ttc after a d&c

I'm thinking people in Ireland are nicer than over here. Hehe. People around where I live can be very nosy and some are outright rude. I just try and ignore some comments but sometimes it gets to me. I do get a lot of comments that Sophie is very beautiful but people here seem to be obsessed about which parent the baby looks like. Some lady stopped me at the store and kept obsessing over how big Sophie is and she asks me (as I'm with my dh) if my babies father is tall. Helloooooo my husband is pushing the stroller who do u think her father is?? I told her "this is my husband, her father" and as my husband walks a little ahead she says to me in spanish, "all of your girls are tall, they are so lucky they aren't short like him." I would never dare tell a stranger Was that a compliment to my girls and an insult to my husband at the same time??!! Thats what I mean about being These weird comments started happening a couple months ago. Before people would just give casual compliments but all of the sudden I seem to be running into rude people. On top of everything I'm hormonal so I guess I'm touchier than usual. :growlmad:
Laura DH was told 48 hrs so I will start calling the doc tomorrow. I have other questions for her too so works timing wise. DH told me he didn't give a large sample and I asked if they told him it had to be a certain amount and he said no. Now I am worried it wasn't enough but hopefully it is. No clue about that stuff! He said it was very awkward. Do not know what wondfos stand for. Maybe someone else does? That's frustrating that you aren't getting much info from doctors. Hope they get back to you soon.

Jess no testing ...was going to this morning but realized AF is in full swing and I feel miserable. Gonna post more below in case anyone has insight. Sorry about all those weird comments. People can be so rude and blunt about things and it shouldn't be like that.

So I was going to test this morning. I started getting stomach pains last night and wondered. Then I got up this morning and realized AF came back with a vengeance and the pains were just very painful cramps which are still here. I took 3 Advil and hope that I feel better for work! Now I'm frustrated with AF...if I had light for 5 days there is a possibility AF could be at least 3-4 more days making it about 10 days ugh. This is abnormal. Also makes me wonder ( and I am going to ask doc) if my LP is longer than I think since AF is just being terrible around when it was due.
Jess. People can say silly things.
I don't think they realise they r being insulting.
They just don't think before their mouth opens ;-)
The town I live in is pretty small. They mostly know my parents.
So they know who I am and who simon is a lot of the time.
I think they r more carefully in what they say cos most know he had a stroke.
They r prob afraid I'm fragile. Ha ha
Hope u dont meet any more rude people xxx
Leslie I know its nit the same but when I give pee sample at doc she said all they need is tiny amount.
If it wasn't enough they would hve prib rang ye for another already.
I imagine they just take a teensy bit under microscope.
I'm not sure about ur af hon.
R u stressed?
Lacking in sleep or food?
Those can make mine weird. X
Hope u get answers u like from doc x
Hi Ladies!

Leslie... NOooooooo!!!!!!!! I m so so so mad that our bodies are doing this to us!!!!! :brat: I just want this so bad for us!!!! :( Big hugs hun... hang in there!!

Did Lisa have her LO? I havent been able to get on much so forgive me for not keeping up... Ill try and quickly take a look at previous posts.

Laura, How is Simon doing?? Did you ever get his test results? I hope that he is doing well and you havent had anymore scares. :( EDIT: Just saw that he did have more episodes.... my heart aches just hearing about this and about your sister... keeping you in my thoughts. I want to you all to be healthy!!! xoxoxo

Angel, How are things going with you and P? Correct me if Im wrong but you are solo at the moment right? If so I hope that you were able to find company with your family and friends and that you arent too exhausted. :( As for taking progesterone... no Im not taking it now because my RE said not to but when I start folli scans with my PA, Im going to ask her if she wants me to go back to doing that.

Bethany, your FB are just tooo cute! The pouty face at Ikea was adorbs!!!! <3

Jess, Im so sorry that people are giving you a hard time. I dont understand why they would assume your husband isnt Sophia's father and ask these questions RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM! Ugh!!! I just want to smack them for you and say "mind your own business and stfu"... sorry :oops: I have little tollerance these days for stupidity and ignorance.

Lots of love and hugs to everyone!!!!!
My husband has fleas and he will be home soon. Can't help but worry at what else he is possibly bringing home.
The upside is that he has been so sick and miserable where he was at that I can cook anything for a while and he will be blissfully happy. There was a lot of rationing in the country. And he was always sick from the food. Told me that he piled out a roach from one of his meals and had to force himself to finish it because he didn't know how long he had until his next meal. My heart goes out to him.

OMG... that is terrible!!! Im sooooo sorry hun. Take good care of him!!
Hey ladies, Ive been trying to read but this is a LONG thread lol

I just had my first MMC on what would have been #5 for my hubby and I. The D&C was Feb 28th. My doc told me to wait one cycle then go ahead and start trying again. Ive been doing loads of research over the last 5 days and can't really find a reason to wait other then dating. I didnt have any bleeding other then day 1. Now on day 5 I have some brown sludge and light cramping. Im looking forward to getting back on the horse (or hubby lol) asap.

