ttc after a d&c

Laura, our men aren't perfect but then again nobody is. Your oh sounds like a hard worker as well!! I think since both of us have been with our men for so long we both also see their special qualities as well. I have to admit though, sometimes I feel like I'm putting up with my dh. I know it shouldn't be like that. But there are other times where we get along so well, laugh together and really appreciate eachother.
Quick update: I've been expressing and supplementing with formula as needed for the last 3 days as I couldn't cope with her on the boob anymore and had to let them heal a bit. Just tried to put her back on the boob and now she won't latch. Do they really forget that fast!! :(

It doesn't take long at that young age for them to get nipple confusion. Good luck trying to get her back on, but no worries if it doesn't happen. You've done a great job! She took in all of the rich colostrum, so she is good to go! Hope the photo shoot went well and this finds you in better spirits at sun down xoxo
In car starving again.
Lil man asleep ;-)
Hope everyone is well xx
Full sleep last nt and only 1 mild one so fat today.
Fx ;-)

I'm sorry, but this makes me giggle. I picture you just sitting in your car thumbing through your phone! Glad its a better day for Simon xoxo
Jen ~ I know DH is missing a lot of first, but technology keeps him in the loop. Our house cameras have 2 way microphones and he has access around the globe. The idea is he misses now, so he wont have to miss anything after Pierce is 4...we'll see :) i am so sorry about your arm. Must be tough with a cruiser. And the dog, my poor dog is über neglected. :dog:

Jess ~ Seems like yesterday a lady was telling you your 7 month old should be walking, which was crazy! Here she is now walking at what, 9 months old? Amazing! Pierce still only sits. :haha: He is the cutest sit and reach baby though! :cloud9: It is so interesting how location influences salary and cost of living. Nice that your DH has ample employment opportunities. Job security is a bonus these days...if only full coverage insurance was as readily available, right?

Leslie & Amy ~ :ninja: dust sneaking your way!

Angel, once they start crawling it seems as though pulling up to standing and walking follow soon after. Once pierce gets crawling down, don't be surprised if he jumps right to standing and then walking. Or he could skip crawling altogether. Sophie almost skipped crawling. She crawls only when she has to get something but as soon as she gets the chance she pulls to stand and frightens the heck out of me. She will just randomly let go and try to walk. Sometimes she gets on all fours and tries to stand without holding on to anything, she'll stretch out her legs and literally get up but after a few seconds fall over. Its really scary when she does that because she can really get hurt (we have hard wood floors... yikes!!) They also seem to slim down a tad bit once they become mobile. Sophie's rolls are starting to become less noticeable.

I was meaning to ask if any of you ladies use cloth diapers on your los and if so, which ones are good. Sophie gets rashes from diapers very easily, I want to switch to cloth but don't know which kind to switch to. And when you are done breastfeeding do you plan on giving them whole cows milk? I fear Sophie might still be allergic to milk.

Lisa, love your avatar pic of Elena. She looks like she is growing very quickly! :hugs:
Jess I use bumGenius 4.0 cloth diapers. Not all of the time, but it's how I let Pierce go natural during the day. If you make the switch don't forget to pick up the detergents specifically for them, who knew :shrug:

Pierce is doing ok with organic yogurt & cottage cheese, so I'll prob just put him on 2% when time comes. Does Soph have a reaction to cheeses or yogurt?

PS Noticed after Pierce's bath that the 2nd tooth has broke through...that would explain his crabby mood. Poor kiddo.
Hi Laura, how are you and your little prince doing today? I don't rememer, but is Simon breastfed or formula fed (my memory isn't doing to well today). Are you starting him on milk at 12 months or going to delay. I can't believe he will be turning 1 in a couple of months! Are u gonna have a b-day party for him!

