ttc after a d&c

He only snores badly when sick , drunk or over tired but man is it annoying.
How is everyone?
Always quiet on weekend ;-)
We went and got his new buggy today.
It's lurvly ;-)
Also got him the cutest rocking dinosaur :)
He is so funny in it.
Super excited rocking away
We put him in it to see if he would be ok in shop
He cried when I took him out ;-)
Lil cutie.
Then we visited oh s parents
Nice day ;-)
My DH snores after he has had a few drinks, but I think I did too! I haven't had more than a couple glasses of wine since spring 2012 (nothing since Nov 2012)...I miss the occasional glass of wine :wine: That dinosaur sounds adorable Laura. Way to go Prince Milky! We hope you are having a good weekend!

Leslie, how's the Clomid going?

Amy ~ Follie scan is tomorrow, yay!! (At least I think it is) Let us know how it goes!'
I've had no drink since march same year ;-)
We r very sensible now angel ;-)
S appetite still isn't back but he is in good form now.
Hope u and p are enjoying rhe weekend xx
Love to all
amy that pack of ovulation tests is excellent!! its what i got pregnant with zoey with and liam. use cheapies and then when u start gettin any sort of line test with clearblue to verfify! then bd asap after :) if u can. then save rest of sticks for next month just in case. i did that for tw months and mailed my remaining sticks to someone in ny. they are good as long as they are wrapped :) i hope ur pregnant soon♡♡

hi ladies! i read sounds like i miss soo much. jess sorry about dh oyi he sounds complicated. :/ i wish i could help u. peirce is sooo handsome angel!! i wish our babies could have playdates they are so close in age they really are. laura so sorry about neice i hope she is ok♡ sounds like simon is getting so strong. sweet little boy he is!
:hugs: to all of you. I'll still try to check on all of u. Life is getting hard here. Looking for support and thinking of a way to make my life and the lives of my daughters better. I know dh will never change, I'm stupid to believe otherwise. I just like to give people the benefit of the doubt, but 11 years? I think thats enough time.

Jen, nice to see you. Too bad you barely have the time to get on here anymore. Hope you and Zoey are doing good. How many teeth does she have now? I bet more. Hehe. I love Sophie's gummy smile but would love to see a tooth finally. Any luck with jobs?

:hugs: to all.

Oh and dh snoring annoys me. Always terrified he's gonna wake Sophie up.
Hi ladies,
Sorry to be MIA and so far behind. It has been busy and difficult to come in here ( physically and emotionally).
Gonna do a quick catch up while I can!

Jess I'm so sorry for all you are going through with DH, for your physical/medical issues. You have so much strength that most of us can learn from! Take the time you need and we are here when you need us! Hope the girls are doing well.

Laura how is Simon doing? How are you? I know everything is tough but you also seem to have such a strength and are keeping up with everything needed.

Bethany glad to see you back, missed you! Thanks for the cheerleading as always ;) how are your teeth? When will you ttc? Someone already answered this but yes this month conceiving would be a January baby and next month a February. I obsessively look up due dates on a due date calculator. Probably not the best idea..
I guess you had the same thought on how I met your mother even if you had not kept up with it?

Angel thanks for always asking about me and sending dust :) how are you and pierce doing? I bet the weather is getting much warmer there as it is even starting to warm up here!

Lisa I hope you and Elena are doing well over there. I don't celebrate Easter but Easter chocolate is nice. Chocolate is only short term therapy though so will try not to focus on that.

Amy as always thinking of you! Thank you for the tips on OPKs. I was going to order a 20 pack from amazon but don't have enough time for this month and don't want to order too early in case I could get pregnant...always with wishful thinking. I heard the battery could go bad after a month but maybe that is their way of getting more money. If I am not pregnant I will try to order at a good time next month. I ordered preseed that is taking forever to get here and will probably get here after my fertile time! I have a tiny bit left that we will try to stretch.
Hoping for you this month! Good luck with acu and your scan and all.

Jen hope you are doing well over there. Must be very busy with Zoey and looking for jobs. Hope something comes your way soon.

AFM cd 7 and AF is almost gone ( yay no 10 day AF this time!!). Clomid so far has not had too much with side effects. I am only taking 50mg to start though. I did notice I was more agitated at night and had to sleep in guest room with DH's snoring. I wanted to knock him out lol. He has been terrible with it and I am trying to talk him into getting a sleep study but he is stubborn. My brother is a sleep tech so not like it would be too hard! Anyway weird dreams last night also. Haven't felt much of anything during the day. DH is also taking his fertile vitamins. Trying to be hopeful though it is hard. Keeps getting closer to my brothers wedding due date wise so this needs to happen soon ;)
My car is biting the dust so probably getting a newer car tomorrow because there is no choice. Words of advice keep up on recommended service like fluid changes. I didn't and I am regretting it now. Looking into loans today to see if it would be a help with that and student loans, medical bills, finances are terrible nowadays ( with most everyone I know!). Kinda looking forward to a newer car though.
Today also starts Passover. Although DH is half Jewish he only celebrates Christmas and celebrates all the other Jewish holidays, probably because of my family's influence though. So no Easter for us but I may make dinner.
Anyone watch game if thrones last night? It's getting good!

