ttc after a d&c

Laura ~ I'm an attention hound. I know, not very convenient w/ my DH's current contracts. I don't mind the alone time, but my need for attention is all the greater when he gets home. A night away from each other would not be welcomed...especially now with a baby! Around here they say couples that play together, stay together! My DH gets his Sunday's with the boys or he'd be miserable and make me miserable, so I understand why you don't want to stop him from brewing.

Jess ~ Sounds like you have a companion/friendship type marriage. He is a good provider and I'm sure your daughters adore their Daddy! And you really do live in an expensive area! I can only imagine the tuition for private schools!

Leslie ~ 1 dpo...let the countdown begin! Did you poas today?

Jen ~ You poor thing! A baby on the run and a broken arm! Hope you mend quickly! Thinking of you :hugs:

Bethany ~ Any new pics of that baby girl? Is your DH home?

Lisa ~ Are you ok?

Amy ~ :dust:

Peas ~ hope you are well!
Angel, I honestly don't know how to describe our marriage. I'm just not madly in love with him. Unless love changes over time. I'm not sure. We have been together for 12 years. Maybe all we have been through so much and it affected our marriage? The psych told us it was important to for us to have time together and have some "us" time because according to statistcs when you have a special needs child (mental illness) chances of divorce skyrocket. Many factors influence the divorce rate. But Laura, if you and your dh decide to have more children believe me when I say it might get harder having oh gone on the weekends. This is probably why my view is different about these things. When they are babies they don't understand but when kids get older I would think it would affect them having their father gone for the weekends. I know my kids look forward to the weekend because they want time with their dad. They miss him during the week. He has a long commute to and from work so he is gone 12 hours a day or sometimes even more. Part of the reason we have been going on a lot of trips lately is because I have been under a lot of stress and need a change of environment over the weekend but its not easy traveling with an infant especially one who is teething so we are cutting down on the trips. Anyways Laura sorry to ramble so much. One thing we all have in common, we both love our los and will do anything for them! :hugs:
Dh comes home today and plants a big surprise on me. Things not going good at work..... again. Right after I tell all of you ladies that we are secure financially, lol. We just started making plans to move into a better place. He was bringing home an extra $10,000 in bonuses every month!! Now things are going bad again. Sorry I'm spilling my guts, I had 2 glasses of wine. :nope:
Dh comes home today and plants a big surprise on me. Things not going good at work..... again. Right after I tell all of you ladies that we are secure financially, lol. We just started making plans to move into a better place. He was bringing home an extra $10,000 in bonuses every month!! Now things are going bad again. Sorry I'm spilling my guts, I had 2 glasses of wine. :nope:

Yikes! Sorry Jess. Wine always makes things better :wine: I bet the problem at work is temporary! 10 grand is a lot of money to be shorted. I hope this doesn't impact your search for a school for Natalie! And ughh, moving is no fun, but house hunting is exciting. Bummer when that gets postponed though :hugs:
The good thing is we have saved lots of money. The $10,000 a month were the added bonuses (hence the frequent traveling to nice cities). So we basically were saving most of the monthly bonuses, barely touched that money. The private school that I really want to put Natalie one of the best schools for special education here is almost $30,000 a year!!! They have financial assistance available and they can knock tuition down to 20k. But thats still quite a bit of money. Now I see why the average family has 1 or 2 kids at the most. Its extremely expensive to raise kids these days.

AFM, Sophie is getting this walking down very quickly. She is starting to let go and is attempting to walk. Unfortunately, it looks like we are not going to be able to avoid a few head bumps here and there. She is determined to walk no matter how wobbly she is. I noticed her much stronger tonight though. The girl seems to be a bit of a dare devil. She really scares me at times! :shrug:
Can you use the bonus for the tuition? Or is that rainy day funds? I just think things will improve for everyone once Natalie is in her own school. Think about how much easier it'll be to get around during the day. Those schools provide much needed structure. I forgot my hair dresser is bipolar. She has her hands in a lot of pots (Zumba instructor, extreme couponer, school nurse, hair dresser, mother of 2). She said she was really awful in her teen years...brace yourself, once hormones kick in you'll def have a handful! And sooo sweet Soph is adventurous! Your girls keep you super busy.
oh no jess! im so sorry. wine is nit a fix but is definately nice. i hope this is all sorted out. wow i am i wrong line of work so is dh. 10k bonus + incime is amazing. def needed for her schooling. income full time here is 2,000 a month but after taxes we are just nearly left with enough for mortgage/car payment then our cc sky rockets for necessities like food electric water bill heat student loan :/ its not fun. really hope it works out hugs. as for zoey she just started cruising in dec stood in jan and started taking steps holding on in begining of march without being wobbly as much. she has battled some ear infections so that may have delayed her. way to go sophie!!!♡♡ such a strong beautiful baby. she sounds so advanced for her age. i dont expect a real walker til shes a little over 1. as i hear and notice babies usually walk independently btw 12-18 months anyways. :)
laura thinking of u and simon♡