Question for you ladies since it seems most of you have your rainbow babies, how long did it take to get them after your MC?
Amy thanks hon zx
Today was best day in a long while.
Only small few mild ones.
Hopefully meds r working.
Keeping my fingers crossed for u this cycle.
So sorry stupid af came.
I'm hopefull fir acu to get u rainbow bub xxx
Hey mommy of peas ;-)
Sorry for ur loss hon xxx.
We all varied hugely.
I waited 3 cycles but that was for liver function tests results.
I was really lucky.
I got preg within days of trying . Xx
Hope u do too.
I think it is mainly fir dating.

But also it took 3 cycles for my af to get back to normal.
Just so long as u can handle being preg and not sure on dates matching u/ s dates
Then I would say go for it.
Best of luck hon. Xx
Let us know how u r.
Any qs we r here .
Feel free to join us if u like.
We r a friendly bunch hee hee.
Hugs again.
Hope ur holding up ok xx
Lisa thinking of u.
Hope alls well xx
It gets tough at ur stage.
Elena is nearly here xxx
Love to all xxx

Angel r u gone visiting.
Ur unusually quiet xxx
Hope p is better x
Mommyof2peas, i waited 2 cycles to try again because my first AF took 8 weeks to comes and it was extremely painful and not normal so i waited another and the next was fine. I got pregnant first try.
If it were me i would wait at least one cycle so you know everything is ok and to give your LO the best start but if you feel your body is ready then go for it.

Amy, I'm still here. 12th of March is the c section date.

Leslie, i don't think it would matter how big the sample is. They would just do how many sperm per drop and how active they are. Thats what I've seen on medical shows anyways.

Laura, Glad the meds are helping a bit. Hope they can get the seizers to stop completely soon. He still looks so happy in his photos!!

Jess, it really annoys me how people say these stupid comments without a thought for anyone else. One of my friends just announced their new baby on Facebook and people wrote things like "congrats... enjoy the no sleep". i mean really... is that necessary... can't you just say congratulations and move on without giving out negative energy. Even now people ask me how i am and i say I'm tired all the time... they always say 'enjoy the rest now coz you won't get any soon'. Why say that?!?!
Anyways this stuff really annoys me if you didn't notice! lol Tell them to mind their own business!!!

Angel, Hope you and P and doing great!

Jen & Bethany... I've missed a bit but if you girls have been around i hope your doing great! :hugs:

i plan to take my laptop to the hospital so ill try jump on and update asap. It will probably end up on Facebook first so girls who have me on Facebook feel free to update everyone and ill come and give full details later.
:hi: Still visiting my sister and it's a lot of work! The company is wonderful it's just tough not having all of P's things at my disposal. I'm heading home tomorrow, I miss my bed. Just sad that my DH won't be there :( Single Mom's are my new heroes!

I'll be back to properly address everyone xoxo

Mommy of Peas :hugs:
Lisa, I completely get what you are saying. Being pregnant is overwhelming as it is. Then people act like your life is going to be over once the baby is born. Yeah, you lose some sleep but babies are such blessings! They are beautiful and its so amazing to watch them grow.

I just might make a blog about all of the rudeness I have been experiencing lately. Something happened yet again today. I was in a clothes store today and some woman walks into the store and says, "your daughter is so beautiful, whats her name? are you married?" She says this as she is staring at my kids. I said, "yes I am married." She looks at me weird and says, "Oh ok, bye." And walks right out of the store. Seriously, WTF! Then last week, some lady at another store walks in with her husband and keeps staring at Sophie. Everywhere I go she is watching her so I smile at her. Her husband keeps staring and smiling at her. She then walks by me and says, "we all know who she looks like!" I pretended I didn't hear her because something about the way she said it was weird. So then her husband approaches us and tells us how cute Sophie is. And I tell him thankyou. Then he keeps talking to us (very friendly guy). Then his wife looks at me and says, "we all know who she looks EXACTLY like!" I could already tell where she was going with this. Then she says, "she's your daughter? She looks exactly like your husband." Wtf does she think I am, the nanny? My husbands mistress (not that he has one)? I'm going to post some pics of us on here when I get a chance (of me, dh, and the kids). You can CLEARLY tell she is my baby. This is not the first time I have gotten weird comments. My husband tells her, "actually, my baby looks almost exactly like my wife did as a baby. She resembles me, but she looks more like my wife." (Dh is often mistaken for Japanese, JET blue/black hair, dark olive skin.. Sophie, light brown hair with blonde hilights, hazel eyes, light compexion and other characterisitcs that makes her look lime me.)Then this idiotic lady starts to disect Sophia's face and tell us why my daughter looks like dh and nothing like me. Even her husband knew it was out of line what she was doing. He cut his own wife off and said that Sophia is beautiful. I have always had issues with rude comments because my 2 older daughters look NOTHING and I mean nothing alike. I don't really notice how different they look or give it a second thought until some random person says something rude. I have had people ask me why my older daughter is so dark. Yes, this has really happened. I ran into an old friend at church. She looks at my 14 year old and says, "She has such dark skin!" When my daughter walked away, I told her to never do that again and had to explain to her how you just don't do that and start talking about someones skin color like that, especially a child. Everytime I see her I avoid her now. No use for people like that. Sorry to vent on here. These problems are so superficial but I justcan't believe the nerve of some of these rude people' :growlmad:
lisa sooo excited for u!!&#9825;&#9825; ant believe its already time to meet Elena!! :) ill be anxiously awaiting ur update!

