Lisa, I totally understand your OH about the toys! I keep buying picture puzzle books that Lorelei won't be big enough for for a while...but I pull them out to look at when I am bored

Do you have SPD honey? With all your pain it sounds like it. Big hugs!
Amy, I think 2014 is going to be an amazing year for you- it is an even number and I think that even numbers are lucky! (And logical)
Jen, how is the job hunting going? Did you say that you were TTC again? SQUEE! That is very exciting! Everything will work out
Angel, I read when I nurse and bottle feed

Currently reading Gulp by Mary Roach and loving it! Btw, did you know that Sarah Addison Allen has a new book coming out this month?
How does Pierce enjoy his tummy time? He sounds like he is doing great! Loving his picture. How messy is feeding?
Jessica, that is too cute about Sophie wanting to drink from a cup! What a sweetie pie
Leslie, I keep hearing that Orange is the New Black is great but haven't seen it! We have been watching a lot of The Tomorrow People (I have seen the original but like this new spin) and trying to talk DH into starting The Borgias. Oh and soon the season premiere of Helix will be available and I want to see it so bad!
I hope your cycles are regulating. Makes one feel more in control. Sending you all kinds of relaxing rainbow baby vibes. Have you ever tried closing your eyes and visualizing a baby? Imagine it implanting and growing and thriving? Used to do that as a way to relax and let my body know "hey, this is what I want. Make it happen would ya?"

I didn't have much see in the first trimester. When I did I would spot so I just avoided it. No doctors orders not to though- when the time comes do what you feel comfortable with honey.
Laura, Simon has good taste in food! Yum yum

Sorry one of the cats has worms! My cat has had worms twice but we vanquished them for good last time.
Well, we got some pet mice lol. Lots of pets in this house! We just love them. The cat too. He is constantly sitting outside their cage, watching them run in their wheel or grooming. "kitty TV" we call it.
Nursing isn't going well at all. When I even pull out a boob she starts to frown. I don't understand it at all. My shield can be dripping milk and she still doesn't want it. Just her bottle. I try not to feel rejected.
Oh and yay for Horsey's water breaking!