ttc after a d&c

My nan used tell me I was a fine strong girl aka fat.
She thought it a compliment.
I used get upset . ;-) x

Love to all x
I'm still at my sister's and we're without power! :cold: I couldn't get out of the drive due to down trees and a power pole (her driveway is a mile long)! Dadgum ice storm! Power company doesn't know when they can get out here :dohh: Snuggled w/ Pierce!
oh oh hope u have everything ye need angel xx
stupid storm x
our storms are gone for now , hopefully for good, they did a lot of damamge.
we were veyr lucky in our house.
we were fairly unaffected but loads of peoples homes and businesses were flooded and lots of trees and stuff down.
weather can be so powerfull.
hope u get to go home soon.
prob best not to travel alone with pierce in it anyway hon xxx
hope ur sis is looking after u xx

my sis went to kidney consultant,
they r gonna do a scan to see if any function left in her bad kidney but they think not.
if not they r gonna take it out cos its just causing infection then and not usefull.
she is almost never sick, bit of a shock but thank god she has one good kidney.

seizure nurse rang last nt again,
uping meds again cos he isnt responding as well as hoped.
she didnt say it but id say thy reckoned seizures should be gone by now,
last increase was meant to be his dose until he grows.
he is a bit sleepy now from meds but hopefully that should wear off as he gets accustomed to them .
he has improved a lot so hopefully this does the trick now.

hope evryone is well and enjoying weekend xxx
Jen ~ Poor Zoey with an ear infection...FX'd she heals quickly. Sorry work is still scarce. I hope something comes through for you. Glad she is eating well.

Jess ~ You've some really opinionated people in your do you hold your tongue! You def have enough for a blog!

Laura ~ Oh I pray this is it for Milky's meds. You both deserve a break!

Bethany ~ I want to see pics of Lorelie! Hope you are snuggled w/ your DH now!

Lisa ~ It's almost time for Elana! Please update when you can! Praying your section is a breeze xoxo

Leslie & Amy ~ Praying for a lucky cycle...St Paddy's conceptions perhaps?
Still no power :( They say it could be Weds before it is restored...this means the downed tree and power line will continue blocking the drive and my car. :sigh: We hiked to the main road and piled into one of my Mom's cars. I'm at my sister's sister in laws house. Hot shower, hot food and electricity! Praying they get the power back on at my sister''s a lot of work in unfamiliar places! He is thriving though...picking food up, started babbling (dada, nana, lala), reaching for me. It's so sweet! Ok. Going to bed early. Hope you all are having a good weekend!
Laura, you deserve a medal or award for your mothering skills!! Simon has such a wonderful mama!

Angel, I too admire how great you are with Pierce. You truely give him your all! You ladies are a wonderul example for me. :hugs:

:hugs: to the rest of the ladies!!

AFM, we contacted the insurance company and it hasn't been decided if our children will even be covered for ANYTHING!! ugh! We told them about my daughters health problems and they didn't care, and could not help us one bit! So now I am looking for a Psychiatrist, pulminologist (sever asthma), and pediatrician and going to have to pay everything completely out of pocket. My dear Natalie had a complete mental breakdown today. Thank God I was able to calm her down. Imagine an 8 year old crying uncontrollably for 2 hours straight! I was the only one able to calm her down. My poor dd was asking for for a baby bottle, she asks for bottles a lot but I know it is not good for her because she is already very emotionally immature due to her psychiatric issues. We were very close to taking her to the hospital but they only havea psychiatric ward for adults around here, so no way. My dh just left and took her to the movies. So Stanford University has a pediatric bipolar center. They do therapy, brain imaging (to identify brain abnormalities). I am going to contact them on Monday to see if there is any way they can see any patients without insurance. Oh, my older daughter is failing out of jr. High school. I'm 90% sure she is going to repeat the 8th grade. Other than that, Sophie is doing great!! :hugs: and :kiss: to all of you.
Hugs girls xxx
Angel hope ye gwt power and u gwt to go home

eJess thats awfull.hope things are a little bwtter now xxx hugs xx
Laura, I think that'd have made me cry too! My grandma told my sister once that she had always felt superior to her sisters in the beauty department because she had a perfect nose but theirs had a bump with a bulb on the end..."just like yours!"
It didn't go over well!
So sorry for your sister and her kidney. Poor doll. Sending prayers.
Also hope that the med adjustment for Simon works <3

Angel, whoa! Sorry for the bad weather hon! Nearly asked of you settled in for movies and hot food but remembered that you weremt just iced in, the power is out. Miserable. Glad you got over to your SILs!

Jessica, wait WHAT? Why won't insurance cover the kids? That is a load of crap. Gnnnn. I am so mad for you guys.

Leslie, what cycle day are we on? What are the plans? Going to start pumping in soon. Can be TTC buddies with you and Amy!

Amy, how have you been feeling? How has the acupuncture been going? It goes without saying that I am sending you and Leslie magical rainbow dust.