Angel, thank you so much for the cloth diaper suggestions. Didn't know you had to buy a special detergent to wash them, but it makes sense. Sophie has had the same rash on and off for the last 2 months. I notice it gets a little better when I put a 100% cotton training underwear on her. Sometimes the rash is flat but very red, then right after she poops no matter how quickly I change her, she starts to gdt bumps. None of the diaper rash creams work for her. We bought lotrimin because its suppose to help diaper yeast infections and it does help a little but the rash just comes back. I'm thinking disposable diapers don't agree with her. I'm trying to get her to a pediatrician but so far her new insurance is so screwed up. I can't make an appointment without a medical record number and according to the insurance company, we should get it in the mail in 10 business days. We applied for her insurance in December and it has been hell to reach these people an get things straightened out. Finally we got a hold on them and they tell us that they "forgot" to continue the enrollment process for Sophia and my older daughter, but for some weird reason they only enrolled my middle daughter!! They even had the nerve to tell my husband to call them back the next day as a reminder to them to mail our daughters insurance cards, just incase they "forgot." I have never ever come across such an irresponsible insurance company my whole life.

Leslie and Amy, I'm anxiously awaiting for your testing time. FX for bfps this month.
Lisa, I hope breastfeeding is going better and your pain is easing up.

Jen, are you done planning Zoey's bday part?

:hugs: to all of you!!
Happy Hump Day!

Pierce's nanny is sick today, so everything I leave to do on the days she is here I had to manage without her...I'm spent! I thought my Mom would give me a hand, but she didn't offer. I even made her dinner :dohh: I think Pierce is too heavy for her to manage. My Dad picks her up tomorrow. I'll miss her company. <3

Sorry about the diaper rash Jess. Even more sorry about the insurance!! I thought there were state laws that mandated coverage for children under one year old. Do they give her vaccines? What a mess that insurance is!! I hope their cards arrive soon!

:wave: ladies
Im having trouble keeping up with everyone at the moment but i feel like my brain is starting to come back so hopefully i can follow better soon. So just a quick update from me:

Cant remember what i last updated but basically i stopped BF coz of the pain to let my nipples heal a bit which they have and I've been expressing and supplementing with formula. Had trouble getting her to latch again over the last few days but she finally did today but now my milk supply isn't so great. Ive started having some really bad cramps and bleeding has started up again so the doctor is worried there might be some placenta left in there so I'm getting an ultrasound to check. Hopefully there isn't coz that could mean i need a d&c. Bad!! fingers crossed its not that.
Im taking some medication to help boost my milk supply. The plan now is to BF her at least once a day so she doesn't forget how and hope that as she gets bigger she will be able to latch better without pain.

Heres a preview of her photoshoot... have to wait for 2 weeks to see the rest

Love and hugs to everyone! :kiss:


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Absolutely stunning picture of Elena!! What a sweetheart! You and dh have good genes Lisa! FX you don't need another d&c and the bleeding is just a normal sign of your body healing. Try not to stress too much about breastfeeding. She is gettng great nutrition from your milk and the formula. You're doing a wonderful job hon! :flower:
Lisa I hope you're just having strong uterine contractions and NOT left over placenta. Yikes! Let us know what they say. :hugs: And that baby girl is so precious :cloud9: Way to go Elena latching back on! Smart little cookie!

Leslie ~ 4dpo...10 days to go to :test: right? Hope work has been going well xoxo
:dust: :dust: :dust:
Amy ~ 9dpo. FX'd

hey guys finally on comp, first time in ages :)
itried to come on on my phone last nt but had a wicked headache so sorry jess if u saw me and i didnt respond to ur post xx
my head was splitting xx

jess he is bottle fed,
he had me expressing till 2 months switched to aptimal comfort then on silly health nurse advice, if she had advised me to thicken breast milk would have done same job but better but i didnt know that :)
anyway , i was sick of pumping so maybe better :)
im unsure about cows milk,
ive always wondered if simon has little problem with lactose .
his formual is reduced lactose, he has had prob;em with cereals with milk in um
but im not sure if its the cereal or the milk is problem.
his doc said now for his constipation to put a teeny bit of fat in his diet fro lubrication,
so im just starting to add butter a little ( here advice)
he only had a little today but has had it on taost a few times before this and been fine.
i bought full fat cows milk yest,
but i dunno if il hold off a bit longer,
i may try a teeny bit in cooking his food and see how he takes it,
but his tummy is upset from the meds so i prob wont :)
rambly laura :)
i will try soon ish once all this episode settles down :)
god i cant believe sophie is walking !!
well done soph :)
some kids take off really early .
we got s in his stander yest for 15 mins (they were hping for 5 :) )
he likes it now thank god,
think he was just too up the walls last few weeks for it.
so hopefully he wont be too long till some sort of steps.
the biggest size nappies i can get in supermarket here are a 6 and they r startin to squish his thighs, he needs to walk so nappies will fit :)
and so he can follow me round the house all day :)
for bday i think we will just go to lucnh with both grand parents :)
i might throw a lil party just for a few cousins then another day, just for momies and bubs :)
moms day here on sunday, Oh better remember to get me something :)
a card anyway at least, i got him card and pressie for dads day.
oh oh he is awake ,
did my cleaing first, house was a state :)

