ttc after a d&c

Thanks Laura I'm still trying to hold onto hope :) I tested Wednesday at two days late and yesterday at 5 days late. It was FMU though. My first BFP I did in evening I didn't even know about FMU then
I think once or pee isn't diluted by drinking lots its OK.
I've heard of lots of people getting bfn till week or more late so hopefully xxx
Oh look at that sweet boy!! He is so cute! :cloud9: That Santa suit is adorable. Give him big hugs from me!

Leslie ~ I really hope the Dr draws labs tomorrow...FX'd for a shy bean! No Lil' Smokies (pigs in a blanket) for you on New Year's Eve! We won't talk OPKs just yet ;) :dust: :dust: I hope 1/20 (my anniversary) is used for an initial prenatal visit! :crossingeverythingihave:

Lisa ~ Last New Year's I was sick as a dog, so luckily I didn't have to drive my tipsy DH around! It can be quite annoying being the only sober person at a party full of those who've over indulged in spirits! :dohh: I asked my sister about placenta previa...she said you are your best advocate, she was in a rush but said one really uncommon type involved a vein being in a bad place, but said your Dr would've told you about that. Sorry it's not much help, but basically said to proceed as normal using your best judgement and to ask ask ask questions at your appointments. No sense in worrying if you don't have to doll! :hugs:

:wave: ladies!

Bethany ~ Boo for DH's leaving! Mine is leaving for a few months in February :sad2: So Lorelie sleeps several hours already? I'm jealous!
Laura, Simon is adorable! Bet you can't resist kissing his sweet cheeks :)
I am the same way- can't wait for L to be bigger so that we can go out and play and all that. But I do love those baby snuggles. <3

Leslie, the whole ovulation thing is such a mystery. I hate those dang OPKs. Never got a positive one. Still cheering you on girly!
He goes to Venezuela next. Ugh.

Angel, sorry that your DH is leaving too. Hate for them to miss out on watching the babes grow- not to mention it is super handy to have someone else around who can take the kid while you shower, right?
Afraid to jinx myself but Lorelei can indeed sleep for several hours. Mostly she parties all night and sleeps all day. Lately she mostly sleeps on me, which I love except that I hate sleeping on my back. My DH keeps saying that I will accidentally squish her and other nonsense. He doesn't know what I know- my body is hyper aware of her being on my chest. I wake up with every sigh and fart out of her tiny body. But it is worth it because I just love to hold her. Kiss her fuzzy head and go back to sleep.

About to call it a "night" guys lol. Which is a shame because I really would like to see Frozen during matinee. Boo.
Hi Girls!

Angel, thank you so much hun for checking on me over the weekend!! Im still processing everything and still trying to get it together and make decisions. But one thing I know is that Im not ready for IVF. We do have an appt on 1/13 to discuss the procedure and just get more info about it and also to see what my RE has to say. We would actually be talking with him that day so I think that we will feel better after that appt. Hope youre feeling much better now and that your cold is long gone!!!

Bethany, Im so sorry that DH has to leave soon. :( I dont know how you and Angel do it! You ladies are just so strong and you know that we will be here for you and be checking up on ya!!! We have said this a million times, but I SOOOOO wished we lived closer together!! One of these days, we will have to plan a trip and all meet up somewhere with our LO's (hopefully I have one or two myself by then). It would be so awesome to not only meet eachother but see our little ones together! :cloud9:

Laura, Simon is such a cutie pie!!! Thanks for sharing pics! He is getting so big. Seems like yesterday we were looking at your bump pics!!! :)

Lisa, I can understand you being scared but I hope that all is ok. Seems like you are working with a good dr. Like Angel said, ask ask ask ask ask questions and trust your gut when in doubt.

