ttc after a d&c

Glad Simon has made small improvements Laura. Def crossing fingers that he grows out if them!

Jess How is that baby girl? I bet you didn't get much sleep.

Lisa ~ Please do let us know what the Dr says about the ultra sound...any advice from the lactation consultant?

Bethany & Jen :wave: How are the girls? How is Mommy?

Leslie & Amy :dust:

Peas ~ How are you?

Afm ~ Had the sweetest play date first Pierce wasn't to keen on the other kiddos screaming, but he came around and started chiming in. I played an April Fool's on my family, I text them and said DH was relocating us to Germany for a few years (which could happen, but not likely). My mother immediately called in a panic...bad joke. She wasn't happy with me! Oops! My sis caught on after a minute...clever gal. Anyway, hope you've all had a good day xoxo
Wow Angel!! I would have believed you also! Lol. Reminds me. Many years ago my dh said he was going to do an elaborate April fools joke that he got into a horrific car accident and have someone call me and tell me he was in the hospital clinging to life. Yeah I know.... shocking. I told him if he ended up going through with it, I would have probably punched him in the face and leave him the next day (don't think we were married yet). After I told him that, he claimed he was just kidding and woud have never have played such a cruel joke on me. Pretty scewed up, right ladies? Oh, and Sophie is over her stomach bug. Yesterday she had 2 moderate fevers of between 101 an 102 and now she is all better. But, the diaper rash is still there. Cloth diapers won't help, its not a yeast infection. The skin looks like a permanent burn that flares up and goes down, but its always there and looks like a burn. Hopefully the doc will have an answer. It has been almost 2 months with this rash, it doesn't spread, its not on the inside only the outside of her vaginal area. I change her very very often. If the pee has sat there for only seconds her rash gets bright red. Could she be allergic to her own uric acid?? Do you girls think if I take her to emergency they will help. I am just TERRIFIED to step foot in the ER with her because of all of the viruses that go around. The medical cards haven't arrived yet!!
Thanks for thinking of me ladies... The dr didn't really know what to do with the results. He's just got me on antibiotics just in case and has referred me back to the hospital so i have to wait for them to call now.

When i was at the hospital for my lactation appointment with a midwife i explained to her what was going on and she went and checked on my file. My placenta labs came back normal and she spoke to one of the surgeons that did the c section and she felt they got all the placenta. So not sure at this point whats causing the pain and bleeding and why my uterus isn't shrinking back as it should.
I have a follow up ultrasound to see if there are any changes next week and then hospital appointment soon i hope.

With regards to the lactation appointment... she didn't offer much more help but she wasn't mean about the fact I've pretty much given up the thought of breastfeeding. she was happy for me to do whats best for me. Elena would latch but it was still uncomfortable which would lead to pain in no time. They recommended i double my dose of medication to increase my supply but so far its just giving me a head ache and an upset stomach (common side effects). She thought Elena might have a tongue tie but I've seen her stick her tongue out before so I'm not sure if i should do anything about it... thoughts?
So for the meantime we are just formula feeding and expressing as much as i can.

The midwife also weighed her and she put on heaps of weight... 375gm (13.2oz) in 6 days. Thats more than double the average in a week!!

Angel, a girl my OH knew did a similar thing on Facebook and told everyone her OH got a job in the middle east and they were moving. Everyone went nuts!! haha

Laura, glass the seizures are decreasing a little. Im sure Mummy cuddles make him feel a lot better.

