is because no woman will put up with his horrible arrogant character. I hate drama and try to stay clear from it. If life could only be simpler and we could all just get along. On a happier note, only a few more weeks and you will be in you 3rd trimester. Yay!!
Bethany, hope you and princess Lorelei are doing lovely. I hope your depression is starting to ease up.


to you and your sweet lo!!
Natasha, hope you are doing good and that you pregnancy is going nice and healthy.
Take care ladies!!