Jessica, hi! Lorelei is doing good. Still mostly a formula baby- thriving on the stuff!
How is miss Sophia? And how are you?
Amy, never ever apologize for sounding "down." Life is hard and you are entitled to your feelings. I know that it is great that they can find nothing wrong but also incredibly depressing because you want there to be some answer, some reason, something to fix.
I wish that I had answers for you love. I really do. I believe that you will get your miracle. It isn't fair that you have been going through this heartbreak and I hope that soon it will end. But please don't give up. Don't give up on the rainbow.
Wish I really was the Stork. I'd be sending you two babies.
Lisa, when the time comes you will definitely feel ready. It gets so exciting at the end

I second what Angel said about enjoying the moment and your pregnancy! It is hard for us not to worry though

wish I knew more about placenta previa!
Angel, little stinker nurses much better when she isn't tired. After she has been asleep for several hours she will nurse with minimal complaint. When she is tired and grumpy she doesn't want to have to work for her food. I try bullying her but she won't have it lol.
You didn't miss anything- just changed my little status under my name to NTNP #2!
Pierce sounds like he is thriving! What can you do about your callus honey?
Laura, how is Simon doing? Hope he got over his grumpiness
Leslie, my first BFP was a late one- hoping that that is the case for you! How are you doing?
Getting new glasses in a couple of weeks. Very excited!