ttc after a d&c

Wow Jess is it already time for Soph's birthday! :cake: The zoo sounds nice, all the girls can enjoy it!

*I dread the MMR vaccine at the 1 year check up! You'd think by now they'd have an alternative method for vaccinating babies...needles seem so primitive! Ouch!

Leslie ~ I hope your new diet becomes an easy adjustment and leads you to your BFP! Let us know what the RE says!

Laura ~ Darn phone...I wanted to see Simon's tiger face! As for eating I understand what you mean. I'm glad it seems to be improving. Simon is as successful as he is because he has a great mommy! Hope the appt on Weds goes well!

:wave: ladies!

I'm meeting some gf's at the zoo this morning...trying to beat the heat! :coolio:
Jess ur bday plan sounds lovely Xx
Enjoy :-D

Leslie the planning and meals will become second nature to u in.a bit
And won't be so much effort Xx
Best of luck with appointment xxx

We just went to river with our dog
So nice
He is conked now, waiting in the car with him, again :-D

Angel enjoy the zoo Xx
Thinking I might take Simon to the beach some day this week
Iys fab ;-)
Hi Ladies! How is everyone doing?? Im sorry I haven't been in here much.. work has been kicking my butt and I have other things going on :( Ill try and come back and properly catch up. Love to you all!!!

Leslie, how did it go with the RE?
We miss u Amy Xx
Hope ur ok and not too busy Xx
Hope u escape cz ;-) xxx
Popping by quick and apologizing that I've been neglecting everyone!
Here's the plan: monitoring with ultra and bloodwork to make sure my lining and follicles are good. Once at a certain point we will do clomid and ultrasound around day 12. Trigger shot once closer to ovulation and everything looking good then two IUIs back to back days.
I was also diagnosed with pcos. Good news is fasting blood sugar did not show risk for gestational diabetes. Of course have to still keep diet under control
If I don't have my period by the 30th ( day 36) I will go for ultrasound and they may give me something to make my period start based on what they see. 3-4 rounds of IUI and if that doesn't work will sit down to chat about options. Success rate is 20% with IUI... I thought higher for some reason.
Amy please give me any thoughts and info on IUI. It's so hard for me to be hopeful even with this!
Will stop being neglectful soon. <3 you all
Leslie, that is an EXCELLENT plan! To be diagnosed with PCOS is actually a good thing considering. At least they now know whats wrong and you can be treated for it. As for IUI's, the NORMAL pregnancy rate for women without any kind of issue is 25%. Hard to believe since it seems like people get pregnant so easy but you really only have a 1 in 4 shot every month without issues. There are so many women on here with PCOS who have done the same thing you are talking about doing and have healthy LO's. I'm really hopeful for you and think that this is actually a great step in the right direction!

Hello lovely ladies! :kiss:
Hi Amy! Miss you hon! I'm gonna check out your thread to see how things are going.

Leslie, sounds like you have everything planned out this cycle. I have pcos so I feel for what you are going through. Like Amy said, at least they are finding the underlying issues so they can take care of them. Great news that your sugar is normal.

Hi Angel! Hope you are Pierce are have a great week. :hugs:

Laura, hope you and Simon are doing good hon. How is he eating lately? How is his reflux? Anything new going on? :hugs:

AFM, I have been having a lot of health issues since I gave birth to Sophie. Because she came out so quickly (in 2 pushes) I actually had damage to my pelvic region. I have a pelvic prolapse, mainly because I had 2 consecutive pregnancies. The pregnancy I mc at 19 weeks and only 2 months break and got pregnant again and the traumatic child birth. Its horrific having a prolapse, constant pressure and pain. I never thought about what so many pregnancies would do to my body. Coupled with the fact that is have been virtually impossible for me to lose weight no matter what I do (I wonder if my stressful life and insomnia is stopping me from being able to drop weight).

In other news, Sophia is turning 1 on Saturday (3 days away). So I am super excited!

:hugs: to all of you!
Rushing as usual.
Hosp in morn.
Doc and chemist.this eve
We r both wrecked, toomuch car andwaitjng rooms in this heat
we r having fab weather ;-)
Starting losec now and getting videofluroscopy done to check swallow etc
So at least thru r finally doing something
Slow but at last ;-)
Love to all
My brain is a bit fried
Thyroid went slightly hyper.
Now meds decreased again by half the previous increase
Think they r decreased.too much.
I feel s bit sluggy again ;-)

Leslie great plan Xx
Fx for u
Glad it not at higher risk of gd

Jess Hope u feel better soon xxx

Hope everyone is well x
Hi ladies!!

Amy, so glad that your iui went good! Thinking about you everyday hon!

Laura, glad that Simon is getting good healthcare! I'm thinking things might be better in Ireland! Maybe I should move there. hehe. I see that you are feeling very tired, make sure you get adequate rest hon. And make sure your thyroid is ok. :flower:

Leslie.. :hugs:

Angel, is your dh back? Either he is back or you are getting ready for his arrival. Either way, big :hugs:!!

Lisa, :hugs: to you are Elena. Miss you hon!

Hi Jen and Zoey!!

