Hope everyone is having a good start to New Years.
Amy I'm thinking of you and hope you are doing well! Sounds like you have a good plan moving forward and I so hope that your BFP will appear very soon! Maybe a valentines day BFP?
Angel I loved what you wrote about Amy and I am helping us chase our rainbows. It really meant a lot so thank you. Have to try to be positive and think that 2014 will be it. If anything I will see the doc on your anniversary and look forward to starting the dialogue of what might be next!
Jen I don't know if I missed this but you are ttc #2?? I tried to look back but couldn't find it! If so that us great news! Also so happy we are fb friends! I love looking back on your pictures of Zoey.
Bethany hope all is well with NTNP and with Lorelei

thank you for the cheerleading. The picture you posted on here is beautiful. Any news on when DH might be leaving? Must be so frustrating.
Lisa I'm sorry you are in pain and having anxiety. I hope that the suggestions from here or fb are helpful and you get some relief. You look good either way!
Jess hope you, the girls, and DH are doing well and had great holidays!
I guess the other ladies must have disappeared? Hope you are all doing well if you do pop by and read!
CD 5 and AF just disappeared. This is actually less than before so I am hoping maybe I am regulating. For me it is sometimes difficult to figure out when cd 1 is because I start off so slow. Hoping to be more relaxed this cycle and try to bd three days a week or so but not be so crazy about exact days. I guess because of the long cycle this past month we need to focus to keep going later as well.
On a random other note has anyone watched orange is the new black? My brother has let us use his netflix and we just finished the first season and got somewhat addicted. Quite interesting.