ttc after a d&c

She has been depressed for the last 8 years. The only day she seemed truely happy was the day she went to Disneyland. I do realize that if all of this causes a strain on us I can only imagine how my daughter feels and also my older daughter from living in all this turmoil. She was seeing a therapist and medicated (risperdal) for sometime but the medicine caused weight gain and her blood tests started coming out abnormal from the medicine so we had to discontinue. Then our insurance dropped the the mental care. So here we are now. Obamacare is suppose to cover mental healthcare for children but they haven't decided whether my children are covered or not yet. We applied over 2 months ago and every time we try to inquire we can't get through because there are over 500 people ahead of us. They finally emailed my husband back and said that our daughters are STILL pending!!! But they covered me right away. They sent the bill right away. Could it be because my monthly payments are well ovef $500? All of this is utter crap. I'm so pissed about how screwed we are getting with all of this insurance issues!
HI ladies!

Lisa, Im very sorry to hear about what youre going through right now. I agree with the girls and stay away from google. Lots of bed rest and hope the next few weeks fly by!

Angel, Poor bubs!!! I can only imagine how heartbreaking it is to see your child cry when they get thier shots. Hope he is doing better now! :) Also, thanks for thinking of me!! xoxoxo

Amy thanks for the opk info. Are wondfos easy to read? That was my worry that I wouldn't be able to figure them out. Sorry about the O early but there is still hope. Sounds like your lady is a pro on a positive note.

I am gonna go out and get more. I want to see a positive. Pain in the butt my cycle is. I may buy wondfos next cycle, Amy. I see a pack of 50 and 20 preg tests ( although those will be very tempting!) on amazon.

Grrr to those OPK's!!!! Yes, Wondfo's re pretty easy to read but they are just like the tests you are taking now in that you have to rely on looking at lines yourself. Its much cheaper though to use the Wondfo. As for the CB digi's, I use those as well with the smiley faces and those really take all the guessing out of everything. :thumbup:

Bethany, So sorry your hubby isnt home yet. I can totally understand how nervewracking that is. When my hubby wasn in the Marines I too had sleepless nights when he was gone :( I hope everyone is ok and that he is home soon. Love you loads!!!

Laura, Im constantly praying for you and bubs hun!!! I hope that everything is going ok. :hugs:

Jess, so sorry that your vacation went downhill. I wish that I could come get coffee with you and give you a hug! You are so strong and really just inspire me with how you are able to deal with everything. This world would be such a sadder place if you werent in it. Hope those thoughts are long gone now and that you you know how much we are all here for you! :kiss::hugs::kiss:

Jen, hugs to you and Zoey!!

Hope I didnt miss anyone!
I should learn to shut my mouth.
He just had a 19 min one and they seem to hve escalated.
Anytime I say he is doing well wah.
I was on verge of rescue med but I don't wanna igive it till I know 100% seizure.
But I'm 95% sure theu are now.yucky yucky yucky?!!!
Laura, so sorry for Simon having more episodes. The docs should take his problems more seriously. I'm hoping Simon's eeg test results will come out just fine. FX everything gets better. I admire your strength and positive outlook on everything. Simon is blessed to have you as his mother. :hugs:
Thx for all of the kind words ladies. I don't know what I'd do without all of you. :hugs:
Sounds like everyone is having issues at the moment!! i hope things get better for everyone soon.

Jess, it breaks my heart to think of all you have been through and are going through. I hope you can get the insurance sorted out and you can get some care for Natalie and take some stress of you.
Is Obamacare over $500 a month for just you?!?!!? thats is so much!!!!

Angel, Thank you. I'm much better today! I just had a freak out yesterday. My mum rang her gyno today and he gave us reassurance that the hospital is doing all the right things and can handle my case. I was thinking maybe i should find a OB that specialises and go to a bigger hospital through the private health system but i don't need to do that which is good!!
Poor P with his needles!! Hope he's all good now.

Laura, must be so scary with all the seizures. so sorry you have to go through this! :hugs:

Amy, thank you. Hope your catching the eggy this month. Must go and check you thread. :hugs:

Leslie, Hope you have caught the egg two! do you think the OPKs and stressing you out more like you thought they would?

Bethany, hope you can get some news about when your DH is coming home soon. Must be so hard not knowing!

