ttc after a d&c

series that was! And Game of Thrones is easy to get lost in. I think Bethany and/or Laura read one of the books? I might be wrong...maybe they mentioned something about the book? It's been some time since it was brought up, I probably just fabricated that--sorry Laura/Bethany! Ha! Oh and turkey sausage, yummy!

Emilia Clarke?) as her true brunette self! I saw her on a morning talk show here.

ive read all the books written so far
kaleesi is my fave too
books are good but can be a bit long winded
i cant watch it cos the people are all wrong for me :haha:
lisa hope u will be ok sweetie xxx

usaf, congrats hon xx

angel hope pierce had sleep and is in better form xxx

same here, eating and driking like a mouse!!!!!
but staying down.
sometimes only will drink by syringe.

jess hope ur ok

amy huge hugs xxx

leslie i see u :)
hope alls well xxx

bethany xxxx

sory if im missing anyoone xx
I never kept up with HIMYM but I heard about the finale and got pissed!

Angel, I haven't read GOT series but LOVE THE SHOW. Peter Dinklage is beautiful. So so beautiful. Haven't seen the new episode yet- waiting for DH to get back from a project as it is a show we watch together lol.

Leslie, I am sorry that AF showed. Want to try for a February baby with me? Or is it January next? Either way, let's go for it!
And the food sounds AMAZING!

Amy, of course it is hard to be positive. This road has been long and hard for you. :hugs: but you will be rewarded. I know it. And I will feel it even when you don't. That is what I'm here for- glitter and positivity for your times of darkness. Love you!

Lisa, I hope that your PP period is as easy as mine have been! Also I think that is stinky that they aren't doing much besides waiting to see if you get a fever. Boo. Elena is a doll btw. Love her pics!

Jen, are you having a hard time coming on here too? Gonna say it again ladies, I wish that we could transition to FB. So much easier to access from phone!

Laura, how are you and your family? Did I read that your sister was sick? I hope that everyone is feeling better <3 hope that Milky is doing well!

Jessica, how are you and the girls?

Not much happening here. My husband is out of town this week. My chin and lip are still numb. Lorelei has started to keep an eye out for our cat and when she spots him she desperately tries to get his attention. Her day was made yesterday because he let her pet him and rubbed his whiskers against her cheek. I love the two of them.
Oh and I transitioned her from the rock n play to the co-sleeper. Yay.
Bethany, have they said anything about your numb chin and lip? I don't think it supposed to still be numb.
How sweet about Lorelei and the kitty! Cute!!

I think Elena's tongue tie just torn on its own while she was having a bottle. She let out a little cry and then there was blood in her mouth and then she continued with the bottle. Do I still need to get it looked at? I'm seeing a nurse next week... Would it be ok to wait to then? Doesn't seem to be bothering her.
Lisa idk about the tongue tie. I think it'd be ok to wait to see the nurse next week. If nothing else give them a call and see what the nurse says. Hope she is well.

Jess ~ How are things there? Natalie goes this week to the Dr, right?

Laura ~ How is your milky mouse? Hope his appetite is coming around. And I totally get the character issue between and book and tv/movie portrayal. I love this series by Janet Evanovich. They made her 1st book into a movie "One for the Money." How a book can make me laugh out loud, then the movie fall flat on its face is beyond me! The cast was very wrong, not at all how I pictured it.

Bethany ~ Hurray for co sleeper! So you'll be ttc this month (New Year's baby) or next (Valentine's cutie)?

Leslie ~ how are you?

Amy ~ Mwah xoxo Come on acu! Will you take Clomid this month as well?

Jen ~ any luck with a job? How is the birthday planning?
Lisa, you should be fine waiting. She is still pretty young. Lorelei didn't have her frenectomy until she was around 3 months.
Sadly, with teeth as close to the nerves as mine parasthesia isn't too unusual. Hopefully it comes back within 3 months.

Angel, so this month would give a January baby? I may try next month then :) I want a February baby. See my optimism there? How are you and Pierce doing?