jess ur insurance people sound awfull, xx
as bad as us trying to get medical card for simon,
still tryin and he is 10 months tomor ,
pending and appealing all this time
very frustrating xx
hugs xx
angel sorry ur mom is goin home xxx
hope ur nanny is back to u soon xxx

lisa sorry bf is giving u trouble xxx
when i was pumping i bled lots, hope thsts it for u too and u dont need d and c xxx
fx xxx
Just wanted to say hello ladies and happy Friday! Work has been stressful and I just started exercising again so less time and more tired. Think DH may have the flu too :/

Angel I stopped poas after the last one I posted. I didn't want to drive myself nuts and keep questioning because had been. Besides we could not bd after that anyway so I would have just been upset. hopefully that was the actual positive. After it dried I started questioning. I may do the digis too next time but just a thought. Not sure if I will test before I see if AF comes. I know I have the wondfos now ( came with 20 pregnancy tests too ) but always a bummer to see stark white.

Hope everyone has had a great week and has a good start to the weekend!
Hi girls. I wanted to reply to each of you but concentrating too hard on my iPad makes me ill. Had my wisdom teeth removed yesterday. My lower lip and chin are still numb but I expected something like that to happen as my teeth were very close to the nerves. Hopefully the feeling comes back this week!

Soon I will be on the TTC train with Amy and Leslie. Love you girls.
And I take that back. I hope that you guys are pregnant by the time I TTC. Can I send y'all some sticky rainbow dust?
TGIF! Though these days every day is Friday, but I'm having sympathy "yay it's Friday" feelings!

Leslie ~ I totally get why you didn't test we see where the chips fall! Fingers crossed you caught that eggy! Amy too :dust:

:wave: Bethany! Hope you recover quickly!

Laura ~ Hurray for computer time! Wish I could contact your OH and remind him to get you something! I'm sure he'll remember.
Hi ladies! Happy Friday!

Bethany, hope u have a swift recovery!

Angel, sorry your mom has to leave. What are your plans with Pierce this weekend? I went out and bought the Bumgenius. They didn't have the 4.0 so I just got the regular one. Otherwise I would have ordered the 4.0 online but I didn't want to wait the few days for the diapers to arrive (because of her rash). Wow $20 per diaper (I bought 2 diapers for now). 6 inserts $30, and detergent $20!! I hope she gets better with the cloth diapers!! Not!! Its all good though, anything for pincess Sophie!
I hope the diapers work for her Jess. I think the savings for cloth diapers apply to those who use them exclusively (a one time purchases vs the cost of disposables). Bumgenius has the cutest patterns. You can sometimes get a deal on eBay (new of course).

I'm getting a clogged duct again and nips are sensitive. I need to browse the bf threads and see if Pierce's new teeth (2nd one broke through) are the bandits causing this havoc! Ouchie.
Angel, I will use the cloth diapers exclusively now and it is actually far less expensive like this. Its just a little bit shocking at the beginning when you see the price per diaper but in the long term I think the cloth diapers will be much better. My God, you wouldn't believe what just happened. Sophie was walking around in her playyard, in a matter of seconds she bent down, fell forward and did a somersault/flip. It scared the hell out of me. Thank God my mom is here. I am just crying and freaking out. :cry: We have thick padding on the floor she didn't fall hard but she did a flip so I'm worried about her neck, but she only cried for a few seconds because she was shooken up and right after she is happy like nothing happened. It was so scary, even watching her like a hawk and she is still so accident prone. :cry:

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