Lisa, have you had the baby yet? You must be close!

Jen, how are you and Zoey doing? Still TTC as well?

Going to start being on here more ladies! My husband will hopefully be home for a few weeks before being sent off again, as I need to have my wisdom teeth extracted.
Finally stopped pumping for good and wouldn't you know that as soon as I stopped AF came? I wonder if it will always be like that, that I will never have a period when making milk. Anyhow, CD 2 over here. Much love to each and every one of you.
Laura thanks..hoping DH provided enough for SA .the results are in but waiting for doc to interpret and call...until then I will be a pain in the ass and keep calling! We want to know! It's stressful wondering. To get back to your question for AF I don't think I was any more stressed or anything. I am a stressed kind of person but nothing new. Once doctor calls I am going to talk to her about all this. How is Simon doing? Seems to be happy according to fb pictures :) he is very photogenic.

Mommyof2peas... Are you still with us ? wish I could give you a better answer for me in regards to conceiving quickly. I had a mmc in may . AF came six weeks after d and c and we started ttc again at the end of June ( were told to wait until I got AF for physical and emotional reasons). We are still going and trying for #1 and it is very frustrating. Some just take longer than others I guess. Hopefully you are one of the lucky ones

Lisa 2 days ( or maybe more? This time difference has me confused again lol)! Best of luck to you and your little one! I can't wait to hear about it and see pictures

Amy I agree that isn't not fair!! Something has to give soon! I truly hope this is the month for both of us. Sometimes I wonder why god is waiting so long to bless us...has to be a reason somewhere . :( thinking of you. Congrats on the promotion btw!

Angel so sorry about the storm and being stuck there! This weather is so annoying and unpredictable. Hope family is passing the time. Does it look like there is any end in sight? Funny you say st party's day baby...that is when we conceived last year. Feel kinda pressured because now we are getting to that one year mark. No fun :(

Jen we don't celebrate st pattys day so no plans. We did take off that week to have some relaxation. Was hoping it falls around my fertile time ( crazy that is how we plan time off) but we will see. Don't really celebrate Easter either. Sometimes we do dinner or go to movies. DH's family celebrates but he doesn't usually get together with them. My family is Jewish ( well DH's is half Jewish as well) so we celebrate Passover in April
Hope you and Zoey are doing well. Any movement on employment?

Bethany welcome back! Glad DH will be with you for awhile! Your pictures on fb are so cute to see. Silly AF coming right after breast feeding! Cd 10 for me and AF just left...longest AF to date I believe. Because I didn't ovulate until day 22 I think we are gonna chill out until I see us getting closer. I did get wondfos so will start doing those in a couple days. Not looking forward to peeling in a cup again :) I can't believe you are ttc again! Hopefully DH is around when needed.

Sorry Jess for the insurance issues. I can't believe they can do that especially with the issues going on. They usually have sliding scale mental health places...meaning they go based off the income in your household. That. Might be something to look into?

AFM AF just ended finally thank god. Waiting for doc to call is torture because it makes me nervous, I wish the nurse could say results are good she will call you soon. Oh well let's hope for the best because no one can change the outcome. I worry about my LP now so I want to talk to her about it too.
Anyway I have to get ready for work!

Have a good Monday/ good week ladies!
I'm still here, just not much to report. Just testing out HCG, OPK had finally gone negative so Ill be testing soon. I normally O around CD 17. If I use the D&C as CD1 Im at 11 now. Im still getting Brown ick when I wipe though. Not enough to wear anymore then a liner but enough to be gross and annoyed.
leslie fingers for good doc results, so annoying when they make u wait.
its no biggie to them . they never think of us biting our finger nails at home xxx
hope u hear really soon, x
ur so right to relax now, when u know u Ov late no point in wearing yourselves out before ahnd with too much bd :) xxx
i dont even really celebrate paddys day anymore and im irish , hee hee
its just another excuse to drink really .
and i dont drink at all anymore, havent in 2 yrs now.
much happier and a bit healthier without it :)
when simon is older il go back to celebrating cos he will be in the parades :)
I'm still here, just not much to report. Just testing out HCG, OPK had finally gone negative so Ill be testing soon. I normally O around CD 17. If I use the D&C as CD1 Im at 11 now. Im still getting Brown ick when I wipe though. Not enough to wear anymore then a liner but enough to be gross and annoyed.