Leslie, WHAT IS GOING ON?!?!?!?! Im praying youve got a shy bean in there too! Also with regards to possible late O, sperm can survive in your tubes for up to 7 days so there is still a very good chance that you caught the eggy! I hope that Angel's anniversary is your 1st prenantal appt too!!! :D

Jess, thanks for your sweet words hun. Im thinking that my RE is just being more aggressive in wanting to go the IVF route. I can understand and appreciate why he is suggesting it. Im just not ready to go that route yet. As for not trying this cycle, because of the Lap/Hsy and a longer recovery than expected dh and I just decided that it would be a good idea to wait a cycle. My stiches are still sore (all three incisions) esp my belly just still feel pretty ripe. :( This next cycle we were thinking of doing another IUI. I have been taking my NeevoDHA and FA but I had stopped the Aspirin but added that back into the mix last week. Im 33 and just feel like time is not on my side. With every month that goes by, Im second guessing my decissions and just praying that my choices each month arent pushing me further and further back. :( How are you doing??

Jen, Hope things are well with Zoey. <3 Thank you for your kind words and prayers as well hun! xoxo

Tash, DeeDee, Jen II and anyone Ive missed... hope you ladies are doing well! :hugs:
Amy hugs,hope or not sore soon. Xx
I still don't believe u need ivf.
Hoping ur next cycle TTC works xxx

Love t all.

Lisa wherecu gone.
U OK xxx
Amy, thank you so much for giving me a better understanding about what your plans are for this month and now I understand your re is just trying to help you to have your rainbow baby as soon as possible. I feel in my heart that you won't have to go the ivf route because you got pregnant 3 times already and just need extra help with your pregnancy. So I am hoping that soon enough you will find yourself pregnant and have a healthy pregnancy. :hugs: I know you and dh are going to be amazing with you children. :flower:
Leslie I so hope that you will be surprised with a late bfp. Keep us posted hon. :hugs:
So, little miss Sophie is doing so much better on tummy time, she is scooting around and trying to crawl. I was making a huge mistake the whole time. I only put her on tummy time in her crib and on the bed and she hated it. I never put her on the floors because they are hard wood. My mom got us some of those floor mats for babies, the ones that are like puzzle pieces with the abcs and she loves being on the floor now. She never liked being on tummy in the crib or bed. I can't believe I didn't realize it lol. Another thing, now she had started to roll over from back to tummy but only when we are not looking. When she is in her crib and we look away all of the sudden she is on her tummy, maybe she will grow up to be a magician. Hehe.
Hi ladies,
I'm at work so can't properly reply but wanted to let you guys know that AF is creating in. I am getting streaks in toilet paper and started feeling very crampy and headachy. Happy limbo is over but angry that this cycle carried on for so long. Glad my doc appt is coming up and I can chat with her about these issues. Ovulating this late is stressful!
Hope everyone is doing ok
Sorry I'm a bit behind ladies...let me try catch up now

Leslie, that is frustrating that AF is showing up so late. I was hoping this was it for you. I hope you can get some answers at your appointment.
My next appointment is my glucose test on the 8th Jan and then midwife appointment on 21st jan and then 32 week scan on 6th feb to find out what my placenta is doing.

Amy, :hugs: Try not to worry to much about time. the stress is not worth it. IVF will work later on if you need it. You have all of us praying for you and you will get your LO soon enough.

Jess, yay for Sophia! You won't be able to stop her now. :haha: Im trying to find a play mat that just one large rubber mat and I'm having a hard time. I want to put the mat on a carpeted area so i didn't want the puzzle coz i thought it would be harder to clean up spills on it. The only on i can find is awesome but its $299!!!

Angel, i haven't really been to any drunken parties while pregnant. I can imagine its very annoying though. My OH enjoys having me as the designated driver! I'm not really a big drinker normally though so i don't really mind. Im finding driving is getting hard at the moment to twist to check for traffic etc.
Thanks for checking with your sis for me. I just need to take it step by step and not over do it and try not to worry.
The umbilical cord is actually attached in two spots and has small loop but i think thats different to what your sister was saying.

Laura, Simon looks so cute!! He looks like such a happy boy. Thanks so much for thinking of me. Ill try not to worry!

Bethany, Sounds so cute sleeping with Lorelei. I could confidently sleep with my baby and know that i would never roll on them as well. Besides for the fact I'm a really light sleeper i used to sleep with my puppy when he was super tiny and never even came close to rolling on him. I did have to protect him from my OH though.
I hope your DH won't be gone to long. I bet he hates being away from you both as well.

