Thanks ladies for your kind words!
Leslie, yes we are taking this month off. Im still temping but my temps are all over the place which was to be expected. I only have a general idea of what my RE did but will find out more today and with the pain and healing we just decided it wasnt a good idea to try this month. I hope that it doesnt delay my cycle and that we are into the next cycle soon! Are you going to test again today? AF better stay away!
Bethany, Im sorry you are having trouble nursing. Seems like between you and Angel and Laura (forgive me if I forgot anyone) bursing is not as easy as I think it will be

I hope that things get better!!! love you loads!!!
Angel, how are you and Pierce doing?? Have your blocked ducts healed? Hope you are doing well hun!!! Love!!!!!
Laura, how is Simon doing? xoxo
Jess, how are things going with you and dh? Im hoping that he is still maing an effort and that things are going well. Kisses to you and Sophia!
Jen, hope that xmas wasnt too bad (family wise) and that you were able to enjoy the holidays as a mommy this year!
Lisa, hoping that the issue with your placenta isnt bad. I know its unsettling to hear something you dont want to hear from drs but I hope that these little hicups are just that...hic ups.
Jen II & Deedee, you ladies still around? Sending

to you!
Hope I didnt forget anyone but if I did, please forgive me. Love you girls!!!