ttc after a d&c

Angel I would hve loved to hve seen touchy strangers face too ;-)hee hee.well done
Leslie ~ So what days do you take Clomid? FX'd for some nice follies! Will your DH have to get another SA? How's he doing on the supplements?

:wave: Laura!

I think you can see his teeth here...they're tiny!

I could barely see his teeth. Too busy admiring those big blue eyes!
I just had to mention this. Sophie just saw Pierce's picture and is smiling and giggling away, so cute!:cloud9:
Laura, how is Simon doing with his stander? Forgive me for asking but what happens if you try and help him stand by just pulling him to standing? I'm reading about the benefits of using a stander for cp children and adults. And its amazing how much the stander helps and even outright prevents many future health problems. How many minutes a day do you have him in a standing position (in his stander) at the moment? So glad to see Simon thriving!
Leslie, as Laura said you definitely belong here with us. I hope that you are enjoying some chocolate (sea salt milk chocolate truffles by Lindt are to die for). It is impossible not to feel down when you desire a child so much. I wish that it wasn't so hard to get pregnant. I wish it wasn't so hard to have a rainbow. It will happen. Hopefully sooner rather than later.

Angel, HA to you smacking a woman's hand away! Perish the thought of a stranger touching his face :-/ his face! Nope. Good on you. Luckily people at Target ignore Lorelei.

Lisa, glad that babywearing worked for you! I wear L to the store and people at Walmart always want to squeeze her legs that hang out. Ugh.

Jessica, so sorry that you can't seem to be rid of your husband :( sadly, yes, you will look like the bad guy sometimes. My oldest sister divorced her husband (they had 3 children together) and she said she hated always having to play the mean parent instead of the carefree, fun parent. Sorry honey.

Laura, oh no for your sister :(
Simon is definitely worth it and so glad that his physio is going well. I will have to look up the stroller. I love looking at baby gear!

Amy, I am always going to cheer you on. And be a friend too for those times when you just want to be you and not the journey, you know? I remember really struggling sometimes when it felt like all I got was the generic "I hope this is your lucky cycle!" In every reply. No matter what I'd wrote. Even if it has nothing to do with TTC.
The whole journey hurts. The end will be worth it for you and Leslie. And I have faith that it will happen for the both of you. You will be excellent moms <3

Nothing interesting here. DH is out of town. I watched all of An Idiot Abroad and all of Long Way Round. I need more travel shows. I really do. They are my crack.
In the meantime maybe I can bring myself to finally get back into reading. Meh.
Amy, so glad to have you back here. And thanks for thinking about me during the difficulties with my stubborn dh. I'll always try my best be here for you hon. God knows I have a really busy life raising my 3 daughters but thank God, Ive found the time to keep in contact with all of you. Because in reality there still is time for me to come on here, but not a lot of time like before and its getting harder and harder but mostly because of Natalie's mental health issues. I consider all of you great friends. You were all a great support for me during my tough times and still are.

Leslie so sorry about af showing. Go treat yourself to some good chocolate hon. I sincerely hope you get your miracle bfp. I can see how frustrating this has been for you. I can't say I understand the stress of what you and Amy are going through, but what I can say is that I have a highly stressful life right now, problems from every angle it seems like. I pray that very soon both of you will experience the joys of motherhood.

Bethany, I haven't tried the lindt truffles with the sea salt, but I did have these "out of this world" brownies with sea salt when having a family trip to Mendocino. Never have had such delicious brownies in my life, they were like a drug lol. I'm sure the comments that people made while you were ttc came from the right place. Maybe they just didn't know what to say. I have said "I hope this is your month" but it came from a good place and me genuinely hoping that would be the month. :hugs:

Lisa, good job hiding Elena from all those "germy" people. I don't even think "germy" is a real world lol. Have transitioned to only formula or are you still giving bm. Remember you breast fed her the first few weeks, a very important time hon. Don't feel bad if it doesn't work out. Formula is great too!!
Jess, after saying no one has tried to touch Elena yet someone tried last night at the supermarket. I just turned away a bit and she just touched the wrap i had her in.
My milk supply dried up in about 3 days after stopping the medication. I tried and it didn't work out so i can't be upset about it. I don't know if it just me telling myself this but i think the formula agrees with her better. That last lot of BM i gave her seem to upset her and she has bad gas and pooped a whole bunch of times.
Did you ever find a good clothing brand for Sohpia being long and lean... Elena is getting the same way i think!