angel your so strong i wish we lived closer. then us women would be like okay dh we got this while ur away. id see tonsof playdates id take food preping lessons from bethany we could help eachother in sooo many ways. oyi dreaming is nice. its nice ur oh provides but hes missing out on so many firsts :( cant be easy. so glad ur there for him thou!! :)
leslie if ur like me and want a def pos clearblue 20 test pack is awesome bc u can continue using them each month. like use cheapys then if u see what ur unsure of poas the dig clearblue one and look for :). once u get it save rest of sticks for next months to come. they are individually wrapped. i am sure u wont need to think of this next month as i have faith this month is it!! fxd ♡

u know i have some much to write and btw tgis cell and pain in my wrist/arm along with caring for dd and kobe i cant mentally remember everything. im so spacey. how do u ladies do all u do? ur amazing super women!
leslie if ur like me and want a def pos clearblue 20 test pack is awesome bc u can continue using them each month. like use cheapys then if u see what ur unsure of poas the dig clearblue one and look for :). once u get it save rest of sticks for next months to come. they are individually wrapped. i am sure u wont need to think of this next month as i have faith this month is it!! fxd ♡

u know i have some much to write and btw tgis cell and pain in my wrist/arm along with caring for dd and kobe i cant mentally remember everything. im so spacey. how do u ladies do all u do? ur amazing super women!
amy stay strong and positive i know i always say it but its because i believe itll happen. ur going to be an earth mommy and ill definately be more compassionate loving and patient with your baby and husband. i keep envisioning u with a little girl. i just have this strong feeling. hang in there

oh wanted to share this from news yesterday... did anyone see? stress hormone found in womans saliva is causing 2x the amount of infertility in woman. i know ttc is stressful no matter what u do. . wondering if ur dr tested ur stress level? maybe try yoga along with ur accupuncture? i really long for ur bfp.
Quick update: I've been expressing and supplementing with formula as needed for the last 3 days as I couldn't cope with her on the boob anymore and had to let them heal a bit. Just tried to put her back on the boob and now she won't latch. Do they really forget that fast!! :(
Maybe I have the opinion I have because I have a house of kids over here so being alone over the weekends would be very hard for me. I barely ever get any me time. It would be nice to have just a little time to myself sometimes but I'm already use to never really having time to myself if that makes sense.

I get where ur coming from jess. Xx
I do love Oh but sometimes don't like him ;-)
He can be very abrupt to oeple and I'm opposite.
I'm def a people pleaser.
Not a doormat anymore ( was when younger)
But I care what others tjijk of me.
Oh pleases himself .
We just hve very different personalities.
He does gey away with a lot but he does work long days too.
He is much better than he was to help.
Hope we both gey relationship with um we want soon. Xxx
Lisa use the syringe trick if she is refusing boob.
It works a treat
Could be just tired or lazy.
Bottle is leds work.
Donr panics.
In car starving again.
Lil man asleep ;-)
Hope everyone is well xx
Full sleep last nt and only 1 mild one so fat today.
Fx ;-)
Jen, it sounds like a lot but in reality it isn't for us. Over here where I live, in my opinion, you need at the very very least 100k to live somewhat comfortably. Dh was making almost 16k a month. But.... we have 3 kids, it is EXTREMELY expensive to live here. Once mortgage is paid, food, bills, insurance, a lot is gone. But we have been saving a hefty amount. I must admit, I do seem to have a bit of a spending I don't know how expensive grocery shopping is where you ladies live but it is ridiculous here. You can go to Whole Foods and easily spend $500 on one shopping trip. Imagine feeding a family of 5 with 3 hungry girls!! I must admit I'm use to a certain lifestyle but at the same time there have been times where we had NOTHING! We lived off savings with my pregnancy with Angelica Rose (my baby angel), and it was hell. Hopefully things start looking better. We have a bunch saved, enough for a new large suv or a 7 or 8 seater car and also a down payment for a nice a house, but we need things to get better with his job. By the way he is an account manager/technical recruiter. We live near silicon valley so tons of possibilities for him to make a lot of $$$$$$. Some with a lot of experience make a good 500k here. He has managed Linkedin, google accounts before. Google is so freakin I have never discussed his earnings to any friends that I have or even family. You ladies seriously know so much about me. We have never met in person but ironically I trust you ladies more than most people I know here.
Sophie is going to be walking independently any day now. When she is standing she is already letting go and attempting to walk independently. Its her lack of fear thats gonna get her to walk early. My older 2 walked completely independently at 12 months (average age). Its ironic, the baby who was born almost a month early is starting to walk the earliest. She never ceases to amaze me! Btw, Sophie is already showing a strong character, she seems to like danger and very persistent on getting into things she shouldn' I have my hands full with these girls!

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