Alright have to get moving to check out those loans.
Hope everyone is doing well!
Leslie | I hope the Clomid side effects remain at bay! Come on good follies! How did the car hunt go? I dread car shopping b/c the salesman has to "check with the business manager" when it comes to negotiating cost <~~annoying! Just give me bottom dollar already (especially since I've used the same guy for my last 3 cars)! Sending vibes to ward off creepy car salesmen...smooth transactions only!

Laura ~ :wave: Hope your sister is still fairing well.

Jess ~ I'm sorry it's so tough hon. You're always so supportive of us, I wish there was something we could do for you. FX'd Natalie's Dr gets her on a good path for learning to cope with bipolar disorder. Keep up the good work Alyssa. And careful cruising around Miss Soph. :flow: I'm sure your DH will find work soon.

Jen ~ How is Zoey doing? 1st birthday plans going well? How has your mil been? We sure miss you around here.

Bethany ~ Stocking up on ttc novelties?

Lisa ~ How are things going?

Amy ~ I need to check your journal, but I'm wishing you great success this round! xoxo
Angel, haha actually stocking up on woven wraps and ring slings!

Laura, I never drink ;)

Leslie, that is very normal to do the ticker calculating stuff. I used to do that so no worries. I second what Angel said in hoping that clomid continues to be easy on you. Hurray eggs!
But boo to the car bit :( sorry about your car honey.

Jessica, is your husband still in the house or have you figured out how to boot him yet? It will be tough but we want you to be happy and with a good man :hugs:

Jen, Zoey is so adorable in her pictures! Are you still trying for another?

Amy, going to go see if you ever updated your journal. Wishing you a ton of luck this cycle. Bring on the January baby!

Lisa, hi honey how are you doing? Your baby is so beautiful. I love seeing her pictures.

I should really read a book today lol. I miss reading!
I was TTC but now we aren't. Bought a lot of condoms in bulk and those will have to be used up before we try again ;)
Laura, we want to take Lorelei to Thailand next year. But if I am heavily pregnant or have a newborn it won't happen. So we are giving it a little time.

Though my husband said that he had a dream where we had two babies so he is jinesing for another
AArhh phone disappeared post
Lovely Bethany. Hope she likes Thailand xxx
She is only gorgeous hon
Bethany, Thank you! She is a cutie! Lorelei is gorgeous too.. i love all the headbands you put on her. As much as i love elena as a baby i also can't wait till she's a little older to do more with her.
OH and i also made the condom purchase last night!!! we plan to :sex: after almost 5 looooong months of nothing due to my complications!!! He's been a very patient man.
I have no idea how to travel with a baby... are you supposed to take a car seat with you wherever you go... and what do you do with that car seat while your out and about!?!

Angel, Things are going pretty good thank you! Elena is getting a little more fussy but thats still very well behaved. She's starting to be able to sleep longer blocks now so I'm trying to work out how to get those long blocks over night when i want them. She just slept 6 hours and I'm up now at 2am.
How are you and P going? What was his weight gain like? Elena has been putting on higher than average weight but she still looks quite slim.

Leslie, totally forgot you were jewish sorry! I'm sure you can still enjoy and chic egg... they just taste better than regular chocolate for some reason.
Good luck with the clomid this month. Hopefully it does the trick.
I haven't watched any game of throne yet. I like to save them up and watch them all at once but my OH has been seeing to many spoilers on FB so he says we have to watch them.

Laura, I had my first glass of champagne the other night in about a year. I wish i had saved my first drink for something i actually liked. Im not into champagne.
How are you and S going today?

Jen, Its so hard to keep up here unless you are reading all the time. I feel like I'm out of the loop if i don't write every day but its hard sometimes. I hope you and Zoey and doing great. She's such a beautiful girl.

Jess, Check in when you can. We will be here! :hugs:

Amy, :hugs: if your here... ill catch up on your thread to see how you're going!

AFM - As i mentioned to Angel. Elena is getting a little more fussy. I think thats just coz she's awake more these days. She can sleep larger blocks of 5-8 hours now but I'm trying to work out how to make those at the right time at night. If any of you have any tips please let me know. I feel like its getting harder to know what she wants since she's awake more. She still barely ever cries though. She's so good... i got very lucky with her!

