Oh Leslie that one is looking darker than the others, from what I can tell through the computer! I believe you said your schedule wouldn't allow the two of you to BD tonight...soooo maybe tomorrow? This is going to be a VERY long cycle if you get your +ve tomorrow! 22 + 14, does a 36 day cycle seem long to you? Or is that the norm? (Forgive me for being absent minded)
Lisa ~ Are you ok? Sweet Elana, please please stay calm for your Mommy. That is great your OH gets to work from home. I'd be a hot mess! Maybe it would be wise to ask if you could be admitted? I know the most comfortable place to be is at home, but with so much at risk I'd feel better with nurses at my beck and call! Please keep us posted!
Laura ~ How's our little buddy doing? Just as importantly, how are you doing? Will your OH get to go to S's appointment tomorrow? How did he like the canvas print?
Jess, Jen, Bethany ~
Amy ~ I need to check out your journal, but I think you were still in the game according to your OPKs. Fx'd!
Pierce had his shots today! Ugghhhh! I hate it. Poor little fella was just smiling away, then BAM! Didn't know what hit him! It's so heart breaking watching them cry in pain. My newly resurfaced fear of needles only made it worse. While ttc, and preggers the fear subsided, but now it is back with a vengeance! Meanwhile, I've Tylenol on the ready six if Pierce is super uncomfortable. *sigh* Pierce weighs 24lbs (10.88kg) and is 28 3/4" (96-98 percentile). DH is tall (6'3") and told the Dr he was a big baby, she was perfectly content with his growth (Buddha belly and all)! She actually recommended Baby Led Weaning for feeding, said a lot of breast fed babies do better to skip puree <~~~ I was just getting good at this! Now to research BLW, any tips or sites to read up on it are welcomed!
Happy Tuesday!