ttc after a d&c

Angel, Elena is nearly 10 pounds already (4.4kg)
How are you coping with such small sleep blocks... do you just get used to it? Im feeling pretty good for sleep but i would love to just sleep a full night and feel normal again.

Bethany, With the fussiness... I've just been leaving her in her bassinet. She doesn't usually cry she just wiggles around and makes noises and she'll usually go to sleep after a little while. I think its just gas thats keeping her awake.
I love having her in the wrap... i had her in it at the supermarket last night. She was sound asleep the whole time.

Jess, there a lot of very very smart people that never finished school or that have difficulties like Natalie. Mark Zuckerberg (inventor of Facebook), Thomas Edison and Albert Einstein all had dyslexia. She could be famous one day with a brain like hers!

Laura, yeah i must start a night time routine soon. At the moment its just the same thing every feed. What time do you think is a good time to get them to bed? or should it be a little later because of how young she is?
Lisa ~ We start gearing up for bed at 6:45pm. Bath, pj's, a few stories, snuggles, nursing, then bed. He is generally out by 7:30pm. I still think he is using me as a pacifier. He wakes and nurses rather quickly (4-6 min) then is back to sleep. I think if DH were here I could break him of it, but as long as he smells me he demands to be nursed (I've tried just holding or caressing him with no luck). I'd love a six hour stretch of sleep, but I've grown accustomed to waking 3-4 hours. :sleep: My girlfriend has always put her daughter down for bed at 7pm (since day 1). I say use a time convenient for you and OH. (Oh and my gf's daughter sleeps 12 hours 7-7abd is now 17 months old...lucky lucky folks!)

Shoot my phone is going to die...I'll be back!
Id be sad to put her to bed that early coz OH wouldn't get to spend any time with her then. He leaves for work at 630 am and gets home at 630pm. The only thing he does for her now is bath her and he might get to play with her every few days if she's awake at an appropriate time at night.
Im already starting to feel like I'm the only one that can look after her coz he never gets to do any feeds or settling. I really want him to bond with her... i just keep telling him when she's a little older he will get more quality time with her.
12 hours would be nice!! BF babies always sleep shorter blocks don't they?!
ahhhhhhh im sooo mad third time i lost my post!!! darn phone freezing!!! post number 4....
lisa elena is gorgeous!!! yes bf babies sleep but usually 3-4hrs they wake to nurse. it doesnt last forever. what laura said thpugh is best lights dim quiet and no talking or eye contact. she needs to know she must go back to sleep. take a week or so but they get idea after while.

bethany thialand she will love and i can see u want to go experience all the food not being pregnant ;) are u still ttc then?? as for headbands beautiful!! im obessed also!!!♡♡

laura jess and angel i wrote u a huge post for u and the others and honestly cant recall what i wrote atm. ugh i hate my mind makes me feel horrible. i will have to reread and write post again when geta moment. :/
does anyones cell show blank posts?? i tried refreshing but still blank. its been happening
a ton.

zoeys growing fast :( had 103.3 fever last 4 days and its finally broke. only wamted to nurse n cuddle me. i wish i could show u all her birthdax decorations i handmade along with invites n envelopes... im going to attempt her cupcake cake but im having huge issue with food choices that are inexpensive but good for 65 ppl that can be good outdoorsat a park. any ideas?? ive been sick. no job yet :( its been rough. idk if i told u guys but dh broke laptop his monitor to pc and his work tablet. so things are stressful for him he almost broke his cell too but i told him if he does he will be screwed bc my phone is slow freezes crashes and doesnt always turn on. i feel trapped. and been sick past. week and half. zoey has 4 teeth with 2 more coming inl. shes actually flippumg out so have tp go. hope thid posts
Bethany ~ I saw a lady with her LO in a sling and I had to ask her what it was because it looked super convenient. It was a ring sling! She had 3 LO's, one walking beside the cart, one in the seat of the cart and one in a sling. She was totally hands free grocery shopping. I had the Boba wrap, but I never got comfy with it and Pierce was too heavy by the time I thought to try it again. I've just held him and as a result have some shapely arms! Ha! So when will your official ttc month begin?

Laura ~ How is sweet Milky? I think we have similar night schedules!

Jess ~ Natalie is literally a genius. You know I work (when I worked) out of Disabilities Services at a Uni here. We had a lot of students come through who struggled with dyslexia. There are many accommodations that can be made to assist in their learning and there is a large support group. The use of laptops or a tablet can be helpful. Quantum physics, wow! Most adults can't even get through an intro chapter. She is going to do so well for herself once things get corrected. You sure have your hands full Momma, but good job staying on your girls! xoxo.

Pierce might be trying to teeth again :shrug: Might be trying to cut top teeth now, but I can never be sure. Little booger is attempting to stack things back (stacking cups, rings) after he knocks them down or pulls them off. Brain development is amazing!
Jen :wave: Holy technological nightmare...I don't think we could survive without computers here. I believe Laura post individually to avoid losing them (like you have). Sorry you guys aren't feeling well, I hope you are on the mend. As for feeding 65 people...I take it the park has a grill? I recommend grilling chicken (find and buy it on sale!) and potato salad/baked beans. If budget permits, 10lbs of pulled pork feeds 40-50 people...I wish you lived around here, I'd totally help out! xoxo. How is Zoey doing w/ solids? Does she nurse less? When will you fully wean her? My girlfriend can't get her 15 month old to shake the night nursing...he is a stinker!