My MIL told me a funny story about my OH as a baby... He was a TERRIBLE sleeper. Like 20 min at a time and would just scream the house down. The sent him off to sleep school and paid a lot of money for it. This school was guaranteed to teach your baby to sleep over a week... 2 days later they called her and said we can't teach your baby to sleep... come get him and gave her her money back!!! Needless to say she is very jealous of the way Elena sleeps.

Photo update... (as seen on FB a few of you)


  • bigeyes.jpg
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Look at those big eyes! What a doll baby Lisa! It's tough knowing what they want when they are so little...cuddle with me, swaddle me, feed me, change me, burp me, I'm sleepy, I'm gassy, I'm bored. Such a guessing game. As for sleeping 6 hour stretches, Pierce still doesn't do that so I'm of no help! Ha! And weight gain, his weight gain was above average 7lbs at birth ~13lbs by 8 weeks, 19lbs at 4 months, 24lbs at 6 months, now holding steady at 26lbs @ 8 months. It's so amazing watching them grow.

Bethany ~ Makes sense to put ttc on hold for a trip to Thailand, I wonder if you'll ever get to go NOT pg! Ha!

Laura :wave:
Laura, thanks! Simon is a handsome boy <3

Lisa, thanks! I kept to small bows when pregnant but since I have her I have lost my mind. We have a ton of headbands! Enjoy BD! It will feel like the first time all over again ;)
With the travel car seat question do you mean internationally? It is recommended that you bring them a car seat to ride in for your flight. Some people rent car seats for trips and the like. A car seat would sit in our hotel room in Thailand though just because I never saw a single seat belt in a cab.
The Car Seats for the Littles FB group has educated me a lot :D
For fussiness during wake time the only thing that helped with Lorelei was just wearing her. She still prefers to be worn most of the day. I invested in a lot of new wraps and slings recently just to appease the both of us! Haha it is lucky that she sleeps great. And she is gorgeous!

Angel, I hope not to to pregnant lol. I want to be able to eat without vomiting there. I still get upset when I remember lurking up pork soup in front of tons of people with no napkin or anything. I just had to wipe vomit off of my face with my shirt. And then DH told them I was drunk. GNNNN! Seeing red remembering.

I'm pretty excited. I have a niece TTC and one who is pregnant. I bought some fabric to make them some ring slings. Hope it works out great :D
Dh is still here Sophie's rash has been gone for a week. I NEED his help with the kids, so I don't mind him here now. He has been looking for a good Christian counselor. But like I said, I have no hope of him changing his ways. You know the saying, "you can't teach old dogs new tricks." As for now, we are trying to get Natalie's mental health stabilized. She's been set to go for a full physical. Just found out part of the reasons it has been so hard homeschooling her. I always suspected she had dyslexia, but since she has always been such an excellent and advanced reader I never thought it was possible. She has always written letters b,d,p,q,s,z and numbers 3,4.6,7,9, backwords. Has severe disabilities with writing. Her letters, letter size, spacing are all over the place no matter what I have done to help her to practice. She can read at a high school level, but cannot spell some of the simplest words. No matter how many times you teach her the correct spelling. Apparently she has a form of dyslexia called Dysgraphia, she fits every single symptom. We went over this with the teacher that over sees my homeschooling her and she agrees. This will never go away but there are things we can do do improve this. Its amazing and scary to have a child who is emotionally impaired, has Bipolar, ADHD, ocd, dyslexia, and God knows what else and at the same time is incredibly intelligent, can understand things such as quantum physics, a whiz at math and learns things at a fraction of the time it takes most kids. I've been told to check her IQ, but the teacher and other people tell me it is a flawed test for people with special needs.
Lisa I'm skitting over ur dh s sleep school ;-)
Set up a night routine.
It will take a bit to pay off but it will pay off.
Same time every night to same few repeaters things.
Its up to u what .
Mine is nappy change.
Pj on.
Up stairs .
Play on bed and read a tiny story
Then bottle and sleep.
It can be any steps.
Could include bath but it's order and routine that matter
Posted cos phone
Syill for Lisa.
After this time.
No big lights.
No playing
No talking
If they need feed or anything do it gently and quietly.
Lots of talk by day to show difference.
It will work in a bit.xx
Jess my niece is dyslexic
Once they find itout there are lots of tips and tricks to hrlp

Love to all.
I'm on the run.
Lilmans stirring
How's P with the teething Angel? Everything back to normal? 26lbs at last weigh in sounds great to me!

Elena is so precious Lisa, what beautiful big eyes!

Did Simon's teeth cut through Laura? Hows he doing with his stander? Is he still gaining weight or has it stayed steady? Btw, Sophie also has issues with yoghurt.

No more ttc Bethany? Looking to have a boy next? Or it doesn't matter, healthy is most important of course.

Hi Jen! How's Zoey?

How's the Clomid going Leslie? I see no major side effects except crankiness, correct?

Amy, hope your doing good. About to check your thread.

:hugs: to all!

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