Hi ladies!!
Angel, hope P didnt catch daddy's cold. grrr to daddy!! lol Also hope his shots go well.
Jess, LOVE LOVE LOVE the progression! Sophia is just a little doll and I too want to just squeeze her!!!!
Lisa, love the outfit.. you look gorgeous!
Leslie, How are you doign hun??? Where are you at now?? CD/DPO????
Jen, I agree with Angel.. do your in laws and fam not realize that you have a baby and no job?? How can they expect anything from you!!! Sheesh!!
Laura, hope things are well with you and Simon. Im hoping that the xmas spirit reaches you and you have a great time this season!
Bethany, where are you!??!?! Hope you and your princess are doing well!!
Tash, hope you are still doing well!
Hope I didnt miss anyone!

and if so, :wave: to you ALL!!!!
AFM~ still nervous for Friday but hoping its the answer to our prayers.