ttc after a d&c

I forgot dinner was porridge and fruit angel. ;-)
I gave him egg last nt and he was sick so light foods today.
He is grand again.
I think I need new car.
My car was making funny noises after longer drive today.
Oh oh.
Amy hi xxx
Fx fir u.
I hve good feeling bout relaxed cycle acu bub xxx
Leslie glad u hve help and a plan but hopung u don't need it xxx

Hey Lisa.
Hope ur hips r ok. Zx
The rest flys after 30 weeks x

Hope I'm not missing someone.
Sorry if I am.
I'm tired. Xxx
He rolled over!!!!! I had my back turned and my DH put him down for tummy time and he rolled right off his mat! I missed it :sad2: I've been with him all day and he waited for his Daddy! I'm in shock that I missed it...I was gyped! I'll be back, got to call the family! (If I'm this excited who knows how I'll be when he pulls up!)
Jess, oh my goodness... I'm so sorry you had to go through all of that. Glad to hear he can never hurt you or anyone else ever again though. You are definitely doing the right thing getting her professional help. That would be a very tough thing to deal with at any age let alone a 14 year old girl. Has she got some good friends because she has probably talked to them about it. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Angel, how cute is P!! He is the same size as the other kids! i wonder if he will shoot up in height soon.
How annoying you missed the roll over... has he done it again since?!

Jen, maybe a test just to be on the safe side. :shrug:

Leslie, glad you got some options in your appointment. They all sounds very confusing to me though. Fingers cross you fall pregnant this month and don't need any of it.

Amy, hope your enjoying your rest month! :hugs:

Laura, I hope this last 10 weeks flys... I'm getting so excited and nearly everything is ready.

Bethany :hugs:

AFM - I was just saying yesterday i think i feel the best right now than i have my whole pregnancy... well since my first pregnancy in February but i have a splitting head ache and am nauseous right now so maybe i spoke to soon!
Getting my hair done today! yay
Yay!! Way to go Pierce! It was only a matter of time. Sorry u didn't get to see it. But he'll start rolling more and more. Then he will start cruising around! :hugs:
OMG Jess, Im so sorry to hear. Im sorry to hear that you ad to endure such pain andgo through such a terrifying ordeal with this man. I dont even know what to say. You are such a sweetheart and I cant imagine why anyone would want to hurt you. Sendng you the BIGGEST hug ever!

Leslie... whats going on with your cycle now?!?!!?!?!?!? Your a week ahead of me.
I wanted to catch up tonight but the headache from hell is stopping me ( sinuses)!
Amy nothing much going on here just wishing and hoping and praying ( it's a song right?). My boobs are hurting early this cycle for some reason. Trying to stretch bd out but def not tonight.
Progesterone results are back and she said they were on the lower end but showed I'm ovulating so she isn't worried ( plus with my longer cycle could be lower at this time).
So happy to hear about acu Amy! Hope this is it for you! I know she said to take a break this cycle while she helps regulate...what does that mean for you?
Anyway ladies catch up soon. I'm probably going to head to bed early tonight
If it helps Leslie, my progesterone has always ran low. It was low with the last 2 pregnancies, and I have 3 lovely daughter and of course my daughter up in heaven (losing her had nothing to do with my low progesterone levels) :flower: . It seems that some womens progesterone runs slightly lower and things turn out just fine with their babies. Hoping for your bfp this cycle. :hugs:
Jess im so so sorry ur daughter found out :( i hope mental health is covered. Honestly that man should pay for cost if its not but we know he cant. Big hugs im so sorry u had to endure all that. Hope u and her will be ok.

Way to go peirce so sorry u missed it but jess is right he will do it again :)

Laura so sorry about car. Oh please say simons a baby our bubs cant grow into toddlers just yet! Egg made him sick? Poor bubs. I want to try banana pancakes with zoey tom.... unsure now

Amy fxd for u this cycle! Hope u enjoy time off.