laura hugs sooo soo scary so glad simons okay&#9825; strong mommy!! he is so adorable id never guess size 2;3 t!!! hes just too cute!

jess i must say i get comments that zoey looks like her father and nothing like me all the time. he pediatrician and the nurses always say if they didnt know me as her mom they wouldnt think i was her mom. i get it alot. one lady goes isnt she walking yet i am like she is only turning 9 months!!! i mean she walks the furniture and around tables but not alone. they go oh she is delayed. i seriously think ppl forget at what age babies hit milestones... grr just wanted u to know ur not alone. hugs. sophie is gorgeous!!!&#9825;&#9825; i wish i could give u both a hug!

bethany love the pics!! so glad dh loves ur cooking. how horrible his time working away sounds :( he must miss his beautiful ladies terribly. ur a strong woman&#9825;

angel hi!! hope ur home in ur bed soon&#9825; give ur sweet little boy a hug for me!!! goodness i wish all our babies could play together. id be in heaven watching all our babies together. dreaming again :(

amy and leslie i feel so horrible ur still on this journey waiting still. i keep praying and praying for u both to have ur miracle babies&#9825; they will be loved soooooo much even around the world with us. are either of you making plans for st patricks day or easter yet? any getaways or vacations planned amy? i love u girls&#9825; just want u happy!

no job yet :( kobes acting out for attention hes jealous of baby. i gotta figure a way to give him time one on one. zoey has a bilateral ear infection now :/ shes on her second antibiotic. i hate all her meds tylenol prilosec zantac probiotic amoxicin UGH so many chemicals. shes 19lbs and today at 8:02pm she will be 9 months! where did time go? im so desperate for a job and in a way praying i dont fall pregnant bc my husband is soo stressed about finances :/ idk how to help. im saving us on daycare but this was the first month he had to pay my bills and i can see his stress. zoey is eatting our foods now and i want her to have fresh fruit/vegs sooo expensive and go bad fast. its going to be very rough here til i find employment. must go to bed its 1am!!

im sorry if i missed anyone!
Wow Jen. Even the doctor makes comments? I have seen plenty of babies in my lifetime and when I see a cute baby I don't even think or care about who they look like, I just like to admire their cuteness. Zoey is beautiful! :flower: . That rude lady was the first to ever say little Sophie looks like her daddy. And I love for my girls to resemble their daddy. But this lady actually argued and disected Sophie's face and was giving her "superior" opinion as to why she couldn't pass for my daughter. It actually made me quite uncomfortable. I was nice to her the whole time though. I can't let strangers get me Of course I feel a tad bit bad since my oldest daughter is not my husband's biological child and I hope she doesn't feel left out from all of the comments people make. I always tell her how beautiful and smart she is. Its hard for teens this day and age. I feel for them, especially how quick kids grow up now.
i do always get from lots of people ,
'he is like his dad isnt he, u didnt get a look in '
but an equal num of people have told me he is the head off me and has my eyes :)
people see differetn things when they look at bubs :)
my mom always thought he was pure me.
eoins mom hinks he is pure eoin :)
they see what they wanna see
he is very like his dad, but has my eyes and lots of my expressions :)
ignore um,
i dnt think they mean to be rude,
for some strange reason people think babies and kids are fair game for comments they would never say about an adult :)
lisa looking forward to ur update,
u must be gettin excited xx
prob a little nervous too, u will do great hon.
u will have elena in ur arms before u know it xx
lovely new bub cuddles xxx

angel glad u have company xx
but i know it is so much easier to look after um at home xx

jen sorry about no work and bills.
hope things look up soon,
if u could find a day or week or something would be lovely xx
zoey is adorable, she i way ahead , not behind,
people can be crazy!!!!
do u take tobes on walks with u and zoey, maybe throw something for him?
u prob already do though xxx

love to all
I agree with Laura, Jen. Zoey has always been ahead and is very bright!! Geez first some random lady tells me a 7 month old should be walking, now a 9 month should be walking?? Lol. People are weird. Soon they are going to tell us that our los should be solving algebraic equations!! Haha! My mom is so helpful and reassuring. Everytime I feel paranoid about Sophie, she always tells me how smart she is and how she is developing just how I did. She loves my daughters so much. My mom tells me she had to put up with rude people as well when we were kids. Lol. Apparently I was a butterball of a baby and people would comment, "what in the world do you feed her??!!" But the worst thing, my family use to call me miss piggy!!lol. That name stuck with me for a number of years. Apparently I use to be a messy eater but I think they also called me it because I was a fat baby.

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