Afm, looking into what where to take Sophie for her bday! I was thinking about a surprise trip to Disneyland, but I should have planned it a way long time ago. So I definitely don't have enough time for that. Maybe I will take her to the beach again and some kid friendly place? Gosh, I shouldn't have waited so long. So, she is definitely not getting her front teeth anytime soon. I have never really given her any sweets, except for the occasional bites of ice cream and yogurt so I was thinking about making Sophie a homemade, organic, gluten free cheesecake?? I am pretty good at making cheesecake from scratch and I really don't trust the other ones they sell, plus it would work great for her lack of teeth. hehe. She still chokes fairly easily with dryish food and cake can be quite dry.

Anyways, anything new going on with you ladies or the babies?
My niece & Mom came here to the beach. I'm so glad they are here, I've been super sick <~~yes, in June! I'm blaming the germy kids at the zoo. I woke Tuesday feeling like crud! Fever, stuffy head & sore throat. Just wanted you guys to know I'm keeping up on here. So many exciting things going on...

Amy Throwing a bucket full of :dust: your way!

Leslie Everything with the IUI sounds great! FX'd you fall in that 20-25% success category!

Jess Cannot believe baby girl is turning 1!! Amazing! Disney sounds like so much fun. I can't wait to take Pierce, he loves his stuffed Mickey! Will you have surgery to fix the prolapse? Do you want more babies?

Jen, Lisa & Bethany ~ :friends:

Laura So glad there is forward progress being made regarding Simon. Get your rest, sounds like your thyroid is wearing you out!
I don't think I can have any more children Angel. I would have liked to try for a boy, but I have been through 4 pregnancies and it has taken its toll on my body. Maybe and this is a big maybe if I could get my health back, but I don't even have any time to take care of myself, and I am scared to see what another pregnancy would do to my body. I love Sophie so very much, but the pregnancy and birth really changed my body. I didn't think about all of this after my mc, I thought I would just bounce back and the my pregnancy with Sophie would be a breeze. I didn't take into account that I miscarried just about half way through my pregnancy. :nope: And only gave my body 2 months to rest. I am going to see a Gynecologist to see what I can do about my issues and also a doctor to test my thyroid and also to see if I have Crohn's as well as ibs. It sucks having health issues when you have 3 kids to take care of.

So sorry about you getting sick Angel. Glad that your mom and niece came to visit you. How close to the beach do you live? Btw, there are some nasty viruses going around here too. Part of the reason I went to the emergency room yesterday morning was because I started getting the chills and my heart rate was up. I was terrified I could have a bowel obstruction or something else going on (I have terrible case of ibs, possibly Crohn's). Are you starting to feel better today? How long are your mom and niece staying for?
Thanks jess
Our Healthcare is a bit weird
It's good but.I gotta push and repeatedly ask for everything
Waiting lists can be really long too
But once it seen and get diagnosis they keep on top of it
our house next door is for sale
We could be neighbours
Cheese cake sounds yum xxx
Hopefully you get seEn by doc soon and get sorted x
Thanks Angel xxx
Argh germs.
Hope u feel better soon hon xxx
Oh cheesecake does sound delish Jess! Sorry you are struggling with your health. My cousin has a prolapsed uterus...she was going in for a hysterectomy consult and found out she was pregnant! So she now has a 14 year old and a 1 year old. She recently said she wants another. Amazing what the body can do! And precipitous deliveries are eeek, so painful and so taxing, the memory makes me cringe! On a bright note, my niece is here until Monday. We are only a couple miles from the beach, so it's über convenient. It's just too hot for me personally (94 with heat index +105).

Laura ~ All of us girls could pitch in and have a vacation home next to you...we could split it like a time share! :cloud9: I never get to our lake place, but could def see me jetting across the pond a couple of times a year bound for Ireland! :plane: How'd things go today?

I'm not feeling 100% today, but have resolved to power through and entertain the fam. Loading up on water and fruits!

Amy ~ another bucket coming your way :dust:
Jess ~ My brother has Chrons, specialized diet is the key to a healthy gut. He already had to have surgery to remove inflamed intestines/colon. Pretty serious disease. You should be tested for Celiac's too. It plays havoc on the intestinal tract! FX'd they find the problem!
Jess Im so sorry to hear that you arent feeling well. Im not familiar with anything that you are going through and wish I had some words of wisdom for you since you do for me. :( I hope that your Gyn can figure out whats going on and that IF you want/decide to you are able to try for a boy. :flower:

Angel, yay for family coming to visit. Family + beach = wonderful!!!! Hope you guys had a great time. Boo to you being sick though!!! Dang germy zoo kids hahahha Feel better soon hun and sending heaps of healing dust to you! :dust:

Laura, how are you doing hun?? How's Simon doing?

Bethany, where you beeeeeeeeeeeeee????? Miss you!!!!!

Jen, hope things are well with Zoey! Did you say that you got a new job a while ago? Forgive my lack of memory. :oops:

Leslie, I'm honestly so optimistic for you. I think that have a great handle on everything and that your rainbow baby is just around the corner. :dust:

:wave: and love to you all and anyone Ive missed!
Angel. That would be brilliant ( holiday home)
I'd say it would be cheap.
They t trying to sell if for years ;-)
Glad if a bit better, hope vit c from fruit kicks in soon xxx
He is,very squirmy with tummy but has eaten a good bit today
So fx ;-)
He was down more weight yest but only a kg overall
Thanks Amy Xx
Sending lots of sticky bean vibes to u ;-) xxx
Nothing like starting the day out with some strawberry jam in my hair! #babieslovetoast <~~haha!

So what does one do with a 17 year old girl when it's rainy out? :rain:

Edit: :dohh: We go shopping!

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