Bethany hi! How are u and lorelie?

Lisa week 30 hurray!!! Hope ur headache goes away and u feel better♡

Leslie hi! How are u? I really hope u some how have a miracle this cycle. This goes for amy also♡ i hope u get ur anwsers.

Planning zoeys bday. I am making her outfit decorations party banner and a favorites board with some pictures. I also am going to attempt a cake and pop cakes for favors.... also a candy jar decorated in her theme. Wanna make her a bday hat too! Baby minnie is the theme Have to put deposit down on the pavillion before i dont get it. Sad yet happy i have time to plan
Angel hurray xxx lil cutie. X

Jen birthday planning already. Ur very organised ;-)
Simons being doin a funny thing with his head.
Sent video to seizure nurse. Will hear back tomoro.
Hope alls well. Xxx

Hope headaches disappears girls

Love to all xx
Enjoy staycation :)

I wish i could post pictures on here :( i want to share so much that i leave off fb.

Laura did i mention zoey shakes its scary. I hope simon is ok!♡

I cant focus must sleep now.
Laura, I hope everything goes went well at Simon's checkup. I hope it is nothing to worry about. Your a great mommy, so caring for Simon. He's blessed to have a mama like you. :flower:

Jen, what do u mean when u say Zoey shakes? I wish I could see how Zoey looks and how big she's getting.

Sophie also kinda freaks me out because sometimes she likes to rock back and forth when she sits on my lap or even when she is sitting up. Makes me think of Autism, but then again she started doing it after we bought her Jumperoo. So I think she does it to soothe herself or because she finds it fun. She makes eye contact very well and has no other symptoms. I am worried about these things because all of you already know about Aly with a.d.d. and Selective Mutism and Natalie with her bipolar/adhd/ocd. But what I never mentioned is that my brothers only son has either mild Autism or Aspergers and my husband has nephews with Aspergers, Autism and adhd. Another thing, Sophie keeps rolling on to her tummy while she sleeps and it scares me so much. They recommend keeping babies on their backs up until 1 year old. But what do you do if your baby keeps rolling over on to their back?

Angel, Pierce looks as big as the other babies in the pic. He's going from a baby to a little boy. He looks so cuddly. Sophie is at least 22 lbs. now, getting so hard to carry around! I don't know why they say the britax b-safe car seat is for up to 30 lbs when she barely fits in it. The width is too narrow and her legs go out. My husband is installing the Chicco car seat tomorrow. We were avoiding to install it because it takes a lot of space in the back and now my 3 kids will barely fit in the car and its a mid size SUV. Forgot to mention we didn't end up going the gold rush towns (too far away, there wadn't enough time) but we did go to the wine country (Napa area). Its kind of hard to have fun in the Wine country with kids though, if you know what I mean. We are thinking about going on a family trip to Mendocino, Ca. Its a nice coastal town about 3 hours from where we live. We're thinking about renting a cottage there and having a nice relaxing weekend. Hopefully we actually end up going through with our plans this time. We are planning on going mid February. There is this cool beach I want to take the kids to, its called Glass Beach in Mendocino. If you look it up on google images they have some very pretty pictures there. And if you look it up on wikipedia it tells the history and how the beach got covered with beautiful smooth glass stones. People use to dump their garbage on the beach in the 1900's. Over the next decades the force of the waves basically cleaned up the beach and broke down everything except glass and pottery which got transformed into smooth glass stones over the years, quite amazing and cool.

Hi Bethany. Hope you and Lorelei are doing great!

Hi Lesle! What cycle day are you on? What day do you plan on testing? Aren't you and Amy like 1 week apart? Hope you and dh get an early Valentines present.

Amy, hope you are feeling better from the acupuncture. Did it feel itchy again? Do you feel it better with the new lady? Maybe it takes some time getting use to. My grandmother also did acupuncture because of chronic pain. I hear it really helped. Apparently acupuncture can help in many aspects of life. I don't know if I would have the guts to go and do it though. Did you and dh end up trying for this cycle or are you waiting until the next?

