Laura, you said cod and I shuddered lol. Me no like eating fish. I'd rather my meat say baa or moo
Jen, sorry that Zoey is biting you but yay for talking!
Jessica, rainbow babies are especially beautiful

Lots of birthdays around the corner- I hope they have a blast!
Sorry about the worry over insurance and I hope that it all works out.
Angel, sorry your DH is gone too. Trying to be less angry about it but I hate that he is gone more often now that she is here. I told him that it isn't fair to her that she never gets to see her dad. Made him feel like crap I am sure but just wanted to let him know my feelings on all the travel.
Psh! Your dad! Nothing wrong with his weight. Can't over feed a baby. They know when they are hungry and when they aren't.
Do you have your car seat picked? I already know that when we make the switch that I will get a Diono Radian RXT. Probably in plum
Funneepants, hi nice to meet you! I'm Bethany
Amy, are you going to give this acupuncturist another go or are you thinking of finding an different office? I worry about her saying that you *have* to change your diet for anything to work and that that appointment is conveniently not covered by insurance. Makes me suspicious.
Not much happening here. Husband is still gone so it looks like I have to take the baby with me to my dentist appointment Monday and I may have to go alone to her frenectomy. Both of those piss me off as my husband said he'd watch her for the first and be there for the second. I am so close to packing up my crap and going to stay with family. I am sick and tired of him always gone and me left to try and do everything on my own. She has been much more fussy the past couple of days and I am at my wits end. When she isn't crying then the cat is crying for attention and his cried will wake her and then she is back to crying and I can't catch an effing break because he is NEVER HERE ANYMORE. I'm feeling close to depression again.