Scheduled my last dental work and L's 6 month appointment. Who is in the mood for a route 44 from Sonic? Yum!
I'm watching An Idiot Abroad on Netflix right now lol.
Bethany. Hey xxx
Welcome back. We missed u
Yeah my sis has yo hve her kidney removed
Waiting for a date.
Hope ur mouth / nerves are better soon. Xx
Lisa ouch poor Elena.
But it didnt seem ti bother her?
Id ring like angel said yo check.
Dont wanna risk infection ? Xxx
Hope alls well with u xxx
Angel ive read some of those books but I started in the middle and didnt hve um all ;-)
How are ye today?
Simon is much better but not right by a long shot.
Xx thanks fir asking. X
Wah post gone again.
Dumb pgone.
Was on about s bday pressies . Exciting.
Can't believe 6 weeks!!!
Am starting a course with speech and Lang end of may for simon
I cant wait.
It's to help him move on with speech and to teach me what to look for.
I love classes but especially onesvthat benefit Simon.
Looking forward to it.
Glad Simon seems on the mend Laura. That speech class sounds great, you'll have to share what you learn. 6 weeks until his first birthday :cake: How exciting! What's the age difference between Simon and Zoey?

Bethany ~ You could have a Feb baby this month, depends in your cycle. From CD1 you +7 days, then go back 3 months = due date!

So some :bunny: :dust: for those ttc!
Hi ladies! Hope all of u are doing well!

So I kicked out dh last Saturday, went out with the girls the whole day and came home very late, only to find him there, wtf! They were happy to see him and started playing bingo with him. I went and asked him privately why he came back. He said he refused to leave and wanted to try and work things out. So of course I don't want to be the bad guy and kick him out why they are playing with him. Isn't it messed up that I put up with his crap, yet I look like the bad guy for trying to kick him out. He has been sleeping in another room and trying to be nice to me. For everything that is going on, I wish I would have left him when the girls were much younger but then there wouldn't be Sophia, so I wouldn't leave him if I could go back and change things, if you get what I mean. Don't worry ladies, I'm not dumb, I already know his pattern. He changes for a bit and always goes back to being the same. I have no faith he will ever change. I just need time to figure out how I am going to change the situation (by leaving him of course). Its hard when your in my living situation. Having 3 kids makes it that much harder. I haven't even had the time to take Natalie to the doc yet because my oldest is home sick and Sophie has been quite fussy and has had diarrhea these last few days (she got sick after her vaccines along with the rotavirus vaccine). So things have been tough here.

Lisa, I have heard that some womens uterus take longer to shrink. But I don't know the reason to that. At the hospital that I go to give birth, they examine you before your discharged and won't discharge you unless your uterus has shrunk to a certain size. But I'm sure ultasound could likely detect retained placenta. And about the breastfeeding, you had a lot stacked against you and you have made so much effort to try and bf Elena. Please don't feel bad if you have to stop. You can't say you didn't try because you have been. I went through a similar experience as you. The week that Sophie was in the hospital and tube fed really messed with the breastfeeding. I started a week late and already knew I had glandular issues and didn't produce milk like other women. My supply never came in no matter how much I pumped or breastfed Sophie. The most I could ever pump was 6mls and that was on a good day. Most of the time could only pump from .5 ml to 1ml. It was incredibly frustrating because Sophie latched great and always wanted to breastfeed. I just didn't have the milk to give her, accepted it and after a month of trying tirelessly, I stopped. And I had this issue with all 3 of my girls, so I know I have problems producing breastmilk and was already diagnosed with Insufficient Glandular tissue. All my babies have only been breastfed minimally and mostly bottle fed and they have been healthy babies.

Angel, are Pierce's 2 teeth fully out now? Do you notice his fussiness ease a few days after his teeth break through? Sophia is still toothless!! By the way, your avatar pic is very adorable. Pierce's cheeks look so kissable! I just love cuddly babies. I think Sophie is gaining her weight back. She is eating 40 oz of fortified milk with rice cereal now, we weighed her at over 23 lbs now. I think she is growing again!

Hope Simon is getting better with his tummy issues Laura. Do you give him anything to prevent dehydration? Has he lost and weight because of all of this? Still wetting a good amount of diapers? Sophie just went through about 5 days of diarrhea but it is just about gone. She seems extra hungry lately and is gaining again thankfully. :happydance: Are his seizures slowing down lately? Did they say if there is a possibility for them going away as he gets older?

Leslie. Hope af hasn't showed her face! Please update when you get a chance!