Jen, hope you're good! :hugs:

My OH is being so cute... he's checking in with me a million times a day to make sure I'm ok and he's going to work from home again tomorrow. I feel so blessed to have such a caring man in my life!!
Jess I can see why you used the OPKs with the smilies but I think I finally got the hang of it! I'm so sorry for everything you are going through and with Obama care. Mental health care should be covered no questions. Obama care has affected us also but not like you guys. DH was dropped from my insurance because of it and has to pay separate at his job. I hope they work out kinks. Can they try to push you ahead of the pack if you say emergency mental health needs? I know they do that with Medicaid.

Angel I finally got my positive and will post update below!! Thank you for obsessing with me! I think I will get wondfos next month although I dunno about testing twice a day because of what happened the other night, why is it that I got a barely there line in the pm and thought my surge was gone then now a positive? Frustrating. 36 day cycle isn't out of the norm lately. Usually is around 33 days but I wasn't counting the days of spotting/ light flow and the doc said I should do that this time.
Sorry about pierce and his shots. How is he doing now?

Laura thank you I hope I am covered! So sorry Simon had another episode:( how is he now and what is the plan?

Thanks Amy. I am ok reading the lines as long as they are not inaccurate like the other night. Have you ever had that? How are you doing? I saw positive OPKs for you this weekend? Hoping for you!

Bethany when is your husband back? So sorry you have to deal with that :( shows such strength though and I really look up to you.

Lisa glad you are feeling somewhat better and OH is so supportive. Sounds like hospital is doing what is needed even though it can be scary. Hard to believe that your little one will be here in a very short period of time with c section scheduled!

Ok ladies here is my opk which I see as positive. Let me know if any of you do not agree. DH and I attempted to BD again last night because he didn't work as late as I thought. Same thing happened as the night before. His brain is not with it and his legs started hurting and that was it. So again we were pissy at each other last night. That is the stressful part right now. We did amazing from CD 11-19 every other day then this stuff happened. I hope those days were enough and praying that with a positive we can try tonight with success. If not I worry that our last 3 days ago were not enough. Wonder if next month we should start BDing later.

Thanks for all the wonderful support ladies!!


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Random but does anyone know if bloating can be a sign of ovulation. Yesterday was terrible and today hanging in there a bit
Pierce has been super fussy...not as easy to juggle a fuss pot and a forum conversation!

Laura ~ I hope you are getting answers!

Leslie ~ :happydance: A +ve OPK! Hurray! Hopefully you won't need the LH Wondfo's, but the HPTs instead! And yes, I always bloated during O! As for unsuccessful BDing...can you do other things to get DH going, then hop on for the finale :blush:

Lisa ~ glad you feel more at ease.

Jess ~ That darn insurance! Ughh!

I'll be back once I get P to a happy place. Poor kiddo just isn't himself today.
Laura, OMG Im so so so sorry babe. Why arent the drs taking this more seriously?!!??! Grr makes me irate!!! When do you get Simon's eeg results back?? Big hugs honey... we are all pulling for you and your little man. <3

Woohoo Leslie!!!!! :dance: Thats a beautiful +opk! I havent had issues with the Wonfo and they seem to be pretty accurate for me. I just like reassurance so I get the digis as well but you def can just go off the Wondfos only. Im so excited... catch that eggy!!!! Oh and bloating is totaly a sign of the big O. I have the same thing happen to me.

I did get my pos over the weekend but this cycle's temps have been very strange. Still havent gotten my corsshairs but my acu lady took a look at my chart on Monday and based on that and my pulse, she said that she was pretty certain that I O'd on cd14 (Sunday). Maybe Ill get a good temp tomorrow that will give me my crosshairs FX!!
No crosshairs?? Hmmm. FF can be so fickle Amy! I'm glad your acupuncturist is on top of things.
Laura ~ How are things?

Jen & Bethany hugs to the girls! Hope you both are well!
Sorry was really tired and had loads to do when I gOT home.
Newmeds for Simon.
They finally saw what I was talking about on vids.
Said deg seizure.
Thanks . A bit long coming but finally ;-)
They ate clusters of mild partial seizures so kinda hard to get good vid while looking after him too.
Eeg in morn. Couldn't fit us in today.
But tgats actually really fast for them.
Glad he is getying help now.
They shoyld soy in a bit when meds kick in.
He could lose some hair from meds.
He only just grew it!! ;-)
He smiled throuth a blood test.
Hebis soo good
Sorry typos. On phone.
Angel hope p feels better soon.
No more for 6 months xxx

Leslie hurray fir pos. Xx
Sorry bd didnt happen xx
But u should hve haf sperm swimming around waiting from last bd xx
What cd was pos.
Sorry fuzzy brain here.
Jess thanks hon xx u too xx
Hope Obama care hurrys it's ass on and covers u.
Any chance of emergency cover like someone said ?