Bethany, i have elena's legs tucked in. What kind of carrier do you have? i have a hugabug... not sure if you have them there but its the same as a moby wrap.
I like an idiot abroad too. I haven't watch the latest season though.

Angel, i can see P's teeth!! He's so cute!!

Amy, you come and go as you like around here. You know we are always here for you when you need it but i can definitely understand that its hard to be here sometimes.
Its funny you spend all your younger years trying not to get pregnant because we were taught its soooo easy... its really not for a lot of people. ill keep you in my thoughts wishing for your rainbow for as long as it takes! :hugs:

Laura, your such a good mummy!! Simon is very lucky to have you. i can definitely understand why you wouldn't want anything to hold him.
Glad he's feeling a bit better and you are working out what things don't agree with him.

Sorry g otta dash to an appointment... finish my post later
What's An Idiot Abroad about? I haven't had the time this week to watch shows, still on HIMYM 3rd episode! I do like to have a list of potentials in queue for future reference ;)

Laura ~ I've been meaning to ask... I've tried to figure out what your avatar is, but I can't. I've tried looking at it from different angles even. So here I am nearly 2 years later asking what your avatar is a pic of! Sorry if it's obvious, I'm just baffled! Hope you are having a good day!
I just had to mention this. Sophie just saw Pierce's picture and is smiling and giggling away, so cute!:cloud9:

Aww :hugs: Such a cute age!

2 nights ago Pierce started giving me Eskimo kisses. Ever since he was tiny I'd give them to him at night. 2 nights ago he had his face right at mine and started shaking his head like no-no, he stopped, smiled and planted a big open mouth drool filled kiss on me :cloud9: Last night I put my nose to his, said "Eskimos" and he did the head shake again, this time our noses smashed and he grinned so wide! These are the moments it saddens me that my DH isn't here...sigh.
OMG Angel.. those blue eyes! I agree with Jess, thats all I could look at!! Youre going ot have to swat the girls away like crazy!!!

Leslie, I missed it... clomid this cycle??? What days are you taking it? Are you going in for folli scans??? eeekkk I hope you have a bunch of nice plump follis!!!!
Haha angel I stared at Laura pic for ages to. Took me a long time to figure it out!! I'll let her tell you in case in wrong. Haha!
An idiot a abroad is a comedy show.. The main guy Carl pilkington travels to places around the world and they make him do things he doesn't want to do. He attitude to life is very funny!! Kinda hard to explain

Hi amy!!

Went to visit my nan last night with the family... She was asleep the whole time as she has been going down hill lately. Not long after we left she passed away. I'm so glad we got to see her on her last day and she got to meet Elena a few times.
My beautiful princess then slept for 6 hours last night! She must have known I needed it!!
I really need to catch up on here.. Sorry ladies. Still at work now. AF is starting to hit harder too ugh.

Amy clomid day 5-9 this cycle. Recommended iui due to dh's SA results but want to try something better financially first. Can I ask you a couple questions before I forget? Do your smiley opks expire after 30 days and if it says they do have you used them for longer? Thinking of getting but not sure. Also did you find any issues using opks while on clomid? I read that some have difficulty getting many positive days while on it and I wondered your experience.