Lisa ~ My gf's daughter was a bf baby. She was one of those textbook babies though. Slept 4 hours and had to be woke for her feedings for the first 6-8 weeks. Seriously a golden child! A lot of these first months fall on you Mommy, Daddy can bathe her and cuddle her for a couple of hours before bed. You'll appreciate an early bed time (7p-8:30p) when she is a bit older and you want some alone time with your OH, but that is totally up to the two of you. You're doing such a great job!
Let me rephrase what I said Angel. She has a far better understanding of things like Quantum Physics than even me (an adult). Dh is into all of that stuff. Natalie found the string theory very interesting. Since the theory could possible give us answers and more knowledge about nature and the universe. So she likes gaining more knowledge about things pertaining to the universe, our existence etc. This is the same child that uses a pacifier to go to sleep and still enjoys "My Little Pony." Go figure. Oh and I am anticipating to see a pic of Pierce when he gets his front teeth!!
I see. Still she is wise beyond her years! My understanding of that kind of thing is limited to the show The Big Bang Theory :haha: I'm more like Penny! Sweet that she has similar interest as your husband. Despite his shortcomings, he sounds like a very smart man!
wow!! go peirce! zoey isnt even doing that! i try to teach her for months but she only takes the stack off. hes one smart little boy! as for carrying him i bet ur arms are nicely shaped. never even thought of that. as for solids they do help satisfy baby so they can sleepmore at night. zoey wakes alot and for example its 1230 here and she is walking from toy to coach all around the living room. mommy is sooo tired. so i think sleep with solids depends on child. but i can agree since he knows he can pacif and drink from u he will always want both. its soothin for them and ill tell u this enjoy while he will cuddle. it may not last to much longer :( he will give hugs though which are melting. is dh still away?? he misses so much. thank u for suggestions for party and help offer if close. i doubt all will even show but never know.

jess natalie sounds like a genius! im so glad shes able to get help. ur amazing mom. i hope dh is respecting u. u deserve only the best♡ how is sophie? is she getting even better walking? she is a really fast learner it sounds. how are u?

laura hi! how are u? how about ur neice and ur sweet simon? i hope he is doing good with his stander and his seizures easied up. u ladies are soo strong♡ i love seeing all his pics on fb they melt my heart.

bethany lorelie is sooo pretty! i saw the family pics. everyone looked so happy. is dh home for good now? how is she doing sleeping? have u introduced any foods? im not sure when ur decided to start. are u officially ttc now? i still have no af cycle thanks to nursing plus no job yet :/ so we decided to hold off. ive been distant from bd and dh is angry about it. honestly i feel i need to enjoy summer with its for best.
leslie and amy how are u girls? i seriously miss coming on here and chatting like i used to. any updates? im still praying for u both daily♡
I hope this works! im using my neighbors iphone just to try


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so i messed up on her first birthday poster board ;( nothing would write on it so i forced crayon to work and it looks horrible. i tried though

the hat headbands tutu onsie st patricks day in the pictures i made.
better give the phone back its 2;15am and she just told me zoey just fell asleep

How's P with the teething Angel? Everything back to normal? 26lbs at last weigh in sounds great to me!

Elena is so precious Lisa, what beautiful big eyes!

Did Simon's teeth cut through Laura? Hows he doing with his stander? Is he still gaining weight or has it stayed steady? Btw, Sophie also has issues with yoghurt.

No more ttc Bethany?

:hugs: to all!

Still no teeth. Doh
I dreamt last nt he had one bottom tooth ;-)
Does Sophie hve any now. Sorry bad memory.
Doc rang me yest. My thyroid is low again.
Explains my brain fog ;-)
He loves stander. It's great
His weight gain has stopped virtually.
But he id getying longer.
Also still not really eating and is moving more xx
Hoe ye all xxx
Jen picslook great xxx
U dud a fab job xx

Angel and Lisa I hve similar tiMr yo angel too.
I think its better ti stick with a time
Hard yo change later
But it's all our own decisions.
No right or wrong ;-)

Oh only sees Simon on days off cos he is out of house 13 hrs a day
Looking for some insight if possible ladies. Last day of clomid CD 9. I decided to do an opk this morning even though it is earlier than I thought I would. To me it is darker than should be for day 9 and I wonder if clomid if affecting this or if everything is much earlier and that is what it's showing. Trying to figure out when to start BDing and wondering if tonight should be it. DH's schedule is so annoying this month so gonna be tough but what can you do. Anyone's thoughts are appreciated! Attaching a pic also....
Oh and clomid is having some side effects I realize with the largest being some insomnia at night. I didn't realize the connection but been sleeping terrible.
Hope everyone is doing well and thanks in advance!


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No teeth for Sophie. They are right under the gum but don't break through. The more active they get it seems like the weight gain slows. Sophie already gained back the weight she lost from stomach bug and lack of solids. Back up to almost 25lbs. But I'm thinking the weight gain is gonna slow down due to her very active life. She is up sometimes 13 hours straight with no naps and walking, playing and dancing all over the place! She is always on the move and I have got be right on top of her. Her latest trick is attempting to do a headstand and trying to do a somersault. :nope: I don't encourage this because I don't think its good for her developing brain or skull, let alone her neck.
Pierce is very smart. Sounds like he learns very quickly and has great motor skills. Its so cool to see all the great things are Los are doing! Can't believe how quick the time is flying! I bet your dh will be very surprised when he gets home and sees how much Pierce has grown and developed.

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