Lisa glad ur feeling a bit better xx
Its a shock to hear anythint like that
Amy. I'm thinking happy thoughts for u.
Looking forward to ur birth story ;-)
It's coming . I can feel it in my bones ;-)
Xxx love u babe.
Ur so strong and positive.
Never doubt urself xxx

Bethany come back ;-) xxx
Hope ye r ok.
Love to all
What a tough boy Simon is! He is strong like his Mommy. I know we've all said it, but I'll say it again, Simon is so lucky to have you! You are the greatest Mommy staying on those Dr's to get answers! No one messes with our rainbows! And I think Simon will look handsome without hair and he'll be seizure free!! Sending positive vibes your way! Let us know how the EEG goes. :flow:
Praying that Simon's eeg come oug good and that the medicine helps his seizures. Did the docs determine by video Simon's seizures or did they actually witness them firsthand?

Amy, what scary hotel. Did you and your dh spend the night there? Hope you get good news 2 weeks from now. If we lived closer I'd take you up on the coffee invitation. Are you drinking coffee while ttc or abstaining? I drink decaff once in a while. I suffer terrible digestive issues including ibs since my last 2 pregnancies so my tummy is delicate to many things.

Lisa, hope you're resting hon. Stay away from google. You need all the peace and rest you can get. I'm sure your body is soon going to start getting ready for the big day. How are your tummy pains doing? Getting any better? I hope so.

Angel, Pierce is so tall. Do people confuse him for an older baby? He looks as big as his buddies from the pics! What do you do for clothes. Its always hard clothes shopping for Sophie. Oh and shoe shopping is difficult because of her chubby feet. She's already almost in a size 4 for shoes!! But her feet still look tiny compared to her huge calfs and thighs.

Leslie, I'm sorry about all the ttc stress you are going through. Looks like you and dh did great this cycle and covered all of your bases. FX something magical is going on in your uterus as we speak!

Hi to the rest of the ladies!!

I forgot to tell all of you ladies about this rude cashier a Target store last week. She saw Sophie sitting in the cart and said, "She should be walking already, isn't she?" I said, "No, she's only 7 months." Then she proceeds to say, "Many babies are walking at 7 months." Then I tell her, "Well, 7 months is still early, plus she was born almost 1 month early. So she is not ready to walk yet." Then she had the nerve to tell me, "Actually it doesn't matter is she was born early. A lot of babies can walk independently at her age." This lady seemed almost like she was trying to bring down my baby! So my 13 year old got mad because even she noticed what this lady was trying to do. So she started saying things to me, trying to stick up for Sophie in front of the lady. Correct me if I'm wrong ladies, but your average baby is not independently walking (meaning walking and holding on to nothing) between 6 and 7 months, correct? It happens but it is rare. This lady really annoyed me. Although I shouldn't have let her get to me but I was aleady in a bad mood. Customer service people are suppose to be nice, not criticize you or your children. She is not the first to make a comment, some other people have assumed Sophie should walk because she looks like a 1 year old. Ughhh!!
Thanks ladies!

Angel sorry pierce hasn't been himself, hope he is feeling better today.

Amy yay for positives for you! Forgive me because I am new at this...when you get crosshairs what exactly does that mean? Now that I see my positive I think wondfos may be the way to go expense wise. Still stumped as to why when I tested at night it was so light. Maybe morning is the way to go for me.

Laura sorry about Simons continuing episodes but hopefully they are finally listening! Glad for EEG and hope for answers for you guys. How does OH do with this situation? My positive was yesterday on CD 22. Hopefully like you said the swimmers are hanging out!

Jess thanks for the thoughts! Sorry about the lady in target. Some people just need to mind their own business. I don't know much about milestones yet. I think you are right with 7 months being young for walking. Maybe the other ladies can clarify.

Lisa sorry I didn't answer this before but I just got an idea of DH's thoughts. I think he finally understands ovulation and when you can test for pregnancy. Doesn't seem to be causing stres with the OPKs. Last night he said we should do them next month too. I told him being day 22 we may have thought stopping before would have been fine so he sees that it was helpful.

We BDed last night yay!! DH was upset about previous nights but luckily we broke the pattern for now.nhe keeps saying he doesn't understand why this is happening it never has before, but I get the pressure even if he doesn't realize. Will try to BD tonight if we can but because of recent stress if we don't it's ok. Glad I know about the late ovulation because we would have stopped before now probably. I finally know when I am in the TWW and here it is!

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