Laura, I hope everything goes went well at Simon's checkup. I hope it is nothing to worry about. Your a great mommy, so caring for Simon. He's blessed to have a mama like you.
Jen, what do u mean when u say Zoey shakes? I wish I could see how Zoey looks and how big she's getting.
Sophie also kinda freaks me out because sometimes she likes to rock back and forth when she sits on my lap or even when she is sitting up. Makes me think of Autism, but then again she started doing it after we bought her Jumperoo. So I think she does it to soothe herself or because she finds it fun. She makes eye contact very well and has no other symptoms. I am worried about these things because all of you already know about Aly with a.d.d. and Selective Mutism and Natalie with her bipolar/adhd/ocd. But what I never mentioned is that my brothers only son has either mild Autism or Aspergers and my husband has nephews with Aspergers, Autism and adhd. Another thing, Sophie keeps rolling on to her tummy while she sleeps and it scares me so much. They recommend keeping babies on their backs up until 1 year old. But what do you do if your baby keeps rolling over on to their back?
Angel, Pierce looks as big as the other babies in the pic. He's going from a baby to a little boy. He looks so cuddly. Sophie is at least 22 lbs. now, getting so hard to carry around! I don't know why they say the britax b-safe car seat is for up to 30 lbs when she barely fits in it. The width is too narrow and her legs go out. My husband is installing the Chicco car seat tomorrow. We were avoiding to install it because it takes a lot of space in the back and now my 3 kids will barely fit in the car and its a mid size SUV. Forgot to mention we didn't end up going the gold rush towns (too far away, there wadn't enough time) but we did go to the wine country (Napa area). Its kind of hard to have fun in the Wine country with kids though, if you know what I mean. We are thinking about going on a family trip to Mendocino, Ca. Its a nice coastal town about 3 hours from where we live. We're thinking about renting a cottage there and having a nice relaxing weekend. Hopefully we actually end up going through with our plans this time. We are planning on going mid February. There is this cool beach I want to take the kids to, its called Glass Beach in Mendocino. If you look it up on google images they have some very pretty pictures there. And if you look it up on wikipedia it tells the history and how the beach got covered with beautiful smooth glass stones. People use to dump their garbage on the beach in the 1900's. Over the next decades the force of the waves basically cleaned up the beach and broke down everything except glass and pottery which got transformed into smooth glass stones over the years, quite amazing and cool.
Hi Bethany. Hope you and Lorelei are doing great!
Hi Lesle! What cycle day are you on? What day do you plan on testing? Aren't you and Amy like 1 week apart? Hope you and dh get an early Valentines present.
Amy, hope you are feeling better from the acupuncture. Did it feel itchy again? Do you feel it better with the new lady? Maybe it takes some time getting use to. My grandmother also did acupuncture because of chronic pain. I hear it really helped. Apparently acupuncture can help in many aspects of life. I don't know if I would have the guts to go and do it though. Did you and dh end up trying for this cycle or are you waiting until the next?
TGIF ladies!!
P.S : Natasha, I am so happy for you that the baby is growing nice and healthy and that you are just about into your 2nd trimester. Hope you have a happy and peaceful pregnancy.