ttc after a d&c

Do any if your lo's get mad when you put clothes over their head or body suits on? Sophia has a temper, I'm not gonna sugar coat it lol, her favorite pass time is yanking my hair out.. ouch!! She seems to enjoy beating me j/k!! Also she has stranger anxiety. She looks very suspicious of strangers. Shes quite timid! She has also had this habit of sucking in her bottom lip to sooth herself since she was born. I'm thinking once she gets teeth she will hopefully no longer be able to suck in her bottom lip anymore. Although it has created a very cute dimple/crease between her bottom lip and chin. :cloud9: She talks up a storm now. She calls my dh, da. Not dada but da although she says it very boldly.. Daaaaa!! She calls me mama and calls my mom ama instead of grandma she says very cute. Goodnight ladies!
Hey. Xx
I was so sick yest.
Il catch up and post later
Just wanted to say hey x
G'morning :wave:

Hope you are feeling better Laura!

Jess ~ Quite the vocab Soph has! Too sweet!

We've a week and change before Easter!
Laura, how is Simon doing with his stander? Forgive me for asking but what happens if you try and help him stand by just pulling him to standing? I'm reading about the benefits of using a stander for cp children and adults. And its amazing how much the stander helps and even outright prevents many future health problems. How many minutes a day do you have him in a standing position (in his stander) at the moment? So glad to see Simon thriving!

he loves it now thank god
he has only had it 2 weeks but is visibly stronger already :thumbup:
he goes in it from 10 mins to 25 depending on when he tires
he will stand on my lap but tends to buckle at the waist very easily.
and only for brief periods
he needs more support to stand, id need 10 hands :haha:
hi angel xx
hi pierce xx
im much better today thank god
id say i had proper flu, i felt awfull yest,
sweated my way through last nt ( lovely :) )
it broke early this morn.
im still wobbly but much better :)
how ye doin
im skitting about my cat pic
i didnt realise it was confusing.
cos i know what it is, its obvious to me
munchkin is awake :)
Your pic is very clear now that I know to look for a cat! Ha! I'm not very good at discerning images, so don't put any weight to my confusion! Glad you are feeling better, the flu is a pain! xoxo Breakfast time for P!
lisa sorry to hear about ur nan xxx
big hugs
lovely pics on fb,
its lovely they got to meet xx

jess simon loves kicking me :)
the harder he kicks me the funnier he finds it :)
he can say mom, mama, hi ,hello, ba for baba
he has said daddy and hungry but i cant get him to repeat um
so maybe they werent real words :)
I really need to catch up on here.. Sorry ladies. Still at work now. AF is starting to hit harder too ugh.

Amy clomid day 5-9 this cycle. Recommended iui due to dh's SA results but want to try something better financially first. Can I ask you a couple questions before I forget? Do your smiley opks expire after 30 days and if it says they do have you used them for longer? Thinking of getting but not sure. Also did you find any issues using opks while on clomid? I read that some have difficulty getting many positive days while on it and I wondered your experience.

Thanks :)

I don't think they expire perse atleast I don't think the tart strips do. I attached a pic of the one I use. It seems like a better value and if I have left over sticks one month, I just use those left over sticks the next month if I run low. When I was on clomid, I used both the wondfo (Internet cheapies) and the CB Digi and I didn't have any issues at all I was also getting follicle scans at the same time and was able to confirm ovulation every month. It matched up with my positive opks so I def think they are worth it :)

Angel, I have not used royal jelly but I've heard of it. What is it exactly and what does it do? I'm taking so many herbs and pils right now. Would it mess with that?
Laura, thats great that he is getting stronger and quickly! Wowww! Simon seems to reach his milestones quickly. Are they sure he has cp? Is his cp milder? I've been trying to read up about cp. Just want to learn more to better understand. I read that some parents don't like using the stander and some love it. The health benefits seem astounding. The fact that Simon has started using his stander very early he will benefit greatly. The docs there in Ireland seem pretty proactive, right? Or not? You, know my Natalie has special needs. Hers a different of course, but the older she gets the more apparent they become. But at times it feels like family just don't get it. They brush off her issues because she has no actual physical handicap. But she is emotionally handicap. Its hard because at times I feel as if I carry all the weight of her mental illness and dh just doesn't seem to get it. In the process of trying to get her into a pediatric bipolar clinic that does extensive therapy, mri's scans to check for brain damage at birth, behavior therapy, medicine etc. Hopefully her insurance will cover it. So sorry to vent ladies.
Laura, I agree with Jess. So wonderful to hear that Simon is doing better :)

Leslie, I forgot to attach the pic lol hope I do this right...


