Angel I am not sure if I have ever mentioned it on here before. The ties are a big part of why she doesn't latch. That and she has a high palate so I have to pull her head way back when I get her to nurse with a shield. It isn't comfortable and probably a large part of why she hates nursing.
Thanks for the advice about meds!
Amy, you are going to do great! I am especially excited about you trying acupuncture

I hope that it helps a lot. That TTC book that I read a year ago recommended it! It also recommended certain herbs and foods, depending on ones type. And the visualizations.
You can do this. We are all here to support you and your choices!
Laura, uh on break time is over!

I will keep your secret about the tablet
Jessica, I have a sad supply right now. No willpower to pump often enough to try and increase it. And when I am tired I won't try to nurse her, I will just give her a bottle.
Jen, yes I hate constantly washing and sterilizing bottles too. Dreamed that I had even more bottles to not have to wash as often lol.
Aged cheese is amazing- Zoey will love it!
So sorry that the job hunt isn't going well
Lisa, definitely ask about SPD. Sorry you are in so much pain love!
We got the only two brown mice they had. They are so adorable.

Kitty would climb in the co-sleeper all the time. And he has laid in her bouncy seat before. Mostly he sleeps on the diaper pad lol. Should just call it a cat bed now.
I packed a nursing gown, robe and slippers. Also some outfits for Lorelei, a few of my Velcro swaddle blankets, toiletries (including a face mask- I pampered myself during my shower!). I took makeup but I didn't use it. I was just too tired after having a baby. Oh, rubber bands for my hair! A hairbrush. Lip balm.
Next time I will include adult diapers (hated the mesh panties they give us in the hospital here), witch hazel pads for hemorrhoids, and hemorrhoid cream.
Never really used my cell or iPad. Too tired and in too much pain!