ttc after a d&c

Thanks for all the info Amy! I guess either way BD timing tonight works. Yes progesterone bloodwork. She isn't taking anything else though. What is 7 dpo bloodwork for? Do you also recommend not going to work after iui and how long is the process usually? Just curious abs appreciate the info! When my doc calls with results I am going to discuss with her as well.
IUI is pretty painfree so I think youll be fine to go to work. I just suggest wearing a panyliner as it loosens up CM and seamen leaks out (not sperm so his swimmers will stay put). It can also lead to a little bleeding depending on how sensitive your cervix it but again not painful at least in my experiences. Its like 1-2 mins and then my dr tilts the table back and has be lay there for about 15-20 mins. I compare the discomfort during the procedue to a pap smear.

7dpo is when your progesterone is at its peak during your luteal phase so thats when they usually like to do the progesterone test. Your dr might be wanting to do it now because during a "text book" cycle, 7dpo usually falls around CD21.
Oh gotcha now makes sense. I will ask her about that and iui info. Thanks again! I do hope we don't need it but good to be proactive
I hope so too Leslie! The nice thing about IUI's is that they typically do cycle monitoring. I kind of thought she wouldve done that this cycle with you being in Clomid but every dr is differnt. But with the scans, they look at your follis and your lining and can tell you what your body is doing. If youve got insurance, I believe its covered so Id look into that so that youll have an idea of what the out of pocket amounts will be.

Thanks Laura!! :)
Hi ladies!! So exhausted today. Sophia is quite a handful. Believe it or not she is still cruising and letting go to take a few steps by herself. She's been doing that for over 1 month, so not walking 100% on her own, but its looking like she will stop holding on to things any minute now because she is able to walk farther and farther all by herself! She has such a funny character and a temper believe it or not. And one smart cookie. Some of the things these babies can do are amazing.

How are all the Los doing today?

Hi Amy!!

Leslie, glad I could be of help!
8:50 pm... Gonna get to BDing! Still not sure if I ovulated yet lol


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Hmmm since your other one was darker yesterday if say maybe you're ovulating right now. Have fun!!! :bunny:
I remember both months i did OPKs it would go dark to light then positive so not certain but still BDed and will take from there! Long cycles are annoying. When will you test?
Tried to hold my pee longer but couldn't do it..8:50am. Will try again 12 hrs later once home. OPKs are staying pretty much the same. I also wonder if clomid could be making my cycle longer. Guess we will see what my blood test comes back as also


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It better not be making it longer!!! :trouble: I hope that your positive comes this afternoon. So glad you got to BD though! :D FX so tight for you hun. Do you get your results today?? Probably going to test towards the end of the week. We fly out to Cali this sat for a week. My dad is having surgery so DH and I are going there from 5/3-5/11.

Happy Tuesday Ladies! :flower:
Hard to tell with the opks right? Doc will probably call today but what usually ends up happening because of my work schedule we will play phone tag.

Is your dad ok?? Hope so! Yay for one day closer to Friday :)
oh darnit.. I hope you dont have to play phone tag for too long. Im curious to hear your results!

My dad has complained about having numbness in his legs. He has had steroids injected into his spine and has only had temporary relief. After talking with a few doctors, they determined that he has a pinched nerve between two disks so they are going to go in and shave down the disks I guess. We are all very nervous about it but pray that everything will be ok. I know he longs for grandchildren and I have one other brother with no kids who isnt married so its like Im his only chance. God forbid something were to happen and he never experience that... just makes me cry. :(
My doc is in vacation this week of course. Progesterone level is 2.7... Last time 2.9 because obviously I don't ovulate when I should. Nurse said that on clomid they are looking for around a 10. So this looks like higher dose clomid and I did not ovulate yet. :( she will have to call once she is back from vacation to discuss
Ofcourse she is on vacation! Grrr!!! Well seeing as how you had a darker line the other day and you knew today wasnt 7DPO, if you get a + here soon or if they consider yesterday a possible +, are they going to test you again? What dose of Clomid are you taking? I belive they do 50 mg(mg?) incriments so the next would be 100 then 150. Have they also talked about letrozole/femara? Supposedly those are easier on uterine lining than Clomid.
^^^Great questions!^^^

Bummer about the doc being away Leslie :/

:dust: Amy!

:wave: ladies!

I guess runny nose could be teething, tooth #3 popped through! That makes 3 on the bottom NONE on this rate he'll look like a bulldog! :haha:
Praying your dads surgery goes great with no complications Amy. You and your dh are so caring to go and help out your parents. Through all my hectic life and problems (which are too many to mention here), I always think of you and each month I hope with anticipation that you and Leslie get your bfps.

At times I think that if I had a husband who was more supportive I wouldn't come on here and complain about my life as much as I do. So I do truly apologize for my whining. I have an 8 year old here that has been crying for 45 min. Straight and nothing I do calms her down. BTW, she got her referral to the children's mental health clinic today. She is going to havs to go to Oakland's Children's hospital for surgery :nope:. Shes had a hard nodule on her shoulder for 4 years now. They suspect it is a calcification. They have been keeping an eye on it for the past few years and want to have it removed because it causes pain and will affect her as she grows. I am not sure if I have ever told you ladies this but Natalie also has an eating disorder that comes with the bipolar, she has ocd and will only eat certain colors of foods. She has food aversions, hypersensitive taste to foods. She can only eat bland or she vomits at the sight of certain foods. So we are going to seek therapy for her eating disorder. And she has alwayalways had issues with feeding, down to when she was a baby drinking formula. They think she might have developed it from suffering from severe reflux (makes perfect sense). But she will refuse anything green, orange etc. She gags as soon as she sees vegetables, vomits all over the place if we try to get her to eat certain foods. I've tried sneaking veggies into her food, fruit drinks with veggies mixed in and she alwas knows. Her foods have to be bland in color and taste. I barely understand it myself so there are a host of issues we have with Natalie. :nope:.
Sorry to hear about your dad Amy. Nice that you can be there for him. Thinking of you guys. I don't know about the whole 7 dpo blood tests, other meds etc. I won't know since she is on vacation of course. By the way see 8:40 pm opk below. Still looks the same as all the other ones. My friend ( who is on bed rest for IVF # 2 today!) actually wondered if going to the specialist is a better answer since my doc is only a Gyno and doesn't specialize in all this stuff. She said would give me a second opinion on IUI or not, meds etc. I think I am gonna schedule an appt and hope for the best.

Angel any opk thoughts? I bet pierce looks adorable with his teeth!

Jess so sorry about your struggles..vent away! I can't imagine what you are going through with both girls. Glad you did get a referral so hopefully things will start getting better. Sounds like Natalie is trying to gain some kind of control over her life with her eating. Usually that is where OCD and eating issues come from. Good luck with all and please keep venting.

In regards to the opk ladies does it keep looking lighter to you? Will it continue to get lighter and lighter if I did ovulate the other day? I hope there is some indication so we don't have to keep BDing without an end in sight. Would rather BD for fun and not be stressed over it!


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