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If I could videotape what everyday of my life looks like here you would probably wonder how I haven't lost my mind yet. Its that bad. Its a lose/lose situation here. Dh's company unexpectedly shut down today. He found out today (or so tells me... yes I know he could be lying). Now a bunch of people are out of work. Ladies there are things going on in my life that I have never shared with u. They are so depressing and I never wanted to look more whiny than already look. I've been sick for a long time. Doctors have suspected Lupus, but I have never had a clear diagnoses. I already have ibs, suspected Crohn's, I have the butterfly rash on my face. The lupus symptoms started after I had Natalie, I have had Iritis (inflammation of the iris) for the last 7 years or so. All of these problems are lupus related, but nobody has wanted to diagnose me. Stress worsens these health issues. Dh has a host of health issues (as well) at the age of 39, hes having a full physicall on monday and I am expecting the worse. I might be taking a hiatus from here for a while, I know I have said this before but I always end up back. But the problems are piling up.
Laura, thats great that he is getting stronger and quickly! Wowww! Simon seems to reach his milestones quickly. Are they sure he has cp? Is his cp milder? I've been trying to read up about cp. Just want to learn more to better understand. I read that some parents don't like using the stander and some love it. The health benefits seem astounding. The fact that Simon has started using his stander very early he will benefit greatly. The docs there in Ireland seem pretty proactive, right? Or not? You, know my Natalie has special needs. Hers a different of course, but the older she gets the more apparent they become. But at times it feels like family just don't get it. They brush off her issues because she has no actual physical handicap. But she is emotionally handicap. Its hard because at times I feel as if I carry all the weight of her mental illness and dh just doesn't seem to get it. In the process of trying to get her into a pediatric bipolar clinic that does extensive therapy, mri's scans to check for brain damage at birth, behavior therapy, medicine etc. Hopefully her insurance will cover it. So sorry to vent ladies.

Thsnks for looking us up xxx
He def has cp but it's relatively mild
Cp is just an umbrella term.
It's like autism, there is a big spectrum of types so symptoms and seveeity vary.
He has right sided hemipareisis . Is the proper name
Often called hemiplegia.
What people say to me when they hear is,
But sure he looks perfect ;-)
And they look at me like I'm crazy. Hee her
Still for jess but posted cos on phone
It's tough when people can't actually see it themselves.
They do tend to mmake light of it.
It's very hard watching ur child struggle and knowing u cant take it all away.
But we can make it better and make life be the best possible for them
Ur doing a fab job hon. Xx
Take it easy on urself too.
Easier said than done I know when lacking time and mom is last on list xxx
The therapists seem surprised I was very anxious to hve the stander.
Some people prob view it as more of an admittance of disability iykwim
But I don't care what he uses if it benefits him.
Its already paying off.
It takes some people forever to accept disability
I don't know if it's a man thing but my oh brushes it all off and tends to be in denial a bit too
Maybe it's cos they see less day to day.
Hve less therapists visits etc
They hve been proactive with us
We were lucky his stroke was found in neo
So he was on waiting lists very young
It's a charity we go to for all our therapies though
But its partially government funded.
They run in conjunction with the hospitals.
Once u get diagnosis u should get more help hon xx
Just read about ur health jess. Hugs
Hope docs help u soon xxx
Id gey more demanding with them if it was me hon
Isn't there help AMD therapies for lupus
I was sure I had it before but it turned out to be low thyroid and allergies combined xxx
Hope they help soon.
Snoring has got to be one of the most annoying noises in the world
She says as she puts s pillow over ohs face !!!!! ;-)
Jess you are NOT whiny, vent away---it is therapeutic to let it out. You once said its hard to share with your friends irl, so if you need the outlet we're here! I hope the Dr's are able to give you a proper diagnosis, must be frustrating to not know what is going on! And oh no about your DH's job! First the bonuses, then the job :dohh:

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