Jess, i don't know much about diaper rash but in hospital Elena got diaper rash from the wipes we were using (huggies) within 2 days so the midwives told us to use boiled (cooled) water and cotton balls instead and she hasn't got any rashes since. I still use the wipes when we are out or if theres a big poo and she doesn't react to that.
Hope you get it sorted out soon.
Thanks Lisa! I hope your bleeding slows down soon. Maybe your body is just taking longer to get back to normal? Great news about Elena's weight gain! How much does she weigh now? And how are you feeling lately. Is your baby blues getting better? I can't believe Elena is already 3 weeks old! Soon she will be 1 month. Its amazing how quick they grow!
Not sure what my body is doing... hopefully it sorts itself out soon. I did have similar issues after my d&c so who knows.
She current weighs 3.8kgs (8.3lb) she was 3.2kg (alb) at birth.
Im feeling great... baby blues are gone now. They were the worst so I'm glad it didn't last long. They pretty much left when i stopped taking pain meds so maybe they weren't helping.
I can't believe how fast time is going as well... I'm loving being a mummy though. Just feels like I've found my calling in life. :)
Sorry the insurance cards haven't come in yet Jess. The wipes are a good thing to consider. I often use cloth wipes and wash w/ the diapers. Is there anything in her diet that could cause the rash or did you notice it more when you started feeding her something new? Poor baby girl. FX'd the insurance kicks in ASAP!

Lisa ~ One would think with a c-section they would be able to see the placenta, but I suppose nothing is guaranteed. Sorry about the nursing not working out...good job giving it a whirl even with so much stacked against you Momma! Bethany had to have Lorelie's tongue tie clipped...your pediatrician will know for sure if anything needs to be done.

Laura ~ hope Simon is doing well today.

:wave: ladies!

Leslie ~ How are you feeling??

Amy :hugs:
Wow Angel!! I would have believed you also! Lol. Reminds me. Many years ago my dh said he was going to do an elaborate April fools joke that he got into a horrific car accident and have someone call me and tell me he was in the hospital clinging to life. Yeah I know.... shocking. I told him if he ended up going through with it, I would have probably punched him in the face and leave him the next day (don't think we were married yet). After I told him that, he claimed he was just kidding and woud have never have played such a cruel joke on me. Pretty scewed up, right ladies? Oh, and Sophie is over her stomach bug. Yesterday she had 2 moderate fevers of between 101 an 102 and now she is all better. But, the diaper rash is still there. Cloth diapers won't help, its not a yeast infection. The skin looks like a permanent burn that flares up and goes down, but its always there and looks like a burn. Hopefully the doc will have an answer. It has been almost 2 months with this rash, it doesn't spread, its not on the inside only the outside of her vaginal area. I change her very very often. If the pee has sat there for only seconds her rash gets bright red. Could she be allergic to her own uric acid?? Do you girls think if I take her to emergency they will help. I am just TERRIFIED to step foot in the ER with her because of all of the viruses that go around. The medical cards haven't arrived yet!!

could be a food allergy and she is reacting to something being excreted in her urine or could be teething?
teething can make pee and poo more acidic which often causes nappy rashes.
but might be neither of these so if ur worried try to get her checked hon xx
im tryin to chase down my med card too, should have had it or a decision by today ( again ) rang um they said its with a medical offier and no clue how long it will be , arrrggghhh
wanna take simon to doc but ive taken him last 2 weeks and paid for it,
i thought my card would be here to cover it,
im pretty sure she will say its the meds and wait and see , again ...
so i dont wanna pay again cos money isnt exactly free flowing now im not working.
stupid beaureacrats .
sorry was meant to be answering u jess,
im just in foul humour.
had to give simon rescue meds again today and i hate seeing him after um
just feel like meds are doin nothing other than sickening him
he cant eat again today.
he wont be my chubby baba for much longer if they dont listen to me and sort things out for him.
virtualy no food or therapy again today due to meds and epilepsy.
he just woke up xx
hope u get sorted with ur ins soon hon.
i know its extremly frustrating
Not sure what my body is doing... hopefully it sorts itself out soon. I did have similar issues after my d&c so who knows.
She current weighs 3.8kgs (8.3lb) she was 3.2kg (alb) at birth.
Im feeling great... baby blues are gone now. They were the worst so I'm glad it didn't last long. They pretty much left when i stopped taking pain meds so maybe they weren't helping.
I can't believe how fast time is going as well... I'm loving being a mummy though. Just feels like I've found my calling in life. :)