Hi Jen, hi Bethany!!
Simon, Zoey, and Sophie each have 2 weeks between them right? Sophie is 9 months 2 weeks and 4 days old. I didn't realize how close in age our los are. Simon is only a little over 3 weeks older than Sophie, and Zoey is is just 2 weeks older! When we were pregnant with our los, the age difference felt bigger because Laura and Jen were 6 weeks ahead of me. But since Sophie was born 3 weeks earlier, Simon born almost right on time and Zoey born a little later our los ended up pretty close in age!!
Regarding your DH not leaving, how frustrating Jess. Guess him sleeping in a different room gives you some space. Time to start squirreling away some money! Sorry A is sick...and poor Soph can't catch a break with the poos. FX'd for health in the house! Hurray for weight gain Miss Soph, even though she was already rocking the 90th percentile! Yes P's 2 teeth are through, he doesn't seem to fuss as much now. It was bad at night. I'm bracing for the top set to come down...might just pick up an amber necklace and see if that wards off the symptoms. I thought of you the other day while in Target...a random lady was trying to say, well, who know what she was trying to say, but she said "look at that fat face on that chubby baby..." As she reaches, yes REACHES to squeeze his face. It was all in slow motion, I didn't stop moving and I swatted her hand away. Maybe she wasn't trying to be rude, perhaps she was fumbling on her words, but I draw the line at touching my kid. The nanny said I had a look of horror on my face! And it all went down like a drawn out slow mo scene on a movie *N O O O o o o* :haha:
Simon, Zoey, and Sophie each have 2 weeks between them right? Sophie is 9 months 2 weeks and 4 days old. I didn't realize how close in age our los are. Simon is only a little over 3 weeks older than Sophie, and Zoey is is just 2 weeks older! When we were pregnant with our los, the age difference felt bigger because Laura and Jen were 6 weeks ahead of me. But since Sophie was born 3 weeks earlier, Simon born almost right on time and Zoey born a little later our los ended up pretty close in age!!

That's pretty neat. And Pierce is 6 weeks younger than Soph, so that means 9 weeks separate him and that right? Crazy how in utero 4 weeks seems like ages!
Hey everyone, I had my d&c about 4 weeks ago(March 11th) and now I'm testing positive? I'm still waiting for my period to come. I dont feel like im going to get my period any time soon. I took a Clear Blue weeks estimater test and its saying im 1-2 weeks. Ive taken four pregnancy tests all together... the first three were cheapies but the line seems to be getting darker? I dont want to get my hopes up because i know it could be left over debris from the d&c or just lingering hormones. I dont even want to call my doctor yet. I'm going to take another weeks estimater test in a couple of days to see if the 1-2 changes to a 2-3. If i am pregnant that means i concieved 5 days after my d&c. Is this even possible!? Has anyone had this experience or anything similar? I mean we were planning on seriously trying again after my first menstrual cycle but stuff happens and we havent exactly been careful. Please let me know your thoughts!
What is up with people in Target?!! Lol. Thats where most of my bad experiences are. Haha. I notice older people tend to be the once who try and touch babies wthout permission. I am terrified of anybody touching Sophie or any of my kids. Have u ever been to a public restroom and ever notice women who use the bathroom and walk right out without washing their hands? Gross!!!!!!!! My husband is also a germaphobe. He told me when he uses public restrooms most men don't wash their hands!!!! Disgusting. Touching their stuff and not washing?? No men are touching my baby! Lol. Its funny, I'm now scared to shake hands with anybody. The other day at the docs, some random guy waiting for his appointment knelt down in front of Sophie and reached forward as if he was going to pick up Sophie off of my lap without my permission!!! It was spontaneous and creepy and I moved her away quickly, then he said, "what a pretty baby!" Didn't know wether to call the police or thank him. That is by far the weirdest incident! I can say with honesty Sophie gets a ton of attention mostly compliments but there are the few rude people who can't get over seeing a multiracial family and make astonishingly rude comments.:nope:
I'm going to post after my nap but angel that made me laugh that you swatted her hand away!! Lol people are so rude!! What did she do??
Good point Angel. They are born within a 2 monthd span! Sometimes I forget there is any age difference at all because Pierce is the same size or even bigger than Sophie! That would be cute if Sophie met Pierce and Simon when theyare older and has a crush on them!!

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