TGIF ladies!!

P.S : Natasha, I am so happy for you that the baby is growing nice and healthy and that you are just about into your 2nd trimester. Hope you have a happy and peaceful pregnancy.
still waiting to hear back form epilepsy nurse but he has been fine all night so hopefully its alright and was just a behaviour thing.
not sure though
im acutaully querying autism for simon too.
he doesnt look at people when they speak to him bar me and a few others .
he hates new things or changes to his routine.
he hates small kids and doesnt like noise.
he is more likely with his brain injury.
ih his day changes he gets all out of sorts for ages.
anyway.... il find out later
i hve a nephew with mild autism whohad seizues as a baby too.

when u say shake, it it limbs or all of her?
could be muscle strengthening too xxx

love to all.
i caught up but ive forgotten.
im a bit reoccupied :) xxx
Laura, thats good you recognize the symptoms, so if Simon does indeed have Autism they can start treating him early. My brothers son is 7 and has been showing signs for autism or aspergers since he was an infant. I first noticed the signs when my nephew was about 5 to 6 months old. He would not make eye contact, barely even with his own parents. He kind of looked like a deer in headlights. He wouldn't engage with you if you tried to talk or play with him, stimming (repetitive movements). When our cousin who is a school teacher met my nephew the first she asked me in privacy was if he had aspergers. My mom tried to tell him, I tried to tell him. His son is now 7 years old, he does not make eye contact, its like he either looks right through you or anywhere but your face. He will not reciprocate conversations you try and have with him, he only has like 1 or 2 interest and is not interested in talking about other things, easily distracted, very clumsy, he uses the same learned phases that he has heard other people say. And my brother and his wife have been in complete denial. They could have had him treated all of these years. Even his teacher has told them he is wired differently and something is wrong. The only problem is they refuse to see it, when he could be treated and learn ways to function around people or in school better.
Angel, dh hasn't been to the docs yet. He didn't have insurance before but he is in the process of obtaining insurance from his job as we speak. So hopefully he can be seen. A few years back, earlier in our marriage he visited a pretty famous clinic here in the bay area that specializes in a.d.d., autism, mood disorders (my husband also suffers chronic migraines at least twice a week). They did a bunch of tests on my husband, psychological, behavioral, how he processes information, etc. His results were so poor that the doc told him he was lucky if a.d.d. was his only problem and that my husband had severe deficits but they could not tell him exactly what was wrong yet. They wanted him to get a series of eegs, ct scans, mri etc. But he had no insurance at the time and we were not in a good financial situation (it would have cost well oveover $10,000 to do all of the tests).
hey xxx

still no call , but he is great today so hoping it wasnt seizure related.
it may not be autism in simon , could just be very sensitive cos of stroke.
we can help him deal with it either way anyway :)
sometimes parents literally cant see it jess.
sad for ur nephew though cos help is important xx
In my brothers case they actually do see it because he and his wife have mentioned it before but they think that if they accept or actually take it seriously that their son could be autistic that it means he is less intelligent or less in some way, when in fact there are many autistic children who are above average intelligence. I never told my brother again after couple times mentioning it because he didn't want to hear it, my mom still mentions it once in a while though (only because she is concerned about her grandson). He has talked to me freely about Natalie's bipolar but I dont get upset because I have already acknowledged her being bipolar to myself and them. I hope for their sons sake they can finally decide to try and treat the boy and no longer pretend that nothing is going on because his development in terms of eye contact, lack of interaction seems to have gotten a little worse. Ironically my brother has told me he can tell my husband has issues with social interaction and eye contact. Kind of why I could tell right off the bat when his son was several months old that he wasn't quite engaging like he should. It seems like there is a strong genetic component to many of these syndromes. Especially in my family with the adhd, bipolar (my oldest brother has it), and Aspergers. They should make my family a case study. j/k.

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