Jen, Hope you and Zoey are doing well hun. Any new years plans?

AFM - My hips are in agony today... about to go have a bath to see if that helps. Im thinking maybe coz my yoga class is on xmas break so i haven't been for a few weeks.

Bump update 26+3 weeks


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You look amazing Lisa!! Wow what an expensive floor mat. The one my mom bought was only $13. She's a bargain shopper. I think I'm gonna go out and buy a bunch more of those. The mat is huge also. FX your glucose test comes out good hon.

Angel, how are you and Pierce? Is he getting any teeth yet? I think Sophe is teething. She is starting to refuse the bottle and I am starting to think her gums are sore. When do you have to return to work? How long is your maternity leave for?

Bethany, how is Lorelei? I have always had the same issue with Sophia when she is sleepy, she gets lazy to drink her bottle. I have to keep finding ways to wake her. She has gotten better with feeding as she gets older, only lately she has this love/hate relationship with the bottle. Do you keep track of how many ounces Lorelei takes in everyday. I've been doing this since Sophie was born. Its more of a habit I think because they monitered her formula intake in the NICU and I just continued to do it out of fear that she wouldn't gain well. It doesn't help that she has never been a huge eater so I worry about her weight gain especially because the nurses made this huge emphasis that she should be eating no less than a certain amount according to her weight. She goes through these phases that she is just not interested in eating much, especially because she suffers from reflux. Right now she is about 19 lbs or so at 6 months (adjusted age 5 months), so I think her weight is fine for her age. I think the NICU visit has made me focus and obssess a little too much on numbers. I think I should start to relax a little. Sorry about the rambling. :wacko:

Jen, I hopd you and the family are doing great. How is the job search going? Give Zoey a kiss for me.

Hi Laura, I still can't get over how cute Simon is, and another thing I forgot to mention. He looks like the picture of health and happiness. Whare a sweet little boy. :hugs:

Natasha? Hope your pregnancy is going great hon. :hugs:

So what plans do you ladies have for New Years Eve?
Have you ladies heard about the 13 year old girl who had her tonsils removed and went into cardiac arrest and eventually went brain dead? It is so sad and scarey, especially since Natalie had the exact same surgery at the very place this happened, Children's Hospital Oakland. It is so scarey how this happened from a Tonsillectomy. That poor child, I can only imagine what her family are going through.
Ladies quick question and hopeful for advice. AF is still streaking when I wipe but not full blown yet although I am feeling the cramps. Wish it would stop being tricky. Would you say it is ok to start drinking my diet soda, take Advil, and eat things tonight I shouldn't if I were pregnant? I am so careful about not doing anything wrong and never know when I can cross that line.
I don't know what I just didbut I lost my post and locked up my tablet . doh
It kept asking me to speak .
Stilgettin used to it.
Man awake now
Hey ladies, just wanted to drop in real quick and wish everyone a very happy ans safe new years!!! Heres to 2014 being wonderful for everyone!!!!!
Happy new years amt xx

Happy neq years all zx

Simon just half said baba.
I always say. Mama. Dada baba to him.
I was saying baba and he was staring at my mouth to learn
He then said ba ;-) really clear and deliberate.
He repeated afterme 6 tines
Happy mommy ;-)
Amy happy new years!! :hugs: heres to starting 2014 with a miracle soon&#9825;

Bethany how sweet! As she grows ull get to cuddle her on ur side!

Leslie im not sure :/ i wish i had proper answer. For cramping take tylenol to be safe maybe? I did bleed a little before bfp thats why im having a hard time anwsering. I wish our bodies wouldnt trick us :/. I hope u know soon&#9825;

Jess hurray that she likes the floor!!! :) i have two of the cheap abc mats for my hard wood floor. Love them even with her spit up on them. They are easy to wipe.

Im tryin to pump zoey is wakin and kobe is tryon to play :/ guess its time to get moving i am havin company tonight and have tons to do.

happy new years!!!

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