aw how sweet, xx
me too, i feel like this is what im meant to do.
i couldnt iumagine leaving him to work.
id eat only bread every day first :haha:
hope ur bleeding stops soon hon xxx
only read the rest now.
thanks angel, he is better this eve,
still looks really tired but did 25 mins in stander which is awesome.
plus gave me a chance to eat :)
hows p doin xx
jess if u use wipes or changed detergent or something could be that too.
i still use cotton pads and water only for simon. xxx
I've tried different wipes, no wipes, water, no diapers, cloth diapers, its not the detergent, I stopped feeding her solids, did nothing. Maybe the docs can do some allergy tests. I have heard of hydrocortisone helping, but I certainly won't do that until the doc gives me the ok. Thanks ladies!
Ladies, u wouldn't believe it. Sophie's rash got a little better today. I trusted my dh to take care of her for an hour. Guess what? She pooped while he was with her and he didn't think to check her or change her. She was very fussy with him and he didn't know why. The second I took her I could tell she was in pain. And I could smell she was pooped. She had poop plastered from her butt cheeks to her vaginal area right on her rash. The second I cleaned off the poop I saw how bright red and burned her skin was. She was screaming in horrific pain, such horrible pain. And it made me cry and have a mental breakdown. I feel so horrible and I blame myself for her pain. I should have never trusted him. He's such an ass, he looked annoyed that Sophia was crying. She was in pain because he didn't change her diaper. It pisses me off that he had no patience with her, even though it was his fault. This incident alone makes me want to divorce him. I haven't mentioned this lately, but I don't think this man will ever change. Things are the same again.
Ladies, u wouldn't believe it. Sophie's rash got a little better today. I trusted my dh to take care of her for an hour. Guess what? She pooped while he was with her and he didn't think to check her or change her. She was very fussy with him and he didn't know why. The second I took her I could tell she was in pain. And I could tell she was pooped. She had poop plastered from her butt cheeks to her vaginal area right on her rash. The second I cleaned off the poop I saw how bright red and burned her skin was. She was screaming in horrific pain, such horrible pain. And it made me cry and have a mental breakdown. I feel so horrible and I blame myself for her pain. I should have never trusted him. He's such an ass, he looked annoyed that Sophia was crying. She was in pain because he didn't change her diaper. It pisses me off that he had no patience with her, even though i was his fault. This incident alone makes me want to divorce him. I haven't mentioned this lately, but I don't think this man will ever change. Things are the same again.
Jess that's just too bad about your DH. Was he just being lazy? :trouble: Anyone with a fussy baby knows to check their booty! *sigh* I'm sorry baby girl had to suffer...just when you were getting her rash under control. I've read and was told by pediatrician citrus can cause a rash, so things like lemon (which is used in a lot of baby food's to preserve food color), mango, peaches are irritants. Meanwhile, I still cannot believe he didn't check & change her. Hope you let him have it :jo:

Laura ~ I bet Simon was exhausted after the stander, but woohoo! Way to go little man!
Hi ladies, I hope you don't mind me posting on here. I found out last week that I have had a mmc, I have no signs of imminent misscarriage and am off to EPU tomorrow for a re scan. I am considering a d&c now as I have a 17 month old to look after and it's only me and my OH. However I am getting on in age and really want to TTC again. I am happy to wait until June to do this but no more, what were you advised about TTC after your d&c? Did you have any complications after?

Again sorry for butting in, but I guess you are a good audience for my questions!

Thanks for reading

Charlie ur not butting in.
Welcome. Sorry its cos of a loss u found us xxx
Hugs xx
I was told 1, 2 and 3 cycles to wait by different docs
To be honest I woyld wait one do ur sure no complications
But that's only my opinion.
I waited 3 but gor other reasons. I was having blood tests on my liver done.
I got preg on first try ;-)
He is now ten months.
Fx same for u xx
Feel free to chat here as much as u like hon.
Hugs for ur loss xx
Jess il kick dh s butt for u xxx
Hugs not nice seeing bub in pain.

We spent yest eve to now in hospital.
Had to give rescuemeds twice yest
I rang hosp. Theu said come up and be admitted
Glad to be home afain.
Telly in room was broken, rad was broken and stuck on full blsat
And I slept on floor cos my room was unlucky one with no reclining chair

Love to all.

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