Thanks :)
Aww Lisa, how sweet that your Nan got the chance to see Elena. But so sorry she passed away. Me and Sophie send our condolences hon. Yay for Elena sleeping 6 hours straight! :happydance:
Amy, I just love Pierce's eyes also!! Sophie was born with blue eyes and they are now hazel. Not just the color but Pierce's shape of eyes are beautiful too and his cute perfect nose! :flower:
Jessica, no complaints on this thread. I was on another were you were either outright ignored once someone was pregnant or all they would ever say was the generic "I hope that you get pregnant soon" which sucked. It all sucks when TTC a rainbow though am I right?
Yum to those brownies!

Lisa, I have a stretchy wrap like you have for Elena but she is too heavy for it now so we have the Ergo. Looking into woven wraps and mesh slings to stock up on too since she loves being worn but I find the ergo too hot already!
Glad that you got to see your nan. So sorry for your loss honey.

Angel, I think it is her cat with his head in an envelope? :)
An Idiot Abroad is just a really funny travel show. I love it!
I'm sorry your husband is missing out on Eskimo kisses :( what a sweet moment though.

Amy, will catch up in your journal tonight. Promise.

Leslie, are you excited about the clomid? If you like success stories there is someone on here (this site) who needed an ICSI and got pregnant naturally before going through with it. I will try and find her name. I forgot it. But she might be someone that you want to message.

Well, looking into ways to wear the babe so that it won't be hot. I also suspect that the AC isn't working in my apartment in addition to the damned garbage disposal not working either. Looks like I have to put in a call to the office ladies about fixing everything.
Lisa ~ I am very sorry about your Nan. I bet she loved getting to meet her great granddaughter <3 Peaceful thoughts being sent your way :flower:

:wave: ladies! Jen xoxo

Leslie I hope Clomid works it's magic :dust:

Amy ~ Monday is your follie scan, right? Did you ever try Royal Jelly...I used to take it after my 2nd loss. I believe it was for good egg health. After reading up on it, it had multiple health benefits. FX'd!

Bethany ~ Ah ha! Of course! The dot that I kept thinking was the light to part of an electronic device is the cats eye! Hahaha! Phew, finally some closure! Black cat, envelope, clear window, eyeball...I see it now!

Laura? How are you and Simon?

Jess ~ anything exciting planned for the girls this weekend. I admire your strength...making the best out of a hard situation with so much already on your plate! I hope everyone is feeling better and you get to take Natalie to her appointment :) How's DH? He minding his P's & Q's?

Pierce did well with peanut butter today...scary watching and waiting for reactions! Can't wait to feed him a PB & J!

Hope this finds you all well!
Angel, my doc advised me to hold off on anything with peanuts, yoghurt, citrus, honey, eggs etc until she over 1 year because she shows signs of reactions easily. Sucks because I would love to see her eat peanut butter and p&j!! Did he enjoy the peanut butter? I did give her a lick of a vanilla sundae. She loved it (of course)!!
Angel, my doc advised me to hold off on anything with peanuts, yoghurt, citrus, honey, eggs etc until she over 1 year because she shows signs of reactions easily. Sucks because I would love to see her eat peanut butter and p&j!! Did he enjoy the peanut butter? I did give her a lick of a vanilla sundae. She loved it (of course)!!

It's so hard to know what to feed them these days. Some studies show the delay in introducing these things causes allergies, who knows! My pediatrician said to go for it when he was 6.5 months, but I've waited. You just have to read your LO and see what they can tolerate. I still haven't given him strawberries, but he has had eggs and now peanut butter. Peanut butter was a hit, scrambled eggs are hit or miss. I do know that honey is a big no no until after 1 year old. I want him to be a foodie, but ever developing taste buds want what they want! :munch: What has Soph been able to eat and is her rash healed?
Angel, I have read those very studies that suggest delaying solids causes allergies and it makes sense. Sophie's ped actually told me about those studies. Even though he suggested delaying solids he told me something very telling. He said, "Us docs really have no idea what to do about food allergies. One study says this, another study says that. We just don't know." In other words us mommas need to follow our instincts!! Its so hard to raise children these days. Thats something we can all agree on.

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