i didnt get af for 5.5 weeks after d and c hon.
dont be surprised if cd 1 isnt d and c.
ur cycle can go all funky for a few months after it.
i think i would use neg hcg as cd1, but its only my guess.
i think i bled for about a week and a half ish ,
i cant fully remember now but i didnt get af for 5.5 weeks anyway cos i was worrying it may not appear at all .
i think thats why they tell u wait cos u can get ur hopes up that ur preg at a time ur very fragile emotionallly anyway.
u can totally get preg now but just bear in mind 'late af' doesnt mean u def are, cos it could arrive anytime.
not trying to put u off or make u feel down ,
im just trying to pre warn u in case u get hopes up and dashed xxx
hope u get bfp first try hon, it can happen xxx
my sil had 3 mc .
after her third she got preg right away , that lil girl is now 2.5 :)
she also has a 1.5 yr old and 5 month old :)
so it can happen successfully too xxx
hope ur holding up ok hon xxx :hugs:
simon got 2 ankle casts and a stander today.
his casts are bright purple, they r super cute.
they look like ski boots :)
he will wear the 2 in the stander for strength and build up to wearing one all nt on his right foot.
first day in ages no seizure
had 2 last nt though, hope meds are working now.

love to all xxx
hope ye r all well xxx

elena , are u here :) xxx
hope ur ok lisa hon, is it tomro?
like the girls im confused with times :)
This time tomorrow ladies ill be checked into the hospital getting ready for Elena's arrival. C section should be sometime in the morning so around 25-28 hours from this message i think. I have to get there at 6am and they said i have to wash my hair before so that means ill have to get up at like 4am. Oh well I'm sure i won't be able to sleep anyways. My OH is finally full of excitement rather than terror!! So excited!
Ill update ASAP!

Laura, glad things are starting to look up for Simon. hopefully he keeps improving from now. :hugs:

Leslie, Hope you get the results soon. Waiting is so annoying!!

Bethany, Very close!! Tomorrow is the day. Got a doctor appointment and blood tests to do today so hopefully the day goes fast.

Jess, i wish i could give you some Australia health care system. Its not fair that Natalie can't get the help she needs over there easily. Im not sure exactly what Obama is trying to introduce but lets hope it works soon and the US health care system can treat everyone like it should. You should move to Australia or the UK. she will get treated no worries... most likely for free!!

Angel, that sounds horrible. How can the power be out for that long!! must be very hard with P. I remember when i was a kid there was an explosion at the gas plant here and we didn't have gas for two weeks in the middle of winter. That was hard enough with no hot showers or heating but the power would be so much worse!!

Jen, Sorry you're having trouble finding a job. Are you looking for something specific or just anything? Happy 9 months Zoey!! Has her ear infection cleared up now?

Amy, :hugs: to you!! Hope you had a good weekend!!
Best of luck Lisa.
Enjoy ur first and lots more cuddles ;-) xxx
He had another longish one there a bit ago.
Thought we were gonba get a day with none.
we had a good nt, only one mild one at 3 this morn.
he is quite sleepy though .
better sleepy than awake and cranky i suppose.
hoping its startin to work properly now, sleepy should pass within 10 days hopefully.
the house is boring while he is sleeping though :)
Hi ladies,
Have to get going to work so apologize for the quick self centered post. I'm slightly bumming ( can't wait until I stop saying that!) and I need some thoughts if any of you have been through this. DH's SA came back with mixed reviews. The main issue she saw is that the good spermies are being blocked by the bad ones so the good ones are having trouble getting through. She is recommending a specialist and IUI because of this. Now we want to do everything necessary but as I explained to her we can't afford to. I am still paying d and c bills without much success. She was understanding and next cycle I will start clomid day 5-9 and prog levels day 21... 2 or 3 cycles as she hopes maybe then we won't need to go further. So now I am thinking knowing this that this month will be a bust. I am hopeful for clomid but still worried because I wonder how this will fix his issues. If clomid fails ,we have to look at other options and she wants another SA done as she doesn't always trust one sample. Anyone have any thoughts on clomid and experiences they may have heard or gone through? I was hoping for other results but there is nothing we can do. I had forgotten to ask her about my lube based on results so I need to call her back and see today. At this point though it seems to be the only thing that helps with pain.
Someone please help me put a positive spin on what I am feeling.

Lisa also wanted to wish you the best of luck and tell you I am thinking of you!
hey ladies trying to sneak a message in before zoey screams. shes teething and even with teethers frozen celery sticks a little tylenol and orajel. shes always in tears :( idk if ear infections gone either shes still tugging. all this BF and still gets these :(

laura did u see about how cannabis is helpping children with seizures? i watched a special on the news station the other night. ur simon is such a handsome boy and ur both so strong for everything he goes through&#9825;&#9825;

bethany hurray dh will be home booo for another traveling job later thou. wisdom teeth i hope that goes easy and heals well for u&#9825; look forward to updates :) as for ttc yes we are but i havent had af yet so figure i cant get pregnant til af comes back right? how many days did af come after your last pump? im so scared to stop pumping. i love bf and afraid to give it up bc its my snuggle time with zoey.

elena will be here!! i hope all goes well lisa&#9825;&#9825;&#9825; cant wait for updates

leslie not at all weird. i hope its urs and amys lucky month!!&#9825;

i have a ton to write to angel jess amy leslie etc but zoey needs me. ill try to get back on to write.

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